Chapter XX

"You dare assault my royal Gu Family?!" A thunderous voice erupted, shaking the palace. "Courting--"

"Haha, funny. My young master has a breakthrough, and you call it to assault because your trash king can't withstand it." Fei Rong taunted them, "Come out, and I'll show you what assault is."

" Impotent!" the Old Queen roared as she and her husband appeared.

As they lashed out, Fei Rong blocked their blows with minimal effort, and they were startled to find that Fei Rong's strength was far superior than her aura. Fei Rong smiled devilishly as the Old King and Queen became frightened.

Fei Rong didn't say another word as she pushed forth with two stiff fingers and ended the old King and Queen with a raw beam of energy before guarding the main hall as I continued to deepen my comprehension of the Concept of sound.

My fingers moved, stiff yet agile, working the seven strings of guqin in skillful grace. Each thrum of the string was a new wave enlightening guidance talking me deeper.

My fingers then froze, and my body went still. Pah!

Swiping my fingers across the seven strings emitted a wave that shattered a ton pillar in the great hall. Slowly opening my eyes, taking in the light of the hall revealed the sleeping party. I was stumped. So many people in a deeper slumber. Even a king whose cultivation outpaced mine.

Fei Rong then appeared and told of the happenings that led to the slumbering party and the death of the Old Monarchs.

"But how did I put the king to sleep?" I asked curiously.

"Breakthrough Resonance." Fei Rong replied, "When a person has a breakthrough, their power connects slightly with the world allowing them to jump levels. However, when the person's cultivation begins to settle and solidify, the resonance is lost. Usually, that resonance is meant to strengthen one's foundation. So while breakthroughs during fights can save a life, they can also damage your foundation if you aren't careful."

"Aish! So it's like that." I sighed, "Nothing ever goes as planned."

Fei Rong chuckles lightly as she appears by my side to place a gentle hand on my shoulder. "In the mortal world, trees fall with a subtle breeze. In the cultivation world, sticks seem to be unbreakable, Orym. You were not born to be a subtle breeze, so just take the win and keep on. End the Gu family now, empty their treasury, then slip away." Fei Rong advised.

"Can you get us out unnoticed?" I asked.

"Of course. But the Ironwood and Primrose away a month away," said Fei Rong. "The enemy forces are still on the move as well. They should reach protector legions in two weeks' time."

I took a look at the sleeping hall and had to make a quick and decisive decision. After a subtle motion, Fei Rong slaughtered the room then moved to loot the palace. My unexpected breakthrough in the concept of sound led to a drastic change in plans as the royal Gu family wasn't supposed to fall until all of my pieces were in place.

"Orym, the palace is clear. Everything is low grade but good supplements for our forces." Fei Rong reported.

"Good, handle each of the clans as well. Keep it quiet. Send word to spies to intensify the troop movements. No one can know the Gu family is dead until we make it to the sea." I instructed.

"The Ironwood and Primrose?" she asked.

"I'll meet them on the road." I replied seamlessly, "as for the units attacking the Imperial Capitals, tell them to flex a little. We need the world to be awestricken by the might of our kingdom while drawing out their hidden powers early."

"Young Master, this..."

"Will attract the wrong eyes. I know. My parents will have to commit a taboo and swallow the Changling Pill. As long as our elven blood isn't revealed, we'll be fine." I interjected.

"What are you playing?" Fei Rong held a worried look.

"I'm going to be a little tyrannical. I have something I have to do before we leave. Find me when you're ready...And take QingQing back for me."

After leaving the main hall, I went to the top of the royal palace and focused all of my power on my sense of smell. The two God Beings told me of two chosen in the mortal world. The first happened to Rowena Vex. The second was said to be here in the capital.

As streams of air filled my nostrils, a plethora of fragrant and pungent scents came to me. My eyes then sharpened as I locked on to the local auction house.

Moments later, I would walk through the large wooden doors to the main floor of the auction house. It was empty as the small auction was only meant to empty the auction house of long-held items, almost like a clearance sale.

Standing in the middle of the room, I paid no mind to the slab of stone on the stage or the heated bidding battle as I looked at a boy waiting quietly with a smug look on his face.

"100,000 Gold." the smug boy finally spoke, topping the current bid by 30,000 coins.

The room went silent, and the hostess called for a raise once, then twice, three times before closing the bid on the slab of rock. Finally, the boy stood up from his seat and left the main floor to retrieve his team.

Following the stench of Dorian, I entered the backstage area where money and items are exchanged. With my background, I was welcomed in and approached the smelly boy with no resistance.

I looked over the stone slab and noticed the oddly placed markings that seemed too organized to be weathering.

In all my knowledge, I couldn't identify the value of the slab. Taking another look at the boy, I asked, "What can you do with a useless rock?"

He seemed caught off guard by my question and took a moment before replying. "I'll practice my forging, Young Lord."

"Well spoken. What's your name?"

"Bud Spencer."

"House Spencer of the Black Hammer?" I asked, pleasantly shocked.

"My Grandfather is the Black Hammer."

This too good, I thought. The known cripple is declaring he can forge, I thought.

It was widely known the young master of the Spencers was born with an impure body, baring him from cultivating.

I released a low hum before leaving without a word. Stepping out of the auction, Fei Rong appeared and announced the Unit was waiting at the west gate.

