Chapter 49.

"Wh-What happened?" said izuku as he got up.

"Ah! It burns all over! It hurts. It hurts!-" izuku then started to break down and cry. Normally I wouldnt allow this but he can't control it. All of the pain that he has ever felt is now coming onto him. Izuku was screaming out in pain. "Mi-Midoriya!" said todoroki. Bakugo, izuku, and todoroki were now in some type of cage in the middle of 'nowhere'.

"Damnit. That bastard teleported us here in the middle of nowhere." said bakugo. He was very pissed right now. Izuku, who heard this, looked up. He had red eyes with slobber all over his face. He then started to mumble something. "What did you say?" said bakugo. "Ken~ will ~ve us." said izuku.

"What?" said todoroki. "Kenji will save us!" shouted izuku. He started screaming in pain once more. Todoroki and bakugo looked at each other then sat down.


Sorry izuku. I didnt want you to experience this but I have to. You'll understand. I hope you do atleast.

"Kota. Call this number and tell them to send help." We were at a phone booth on the road. I made it just before we arrived. "O-Okay. Wait, are you going to go fight the villians?!" I walk over to him and squated down. "I'm gonna be okay. You just stay here and call for backup. Remember, I'm the strongest."

I then patted his head and left. I could still here him telling me to come back but I ignored him. "I gotta go to him first."


"Your one of the villians aren't you." said rumi. The man she was talking to had bandages on his arms and legs. "...."

Rumi didnt like the silence at all. "Brats! Run back to the base. I'll take care of him." Right now, she was talking to most 1/3 of the students. That means there 13 students behind rumi.

(AN: I think this math is right. 20 class 1-B students and 19 class 1-A students is 39. Mc not here so yea. 39. 39 divided by a third Is 13. Yea, I studied.)

The students then ran away. "COME BACK HERE" said the man with bandages. When he said that, a chain from the bandages came out. Actually, if you look closely then its bones that are coming out.

Rumi reacted fast and immediately destroyed the bone chains. "Your target is me." She then got into a battle position. Bandage man also got into a weird fighting stance. They then both rushed at each other and froze in midair. It was like one of those cool ending in a cliffhanger fight.


"This way students. Stay calm and collected." said vlad king. He was directing students to the camp. While he was doing that tho, he heard the shout of a girl. He immediately rushed over and saw a huge man, one that basically rivaled all might in phyquie, in the process of grabbing a girl. "Stop!" said vlad king.

The huge man stopped what he was doing and face vlad. "Finally. A real challenge." said the man as he ripped his shirt off. Vlad kind 'activated' his quirk and shot out some blood but, nothing came out. His quirk didnt even activate. "You thought that would work on me. I've been give a superior quirk of your friend." Said the bulky man. "My friend..?" He then thought about who he could be referring to.

"Erasure head?" said vlad. The bulky man started clapping his hands. "Yes that's him. My quirk cancels out anybody else's quirk if you looks at me." Vlad was shocked. 'Aizawa has to look at someone but his quick is backwards. If I look at him then my quirks stops working.' thought vlad. "This is gonna be challenging."


"I-I cant move" said one of the pussy cats. They were already fighting their villian. "How is he able to hold us all down like this." said the bulky pussycat. "I can controll someone's gravity. Tho it only works on the people that cant snap." This is the bullshit power system I'm talking about.

"Now, tell me where the student is at or one of you dies." Since his quirk is basically luck, he carries around a gun. Right now, he was aiming a gun at the bulky man. "Never. That's a good student and kid. We'll never tell you where he is even at the cost of our life!"

The man the pulled the trigger and shot at the bulky man's legs. The man started shouting and screaming but he still didnt say anything. "I'll just shoot her then." He then started aiming at reiko. "No! Dont!" said the pussycat.

He grinned and pulled the trigger. The bullet seemed to be traveling in slow motion. Well that's because it was. I'm a scumbag now that I think about it. I caused someone to get hurt, because I wanted to see how far he would go to protect me.

