Chapter 74

I was on the plane now. There was no other passenger on the plane besides me so thats something.

I was now reading my mission assignment. I was tolf that I was going to a school undercover. Apparently the school that I was going to was basically the U.A. of America.

Anyways, Theres a person with a powerful quirk that I have to befriend and convince to come back to japan with me. Now I have many skills that could easily help me with this task but that wouldnt be fun now would it.

Well some of you came here for the 'op' part so you might hate the idea.

I sighed at the thought and kept reading. I continued reading the assignment for a while until I got to their name and quirk.

They had a quirk called..ghost? They can teleport anywhere, posses people and use their quirks and they can phase through anything, turn invisible, fly and can become invisible.

It was a really powerful quirk if I must say. When I was thinking about that, a lady came up to me. "We'll be arriving shortly sir. Please Buckle up." I nodded at her and she left.

I proceeded to look through the report and thought "Do heros even do these types of things?" I was pretty sure that they dont so this stuff so why..

The plane then started shaking furiously. I looked out the window and saw that we were just landing. I sighed and put the file away. I checked my phone and saw a missed call from someone. I didnt call them back but I left her a message.


"Are you Kenji skies?" A old man with a sign came up to me and said. I nodded at him and he told me to follow him.

I followed him to a car and he opened the door for me. "Thank you!" The man flinched when I said that. "What's wrong?" He looked at me in the eyes and said "Well I was just surprised about your fluent english." I laughed a little and got in.

I can see why he's surprised. My english was so fluent that people that speak English would probably think that it was a foreign launguage.

The old man then got in the car and turned it on. "Would you like some tunes sir?" I shook my head no. He didnt reply and started driving.

I forgot to mention that the school I was going to was basically Harvard but you know.. It was Harvard for kids with quirks. The place was for people with.. unique and dangerous quirks actually.

I was apparently able to go because I had 2 quirks. Well mostly because of my probability quirk.

Anyways, we kept driving and driving. It took us a while to get there actually. "Are you hungry sir?" He was looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Yea I am actually. We can stop by there if you dont mind." He nodded at me and got over into a different lane.

We arrived at this place that only serves burger and fries with a drink. That's literally all you could get with variations of the burger.

I got the meal and started eating. The man kept driving while I was eating. He eventually started talking to himself.

We soon arrived in front of this huge school. "There should be someone waiting for you by the gate." I got out the car and put my hand over my eyes like this was a new beginning or something.

I then grabbed my luggage from the trunk and the old man left. I walked up to the gate and noticed that there was no one here.

"Who are you kid?" A big man with little legs said to me. He was built like a character from that anime with the mc's dream of becoming the king of hokages. He was inside of a little hut and had on a guard uniform or something.

"I'm a new student here." The man looked me up and down then proceeded to press a bell on his desk.

After a while, a tall, and skinny man came out. "Hello young man! I'm the headmaster, julius! Nice to meet you!" He extended his hand out to me. I stared at it for a while and sighed. "I'm Kenji skies. It's a pleasure to meet you." I took his hand and started shaking it.

In that moment, I felt a needle go through me. "It wont work old man." He fliched a little when I said that. "Sorry Mr.Skies. I was just.. testing you. That's all!" He rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

"Anyways, let's get going. I have to show you around!" He grabbed my hands and started running with it. I started flapping in the wind.


"This is the library. It's where we keep all of our books at." I stared at him like an idiot. "Alright. Now we have one more place to go and your ready for you school life."

We then walked over to the dorms I assumed. By the way, there wasnt anybody on campus for some reason. I thought about it for a second and just shook my shoulders.

"These are the dorms. It's a place where people sleep." Why do you keep explaining it like that? "Let me show you to your room." I nodded my head and we continued walking.

He showed me the bathrooms and the kitchen and more stuff like that along the way. "Heres your room. I have to leave now so good luck." He handed me a key and ran away. I looked at him weirdly and shook my head.

I put the key in the door and opened it. My eyes widened with what I saw. The room looked like a hotel. (AN: That's literally the best i can do.) There was a huge tv on the wall with 2 huge beds. There was also a bathroom and a balcony.

