Rubí and Yu were never morning people.
Francis went to wake up Yu, while Sora and Gareth 'risked' their lives while waking up Rubí.
Gareth explained to Sora that same morning that Rubí was a total case.
She didn't wake up early, and if someone tried to wake her, they could be burned to death 'by accident'. Gareth completely doubted the part 'by accident', but Rubí just shrugged like it wasn't a problem.
Classes started right the next day after Sora arrived, he was one of the last examinees.
When they arrived at the classroom, as always, Sora and Gareth had some burning marks on their uniforms, Rubí had her smiling face, and Yu and Francis were portraying a complicated expression.
They were always closely late by a minute. The teacher only looked at them and signaled them to come in.
They quickly found their seats and the class began.
The time went by.
Their classes were, as usual, maths, science, grammar, history, etc.
Yu was sleeping in class, Gareth and Rubí were quite studious. Francis was also studious, but he was a bit slow in comparison to the other two. Sora was somewhat bored and fascinated. Many of the topics they were having were ones he already read in a book in the library, while other ones were something completely new.
Like the ones that explained how the humans understand the System.
"Mr. Yu! Wake up and pay attention!" The teacher threw his chalk to Yu's head hitting it accurately.
Everyone laughed except Sora who was looking speechless as Yu only nodded and yawned at the teacher.
The teacher sighed and continued with his class, "As I was saying before, The System has been changing or like some people call it 'updating' during the years since it first appeared. An example is a way of getting a class, before, hunters needed to complete a special quest that was at the level of a D-rank dungeon, but five years ago that changed. Children began to have a class or 'Occupation' assigned once they activated the System, the interesting part of this is that some people began to have more than one class making them more exceptional. Then, three years ago, the System called for the first event as if we are playing a game, and now, there seems to be a new boss called The Master," Sora nearly flinched as his title was mentioned.
He wasn't used to the title being said out loud, so it was still something new.
"Teacher! About 'The Master', is there any news regarding 'him'?" Yu asked, it seemed that 'The Master' topic was something that helped him to stay awake.
"Hah… There isn't any news regarding that figure, but the hunters are all in guard. Well, continuing with what we were talking about, the System seemed to continue changing, so be prepared always for what would happen. Something may change while you are in battle, so you need to be prepared. The System usually gives a warning, but you should be always prepared, just try not to forget about that," the bell rang and everyone left with the teacher's last words on their minds.
After class, training begins. Students who have private instructors go to their respective training rooms. In this case, all of Sora's roommates separated and went to their own training room.
Sora came into his room, and there, his instructor was waiting for him. He learned the first they of training that his instructor was the principal, and also that he was a strong hunter. His level was a secret for Sora because it has been like a month since school started and the principal was too busy to train him. Of course, Sora didn't lose time, and after having his first session without an instructor he looked for a skill that could help him to keep his lie.
- {Skills}
- {Clothes}
- {Equipment (Locked)}
- {Furniture}
- {Decorations}
- {Traps}
- {Consumables}
- {Entertainment (Locked)}
- Observation [Sold]
- Walking between shadows [Level Required: 40]
- Reinforce [Level Required: 25]
- Analysis [Level Required: 5]
- Fireball [Level Required: 20]
- Ice Spear [Level Required: 50]
- ...
- Spirit Summoning [Level Required: 45]
- Spiritual Beast Summoning [Level Required: 20]
Spiritual Beast Summoning [Level Required: 20] Active Skill;
You can summon a Spiritual Beast that is your level or lower. The summoning creature will depend on the thoughts of the summoner. For each summons, you'll be charged with one INT point and 30 MP. The spiritual beast that is summoned will obey each of his master's orders and will give its life to protect him.
The duration time depends on the level of the skill.
Cost: 50 Intelligence points, 30 Strenght points, 25 Charisma points.
The price was exorbitant but affordable. Sora felt that he would have some use with this skill and the one that summons spirits, so he was in agreement to pay for it.