I jumped down from a tree branch and stood in front of reiko. Time resumed and the bullet hit my chest. I bounced off tho and shot right back at the villian. It hit his leg and he fell down. "Ken-Kenji. Your here?" said reiko. I just nodded and started walking towards the villian.

"You-You're the kid we're looking for. Ho-How did you reflect that?" He looked kinda scared for some reason. "Release them and I'll come with you guys." The man smirked then activated his quirk.


"So, are you gonna release them or what?" He used his quirk but nothing even happened. "Ho-How? My quirk tells me who is snappable or not?! It says you are." I looked at him like a idiot. "Its will power. If someone has a weaker will power than you then they submit. Why did you think that they passed out before he did." I was pointing at the 3 pussycats who got knocked out from the pressure.

"No. That's not true. I-It cant be true." He then started scratching his head in a weird way. "Its fine tho. If I kill you then it should release them." The man's head immediately shot up. "PLEASE DONT. I-I WAS FORCED TO DO THIS-" I then punched him in the face. My hand went throught his head completely tho. His limp body fell forwards.

I then pulled my hands out from his head. I turned around and saw everyone starring at me. "You ki-killed him." said one of the boys. I slowly turned my head around and said "He was about to kill one of us. I'm just making sure that it wont happen in the future."

I then started to run away. I could hear people calling my name but I ignored them. I cleaned up my clothes so the blood wont be noticed.


"Impossible?! He should have had his head off by now." said rumi. She was fighting the bone guy. She then went in for a punch but the bone guy moved away quickly and stabbed her in the stomach. She jumped back and started breathing Hard. "Shit. I have the upper hand but he still overpowering me." I then rush at him again and punched him all over with immense speed.

I hit his back, arms, legs and even his crotch. Nothings working on him. Hes able to absorb the impact on his skin so anything I do wont hurt him. While I was panting while hold my side, he sent a chain flying at me. It was to fast for me to dodge in this state.

That's when he appeared. He appeared in front of me and smacked the chain away like a fly. "Rumi. This guy is no match for you. Why are you struggling?" He held his hand out and I took it. "He looked weak and i underestimated him." He then sighed. "Look rumi. If hes only able to absorb the blows on his skin then go for the eyes." That's a smart plan actually. I nodded and we both got into a fighting stance.


I rushed the bone guy. He seemed to notice who I was and got on guard. I threw a punch at him but he used his bones to guard. I then signaled rumi and she sprang forwards too. He tried to move his bones away but failed because I was grabbing them. She then stuck out two fingers and proceeded to stab his eyes with her fingers.He fingers went deep to the point where she touched his brain.

They man then slumped to the ground. He was dead. I turned towards rumi and saw something I've never seen before. There was a single tear in her eye. First time killing someone that's human so I guess that a natural reaction right? I went up to her and comforted her. After a while, I said "Help is supposed to be coming. Go back to the students and make sure that no villian gets to them."

She wiped the tear away and nodded. "You better come back safe." She then started running away. I then look to my left and started running.


"I'm here vlad. You can rest now." He glanced at me and immediately fell unconscious. "Your him! Finally, I can have a good fight." said the bulky man. I then turned around and made sure that there wasnt any students around. Vlad did a good job with keeping the kids safe, as he got everyone out apparently.

I turn back around and face him. "The names Red." he said to me. I ignored him and immediately ran towards him. He laughed and said "Your quirk isn't going to work. Give up." I then got up close to him and punched him in the stomach. He stumbled back then fell to his knees and exploded. Blood and guts were everywhere. Some even got in vlads mouth. He probably likes that anyways.


" ..Up.. Wake up!" I yelled in aizawas ear. He immediately opened his eyes and wrapped his scarf around me. How is he able to move like that? Once he saw me tho, he let me go. "What happened? Why are you here?" I then placed him on my shoulders. "I was running around and found you." He smirked a little bit. "Thank you." He said. I also smiled.

"So did you gain any intel?" I knew what they were after but still. "They want you for some reason." I faked a surprised face and he bought it. "Kenji, you have to get to safety." said aizawa. "Dont worry. We defeated 3 of them already." He stared at me blankly. "How did you-" We were interrupted by being pushed back.