"Bud Spencer...Kill him. Then empty the auction house, Formation, alchemist, and forging guild," I told her.

"The merchants Guild?" She asked.

I responded with a hum before making my way to the west.

Those orders were the beginning of outright tyranny. After leaving the capital, Fei Rong caught up with the head of Bud Spencer and the loot of all of the targets I had given her.

After a week of travel, we met up with Ironwood and Primrose forces before marching to the gates of the Red Horn Kingdom. Blood rained on the city as we kicked in the gates and pillaged the kingdom.

The words of Fei Rong replayed in my head. I wasn't born to be a subtle breeze. I wasn't made for the mortal World. My unit, including the Ironwood and Primrose forces, grew in strength with my knowledge and the resources pillaged. This became obvious when the Red Horn Kingdom was cut down like a rotten tree.

With Fei Rong as my backup, We raided the place while the main force handled the city. By nightfall, I sat on a half-destroyed throne, tired, bloodied, and aches all over my body. I used the Palace force as a whetstone to sharpen myself.

"Fei Rong, Recall the spies, secure the temples and send word to the siege units --Destroy the empires and loot them."

Fei Rong bowed before vanishing.

"Shane, Finish looting the city and put up the banners of the Dark Water Kingdom."

Shane laughed as he moved his bloody fan. "Brother Orym seems to have a hunger to conquer."

"Haa, you misunderstand. This is me cleaning up my own mess. I messed up the plan, so I'm working to keep it together. With that being said, This war is not without loss. When the empires fall, the Twin Kingdoms can submit or die."

Shane smirked, "Hahaha, even when I rearranged the piece our pieces during our games of Weigi, you always managed to win. Brother Orym, this is what makes you great. And like me, you have given the Twin kingdoms a chance to surrender. So be at ease, you're doing good, and hopefully, the twin kingdoms know what's good for them. Empress Qing, I'll leave my brother in your care. Alessia..."

The couple left the hall while QingQing helped me up with a proud smirk.

"Empress Qing? That stinky boy has learned the art of subtle as licking." QingQing giggled.

I couldn't help but laughed though it caused my body to ache even more. "He learned it from Alessia. Speaking of the cunning couple, I want to make them both Generals."

"Generals?" she claimed.

"Hmm." I nodded.

"Can I become a general?" she asked with sparkling eyes.

"No," I replied bluntly. " My father, your father, Shane, and Alessia. Four General and Four clans of the night parade bound by friendship and union of the heart. As for us, like Shane nonchalantly put out, we will rule for the duration of our stay here."

"You really want to bleed this Mortal World dry?" she asked.

"For our future, even if I'm labeled the tyrant king, yes." I was confident and firmly set in my goal to see my precious people in a kush and happy life free of oppression. "Come on, help your husband to his room."

"Haa, I still want a wedding. A piece of paper isn't enough for me or the night parade. It'll boost morale, and everyone will be extra loyal after receiving a red box." QingQing sang as she walked out of the main hall.

We only managed to make it fifty yards before my eyes widen and my ears to the sound of horrified screams of a young woman.

I called my spear from my spatial ring and walked to the source of the commotion. Kicking in the door, I immediately saw two of my soldiers on top of two women and a third was holding a man by the head, forcing him to watch.

I swung my spear, and heads began to roll. Then, pulling the bodies of the women, I notice that one of the girls was around my age, and the other looked to be in her late twenties.

"Thank you! Thank you, Lord, for saving my wife and little girl" The man wept with gratitude. I just grabbed the head of the men and threw them outside.

Standing before all of my fighters, I addressed them all. "The families of these men will get nothing for their services. Instead! I want them to be put to work! Their wives and sister will be whores, and their daughters will be handmaidens for my commanders' houses! I said it before and will not say it again! You will not rape! Murder! Or line your pockets! After the battle has been won! The spoils of war are mine! And if I catch you stealing from me! I will kill you!"

I pick up a severed head, and it was minced to pieces by air currents.

QingQing smiled as she loved the cruel and absolute words of her husband. Many soldiers of the night parade began to sweat. They had been told my orders before the battle but assumed I was like every other lord that spoke without meaning when it came to commoners. But now, as they watched me personally execute men without thought or trial, a new seed of fear was planted in their hearts. Not to mention I cleared the entire keep on what seemed like my own prowess.

A random soldier walked up with a disgusted look as she stared at the heads of the rapist. So many mortal families had been raped and wronged by higher powers-- sisters, mothers, brothers, daughters, and sons had been raped. The soldier stabbed her sword into a severed head on the ground and looked at me.

"And what of their mothers?!" she asked.

"Executed for having the audacity to give birth scum. Luitenant Ludwig!"

"Yes, Lord!" the commander stepped forth.

"Did you or did you not disseminate my orders?" he asked

"I did, Lord!" he replied

I scuffed. "Even worse. Commander with soldiers who can't follow his commands. Officer Finnan!" I shouted.

"Yes, Lord!" The young officer replied.

"You're now in charge, have Ludwig and the parents of these men executed. Ludwig's family will suffer the same fate." I ordered.

Ludwig went pale with fright. He was about to open his mouth to protest when Finnan broke his jaw with a single punch.

"He has potential," said QingQing.

"I hope you're right," I replied as I continued on towards the base camp.