Chapter XVIII

"I don't understand why he's entertaining her." Situ Qing spoke to Aleesia as they sat at the edge of the training ground, watching Rowena and I face off.

"Hmm, Shane is the same from time to time. Just remind him why he fell you in the first place." Alessia replied.

"Ehh, Orym isn't so simple."

"All men are simple, QingQing. The sooner you learn that, the better."

"I guess." Situ Qing continued to watch as I went blow for blow with Rowena Vex, who display surprising combat abilities.

'You aren't a fickle man... Alessia just doesn't understand you.' Situ Qing thought as I glided through the air and my spear arch to slash Rowena's back.

Situ Qing couldn't suppress the smile on her face as she leaned back in her seat.

On the training ground, I land as a sweet scent attacked me, turning my body into a furnace. My mind wavered. Though she was injured, Rowena struck.

Ching! a prolonged ring filled the area.

Shane had blocked the strike with his fan, and QingQing had taken me over ten paces away from the strike point. After a few breaths of clean air, I regained my focus and looked at the dangerous lust-driven woman.

At the same time, QingQing had a similar glimmer in her eyes that showed a thirst for battle, specifically with Rowena. Once she released me, I quickly grabbed her arm before she could face off against Rowena.

"We should kill her." She said.

"It's not that simple."

"Tell me how?"

"Haiz... QingQing, please let it be. I can handle this." I told.

Naturally, she frowned at me then walked away. She took Alessia's hand, and the duo left the training grounds.

Making my way next to Shane, together, we looked at Rowena with flaming eyes. I couldn't help but feel I was wrong. Maybe this woman really wanted my life.

"What are you?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious, Jax?" she smiled manically.

Shocked was an understatement at that moment. I was completely at a loss for words.

"Who is Jax?" Shane asked, confused.

Rowena Vex smiled at me as she moved her eyebrow, egging me on to speak.

"A hungry Ghost," I replied, never breaking eye contact with Rowena.

"Are you hungry? Well, my God has prepared a meal for you." She quipped.

"It's probably poisoned," I replied.

"I promise it's not. All you have to do is listen, and we'll both win."

"Fine. Tonight after dinner," I then motioned for Shane. Together we walked past Rowena as Shane put away his fans. Simultaneously, I called and fired my bow and arrow at Rowena.


She reacted fast enough that the arrow only blew off half of her arm.

"QingQing!" I shouted as I crossed the distance. Rowena and I reengaged. Weapons clashed, and my martial intent flared as I worked tirelessly to keep up with the deadly woman.

I stared at her with calm eyes as her crushing blows were blocked and countered. I was never an indecisive person, so naturally, every move was meant to kill.

I stood my ground with an unchanging expression. I formed a knife hand and my martial intent emitted like a wildfire as I swiped at her midsection, hoping to hit her heart. Once she dodged, and my overexerted body lost footing and tumbled forward. Shane appeared and fired a martial skill, Silver Swan's wrath, clearing the training grounds.

In mid-air, QingQing appeared free-handed.

"Downfall Spear!" She shouted as her missing spear appeared in the sky like a falling star in broad daylight. It shinned yellow, orange, and black as it fell like a rock.

Using my movement technique, I held out a free hand as I met her at the perimeter of the training grounds. Rowena's busty, milky tits landed on my palm as I muttered, "Pushing through the great gates," a low-rank mortal skill mastered to its apex and amplified by my martial intent.

Crack! Puh!

Rowena's eyes widened as her rib cage was shattered, crushing her organs, causing them to explode from her back.


Situ Qing's martial skill hit as I escaped in just a nick of time, but I wasn't able to escape the scorching energy that seared my body.

As her body fell with a thud, Situ Qing rushed over to my side and caught me. "Orym?! Orym?!!" She shouted.

As Situ Qing cried out, Shane had moved his fans to blow away the dust left behind by Rowena's incinerated body.