I walked in the room and ignored the person in front of me. They were just floating there and starring at me. I walked through them and got to a bed. I threw my luggage on the floor and jumped into the bed.

The person stared at me the whole time then floated over towards me. They then started hovering above me. I sighed at this scene and thought 'I'll just erase his memories.' I sat up and got out of the bed.

He followed and hovered in front of me. "I can see you by the way." The ghost freaked out and fell to the floor. A women was now visible infront of me...

'Wait a damn minute.' I turned around and pulled out his file. "MALE." Then why is he dressed up as a women? I kept looking and saw why. "LOOKED FEMININE FROM CHILDHOOD SO HE DECIDED TO DRESS LIKE IT TO COMPLETE IT" Whoever wrote this is a troll. It was bolded but it was so small that a person with a zooming in type quirk wouldnt be able to see it.

"Y-Y-Y-You saw me!!!???" I squated down and stared at him. There was no way in hell that this was a dude. Hes even wearing panties. "My name is Kenji skies. May I ask you a question?" He stared at me and slowly nodded.

"Would you come to Japan with me?" I stuck my hand out and smiled. He stared at me for a long long time then said "N-No." I put my head down in defeat.

Oh well. I looked into his eyes again and deleted the last bit of conversation. After I did, he said the same sentence over. "Y-Y-Y-You saw me!!!???" I got back up and sat on the bed. "No not really. I just say that when I enter a room that's empty." The guy got back up and patted his clothes off.

He kinda looks like.. Uhm *Snaps fingers 3 times* uhm..Got it! He kinda look like "My name is Gasper. W-Whats yours?" He looked at me in the eye. I was still shocked at the fact that he looked exactly like him.

Well, yuno from my orphanage does look like yuno from future diary so I guess I can't be too surprised.

"My name is Kenji Skies. I'm new to this school." I put my hand out. He inched closer to me and took it. This is a feeling that I wont describe because I'll loose viewers.

"So what's your quirk? You just appeared out of no where." S- He looked at me and said "I-Its called 'Ghost.' I can do anything that a ghost can do." I shook my head like I didn't know this already.

"Well Gasper. It's nice to meet you and I hope that we can be friends in the future." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So when is school starting? It's only 2:00." I flew for over 13 hours. It was the next day by the time I got here so I thought... "It starts tomorrow." Gasper then walked over to the tv.

(AN: Dont look to far into that. I know that is wrong but I'm to lazy to fix it. It requires math so you have to cut me some slack.)

"Then why are you here?" He turned the TV on and said "Its because I heard that I was getting a new roommate and.. and I wanted to see what they looked like." Thats kinda cu-

"Wait are you a first year?" He looked at me and shook his head yes.

Something not adding up here. Is this even his room? Wait a minute.

I walked over to the balcony which was past Gasper. I looked out the window and saw... "So that's why.." This school has all grades apparently. I guess that Gasper must have had this room since he was in kindergarten or something.

He never actually answer my question now that I think about it. "Gasper. Am I your first roomate?" I looked over to him. "Y-Yes you are!" I smiled at the cute scene in front of me.

I walked back over to my bed and layed in it. 'I'm delusional. I thought that something else was happening' "So what's your quirk kenji?" I continued starring at the ceiling and said "I can see the true identity of things." He fliched when I said that. "D-Does that mean that you know that I'm a b-boy?" I looked at him and smirked. "I was just kidding."

His face became red really fast. "I have 2 quirks actually. One is physical enhancement and the other is probability." He looked at me with his red face and said "O-Oh. That's pretty cool I guess."

That made my head droop a little. I guess my quirks are pretty basic compared to the others here. I mean, there is literally someone here who has time related powers but we'll talk about them in another chapter. If I remember that is.

"I don't mind that you dress up. I actually have a friend from home who looks like one so its fine." Tho you look more like one than he does. "Y-You do?" I shook my head at him and got up.

"I'm heading out for some food. Want anything?" He stared at me in the eyes and said "I want a hamburger!" I noded at the cute scene in front of me and left.


(AN: So this is the first chapter of my made up arc. Im sorry if you guys dont like this but I have something big planned at the end. If I remember this then there will be atleast.)