Chapter 44

"Watch this eri." We were about to go under a small waterfall. She then looked at me with a confused face. We got closer to the waterfall. When we were about to go under it tho, the water split. "Amazing! How did you do that?" said eri.

"Magic" was all I saw. We were passing through the waterfall and into a cave. It would be very dark if it wasnt for the bright lights. "Look. There so pretty!" said eri while pointing. I smiled and looked around. The cave was filled with glowing gems aswell.

I looked back over to eri. She had sparkles in her eyes. "Eri, we're almost at the end of the cave. Do you want to go around again?" It seems that this is also her favorite ride now. She looked at me and nodded very quickly.


11 times. We went around 11 whole times. "Eri. We should try other rides. There are probably more enjoyable ones than this one." The lazy river is for relaxing. It could be enjoyable for some but not for me. I guess it is for her tho. "Noo. I wanna go around one more time please." I sighed and shook my head.

We went around one more time and saw bakugo this time. He had his eyes closed and appeared to be sleeping. I wanted to push him over but nah. I just wanna get out of the pool as quickly as possible.


"Lets try that one eri." I was pointing at the largest ride in the park. "Papa." I looked down at her. She was trembling a little. Oh yea shes a ki- "I'm afraid of heights." I took my shades off and squated down. "It gonna be fine eri. Besides, I'll protect you no matter what." She was taken back a little but she eventually smiled. "Ok papa! Let's go!" She then started running towards the huge ride.

I got back up and put my shades on. "Slow down a little eri." I said while running after her.


"How many times have you been on this ride?" I was talking to Kirishima. He was in front of us in the line. "I've been on this ride the whole time." I stared at him for a while. "We've been her for 3 hours tho. How are you not bored of it yet?" He made a thinking face then said "I've been to this waterpark before and I've been on all the other rides but this ride is the only one that I get excitement from."

I looked away from that bullshit reason. The line was very long right now but we were close to the top so it's fine. "Dont ignore me man!" I picked eri up and place her on my shoulders. She was trembling but a lot less from earlier. "Look at how beautiful it is eri."

I was talking about the whole waterpark in general. It was actually very big and..... What are you doing all might. I spotted all might spitting game at a young women. That's not right man. I look away and spot some of my other classmates. I saw izuku and uraraka doing some weird shit.

Momo was creating toys for kids. Todoroki and bakugo was being used to warm up the water and such. "Next!" shouted a man. Eri and I was at the top now. The lifeguard was talking to Kirishima tho.

The lifeguard has a useful quirk tho. He has a quirk which let's him produce things that a lifeguard needs. Useful but ass is actually what I meant. "Your back again boy? You've been on it 100 times." said the lifeguard.(exaggerated) "I know sir. This is the final time tho I promise." The lifeguard then said "Sure buddy, sure. It's not like you said that the last couple of times."

"Anyways, you know the procedure. Cross your arms, straighten out your legs and you know the rest." Kirishima nodded. The lifeguard then signaled another lifeguard at the bottom. He signaled back and the lifeguard nodded.

The lifeguard then came up behind Kirishima and kicked the back of his head. That must have hurted. Kirishima then flew down the tunnel while screaming in excitement. "Next!" said the lifeguard.

I walked up with eri and sat down in the water that lead to the tunnel. "Never seen you before. First time?" Me and eri shook our heads. "Alrighty then. Make sure to have fun. It's your first time afterall." He then signaled the lifeguard at the bottom. I got into position with eri. She was laying on my chest.

"Are you sure you want to hold her like that? For two people, choosing a donut would be better." I thought for a moment then agreed. He passed us a donut but we basically stayed in the same position. Eri was just sitting in my lap now.

"Are you guys ready?" We then shook our heads. He then came up behind our donut and pushed it softly. It was so soft that it took us 5 years just to go down. We did eventually go down tho.

Eri was screaming in excitement aswell while I was just making sure that she doesn't fall out. I had to laugh a little to comfort her but not a lot. We sped throught the slides, doing loops and other things. The slide was very long and took us about 30 seconds to reach the end.

We then came flying out the slide and landed in the water. We saw Kirishima when we came out. He smiled and gave us a thumbs up. "Papa, I want to go again!" said eri. I just smiled and nodded then proceeded to get out of the pool.

"Kirishima, were going back up. Are you coming?" He stared at me with a weary smile. "Sorry man. I getting kinda hungry so you'll have to go without me." He then proceeded to get out of the pool aswell.

