Waking up in an unfamiliar place

In a forest filled with tall trees with little bits of sunlight peeking through the gaps between the leaves. A motionless body can be seen laying in the ground.

The body was that of a young man about 18 years old. He has black hair, an above average face, average body build and about 175cm tall wearing a school uniform. It consisted of a white shirt with black blazers and pants and also a red necktie.

He lay there for a few more minutes until his body showed signs of moving

"Ugh." Genric woke up and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the world spin and he felt an immense dizziness assaulting his mind as he felt something rising from his stomach to his throat. By pure instinct, he turned his body to the side before vomiting.

After a few minutes of vomiting, Genric was finally able to clear his vision and he saw that he was in a forest. Still a bit dizzy, it took him a few moments to finally realize the situation he was in.

"Wha... What the fuck? Where am I?" Genric was confused as he looked around while trying to lift his body up with his arms.

"Hhng... My body feels so weak. What happened to me?" Genric felt his body was heavy and uncomfortable when he tried to lift himself up. After trying a few more times, he gave up on lifting his body for the time being as he decides to continue laying down to try to remember the events that led up to this moment.

'How did I get in this place? All I remember was I was heading to my work from school when I suddenly felt something pulling me. Then I felt dizzy and nothing after. Now I'm right here. Is this all a dream?.' Genric thought as his mind was now fully cleared.

He then pinched himself hard and immediately stopped doing that as he winced in pain. 'Yup, not a dream it seems.'

He dragged his body towards a nearby tree to lay his body there while he tried to adapt to the heaviness he is feeling.

A dozen minutes passed until the heavy feeling was partially gone. He stood up slowly while stumbling as he thinks of what to do in his current situation.

'I should first get out of this forest. The rest can be thought of later.' Genric thought as he crouched down to pick up a rock and then started walking in a random direction while also marking the trees along the way.

'I wonder how did I get here? Sigh* I really hope nothing crazy has happened to me like those novels I used to read where I got transported to another world out of the blue.' Genric sighed as he can't help but remember his whole life until now.

Genric was an orphan since birth and has been living in the orphanage for his whole life. Even though he was an orphan, he was still able to study due to his scholarship in his school and by working part-time to earn money. He also got to earn some money when he won in different contests in school that he always participates in. He did all of that to support his living as well as to help the orphanage as he considers it to be his only home.

And during his life, one of his favorite hobby has always been reading novels. He particularly liked those action novels as well as anything that has martial arts in it. In fact, due to his interest in martial arts he often exercises. And because some of his part-time job involves heavy lifting he got a healthy body with muscles that are normally hidden by his clothes.

Even with all that, he didn't have many friends in school because he rarely associate himself with his classmates as he is too busy with his studies and work. And even during the time that he was not busy, he always prefer reading novels than talking to his classmates. The fact that he was also an orphan didn't help him in gaining a friend. Nonetheless, he never regret any of that as he have many friends in the orphanage.

'Now that I think of them, I wonder how are they all doing in the orphanage. I hope those kids are not throwing a tantrum right about now. Chuckle* Who am I kidding, those kids are surely annoying the people in the orphanage right about now with their tantrum asking where am I.' Genric chuckled to himself at the thought of his close friends in the orphanage.

But the truth is, he's only trying to lift his mood up as even though he looks calm in the outside, inwardly he's anxious and scared at the same time due to his unknown situation.


While he was lost in his own thoughts, he faintly heard the sound of bushes rustling driving him back to reality as he flinched by the sudden sound. He hurriedly looked at the source of the sound, a rustling bush as if there is something inside it a few meters away from him.

"Who's there!?" Genric shouted towards the bush. He waited for a few moments without any reply coming from the bush.

"Hey! I said wh--!."


Before he could finish what he was going to say, he was cut off as he saw something rushing towards him yelling in a strange sound he never heard before. Before he could think, he jumped to the right side solely on reflex to dodge the 'thing' or rather someone that was rushing towards him.

He then ran forward for a few meters to put some distance between the 'thing' and him and immediately turned around to look at it.

"Hey, the fuck is your pro---!?" And again, before he could finish his words Genric was cut off again. But this time the 'thing' didn't interrupt him, instead he was too shocked to even finish his words as it got stucked in his throat because of the 'thing' he was currently seeing that he once thought only existed in those novels he read before.