Chapter 47

"Alright. Class 1-B will be training with the pussycats while class 1-A while be training with the teachers. Dismissed." said rumi. We were all outside and man was it hot. Or atleast that's what everyone else is saying. It felt good to me.

We all then went to our areas but me. "I'm gonna train kota." Everyone looked at me. "A-Are you sure?" I nodded. "Okay then. Make sure to keep him safe." I then smiled and picked kota up. I have a good reason for this.

(AN:I know he can only shoot water from his hand but f it. Imma make him 'broken')


"Alright kota. Show me your quirk." He nodded and put his hands out. He grunted and struggled until I told him to stop. "Kota. If you can, try to feel the water circulating throught you if that makes sense." He looked confused but nodded.

After a couple of minutes, he started shooting out a massive amount of water. "You can stop now." He then started spraying less and less until none came out. "Alright kota. I'll be back so keep practicing. If you can controll the amount of water that comes out of your hands then ill give you anything you want."

He smiled and shook his head rapidly. I patted his head and left the little cave. I came back to the camp and I see everyone training hard. Our class completely left class 1-B in the dust so we're fine. I kinda wanna go check up on class 1-Bs training just because. To me, they have more unique quirks.


Wow. Such weird quirks. I'm looking at a girl who can change the size if non living things. It was lowkey a bummer that she couldnt do it on living things but I'm not complaining.

I see another girl named reiko. She has a quirk that basically telekinesis but she can only life things up that are the weight of a human at most. "You have an amazing quirk. I've always wanted to move things with my mind." She turned around and looked at me.

She was surprised to see me but it didnt show. "Thank you." I then continued watching her practice for a while. She then stopped moving and said "Could you practice with me?" I was starring at her legs when she asked me that. "Sure. Let's start now."

I then jumped away and waited. She also jumped away. She started off by throwing rocks at me. I didnt even try to deflect them and just let them hit me. "I know that hurts." said reiko. I laughed a bit. "This is nothing." She smirked and started throwing even bigger rocks.

I continued to stay there. She started started throwing sharper objects at me but it didnt do anything. "Aw cmon. Atleast fight back." I smiled . Well since you asked.


"Are you ok?" She was laying in my lap now. When she realized what happened, she blushed. "Ah yes. I'm fine now. Thank you." I only smiled at her. It was getting pretty late now so I decided to head back. "You have an awesome quirk and your controll is insane. For now, keep getting better and maybe you'll be able to fight with me or against me one day."

Not the best advice but she seemed to like it.


"Kota. Let's see it." I was in the cave now. He smiled and nodded. He soon let out a concentrated amount of water. "Good. Now increase it for me please." He started increasing it and more came out. "Decrease it." He then decreased it and less came out.

Wow, that's amazing. He actually did it. "Good job kota. Let's go talk your aunt." I quickly picked him up and placed him on my shoulders. He was very happy from my compliment and had a bright smile. "Tommorow, we'll take it to the next level, okay?" He the shook his head in agreement.


I was in the shower room with the guys. They dont have separate ones so we can't bath apart. Midnight must have came up with this design. "Kenji. I heard that you helped kota activate his quirk." I feel like the way I did it was not suppose to be possible but whatever.

"Yea I did. Anyways, any progress izuku with yours?" He puffed his chest out. "/Im/ able to use 17 whips now. Impressive huh." I clapped my hands without moving them. "Good job man." I then started washing myself more.

"How were you just clapping?" said izuku. "With my hands, duh." He then said "B-But you were washing your body. How did-" I then turned the water off and left. "I'm going to the hot springs."


We were all in the hot springs now. Even aizawa and vlad were in here.

(AN: Wait, was all might suppose to be here since the league of villians is gone now?)

"You did good Kenji. You helped a kid awaken his quirk somehow. What did you do?" I stared at vlad for a second. "I sprayed him down with water." It went silent. "And that worked?" I nodded.

"Aizawa sensei. What are we doing tomorrow?" said kaminari. "We going to send you into the woods to find stranded people. The person who finds the most people wins." Everyone then stared at me. I was just looking thought the huge wall, watching the girls bath. Sorry izuku. "Why are you looking at me." They all sighed. "Your going to win that's why." I then stared at bakugo.

"I'm not participating so it should be izuku who you should be starring down." I then started looking at the wall again. While I did so, everyone stared at izuku.

Wow. Class 1-B girls are something else. Each girl has the body of a adult women. Well almost every girl. "I'm getting out." I then started getting out from the water. "I'm going to bed so dont wait up on me." I then left the hot springs.


"Yo izuku." We were now in bed. In separate beds. I claimed to be going to bed early but I just couldn't hold it in anymore. "Kenji? I thought you were sleep. What is it?" I then said "Where do you do think someone goes after they die?" There was a long pause. "I dont know but I hope hell isn't where I go." I laughed a little.

"I dont think your going to hell. Only dickheads go there. Me and you are both riding the plane to heaven." I heard izuku chuckle a bit. "I hope so too." He then went to sleep. I stayed awake for a while thinking about some stuff. I sighed after all that then finally closed my eyes.