First fight

In front of Genric was a small humanoid being almost the same height as his stomach with green skin, skinny body, long sharp ears with sharp teeth protruding out of its mouth. It only has a single piece of clothing covering its crotch area and it held a wooden club in its hands.

"A goblin!?" Genric was dumbfounded as he stood there with wide eyes and his mouth stayed open the moment he laid his eyes on the goblin that he thought only exists in those novels he read. But the goblin did not give him any moment of time to prepare himself as the goblin directly charged at him again with its hand with the club raised in the air ready to strike.


"Fuck!" Genric cursed out loud as he was brought out of his dumbfounded state and jumped again to the right.


But this time, things did not go as it was before. The goblin was able to predict Genric's dodge and managed to swing its club towards Genric hitting him in his left arm, and breaking some of his bones as he was sent stumbling for a few meters before coming to a stop.

"Aaargh! Shit!" Genric cursed again as he felt the pain of his left arm and bones breaking from the impact and the scratches that he received when he fell on the ground. It felt like his whole arm was smashed with a big hammer and the pain was not like any pain that he has ever experienced before.

'Am I... gonna die? Just like that?' Genric smiled bitterly at the thought of him dying. He was slowly losing his consciousness because of the pain and he knew that the moment he lost it, he would surely die without being able to do anything.

Tears started streaming down his face as he remembered all of his friends that has become a family to him in the orphanage. The regret of not being able to see them one last time and especially the thought of his promise that he made with them years ago that will now be left unfulfilled made him sad and guilty beyond compare.


"Hey big brother, you should rest sometimes. You look so tired because you work and study at the same time. You keep saying to us that we are still young that's why we need to enjoy the moment but aren't you also the same? Play with us!" A little girl that looks about 7 years old said while pouting towards Genric who was currently 15 years old at this time. A bunch of kids nearly the same age as Alleyn was also surrounding the young man.

"Alleyn's right big brother!"

"Play with us and stop working for now!"

Seeing all the kids surrounding him agreeing to the words that Alleyn said, Genric couldn't help but let out a bright smile as he feels some of his fatigue go away at the sight of his 'family' worrying for him. While patting their heads, Genric said, "Well I'm old enough to take care of myself now so don't worry about me. And as for what you said about me that I should be enjoying myself, you also don't need to worry about that. I'm having fun helping the orphanage you know since you guys are my family so no need to worry about me."

"Not fair. We also want to help big brother!" said Alleyn again and all the kids nodded at her words.

Genric continued to smile as he raised his hand with his pinky finger up. "Then how about this. Let's make a pinky promise. Your big brother will continue to work so I can help you for now and you guys must study well in school. That way in the future you could become someone great and then at that time you all could help each other including me. How about that?"

"Then it's a promise!" Without hesitation, Alleyn and all the kids nodded and also raised their pinky fingers to make a pinky promise with Genric one by one.

"Yup it's a promise." Genric smiled to all of them as they made a promise with each other.

"Now let's play!" The kids then dragged Genric by his arm and he just let them do what they want while shaking his head.



As he remembered that moment, a sudden familiar feeling overcame him that came from his heart. It was unwillingness. It was the unwillingness to die and succumb to his fate.

'No! I must not die. Not yet. At the least not from something like this! I'm unwilling to die in this place because of this piece of shit!' Genric yelled in his mind as he felt that familiar feeling coming from his heart. And with that feeling also came a sudden rush of power as he temporarily felt the pain go away.


He stood up facing the goblin who was only a few meters away from him. It looks like it was laughing at him while waving its club as if it has already won.

Genric felt his fear go away and replaced by anger when he saw the goblin laughing at him. Anger of being treated as nothing by his opponent. He almost rushed at the goblin to kill the goblin because of his anger.

He then took a deep breath to calm down his anger as he thought, 'It happened again. I must not let my anger take control of me.'

He took a look at his left arm and saw it was bloodied and bent in a wierd shape. 'Shit. I can't move my arm. Then...' A crazy light flashed by his eyes as he made his move.

While the goblin was still laughing, Genric rushed at it suddenly out of nowhere causing it to panic. It raised its club up high ready to strike down but before it could do so, Genric's punch it's arms that was holding the club with a speed that was so fast that it was unable to stop it. The punch connected making the goblin's arm go numb for a bit.


And that was what Genric want. Taking advantage of this moment, Genric struck the crotch of the goblin with his knee with all his strength causing the goblin to scream. It's body started falling on the ground twitching as foam came out of its mouth.


Not feeling the pain coming from his knee and arm, he stomped on the goblin's crotch with all he had all the while the crazy light in his eyes has never faded. He continued to do so without stopping until he saw the goblin not moving anymore.

Genric walked away and looked down with an indifferent look on his face to see the goblin's dead body with foam in its mouth and its crotch area totally squashed with blood all around it.

A few seconds passed when suddenly his expression changed and he immediately vomited again.