Chapter 43

"Hurry up guys!" said Kirishima. We were at the entrance of the water park. The whole class was here including all might. Well, skinny all might atleast. When he got here, people asked questions but izuku said that he was his guardian. Nobody looked to much into it.

"We have to pay first" said kaminari. We all then proceeded to the ticket gate. We payed for ourselves and got in. Since eri was a child under 7, she was able to get in for free. "Alright. Let's find an open spot for our clothes and towels" said all might. Everyone nodded and looked around. There was obviously not an area were a group of 21 people could all sit together so we had to split up.

I found a spot near the food place with bakugo and izuku. The rest found their owns. "I'm gonna head out." I then walked away with eri. "Where are you going?" I then turned my head towards izuku. " To have fun ofcourse." I then left.

Me and eri arrived at the main pool. There was alot of people so I told eri to stay close. She nodded her head and looked back towards the pool. Now that I think about it, this is her first time at a pool (I think). She had sparkles in her bright big eyes. I smiled at the scene and picked her up. "Let's have fun."

We then went into the pool. The water was cold I assume because some of it got on eri and she sneezed. "Its so pretty papa." Eri was amazed at how clear and clean the water was. "Let's go to the middle eri." I then started walking towars the middle of the big pool.

There were alot of women who were looking at me at the moment. I did have my shirt off so I guess that's why. All of them were starring at me and that made some guys angry.

I slowly made my way to the center. There wasn't that many people because of how deep it was. I was very tall for my age and so the water only came up to the center of my chest. "I wanna swim. Can I swim papa?" I went silent for a moment and nodded. "Can you do it?" She smiled at me.

"Mommy taught me how to swim a little during baths." I thought for a moment and laughed. We did have a big bathtub so I guess it was the ideal place for swimming lessons. "Alright. Are you ready?" She looked around for a moment and nodded. I then procceded to throw her a little bit away. She landed a little far away and went underwater.

She stayed underwater for a while and came back up. "Amazing eri. You can hold your breath for a while huh." She pouted a little. "You were supposed to save me papa." I laughed a little. "I knew you were fine. Besides, if you were in actual danger then I would atleast see splashes coming out of the water." I then came up to her and patted her head.

"I have an idea eri. Let's see who can hold their breath for the longest." She looked at me and smiled. "Ready.. set.. go!" We then went under the water. I see now. So shes rewinding her body and that's helping with staying under for a longer time period.

We stayed under for about 10 minutes before she became red in the face. I immediately pulled her out from the water and carried her out of the pool. "Eri. You shouldn't have pushed yourself like that." I saw how she was struggling but did nothing about it. I should've stopped her. "I just wanted to make you proud."

i sighed and smiled. "Let's get ice cream then head back." We then headed for a ice cream stand. Satou was there examining the ice cream but he didnt notice us. I bought ice cream for us and went back to the tent. That was the place we sat our clothes and towels at.

I came back and sat down with eri. We ate for a bit and talked about some stuff. She seemed very happy. "Let's go eri. We have alot of stuff to do." She shook her head and got up. We left the tent and went to the best place in a water park. The lazy river.

We got our donut and headed into the river. I was sitting inside of the donut while eri was sitting on my chest. She was playing with the water around us and would sometimes throw the water on me. I would also do the same.

(AN: The donut is the floatie with the open hole in the middle)

"Look eri. let's do it to them." I was pointing at izuku and uraraka. She nodded and got a big scoop of water. I also did the same. We got closer to the. but not to close. We then threw the water on the both of them. They shrieked and looked back to where we were.

When they looked back, we were gone. We went under the water. "Who did that?" said izuku. "We probably hit a wave or something." Izuku then nodded. "Yea probably- " I then emerged from under izuku and pushed him out the donut. I took it with eri and swam away.

"Should have know it was him." said izuku with a Tik mark on his head. "Your not getting away." He then pulled out black whip and tried to capture me but I dodged him. He then held his fist up like a villian and said "I'll get you next time."

I laughed a little when he said that.