"Alright. I'll see you later then." I then waved him off as I walked away. "Eri. How many more times do you want to go on this ride?" She made a thinking face and said "Only a few more times papa. You have to show me more right?" I smiled and nodded. "Let's head back up then."


"That was fun! Let's go to some other rides papa." She said only a few more times but nah. We rode this ride 20 more times. I got bored after the 3rd ride tho. She wasnt afraid of heights in the slightest now atleast. "Alright eri. Let's eat first tho." We then started walking towards the food place.

When we arrived, we saw everyone from class there. "Hey kenji. Where have you been." said izuku. "I was on a ride with eri." They then all looked at me. "You were still on that Kenji? I assumed you left after the second time." said Kirishima. "Yea, we went a few times actually. Anyways, what is everyone doing here?"

"Dont you remember? We said that we were going to meet at the food court around noon." said momo.

(AN: I forgot to say the time that they got here so just assume that they got to the water park at 10:00 am. It should be around 2 or 3 right now. I think.)

I then start to remeber. We did decide to meet here. "My bad guys. I got carried away and lost track of time." They all sighed but did not complain. "Let's eat then. You guys haven't waited long right?" They stared at me once more. "We didn't want to leave you out so we waited. We all just got here anyways."

I could tell they were lying. They been her for a while now, waiting for me. I sighed then said "Sorry. How about I make it up to you guys by paying for you? It's the least that I can do since you waited for me." They should have ate without me but they didnt.

It's my fault for forgetting but still. "Really! Your a true man, you know that?" said Kirishima. "Thanks kenji." said izuku. I smiled at them. I then picked eri up and gave her to momo. "Can you watch her? I have to use the restroom." Momo blushed and nodded. "I'll be back guys. I just have to use the bathroom." I then waved everyone off and left.


I was walking around right now. I did indeed take a dump but I have to get some presents for everyone. Well, for the people at the church anyways. I wanted to invite them aswell but I cant take such a big group with me. Having over 70 people at once is a stretched for me. I then arrived at a souvenir shop. I bought some stuff for the kids and nuns. I then left and went to another store.

I wanted to buy the class some stuff but I dont know if they'll want anything. I thought for a moment and bought some stuff anyways. I then started walking back to the food court. "I'm back guys. Did you miss.. me?.." Holy shit. Why is there so much food here? "Oh kenji. Your back already?" said izuku.

What do you mean already? "What happened here izuku?" He flinched a little when I said his name. "The others got a little to excited about what you said and bought the whole menu." I mean, I'm pissed but it is a class of 20 with all might and eri here.

(AN: Last chapter, I said 21 people are here but theres 22. I'm just gonna count eri and mc as 1 person since it's to much to go back and change things.)

Its a lot of mouths to feed so I can't be mad really. "Come have a seat Kenji. I saved it for you." said izuku. I then looked around and saw uraraka with the other girls. "You mean that she left and this seat opened up." He laughed a little and nodded.

I still sat down anyways. "Let's eat I guess." I then took a piece of food and ate it. It was kinda bland but I have a skill for such things. It's a skill that let's anything that taste 'wrong' to me taste like candy or something sweet in general. "Its bad isn't it" said izuku. I nodded. "I'm still going to eat it tho." Izuku laughed a little and also continued eating.


"Today was fun huh." I was at the front entrance with everyone. It was around 5 now and everyone was tired. Back on earth, I'm pretty sure that no one has stayed at a waterpark for this long. "See ya Kenji." said izuku. I smiled a little. "Everyone. I have a present for you. I dont know what all of you guys like in particular so I just bought some stuff."

Everyone was surprised. Even bakugo had a shocked look on his face. "Really man? You really are awesome. Paying for us then buying us something?" I smiled a little. "Well, at the mall the other day, we only bought stuff for swimming so i-" They all jumped on me.

I could have got up but I decided to enjoy the moment. By the 'moment', I'm talking about how mina landed on my crotch. Luckily, eri was with all might so she wasnt crushed. "Thanks kenji. I dont think we can repay you for what you've done today." said sero. I only smiled. "Alright alright. Get off me." I said while squirming. They got up and stood around me. "Dont open them until you get home tho." I then started handing out the girfts.

It took a while but it's fine. It was getting late tho. I started saying my goodbye again and was about to leave.

I then started getting goodbyes from everyone like I was moving away or something. I then finally left with eri on my shoulders. She was sleeping now tho. After we ate, we went on more rides and did other fun things and I guess that tired her out.

"Today was fun. Well for everyone else atleast but that's fine. Its nice seeing their smiling faces once in a while." I then walked into the sunset while jerking off.
