Chapter 66

"All..Might?" We were now inside of a laboratory. "Yep! It is I old friend!" All might then ran up to him and hugged him.

"Woah. All might is here?" said some chubby man. He was the assistant. "Sam. You can take the rest of the day off."

He hesitated because he wanted to talk with all might but complied when he saw the serious in his face. "Alright. Thank you Mr. shields." He grabbed some things and left the room.

"What are you doing here all might." David was sitting down when he said that. "I just came to see you that's all." He saw through what he said and looked at us. "Who are they?" All might looked at us and put his hand out. "This is my successor! And this is his friend!"

I walked over to David and Introduced myself. Izuku came behind me and did the same. "You guys go explore the island. Me and David here have a lot to talk about." We nodded and started walking out the room. Including melissa by the way.


"Your saying that his daughter healed you with her quirk!?" All might was in a capsule explaining how he was able to stay in his buff form for longer.

"Yep. She healed me and now I can fight again. Tho, I'm retired now so I'll probably just be some sort of mascot for the new heros."

David stopped listened when he said 'yep.' "You have to convince him to bring his daughter back here. From what I heard, she can heal basically anything right?" All might want silent after he said that. "Toshi?"

All might then sat up and said "That's a bad idea david. That kid is overprotective with his daughter. He would never allow such a thing."

David sighed and shook his head. "Ofcourse he wouldn't. I would never give melissa up even if my life was on the line."

All might laughed and layed back down.


"Why the hell is Godzilla here?" I was walking around with melissa and izuku. "He was invited here by sponsors like some other pro heros." I shook my head and we kept walking.

"Hey, there is a receptionist party tommorow night. You guys are invited to it right?" I looked over to her and nodded. "Yea. Are you attending aswell?" Melissa nodded her head at izuku.

"Hey! let's go there." It was this place with all kinds of inventions. We walked in and izuku was amazed. He ran up to the different inventions like a kid who just found his mom.

"Your excited aren't you?" He blushed a little and nodded. "So melissa. Do you invent things like your dad or.." She nodded her head and smiled.

"I want to be just like him! You see, I'm quirkless so I have to work even harder than most people. That's why I want to make things to support heros even if I physically cant."

Me and izuku nodded. "That's cool. You're quirkless and yet you have more motivation than me." I sighed and looked away. I heard her laughing which made me smile a little.

We continued walking around and even tested out some different inventions. "Look izuku. This is perfect for you." I was showing some shoes that could change color and shape when ever he wanted to.

He stared at me for a second and said "Yea maybe. These will be useful in the future for sure!" Not the exact reaction I was expecting but it's fine. 'oh?'

"Who is that izuku?" Me and izuku both flinched. I was talking to a lost child when uraraka said that. "She is um.. Shes just a friend that's all!" His face was red and he seemed embarrassed. "Oh really? Okay then." Doesnt sound okay to me.

She started smiling but that's not a real one. "Hey melissa. Come with me." I grabbed her hand and I grabbed the little kids hand. I then ran away from the group. "Your Welcome izuku."

I saw him putting his thumbs up and mouthing thank you.


"Here you go little boy." I handed him a loli pop and he smiled. "Thank you mister!" He walked away with his mom and dad and left. "You're good with children you know that?" I laughed a little and turned around towards her.

"Let's go meet up with the rest of my friends." I extended my hand out. She didnt grab it for a while but eventually did. "Yes! Let's go!" We both left while holding each other hands.

Maybe this was a fast progression in our relationship but I just think that it was the beginning.


"My~ Aren't you two close." I scratched the back of my head when mina said that. "No! It-Its just that we wanted to get here faster. Also the place is full of people so.." She was blushing slightly.

I slowly let go of her hand and walked to izuku. "So? Did you guys make up?" He sighed and looked at me. "Well, she was mad until I said that you guys were dating."

She ain't gonna believe that. "Does she actually believe that?" He nodded his head.

She actually believes that? I just met her today. About 4 hours ago actually. "Why would you say that tho?" He put his head down and apologized. I smiled a little and rubbed his head. "Its fine. Let's go back." We then walked over to the girls.

"We are going to go eat at a restraunt. Do you want to come along?" I looked at momo then at izuku. He also looked at me and stared at me in the eyes. "No were fine. I have to show him something anyways." The girls nodded and they left.

"Let's go izuku. We have a whole afternoon of fun." He smiled brightly and nodded.


"You can't do it. I bet you $5 that you cant." Me and izuku met up with the guys. Right now, kaminari was claiming that he could get this random womens phone number.

"Deal." We shook hands and he left. We all watched him go up to that girl and talk her. She was interested at first but then slapped him.

We all started laughing and he came back with a red cheek. "What did you say mane." He put his head down and sighed. "I just wanted to know if she'll let me see her bra." We all laughed harder.

"Your a idiot. You would have had her if you didnt say that." His head shot up. "Pay up. Maybe you can earn it back." His head went back down.

He reached in his pockets and grabbed 5 dollars. He handed it to me and I took it. "Oi kenji. You think you can pull her?" Bakugo then started pointing at a black haired lady.

I smirked when he did. "Easy money. How much you putting up?" He took 20 dollars out and sat it down on the table. "Bet."

I then walked away and came up to the black haired women. "Candice. How's your day?" That's right. Easy money. "Oh kenji. What are you doing here?" I told her what was happening and she agreed. We talked a little more to sell it.