Spiritual Beast Summoning [Level 1] Active Skill;
-1 INT point and 30 MP per summon.
You can summon a Spiritual Beast that is your level or lower. The summoning creature will depend on the thoughts of the summoner. The spiritual beast that is summoned will obey each of his master's orders and will give its life to protect him.
The duration time depends on the level of the skill.
Duration time: 10 minutes
Sora immediately used it.
During the month, he continued to train that skill, because he was sure that his other skills couldn't be trained there because they were always being observed. Or at least him. He found a camera the second day he was there alone, so he deduced that maybe the principal was keeping an eye on his training even if he wasn't there.
Well, returning to the present. Sora expected to see no one in the room, but he was incorrect this time.
A man that seemed to be in his thirties was sitting in a chair next to a table (both of them weren't there during the last month) reading a book in silence. However, once Sore came in, the man stopped his reading and closed the book.
The man had short obscure-blond hair, his skin was tanned with some scars in his arms. His muscles could be seen, but they weren't too big. His eyes were of a dark blue. He was wearing a white loose shirt with black trousers and white tennis. He seemed to be a dangerous person. Sora really didn't want him as an enemy, but... well, you know.
He then looked at Sora.
With a grave and low voice, he said the following, "My name is Joakim Vinz, I'm your instructor and principal of the Academy. During the month I have been looking at your training, and you have an interesting skill."
Sora kept silent listening to the man's... no, to his instructor's words.
Joakim Vinz looked at his apprentice, and continued, "You know that the summoning skill is a strange one between hunters, usually, adventurers have it. But you are from Earth, so you must be a hunter. Show me your summon beast," he ordered.
Sora was a bit confused with the sudden words that his instructor said that he almost lost the last words that were actually an order.
He nodded and began the summoning.
After some seconds, a beautiful black Night Panther appeared. It was still young, but it would grow to adulthood if Sora keep summoning him, feeding him, and training him.
"How long does your summon last?" Joakim Vinz asked him.
"30 minutes, sir," Sora answered. During the last month of training the skill, he actually leveled it up one level, increasing the duration of the summon beast.
"What's its level?"
"He is in level 4, his information says that once it's in level 25, he will be an adult," Sora explained to his instructor.
"How many are you allowed to summon at the same time?" Instructor Vinz asked again.
"Right now only one," Sora didn't know the max number he could summon in the future, but he felt that he would find out soon.
Also, he tried to summon another beast while having the Night Panther playing with a ball of yarn, but the skill didn't work. The System sent him a message telling him to end the first summon before continuing the other summon.
"So it's like your companion... Did you know that some years ago before all this happened, hunters had dogs as their hunting companions? Maybe that's why you don't have an 'Occupation' like the other kids. You ARE a HUNTER," Sora listened in silence as the man tried to comprehend why his 'Occupation' space was blank, "Alright, let's begin your training. If you don't have more skills, you can learn some like firing arms, or swing swords."
Like that, Sora began his training with the principal. The principal didn't know that he was helping Sora to survive the attack of the hunters that would soon try to catch him in less than two months.
In Russia, Ivankov was applying for permission to go to the US to get inside the dungeon of the event. He was happy that he left his last chance to get in there to wait. Because of the tense relationship between both countries, it was difficult for Russian hunters to get into American portals. The US government made an exception by giving each hunter (in all the world) four chances per month to get into the portal. The purpose of that initiative was to keep the flow of hunters in control.
Maybe all the portals around the world closed, but there were still monsters lurking in the islands that had a portal, and also, they didn't know when the portal could open again.
Two months later...
"It's time to go to the US," Ivankov looked at his little brother with a serious face.
"I hope to visit Sora while we are there, it's been so long since we saw face-to-face," Viktor looked at the plane that was their transport with a bright smile.
Ivankov looked at his brother's smile, and a sad look went through his eyes for just a moment. He wasn't sure how Viktor would react once the true identity of Sora was revealed to all the hunters.
Ivankov was sure that the System would let everyone know who the Master was once Sora entered the portal.