Chapter 48

"Kota. Practice the pressure of the water." I was in the cave with kota again. "Try to pierce this rock for me" I said while pointing to a large and thick rock. He seemed unsure but still nodded. "I'm gonna leave you again. If you need me then just shout my name." He nodded and I left.

"I walked back to the camp and checked up on everyone. Izuku was charging power into his finger and releasing it. Momo was just producing multiple things non stop. Bakugo was channeling the explosions in his hand to make them bigger.

Todoroki was using both his quirk at the same time now. He was also creating things with it like shovels and other small things. Mina was changing her acid into shapes. uraraka was fighting with toru. Fighting something invisible should make ones reflexes grow by alot.

There some more things happening but I'm to lazy to describe it. Who interested me the most was Kaminari tho. Hes able to somewhat controll where his electricity goes without the help of his costume.

"Izuku. Can you try something for me?" He turned his head back and nodded. "You've only been able to shoot black whip out your wrist right?" He nodded. "You should practice making it come out from any part of the body." He thought for a second and nodded some more.

He then closed his eyes and concentrated. It was very silent. A couple of minutes later, a black wisp came out from his back. "I did it!" He tried to jump on me but I kicked him away. "Good job. Keep practicing with that." I then walked away.

(AN: I think that I have to make a new villian group or I might just bring back the old one. I'm not that creative so I cant just write slice of life over the war arc or something like that. I'm sorry.)


"Is everything ready?" asked a man with black hair. He was around 5'8 and was very built. "Yes. Let's head out." said another 'man' with pink hair. He had long finger nails with long and slender. He also wore a mask. "The boss said to kill off a certain student. He was able to take himself out and the young master."

(AN: I Advise you to prepare your self for the bullshit that's about to be said.)

Yes, The boss is All for one and the young master is shigaraki. You see, because of plot, afo has a quirk that allows him to resurrect himself and 99 other people with their quirks intact. He chose shigaraki and Kurogiri to resurrect and some more. He can only use it once tho.

(AN: If your gonna drop here then leave a review please atleast.)


"Alright. It's time for your assignment. There are people in the woods. Who ever can save the most wins. Bring them back to this spot and you win. It's as simple as that." She then signaled us to start. I was assigned to be the waterboy now so as they were leaving, they would get a cup of water from me.

'He should have resurrected himself a couple of weeks ago.' I knew that afo had a quirk like that but at the time, I didnt really care. I need a good fight anyways. Hell, I might even let him take my quirks and let him bash me then kill him. Yea, sounds like a perfect plan to me.


From above, you could see izuku, bakugo, and todoroki running threw the woods. They were working together right now. "Midoriya, over there!" shouted todoroki. Izuku then looked and saw a fake human in a tree. He grabbed him with black whip. Izuku had 17 whips out now. He already had 6 people in them.

"Who's that?" said bakugo. The group stopped when they saw multiple people coming out of a portal. "I dont know but they're certainly not students" said izuku.

"Look over there. Theres children here." said the pink haired man. All of the villians looked over to them.

"Shit. There villians." said bakugo. "We have to tell the teachers." said izuku. As he said that tho, he felt immense pain in his body. He then fell to the ground and passed out. "Midoriya!" said todoroki. Bakugo stared at izuku then at the villians. "What did you do." said bakugo.

You could see small explosions coming out of his hands. "Its my quirk of course. It allows all the pain that the user has accumulated in their life to be felt at that exact moment.

Bakugo eyes widened and he immediately stoped his small explosions. He also got hit by all might a couple of times do he Dosent want to experiences that again. "You! Grab him and run!" Todoroki heard what the villian said and immediately complied with bakugo.

They then tried running away but the villians didnt allow that. "Capture them nomu." A big black nomu then ran out of nowhere. He instantly caught up with bakugo and todoroki and captured them. "Lets check and see if anyone of the kids are the boy were after." The man with black hair, named grey, then walked up to the unconscious kids. "Its not them fred."

