Chapter 77

Lucinda's POV

With shaky hands I placed the bouquet at the foot of the tombstone. To have such a hotshot tombstone meant that he was actually something in this town. I took a step back and stared at the tombstone.

"I never thought I'd see you again. Well at least not here. There's so much I've wanted to say to you, ever since that night. The night when you gave me away. I didn't want to resent you... For sometime I started telling myself that it was probably a joke and you were just punishing me for not washing the dishes that day.

But as the days went by and I began to grow older I realised that you actually didn't care. For years I suffered in torment for a sin that wasn't my own. What disgusts me to the very core is that while I was slaving away for something you did, you were living the high life. Becoming the king of Eversden.

And not once did you think to look for me, to support me, to reach out and try to apologise but you only find me when you realised that you married a witch and she knew what she benefiting from your death.

And somehow in your sick twisted mind, all this money I'm getting is supposed to fix everything?! Do I really seem that cheap to you? To buy my affections back?!

So if this is your sick fucked up way of apologising then fuck you! Why?! Why couldn't you have owned up to your actions you bastard!"

At this point tears started to stream down my face like a river. Something in the back of my mind told me I was going to burn but once I felt the water like droplets on my face I broke down. I guess its different in the human realm.

Falling on the floor in a heap of sobs Donny held me from the back. I turned around and cried into his shoulder. I held onto him as he rubbed my back. My whole body was trembling as I let out every single thing I've ever held back.

The pain, the suffering, the anxiety, the feeling of impending doom. All of it and Donny never said a word. Just held me tight while I soaked his shirt in my tears. A chilly breeze picked up in the distance and dark grey angry clouds surrounded the sky.

Fuck I lost control of my powers!

Consider the emotions that were swirling through my head I knew I couldn't stop the storm headed our way so I nudged Donny off the ground and told him we should leave before the storm hits. We walked back to the car and drove back to the Inn.

The entire time I was sniffling and sobbing like a toddler who had just thrown a tantrum over denied candy. And when Donny offered to carry me into the building I didn't protest. The chirpy Avia made a snide remark about it which resulted in me flashing her the middle and her gasping in disbelief.

For that slight moment I felt gleeful joy before it was crushed by the fact that my entire life was literally over. What the fuck am I going to do now?

Aftee entering my room Donny put me on the couch and made me a cup of tea. After taking a few sips the warmth made me feel better. After a few minutes in silence he stood up, squeezed my hand and began to walk out but I grabbed onto it for fear life.

"Please stay with me"

I repeated the words from the graveyard. My voice was raspy and sore but I had tears brimming in my eyes and he didn't seem like he had the heart to leave me. He sighed and plopped down next to me.

"I understand that you're hurting right now and gathering from the bits and pieces of today I assume that you've had a tough life growing up. But you need to understand that I can't fully comfort you without knowing what's going on."

I looked down at my tea. I knew what kind of strain I was putting him under by not telling him the full story and yet here I was still being selfish. I nodded and placed the cup on the coffee table. I took both his hands in mine and looked him in the eyes and sighed.

"My birth name is Valeria O'Connol. My father had a gambling and substance addiction and was constantly crossing the wrong people. Around the time that I was two a man wanting to collect his debt was threatening my father by using my mother as a hostage.

As stated by Misha my father was truly a coward who stood and watched that man slide the knife across her throat. She loved him, I never understood why but she did. And I bet that she forgives him... Wherever she is. At age five my father happened to make the mistake of crossing the wrong man.

Mr Morningstar, also known as my current guardian and also Lucian's father. My father sold me to him to repay my debt in work but Mr Morningstar was a kind man who gave me a home. Although there were many- conditions and multiple restrictions I was able to grow up to be an independent.

I hadn't seen my father since and now... All of this happened and I don't even have that much time left."

Donny stiffned once more and tears welled up in his eyes. I felt that it wasn't necessary to tell him all the hell stuff. He could do without for his mental well being.

"I've been having so much fun with you that at some point I forgot that you were sick."


Oh! He thinks I have a terminal disease. Totally forgot about that.

He clasped his calloused hand on my face and wiped away my tears. With tears brimming in his eyes he smiled gently at me.

"My brave and strong Butterfly, you've been through so much and yet you're still standing here. Fighting through the day like the queen you are. It has been an honour meeting you Lucy and I would be lying to myself if I were to say that I these past few months with you have been the best of my life.

What I wanted to say back at your house, back before all this shit happened was that I'm crazy about you."

Am I hearing this right? Did he just say he's crazy about me? I looked up at with pleading eyes.

"My mind is constantly plagued with thoughts of you, in the day when I'm trying to work and in the night when my body wants you. The way you smell, those sexy lips and fuck, the way that those eyes are just begging me to fuck you against a wall"

My breath hitched and a warm intense feeling spread to my vagina in between my thighs. I licked my lips and looked down and his before looking at his eyes again.

I moved closer to kiss him but he held my head back and looked into my eyes. A feeling of disappointment took over my features before he ran his thumb over my lips and plunged his finger into my mouth. I began to suck on it and he took it out.

"Tell me you want me, tell me that I can have you. If not I will never touch you again."

There are certain split seconds moments in our lives where we make decisions. Important decisions that determine our future and sometimes those decisions may be reckless and very risky but you know you'll never regret it.

"I want you"

And with that answer he kissed me.


HEY G. R'S!!!