When I awoke from the most restless sleep of my two lives, I could make out the bantering between QingQing and Shane. Something had caused the two to get worked up enough to butt heads, something that rarely happened between us three.

"Haiz! So noisy!" I groaned.

"Orym!" they exclaimed in unison as they sped to my side.

I couldn't help but chuckle. The feeling of having people was nice. "Why are you two fighting?" I asked.

QingQing frowned. "That bitch was an odd one."

"Ahh, Sister Qing, you sound jealous. Let me explain." Shane interrupted. "Brother Orym, the day we killed Rowena Vex, all of her servants and family died. Their bodies disintegrated and left behind skeletons of pure yin yang energy. Sister Qing meant to say, that bitch practiced an odd cultivation technique."

"You two... Ahh, if I didn't know better, I would actually think you two dummies were siblings."

Pah! QingQing's palm slapped my stomach.

"Dummies?" She growled.

"Aigh, can't you tell she turned everyone into cauldrons?" I asked.

QingQing dawned a thoughtful expression.

"Yin Yang physique!" Shane exclaimed.

"Yeah, nothing else in the mortal world requires such energy. She was a dual cultivator, and her technique must have been high grade." I explained.

"That explains why Alessia was also confused...Ahh, leave to my brother to have the answers." Said Shane.

"Orym..." QingQing pouted.

"No," I replied, and her eyes went wide.

Shane snickered.

"I didn't even ask yet." She complained.

"Too much Yin energy is bad without a complimenting physique. You want one of the skeletons, right?"

"Not anymore," she answered, "Come on, let's get you up and moving."

"Hmm." I gave her a nod.


QingQing, Shane, and I looked at the crystallized meridians, dantian, and skeleton radiating familiar energy. It was similar to yang essence stones and Yin Essence stones. But in this case, it seemed like two energies were being stockpiled and fermented instead of being used as nourishment for the cultivation.

As I was in this state of deep contemplation, I began to fill similar energy all around the room that now stored the skeletons.

'She used everyone as cauldrons...She must have had them in some sort of slave bond... What the hell was she cultivating? So much energy and only a Martial Foundation.' I spoke in his mind. 'I wonder how many people outside of the manor died as her slaves.'

The next day, rumors had spread that the Night Parade had slaughtered the whole house of the City Lord, but I didn't care what they thought as I had bigger problems. On the training grounds, Situ Qing and I spared a bit as she went all out.

I was forced back and slipped the thrust of her spear by a hair. I then threw a palm with great force to respect Situ Qing's effort. After creating ample distance, I squared myself up then engaged with my double-bladed polearm. We exchanged deadly blows as we rocked the training grounds.

Feeling that Situ Qing's anger wasn't satiated after more than a hundred exchanges, I quickly disarmed her then stabbed my weapon into the ground. Situ Qing sneered as she threw a fist. Hard form is her specialty, and she displayed wonderful form as she moved in a furry with a single goal in mind, land a punch.

My leg jerked, but it didn't move as I suddenly decided to give up. Not wanting to further her rage, I twisted my body as if to initiate a takedown when Situ Qing delivered a vicious knee to my abdomen the moment my body opened up. Immediately after, a left hook caught my jaw and blood splatter across the sand.

I couldn't help but look at Situ Qing with hard eyes, and she stared back conflicted. I then sighed while reaching out for her. "Situ Qing."

She jerked back as she said, "Don't call me that. You don't ever call me that when we're alone."

"QingQing, let it go. We killed the woman. What more do you want?"

"I don't know!" she snapped, "I just saw you walking away with her, entertaining her, and I wanted to burn this whole fucking manor down. I don't ever want to feel that way again. You should be mindful of my feelings."

"And if it conflicts with your safety?" I asked.

"Trust me and my abilities," QingQing replied and exuded an aura I had never seen before. It was bright and sharp as a blade.

"Orym!" Shane called out, "General sent word, they're ready."

