Chapter 67

"God stop cheating." I was up in mount olympus playing uno with the gods. "I'm not cheating. Your just bad." How can I be bad if I never lost?

We kept playing and It enventually came back around to me. I smirked and said "Take this!" I put down a draw 4.

"Take what?" He also put one down and it got passed to thor. "No no. It is not I who is taking 8 cards." He then put down one too.

"Fat chance thor. Its obviously Hermes who is getting 16 cards." It was Hermes turn now. There was a long silence before he began pulling.

"Haha! You got the short stick hermes. Better luck next time." He sighed and kept pulling. He got done pulling and said "Kenji. You started this." He put the cards below him nose but you could still see his mischievous smile.

"Well guys, I have to go back. let's play later." I sat my cards down and got up. "Scared now are we?" I looked at Hermes and shook my head no. "I won against you guys 500 times. Why would I be scared?"

I turned around and waved my hand. They waved back and I disappeared.


I woke up to the sun on my face for real this time. I yawned and moved aphrodites arm away. "I told you to not stay in the mortal world for longer than needed." She opened her eyes slowly and said "But when I'm around you, that rule doesnt apply."

I sighed and got up. "You should go back. He misses you, you know." She smacked her lips and got up aswell. She then came behind me and hugged me. "He doesnt love me like you do. He just wants my body. You actually take care of me."

Where did she get all of that information from? I just started talking to you yesterday. I sighed and turned around. I put my arms around her waist and stared her in the eyes. "Well, you dont exactly have a body that men dont yearn for but that's not the point. He loves you very much and thinks of you as his most valuable 'possession.'"

She looked at me in the eyes and said "I know he thinks of me like that but that doesnt mean that he loves me. He just wants something to show off to the other gods." I sighed and shook my head. There was no point in trying anymore.

She's already made her choice. "We'll talk about this later." We then let each other go and she layed back down in the bed. "No you wont~" She slowly fell asleep.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal. I got some milk in the fridge and grabbed a bowl aswell. I poured the cereal in then the milk and started eating. I looked over to aphrodite and stared.

I just remembered that you guys probably dont know who she is or what she even looks like. Shes the big breasted god from 'Record of raganorok.' Sorry for not explaining earlier.

Anyways, I kept starring at her. She had her mouth opened a little bit and was saying my name. I smiled a little and continued eating.

I got up and my bowl disappeared. The mess I made did aswell. I then went to the bathroom and turned on the water. I ran it for a while then got in.

When I did, she came in the room. She was already naked so she just got in. She sat across from me and stretched out. "So, when are you going to leave?" She looked at me and smiled. "I'm going to leave when you go back home."

That's fine. "I'll do all the chores here." Not saying much since a snap of your fingers could clean the whole world. "Ah~. I haven't had a good bath like this in a while."

It's just a normal one. "Guess having one with the one you love would be different huh." I sighed and got out of the water. "Where are you going?" I turned my head around and said "I have to go meet with someone. Take care while I'm gone." I left the bathroom and went to the closet. I choose some regular clothes and put them on.

I walked to the door and saw her there. "Have a good day honey." She then came up to me and kissed me on my cheek. "Put some clothes on. You never know what kinda of power people have in this world." She smiled and nodded. "Will do!" I opened the door a little so no one would even get a peep of the inside.

I left and started walking to the elevator.


"Aizawa is having fun?" I said mumbling to myself. He was in the arena fighting some guy. He seemed happy the whole time. Did I make him like that? Nah, I'm tripping.

His quirk was good in times like this. Also with me fighting him almost everyday, there was almost no one who could beat him in a fist fight.

I walked down to the stage and he was surprised. "I have to fight you again huh. This is going to be a pain." He looked at the announcer lady and shook his head. "Let the game begin!"


I was holding him by the face now. I squeezed a little and threw him at a wall. He hit the wall and created a crater. "Come on sensei. You've been through worse than that." He fell to the ground and stayed there.

After a while of 'resting', he got back up. He was struggling but he managed. "You dont hold back for no one huh." Well, not exactly. If it was a child then maybe I wouldnt go all out.