To make it seem even more legit, I took out my phone and she started putting her phone number in it. She then kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

I then came back up to them. "You know.. It's really not fair." Your right ojiro. "Pay up bakugo." He snickered and handed me the 20 bucks. I laughed at him and put the money in my pocket.

"Todoroki. I'll give you all the money I got from them if you can get that girls number." He looked to where I was pointing and saw a brown haired girl. It was alex by the way.

That was the girl that I mentioned in the other chapter that had the experience quirk. Yea that one.

He nodded his head and left. He got up to her and not even 3 sentence in, he got slapped. He came back with a ice tear in his eyeball. "What did you say?" Todoroki looked at us and said "I said, 'Give me your phone woman'. She then said 'Excuse me?.' I repeated what I said with more tone and got hit." That's the endeavor in him.

We all stared at each and started laughing. "Todoroki. Your a special one aren't you?" He put his head down and sat back down.

There was a reason that I didnt bet him. It would literally be like taking a piece of candy from an ant.

"Well guys. It's been fun but I have to go." Me and izuku got up. "Where are you guys going?" I looked at Kirishima and smiled. "We are going to look for a spot that couple can go hang out at."


What's up with the silence? "Okay man. You guys do you." I shook my head with an confused look and said "Yea.. We will." I told izuku to come on but he seemed frozen in place. "Kenji. They heard that the wrong way by the way."

I thought about what I said and face palmed. "It doesnt matter. We know what I meant." He nodded his head and we left.


"This is a good spot for couples. A perfect view and good food." Me and izuku was with someone named Louis. He was showing us around. "Is it now? What do you think of it izuku?" I looked over and saw him deep in thought.

While I did, louis looked at us with a weird face. "Are you tw-" I stopped him right there. "No I'm just helping him. He wants to take his girlfriend out on a date tommorow so I'm just here helping."

He seemed satisfied with that answer and looked away. "I think this is the spot Kenji. She'll love it!" I nodded then said "This is fine louis." He nodded then looked at us.

"Well then. I'll be leaving now. Call me again if you need any more help." Louis then walked away and disappeared. "Thank you Kenji!" I patted his head and walked away.

"Let's go to the arcade Kenji. It's only 7:00." I put my thumb up without turning around. He smiled and ran up besides me.


"I win Kenji! Good luck next time."

Yea, Yea. Your feeling yourself to much now. "Let's play again." I proceeded to swipe my card into the thingy. The hockey puck came out and we started.

We played for 15 seconds. I defeated him and he layed down on the table. "Come on izuku. Let's play again." He put his head up and nodded.

I swiped my card again and the puck came out on his side. "Let's use quirks." He then made a smokescreen on the air hockey table.

"Fine." I'll also used my quirk. He shot the puck on my side and I countered. It bounced off the walls and I scored. He snickered and took the puck out and set it on the table.

He hit it off the walls really fast but it only took me one move to score. This kept repeating and I won again and again. "Let's play something else kenji." He's was sad that he kept losing.

We walked over to a crane game and I got him an all might figure. He got me a figure of midnight. "Here you go kenji!" He handed me the small figure and I took it. "Thank you." He smiled and walked away.


"We should head home huh." It was 9:00 pm and we were the only people in the arcade. "Yea but first.." He pointed over to the photobooth. I sighed and nodded.

We walked into the photo booth and sat down. We choose some options and started. I put up a peace sign and smiled. Izuku did the same.

Midway, he wrapped his arm around my neck and took a picture. I wanted to push off of him but decided not to. We took some more pictures and decided that we were done.

"I had fun kenji." I nodded my head and agreed. "You better give uraraka the same treatment as me." He blushed a little when I said that. "I will! You just wait and see!" Okay.

I chuckle a little bit and we left the arcade. We walked for a while before splitting up. "Dont come find me in the morning. I'm sleeping in." He shook his head and we left.

I stopped by a bar for some juice. I came in and saw a lot of heros. "What are you doing here?" I sat down in a stool and looked at him. "You look more tired than me sensei. You should go home." He downed some water and sighed.

Thats when someone came up behind me and put their heads on my shoulder. "Your here!? You should have told me shota." It was Mt. Lady.

"Yea I'm here." She pressed into my back some more. It felt amazing. "Get off him. Hes uncomfortable."

No I'm not sad sensei! "No I'm fi-" She got up and left. I looked over to aizawa and he was smirking. "One pink apple juice please." The bartender nodded and went to the back.

He came out 5 minutes later and i saw some apple juice. It looked pink obviously. "Here you go. That will be $50." He extended his hand out to me. "Put it on his tab." Aizawa chocked a bit and stared at me. The bartender nodded and left.

I picked the glass up and took a sip out of it. I delete that alcohol skill and took a sip. It was strong enough to knock someone out but I still drank it. I actually had to delete over 100 skills just to feel something.

I kept drinking for a while until I was done. I put the drink down and exhaled a lot. "Your amazing kid. Everyone who has tried that has been left in the bed for a week."

Is this even safe to sell then. i undid all of my deletions and got my skills back. I came back to normal and got up. I wobbled a little bit but I was still fine. "Sleep tight kenji."

You cant be looking at me like that while saying that. I nodded to him and left the bar.

I teleported back home and got in the bed. Aphrodite was there sleeping soundly so I decided to use her as a warm body pillow.
