Avyanna's power unfolds.

"I didn't murder him so don't be haste to judge me," said an interviewed person on T.V. The police had discovered a dead man and were interrogating people on the streets to see if they knew any supplementary information. After his statement the police went on interrogating others. "My poor child!" cried the mother of the victim. The mother was with the cops witnessing the interrogations. I felt like the first interviewed person was eerily suspicious, but I just shrugged it off. "Oh, Forget it! What can I know as a kid?" I thought in my head. Who would've known I was the one who knew we were looking in the eyes of a rotten liar. I wondered in my baby crib why he was talking with his mouth closed right after his statement. "Ha! These policemen and policewomen really think that I am innocent? What fools!" the person continued. I stood up on my chair, jaw wide open as the baby food fell from my mouth. I was confused as to why the police weren't going after him, until to my shock to realize that it was coming from his mind. "I can read minds!?" I concluded in my head. It was then, at the age of 3, that I realized I can read minds.

After 10 years of living in the shadows and dealing with this I felt like an outcast. I was excruciatingly stressed. I soon learned that I possessed a power called "Telepathy." I didn't tell a soul about my powers, even my parents and I made sure not to make my power obvious. But I had some great benefits for my powers. I can tell who's lying, see if someone is a bad influence on me, tell who is a murderer and much more. Although having telepathy sounds cool it does have some downsides. Someone might take advantage of my powers, think I was weird or kill me of jealousy and that's more reasons why I kept it a secret. I soon became depressed knowing I'm just a "dumb intellect" and ran away from my home. "What am I doing!?" thoughts overcame me as I ran with tears down my face. I ignored the hesitation to go back and kept running. "I can't do this anymore! I have to run away!" I thought in my head. Meanwhile my parents entered my room to see nothing but a cold, dusty bed and without me on it. They were shocked. "Wow! Avyanna must have gotten up early! She never does. I'll go greet her downstairs at the diner table." Said my mom, Tylia to my dad, Oscar. "Sure thing! And wait up! I wouldn't want to miss out on lasagna!" yelled Oscar. They went downstairs to be greeted by the wind. Worry soon overcame them. They then searched rooms, the garden and even the roof! But I was no where to be seen. After months of searching they gave up and just accepted the fact I was gone for good.

Meanwhile, I had run too far from home. I was in a cold unknown city. The cold wind sang it's song and I grew weary to the cold and cuddled my self in a blanket that I packed. Someone witnessed me in the cold and started to talk to me. "Hello, young child?" She said in a sweet voice. "Um, y-yes madam?" I replied. "Is everything okay? No child should be left in the streets by themself," She questioned. I began to speak, "Well I-" "Come with me." She insisted. Within seconds she had ahold of my hand. She brought me to an orphanage. "Ayy! Marcy! How's life been treating you? Another child for us?" Said an attendant at the checker. "Yes, I saw this girl on the street. What shall we do?" Marcy questioned with her hand still grasped to my arm. "Well let's try to see if we have a code 329." said the attendant whispered. "I don't know...." said Marcy. She then bent down to her knees to talk to me. "What! she's bending down?! I'm not that short." I thought like the tsundere I was. "Where are your parents? Do you have their number?" Marcy questioned. "No I don't know anyone's number!" I said. They looked confused and shocked and wondered what to do. I didn't want to go back home or get my parents in trouble so I said something remarkable. "As a matter of fact... I don't even have parents!" I outbursted. Both looked shocked. "What do you mean you don't have parents? Everyone has parents, sweetheart." said Marcy. "They are both dead." I lied. All of a sudden, Marcy had an expression of sympathy on her face. "I am so sorry." said Marcy. Marcy then took me to a private office to have a chat. She sat on a black chair and put me on one too and we sat around a table. "So, I am gonna put you in a place with many other kids for you to find a home." Marcy stated nervously. "It's gonna be fun!" She said to make me feel better. I knew that she was trying to say I was gonna be an orphan but what other reasonable choice did I have? "Okay. I'm a little nervous though," I stated. "There's nothing for you to be worried about. It will be just like home." That made me feel a little better about it. We then left the office and I had o sign papers myself to become an orphan. After some minutes I had finally signed all the paperwork and went home to rest. I was going to the orphanage tomorrow.