"We finally found you, kenji skies." said fred. I look over and see that aizawa was unconscious again. This is perfect. "So, you are the guys who sent them away huh. Why dont you bring em back." They knew who I was talking about. Fred snapped his fingers and a couple of seconds later, they appeared.

"Kenji!" shouted izuku. I look over to see his snotty face with red eyes. "If you come with us, we'll release them but if you dont then.." As he said that, the cage got smaller. "I'll defeat you before you even think about it." I then rushed at the black hair person. He immediately stuck his right hand out.

He tried pushing me away but failed. "H-How are you not moving?! Impossible?" They all sound the same. I then rushed at him. He held his left hand out and pulled me closer. Your just making your defeat come faster. He pulled me closer and tried grabbing my neck but I grabbed his.

I then slammed him repeatedly into the ground. I did it one final time and threw him at the nomu. The nomu dodged and and ran away. I guess that he told him to escape telepathically. I placed a tracker on him that momo made me before anyone even blinked tho.

"Your next." I said while pointing at fred. "Guess I have to use this then." He tried using his quirk on me. "Kenji! Run away!" shouted bakugo. His quirk then activated on me and I fell to the ground immediately.

"Well that was easy." Fred then started walking towards me. He then stood above me. I then grasped his leg. "I got you know." I then yanked him down. He screamed and fell to the floor. I then crawled on top of him and broke his mask. I then threw it at the cage that bakugo, izuku, and todoroki was in. He cage broke down and they got out.

"I knew it." I was now starring at a beautiful women. She had pink hair with dark red eyes. She was really beautiful. I pinned her down even more. "Let's see." I then stared into her eyes. As I watch her memories, it seemed that shes just being controlled aswell. She accidentally killed her parent with her quirk and that's when afo stepped in apparently.

I stopped staring into her eyes and saw that she was crying. I broke the control on her so shes free now but I dont think that they'll let her off. I got off her and told her to stay down on the ground. She complied and I went over to aizawa. He had quirk dampening handcuffs on him so I took them. I then handcuffed her and sat her down by a tree.

That's when izuku jumped on me. He was still crying but from joy i guess. "Tha-Thank you Kenji. i owe you one again." i was about to kick him off me but I thought that the quirk might amplify his pain receivers right now or something.


It was now morning time. All of us students got up and got ready to leave. Izuku, bulky pussycat, aizawa, rumi and vlad are in the hospital tho. It was kinda lonely but it's fine.

I was now boarding the bus. I was about to get on when "Big brother.." yelled kota. I turned around and saw him running towards me. He was tired last night so he went straight to sleep when things settled down. "I'll be a second." He then jumped into my arms and started crying. "I-I was so worried that something bad happened. I also had a dream that you-you died."

I smiled a little and said "I told you that I was going to be fine didnt I. Not even a scratch on me. Anyways, dont cry about things like this. You're a man aren't you." He nodded and whiped his face up. "Come visit me sometimes okay? I'll be waiting for you." I then sat him down and waved while walking away.

He waved back and laughed a little bit. "I'll become strong enough to stand by yourside." I heard that and smiled. I boarded the bus and sat at the back. I put my ear phones in and played music.


I was at the hospital with some flowers. I was about to go into izukus room but I saw a nurse with a fat ass. I couldnt pass this chance up.


"Here you go midoriya." said todoroki. The whole class was in izukus room now. "Thank you todoroki." He smiled and looked around. "Wheres kenji at tho." Everyone seemed confused at that statement. "Hes right here-" He wasnt there. "He probably had to go use the bathroom or something." said bakugo.

Everyone nodded at this statement.


"Aizawa. I told you. Your basically quirkless. I'll teach you have to fight with out one the right way okay." I managed to make my way into aizawas room. "Get out please." I smacked his leg a little and laughed. "Get well man. It's boring without you."

I then said some words with vlad and bulky pussycat and left. Rumi has minor regenration and since the cut wasnt that deep, they allowed her to rest at home.