Chapter XIX: Gifts For The King

After gathering material from the market, I followed my sister's scent and found the estate the king had prepared for us. It was a little ways away from the palace, but the distance was good for us. With a decent amount of privacy, I had my unit cultivate for the duration of our stay. I had no plans to fight anyone for the time being.

I had just finished washing, and QingQing was combing out her hair as I sat in front of the canvas, contemplating a creation that would fit the celebration.

"Just paint something," said QingQing.

I laughed. " It doesn't work like that. It's very similar to the other three arts. Have you ever heard me play a thoughtless note on the guqin? Have you ever saw a random move as I played weiqi or a useless brush stroke in my calligraphy?"

QingQing smirked at me. "I forgot who I was talking to for a moment. How about this, you play the guqin, and I'll dance. This way, you'll be playing for me. And I have never experienced a time when you couldn't play me a song."

Her confidence was well founded. I smiled this time as I put my brush down then walked over to my precious lady. Taking the comb from her hand, I finished unknotting her hair as she shaped her nails then did her make-up. Situ Qing then began to hum melodically in happiness as these small moments were a welcome reprieve from our chaotic existence.

"Do you remember that one?" she asked suddenly, " You played it that night after we won that hard battle against the Ghoul Horde. Damn, that was horrifying... but when you played, it took us all home in the middle of spring. You should play that one tonight."

I thought back to that time when we fought against those wild beasts in the middle of the rainy season. The trenches were swamp-like, and not a spot of our bodies was free of blood or mud. While the Night Parade was resting and licking their wounds, I played the guqin to help rest the minds of my legionnaires and heal the mental scars of battle and loss.

The composition was upbeat in a soothing way. The music warmed the body and comforted the mind while placing the heart in a state of relaxing anticipation for the things that would make one feel alive. At the time, many wished to be loved and carefree, a drastic difference from the war-torn life they were living at that moment.

"I think I will," I told her when Little Wu knocked on our room door then entered not seconds aftward.

Little Wu was carrying two wide-made wooden boxes. Inside were two elegantly made outfits of gold and olive green. Embroidered into the clothing was an emblem of an oak-like tree with a golden dragon coiled around it, forming the infinity sign. For my family and me, the symbology of the emblem meant a lot. Its simple representation of our clan's history is why my father allowed me to make it our official clan emblem.

Accepting the boxes, I set them on the bed and stopped Little Wu before she could leave. Taking out a box of my own from my spacial ring, I gave it to Little Wu then sent her off.

"You're too good to that girl," said Situ Qing.

"Haa, she's my only personal servant, and I only bought her to save her life. Besides, she was a young miss at one point in her life. A nice dress is the least she deserves." I replied.

"Servant? If I didn't know any better, I would have thought Little Wu was your daughter. You spoil her, Orym..."

I shrugged it off, and QingQing giggled as she shook her head. "I worry for our children. With a big sister like Little Wu, they'll surely want the stars and the sky."

"And I'll give it to them...Come, let's get dressed. We can't be late to our own party." I told her, causing a scoff.

"Our party? It's obvious the king wants to pull you close. You reeled in the Primrose Family, and your feats on the battlefield are well known. Your cultivation has been slow, but now you can be considered a genius at the peak of body refinement at twelve years old." Said Situ Qing.

"Who cares what the world wants from. Everything I have is yours. Whether they can take it or not is up to you. Feel sad, wronged, jealous, envious, or any other negative emotion for what? QingQing, I am yours, and on our way through life, together, we will face many enemies. So take my words and hold them close to heart, never waver or mope because I'm..."

"Mine." she declared.

"Hahaha, yes, I am. Now, let's get to our party."

Later that evening, when Situ Qing and I arrived, we leaped to the top of one thousand steps before walking through two large granite doors. For the most part, the capital was nothing compared to my short memories of the cultivation world. In the least amount of words, the capital and palace were underwhelming.

Walking into the main hall, we captured the attention of the numbles and felt the scowls of a few. Based on their scent, I had recounted memories of Situ Qing's ninth birthday party and identified them as the Na and Neso Family. Because the Legions had managed the war well, many noble families continued to live peacefully for the moment.

The wall was built large and spacious. There was a long aisle from the double doors to the end of the room where the king sat with the queen atop 100 steps. On each side of the aisle were tables for the nobles and richest merchants. Closest to the King were tables for the Second Prince and Third Princess.

"Orym Vamoria greets King Gu." I bowed at the bottom of the steps.

"Situ Qing greets King Gu."

"Haha, Good, Good, such young talents have finally returned home." He spoke boisterously, "Have a seat."

The King Gestured to his left and right. I wasn't surprised to see a single open seat beside the princess on the left and the prince on the right.

I flashed a warm smile, bowed once more, then took Situ Qing's hand as we walked to the end of the hall, where I pulled out a table. The whispers of the room could be heard clearly as we took our seats. This move was a warning to the king. We stated that two things that shook the king.

