Chapter 82

Lucinda's POV

You know those moments when you feel like you're floating on clouds. When nothing else in the world matters but the one person you're stuck in a daydream with. That's how I felt when I walked onto that dance floor with Donny.

Everything just seemed so perfect, so careless and nothing else mattered. Just me and him in this complacent moment. The song 'Rain or Shine' by the band Elaine began to play softly in the background. Donny hand circled around my waist and the other joined my own I placed my other hand on his broad shoulders.

We began to sway slowly to the music, completely lost in our own world. To be honest, I was lost in the forest green eyes that seemed to be even darker under the lighting. As we began to maneuver in a slow waltz sparks danced along the skin where our hands joined.

At some point he dipped me and held onto my bare thigh which caused a surge of desire to go through me causing me to gasp. He smirked,brought me back up and pulled me in close enough to have him by my ear and he whispered.

"Wonderful to hear that sound from your lips again."

I blushed but then a thought passed through my head. It was so sudden I couldn't stop it, so I didn't. I leaned in close to his ear and kissed him below the ear. He tensed and pulled me slightly backward to get himself away from me and I chuckled menacingly.

"I didn't remember you being such a minx Butterfly."

"Yeah well I'm not as delicate as I seem Donavan Xavier Christopher McConaughey."

He groaned and tipped his head back. I laughed at his childishness at my use of his full name.

"You know one of these days I'm going to find your middle name and then we'll see who's laughing"

I chuckler away menacingly and I did a spin then came back to be placed in his arms again.

"It's Catherine."


"My middle name... It's Catherine."

He seemed to process it a bit before he pursed his lips.

"Valeria Catherine O'Connol"

My name rolled off his lips like velvet chocolate mixed with spiced vanilla dreams.

So perfect and poised like he had been saying it his entire life. Something that could only be gained through meticulous practice, and preserved patience. Never in my life had I thought that I would enjoy the sound of my name uttered upon this man's lips.

Yet here I was pondering to myself whether this is all worth it. One simple decision and I could have this forever. No whiplashs, no demon, no royal responsibility, no Lucinda Morningstar. Just one hundred percent Valeria Catherine O'Connol.

"It's a beautiful name Butterfly."

I smiled at that and the music finally came to an end and we parted but still stayed in the middle of the dance floor with our eyes locked on each other. My heart was practically beating out of my chest at this point and so many emotions swirled in my head.

Donny grabbed a hold of both my hands and directed my attention at him. He took a few nervous breaths like he was trying to say something but he wasn't sure how to.

"Butterfly I lo-"

A sharp surge of pain pulsed through my upper arm causing me to groan and clutch my hand in pain. He seemed confused by what was happening and immediately attended to my care.

"What's wrong, are you okay?"


The light in the room began to flicker and the room began to shake slightly. It wasn't anything major, more like a vibration that shook the silverware and glasses which caused people to giggle. Well- at least the one who weren't drunk enough to notice.

It happened again and this time it was a stronger tremor. This time the drunks did notice and people began to look around. The pain in my arm got stronger causing me to cry out in pain. I knew why this was happening. It's all my fault.

"What's going on?!"

Suddenly Dami showed up at my side and was helping me up.

"Mea Regina, we have to go. If you stay here any longer the building could collapse and kill all these people."

I nodded and he slung my other arm over his shoulder and scooped me up bridal style but was quickly stopped by Donny.

"Wait what do you mean by 'building could collapse' and what does Val have to do with any of that."

Dami shot me a questioning look and I gave him one that said I would explain later. I clenched my teeth when another jolt spread through my arm. The pain seemed to be spreading and quite rapidly. A cold sweat broke out on my forehead as a glanced at the clock and saw that there was only five minutes till midnight.

With a raspy breath I held Donny's hand.

"I promise I'll explain everything to you later just let me go for now."

He was quick to interject.

"Let me come with you... I can help."

For a split second I thought of taking him with me but it was quickly tarnished by my impending reality. I pulled him to me and looked into his eyes.

"I promise I'll come back."

With a lot of contemplation going through his eyes he finally nodded and reached behind his neck and pulled off a thin gold chain with a butterfly charm on the end of it and placed it around my neck.

"Bring that back for me, will you?"

I nodded with tear filled eyes and he kissed my forehead. Then me and Dami were off. He came to a halt outside the hotel and placed me down. I ripped off the sleeve of my dress as it irritating the shit out of the whiplashes. Throwing the garment on the floor Dami finally reappeared with a red Mustang.

I got into the passenger seat as I fought through the pain that travelled all over my chest spreading towards my lungs and making it difficult to breathe. Dami kept his eyes on the road while also switching over to see whether I was fine.

"Mea Regina I don't mean to add on to your plate but where are we going?"

"Out of town... It's obvious that the first place that they'd for us is here. We need to get as far away from here as possible."

"But what about our demons? Can't they track us using them?"

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I suppose if we suppress them it will limit thier search. Plus his hell minions seem to not do so well in the sunlight so we just have to avoid them until sunrise and move with the daylight."

He sighed and ran his hand through his chestnut locks.

"And the pain?"

I gritted my teeth when it intensified.

"I can handle it."

He looked apprehensive but reluctantly stepped on the gas. The car was zooming through the town and eventually when we passed the border the pain began to decrease and I released a sigh of relief.

Honestly I did not think running would be possible. I would thought at some point the ground would have opened up and swallowed us whole but apparently you can run from the devil.

"You seem better."

"Yeah... The pain subsided... surprisingly."

"We did Regina, we actually did it. We ran from the devil."

He began to chuckled before he broke out into full laughter and I joined him happily. I leaned back in my seat and Dami leaned back in his seat relaxing. The car began to move faster than the pace we were going and I glanced at him worrily.

"Why are you going so fast? We're already out of town."

Dami began to aggressively step on the breaks but nothing happened. Actually the car just went faster.

"It's not me. The breaks aren't working!"

Fear shot through my spin and I immediately turned towards the door to try and open it but it was locked. I tried to summon my demon strength but all I got was nothing. Dami began to push against his door but it wouldn't budge. Panic shot through me.

A loud horn in front of us caught my attention to see that we were driving head first into a truck. The closer we got the more my panic spiked. Once those lights were too close for me to not see the outline of the truck anymore I gulped.


As our car crashed into the truck Lucian's words and Edmund's warning were the last thing on my mind before I blacked out. Untimely going to meet my fate. The fate that I could have prevented but otherwise didn't. The fate that was brought unto me without my active participation.

The fate of my father's sin.