The pink haired man, fred, sighed. "Let's continue then."


"So aizawa, your basically quirkless right? I mean if all you do is cancel out powers then.. You see what I'm saying here?" He stared at me like I was an idiot. While he was staring at me, a pussycat came in and said."We have an emergency on our hands!"

Aizawa immediately got up and put his scarf on. "What is it?!" said aizawa in a loud voice. "Villians have invaded. We need to get the children to saftey." Aizawa immediately rushed out before stopping. "Kenji. I know I shouldn't ask a student for help but please. We might need it." I stared at him for a while.

It's true that those villians have broken quirks. Hell, a student might even die here. Well if that happens I can just reverse time or whatever. "I'll help you out." I paused for a bit. "But I have to go get kota. I'm sorry." I then ran out of the tent.

Aizawa stared at my back and smirked. He then told Miriko and vlad and the pussycats to split up and search for student.


Maybe I should kill off that pain guy. Everyone in the world has taken some type of pain before. Actually, maybe not. He can only use his quirk if you use yours so theres that atleast. Still tho... Meh forget it. Aizawa will deal with it. I hope atleast.

I rush to the cave that kota was in and found him there practicing. "Kota. Were being attacked by villians. I have to get you to safety." Kota fliched when i said villians. "Its okay remeber. I'll protect you." He then calmed downed a little. "Come on. I gotta get you outta here." He then got on my back and we left.

Well we tried to atleast. "Oi brat. Your the one we're looking for." said a huge man with a fake eye. "Just come with me and he'll be safe." He pointed towards kota. Speaking of kota, he was squirming very much. I squeezed his leg to tell him that's it fine and it work.

"Ignoring me huh? We'll the boss did say to use force if necessary." The man then started wrapping his body up with skin. He charged at me and kota pinched my back. I sighed a little bit. "I heard you was able to take on a 1000 men. Looks like the rumors were wrong." He then punched me in my stomach.

There was a moment of silence for a while until one party fell. It was obviously the villian. When he punched my stomach, it caused a huge shock to go into his whole body and made him fall out. "See kota. I'm the strongest. Theres no need to worry about things like this when I'm around or any hero for that matter."

Kota looked up from my back and saw muscular on the ground. He stared at him for a moment the whispered in my ear. "Thank you." I smiled and started running.


"ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS. VILLIANS HAVE BEEN INVADED. RUN AWAY AT FIRST SIGHT. DO NOT FIGHT THEM. I REPEAT, DO NOT FIGHT THEM." said the pussycat with that one quirk that allows her to directly talk to your brain. Imagine sex with that.

"So they figured us out huh?" said fred. "Doesnt matter. We have a whole lot of people here with dangerous quirks. We're gonna be fine." said grey. They were walking down a trail then they saw a man. "Are you the leader of all this?" said the man with goggles. "And what if I am?" said fred.

"What's your goal? You surely didnt attack us for sport right?" said aizawa. "Were looking for a kid. The name is Kenji skies or something. If you bring him here then well stop all of this madness." Aizawa was surprised. He never expected villians to be after a student.

Aizaw clenched his teeth and ran towards them. He pulled out his scarf and was ready to wrap it around the villians. "Your that one hero huh. The one that can erase quirks right?" Aizawa was about to wrap his scarf around them when the man with black hair stuck his right hand out.

Aizawa immediately got sent backwards. He didnt even have a chance to activate his quirk. Aizawa flew into a tree. He hit the tree then slumped down to the ground. "That's not all is it?" said grey. He then stuck out his left hand and aizawa came flying to it.

Grey grabbed aizawa neck and slammed his face into the ground. "Pathetic. You should have used that quirk of yours." Grey then kicked aizawa in the face. "Let's go grey. He not fun to play with now." Then then started walking away.

"Split up and find him." said grey. He was talking to the 3 other villians behind him. They all immediately ran into different directions.

"I hope that there are some strong people to fight while I'm out here" said fred as he disappeared into the shadows.