First, Situ Qing and I were one. Second, we knew our worth as heirs to Legions. The King sat quietly for a moment before he picked up a black diamond goblet used traditionally to announce glorious news for the kingdom. Never had I expected the King to be a shrewd man.

"I raise a glass to my Legion Generals Situ Ren and Gellis Vamoria. May the prevail and return home safely and in good health." The King spoke.

The hall tossed back a drink, and a servant refilled his cup. "I raise another glass to Young Master Orym for his conquest on the battlefield in Glory of my Dark Water Kingdom."

The hall emptied their cups again, followed by the king getting another refill.

"I raise another cup to celebrate the appointment of Orym Vamoria to Chief of the Third Princess's Royal Guard."

The hall hesitated, and people drank at different speeds due to shock. I almost laughed, and Situ Qing couldn't hide her light smirk. It was a wonderful move by the King, considering the Royal Guard couldn't marry without the King's approval no matter the reason. But such small games were below me. Naturally, I came prepared just in case the King wanted to block my engagement.

I stood and made my way back to the steps, where I bowed before the king in thanks.

"Thank you, your highness. However, I have to decline this appointment as a married man." I spoke out, and the room gasped. "I prepared many gifts for this great King, one of them being a marriage certificate between two great houses to ensure the rule of the Royal Gu family."

A scroll flew towards the king, and his lip twitched. In this world, the marriage certificate was signed by the parents just like an engagement contract. In this world, our parents owned us until death, or we're disowned.

The moment the king opened it and saw the signature of my father and Situ Ren, his face nearly lost all of its color.

"A battlefield wedding?" The king asked.

"Yes, Lord." I replied, " Though usually down by common soldiers, we felt it was fitting considering we were both on the battlefield."

He had two choices, make me a royal guard with a waiver or break my marriage. The latter was too tyrannical, considering that it would lead to two out of four of his legions possibly rebelling.

"Well, the battlefield is no place for newlyweds. Become my daughter's chief royal guard and live safely here in the capital. Your fathers are more than capable of handling the war." The king laughed.

"This humble one accepts the position if his highness insists. " I replied

"Then it's settled!" The king laughed, but my enemies couldn't let me win as Lord Na stood up.

Lord Na had become venomous since his greedy moves had lost him a talented son-in-law with strong connections to a legion house. His daughter was unable to find a fiance after Situ Qing's birthday party. He had to resort to pressuring the Neso family into an engagement that brought no benefits since they actively suppressed his daughter.

"Young Master Vamoria has brought great news for the kingdom. I look forward to seeing his remaining gifts as you have prepared 'so many,'" He said.

This old bastard. I wanted to cut him down right then and there. But Improvised as an earth rank spear appeared in my hand.

"To a renowned spearman, I hope you find it useful."

The hall exploded with praise and talk of disbelief.

"From the dead hand of Ghoul General. I hope his highness is pleased." I added.

The exchange between the king I was pressing, but I managed, and her let the slight against him pass. While he considered it a draw, I considered it a win. In the end, Situ Qing and my union, unopposed, now rivaled the Royal family.

The party passed with eating and drinking. After a few cups of alcohol, the tension from the obvious face-off was forgotten, and the hall became merry.

Situ Qing then tapped me as it was the perfect time to deliver our last gift. Not many noticed our move to the band as I took the Guqin, and the music stopped playing.

Situ Qing walked to the center of the hall, and her sharp gaze sent out enough intent to attract everyone's attention. Many men wonder who beautiful she was with a gaze so enchanting. What hid beneath her veil was a mystery that only served to make our gift all the better.

I look over my shoulder at the band. " Follow my lead. If you aren't confident, then stay out of this, or the king will have all of our heads."

A moment later, my fingers lightly touched the stings of the Guqin. With light well space strums and my left hand held firm as it moved along the strings to produce different notes. The band eventually stepped in seamlessly.

As the song picked up, QingQing began to move as her flowing dress guide among the air. Her steps were light and graceful. The way her arms swayed and beautiful hands finished with elegance was a sight to behold.

As the music slithered into everyone's ears and QingQing's dance captivated the eyes. This Husband and Wife duo snatched their hearts and mind with our well-crafted display of art. Men nor women could escape our hold.

At that moment, I had no idea if it was because of the pressure to make the performance awe-inspiring, but something snapped in me, and memories of my past life playing the guqin and lessons on music theory came to mind. My years of training the sense of sound came to me as my sense of sound had a breakthrough.

Finally, I heard as my music changed and watched as the tranquil composition stirred the hearts of all who listen so much so that an overwhelming euphoria washed offer them. One by one, they lost consciousness, and a mysterious aura erupted from my body, signifying a breakthrough into the Lower Attainment in the Concept of Sound.

On their own, my finger continued to play miraculous compositions as my comprehension deepened. In my state of enlightenment, dark clouds rolled in as the Old King and Queen took my breakthrough as an attack.

Their full might of cultivation erupted only to be countered by the arrival of Fei Rong, who had been following me since I left the Night Parade camp. Unknown to me, my father had assigned her to watch over me.