Aizawa rushed at me and threw at punch. I caught it and sent a kick at him. He flew towards a wall but I didnt stop. I arrived behind him and put my fist out. His back then hit my fist and his body froze.

"Damn i-" He passed out and fell to the floor. I go hard on aizawa because of how he is. When he uses his quirk on somebody, he still has to overcome them in strength, speed, etc. I was helping him in everything and he definitely improved. He just has to build him self more so he can take a hit better.


"So did it go well?" I was walking with izuku now. "Yea it was perfect! She enjoyed everything about it. We even went to fair and she loved that aswell."

He was very happy right now. "That's good. Now let's go meet up with the others." He nodded his head and we continued walking. "I heard that you have a nick name around here by the way." I didnt say anything and kept walking.

"Something called the neck grabber right" I could have sworn that they called me something else but Alright. "That wasnt me. The name of that person and his quirk is totally different from me."

He started at me and said "But they said that he had white hair with blue eyes. Only you have such looks." I sighed and rubbed the back of my head.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. We're here." We arrived at the place that we were all meeting at. It was a place to test your speed basically. All you had to do was destroy the Robots and make It to the top very quickly.

"Finally. Took you long enough." Bakugo snickered at us and jumped over the rail. "Are you going to challenge it sir?" The announcer lady looked at bakugo. All he did was nod.

"Do you need an explanation sir?" He shook his head no. "Then lets start." Bakugo started stretching and was making mini explosions in his hand.

He got done after a couple of seconds and told the lady that he was ready. There was a sign that went from yellow to green. Green means that he can go.

"3..2..1..Begin!" The light turned green and he blasted away. He went from one robot to another quite easily. He reached the top and touched the flag, which made a loud horn go off. "Amazing! You managed to clear it in 11 seconds. That puts you in first place."

He smirked and jumped down the mountain. He snatched the microphone away from the announcer lady and pointed a me. He then started ranting on about him being stronger. He knew it wasnt true but I guess he was trying to provoke me.

I sighed then jumped over the rail. I landed on the ground and walked over to bakugo. I snatched the microphone away from him and said "I'll clear this in 3 seconds." I then gave the microphone back to the lady. Bakugo snickered and went back up to the others.

"Do you need me to explain anything?" I looked over to her and shook my head no. "Then prepare youself!" I just stood there. "3..2..1..Begin."

A loud horn went off. Everyone was frozen and couldnt believe how fast I did it. The lady quickly snapped out of it and stopped her time.

"3 seconds. It took you 3 seconds!" Everyone around cheered when she said that.

It actually took a point of a second but humans minds cant react that fast so 3 seconds was what it came out too.

I jumped down the mountain and went up to the lady. I asked her for her microphone and she complied. "I told you I would do it in 3 seconds." I gave it back to her and walked away.

I got back up to the rail and looked at izuku. "Try to beat that. If you can than I'll get you whatever you want." He thought about it for a while then nodded. He jumped down and the process repeated.

"You know that he's not going to beat you so why do you do that to him?" I looked at bakugo in confusion. "Do what? I'm only challenging him." I looked away and looked over to izuku.

He was using one for all around himself now. He could put about 42% on himself now I think. Anymore and It would destroy him.

He decided to use 30% I think. The sign turned green and he left. The bell rang almost immediately tho.

"4 seconds! That's amazing!"

Now how did that happen? Is it because they actually saw him move or.. Well that makes sense i guess. I basically teleported and rang the bell while izuku was seen a little.

He jumped down and smiled. "That puts you in second place! Congratulations!" He nodded at her and went back up. "You almost had it. Good job tho." I patted him on the back and laughed. "I did huh. Well I'll just go all out next time!" Sadly there wont be a next time because after today, we're all going home.

Time passed and the others tried the challenge. Todoroki got 10 seconds which upset bakugo alot. Kirishima got 29 seconds while ida got 17.

"Let's all go eat guys!" We stared at him. "We should probably go back now. The reception is going to start in a like 3 hours and their will be food there." We all agreed with ojiro.

Kaminari sighed and nodded. "Yea, your right I guess." We all walked away together and met up with the girls who weren't that far away.