I didn't bother to look at Shane as QingQing, and I continued to hold each other's gaze, "I'm counting on you to protect me."

She smirks, "And I'm counting on you to protect me. Are you ready?" she asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

By noon I was leading my unit back to the Night Parade's main camp. When we arrive, the camp was already packed, and Situ Ren had already started his march, followed by my mother. Only my father remained.

He didn't say many words, but a simple nod spoke volumes. When he stepped off, Little Wu and Nimue were left in my care.

"Where to, kid?" Nimue asked.

"Home." I replied, "Shane, you and Alessia head to your clans. We'll meet in the capital a month from now."

Shane reached over from his horse. He and I locked forearms as they held a firm gaze, briefly.

"Sister Qing, make sure this guy doesn't get himself killed." Shane sang as we parted.

As I watched the couple ride off, I looked to my left as I had one more thing that needed to be finished before I could focus solely on the Dark Water Kingdom.

Sensing my gaze, Little Wu stepped forward with her eyes looking towards the ground. Once I stepped to her, I placed a hand on her head. Once she looked up, an involuntary smile appeared on her face to match mine.

"Little Wu, what do you want?"

"I-I don't understand, master." she stammered.

"Would you like to stay with us or escape away from the war?" I asked.

"Master has been considerate since I was purchased. At times I even forget I'm a slave." Little Wu replied.

Nimue frowned as she could never accept that Little Wu was a slave of the house. But she was very surprised to hear me willing to set the girl free.

"You gave me everything that was taken from me when my clan was destroyed. I even managed to earn a bestfriend. So, Little Wu wishes to help her master with skills he gave her."

Based on the memories from Ace Zenith, I knew Little Wu would be with me for a long time. But whether or not a gave her the option was up for debate. So, instead of dragging her into a hard life, I wanted to make sure she was willing to take on the hardship.

After a few days, on Captial road, we arrived at the capital gates stepping into the most blood-thirsty battle anyone could face --Politics.

"Young Master Orym." The third Princess sang, "Welcome to the capital. My father has been preparing since you were spotted on the road."

"I'm guessing there is a fest?" I asked.

"Of course. But don't rush, you have plenty of time to rest." She replied with a light smile.

"I trust our living arrangements don't separate us." Situ Qing spoke.

"Sister Qing, it's been so long." The princess's voice became dry.

"Third Princess, our living arrangements?" Situ Qing pressed.

"Of course you have the same--"

"I would like to stay with my fiancé." Situ Qing interrupted and the princess' brow creased in response.

"Fiancée?" The princess asked, startled, " My father never received a petition for any engagement between two legions."

"Well, it's happened." Situ Qing sneered.

I gestured to Nimue and she stepped up to greet the princess as little Wu respectfully pulled Situ Qing back.

"Nimue Vamoria greets Third Princess."

"Huhu, you're as beautiful as the rumors. We're going to be the best of friends. I like pretty things," the Third Princes locked arms with Nimue and led her off as we followed.

A moment later, a young man with a sharp face, dressed in black and gold robes stepped out from behind a group of guards. He had a nice smile and soft eyes. As he moved to intercept our entry, I wrapped my arm around QingQing's waist and stepped on air to evade him as if he was nonexistent.

With a missing a beat, my unit walked around him without sparing a glance. I had seen the man before, but only in portraits. He is the Second Prince of the Dark Water Kingdom, Gu Chun. Much about him is a mystery as his elder sister was talent accepted into a sect and his younger sister was dotted on by their father. Gu Chun was left to fade.

"General, should we keep an eye on him?" a lieutenant asked.

"Leave him be. Our main focus is appeasing the King. We have time before our forces get here, we should use it wisely." I replied.

"Yes, sir."

"Appeasing the King...I'm sure you have a gift prepared then." Said QingQing.

"Ehh, Little Wu, stay close to my sister. My lady and I will catch up with you all later." I took QingQing's hand we disappeared into the crowd that gathered to watch our entry into the city.