Chapter 75

I was walking around the campus now. Gasper wanted a hamburger and I was hungry again aswell so I decided to go out.

While I was walking towards the gate, time stopped for some reason. I stopped myself from going any further, as it might seem weird walking when time is stopped.

A girl with black hair and deep red eyes started walking by. While she was walking past me, she stared at me in the corner of her eyes.

She continued to walk pass me, with her hair getting on my face. A couple of seconds later and she was gone.

Time resumed and I started walking again. 'For 2 seconds, that was a long time. To bad that drains her stamina when she uses it.' I shrugged my shoulders off the thought and kept walking.

I walked out the gate and looked around. I wanted to explore the city a little bit aswell so I decided to just start walking in a random direction.

As I was walking around the city, I noticed that I was getting weird stares. I thought for a moment and something clicked. Was it because of my black hair and golden eyes? Yea it must be.

Oh yeah, I had to change my hair color and eye color. In that month of hero work, I really made a name for myself and got quite famous. People would instantly recognize me with my white hair and blue eyes.

I could have just made an illusion over the whole world but I actually wanted to see how this would look on me.

I arrived at McDonald's, I think, and went inside. There were alot of people in here. A lot of f...nevermind. "Welcome to McDonalds sir! What would you like?" I looked up at the menu and put my hand on my chin.

The menu here was kinda different from the one back home. "I'll take a number 5 and a number 3 please." I smiled at her and she froze. "Is there a problem ma'am?" She stared at me for a while then snapped out of it. "Ah- Its nothing! Please wait over there while we prepare your order."

I nodded and went to the side. I put my ear phone in my ear and started playing music. 'It must be the eyes?' All the people here were still looking at me funny. Why dont they assume that it's my quirk that makes my eyes like this?

"Your order is ready sir!" The lady called out to me. I unplugged my ear phone and put them in my pocket. I walked over to the pick up station and grabbed my food. She quickly ran to the back.

"Wait lady. I didnt pay yet." She stopped and slowly turned around. "Here you go." I gave her the money and left. 'That's an interesting quirk she has. Too bad it doesnt work on me!" She had a quirk which made her see into a person's head for 2 seconds.

She tried it on me but failed multiple times. I walked outside and saw a taxi. I waved for it and he came by. "Please take me to A.U."

(AN: What does U.A. stand for again?)

Saying the name sounds weird but it matches the place. 'Academy for the Unique.'

The man nodded his head and drove off.


"This is so good!" Gasper was eating his hamburger like a little kid. I smiled at the scene and started eating myself. "So Gasper. Have you seen a girl with black hair and red eyes around here?" He twitched for a second and looked at me.

"Y-You mean the time queen!?" I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. "She is at the top of the school in everything. Grades, likeability, looks! She takes them all" Well she doesnt take that last spot. Someone else does.

"Why are you asking about her anyways? Did you see her?" Well I did but not in a normal way. "I saw her for a moment but then she disappeared." Gasper only nodded his head. "Well that's to be expected I guess. She does have a time related quirk."

I made a surprised face. "Gasper. Cant you possess her or something?" He nodded his head a little and said "Well yes but no. Firstly, you cant use your quirk when you are in her time zone. Also her quirk automatically activates when she is being targeted."

She should be sent back to japan. With that kind of power, she could be a huge threat or an ally. I might even have to kill her.

Just kidding. She can only use it twice a day so if someone attacks her multiple times a day then shes finished. Also, it cost a massive amount of stamina so using it once would literally fold her. Shes not fast or strong but has amazing reflexes. That probably doesn't make sense.

"Hey Gasper. If I could manage to get a single hit on her then what would you do?" Forgive me for what I'm about to write. "She hasn't been hurt since she awakened her quirk. But if you can somehow hit her even once then I will do anything for you."

That's a deal.

"By the way kenji." I looked at him with a confused face. "Your eyes. The very bright." I smiled a little. "You have nice bright eyes aswell!" He smiled at me and turned away.


"Are these uniforms always so tight?" I was getting dressed for my first day at school. By the way, I realized what kept me on edge yesterday.

It was the fact that school here starts way later than I realized. It was mid November right now.

"No there not tight. You're just to big." Weird wording but I understood. I wasnt exactly a skinny kid. I had the perfect physique that was even better than a gods.

"So you wear those aswell?" I was looking at his legs. He was wearing skin tight leggings that would.. "Yea I do." He faintly blushed a little. I shook my head and said "Well Gasper. Let's go. We cant be late on the first day." He nodded and smiled at me.

We had the same schedule as each other so we decided to just walk with each other when we go to class.

Class happens to be across the whole campus by the way so that was something to be happy about.

"Kenji I'm cold." I looked at him at him and he was hugging himself while shivering. "I cant do anything about that. Sorry." He pouted and looked away. Does he want me to..

"Isnt that her?" I started hearing whispers around me. "Yea that her Alright. You could never miss her with that black hair of hers." I looked ahead and saw who they were talking about. "That's her Kenji. The time queen."

That's a cool nickname by the way. Not better than chronos but its fine. "She isn't all that." Apparently, I said that to loud. "What did he say?" I looked around and saw people covering their mouths. "Well hes finished."

Why are they hating on me? Gasper the cutest person in this whole school but they wont admit it. "Hey you." I blinked and saw her. "What's your name?" I stared at her in her red eyes. I opened my mouth then closed it. I smirked and did what anybody would do.

I continued walking ofcourse. "I asked you a question!" She got mad that easily? Geez lady.

Time then started slowing down. Gasper was in the middle of blinking and it looked weird. She then walked up to me and stared at me in my eyes. She then proceeded to pull out a.. Come on man. It always a sword.

She pulled her sword out and started rubbing it all around my body. "You think that your something huh? Well I heard about you. Bottom of your class and you have basic quirks. Your trash among trash."

Those lines dont belong in this novel. I slowly turned my head at her and said "Trash among trash huh?" He eyes widened quickly and she jumped back. "You call my quirks basic and yet they easily broke your time zone."

She kept starring at me with her pupils moving in every direction. "I-Impossible. Y-You shouldn't be able to move. Theres no way!" I smirked at her and grabbed her sword. I yanked it from her then pushed her down on the ground.

"You did that weird thing with your sword all over my body without asking me right? That means you shouldn't mind if i do it to you aswell right?" I then squared down and started rubbing the sword all over her body. She laughed? and screamed? really loudly.

Time resumed and everyone saw the scene. "Ken-ji?" Gasper said my name behind me. "So this is the time queen?" I grabbed her by the face and held her up. "Shes not even that strong to be honest." I then squeezed her head harder and she kept squirming.

Now this is a personality change from the last couple of paragraphs but I had to do this. When I erased Gaspers memories yesterday, i saw that she froze time and did some weird things to him aswell in the past.

This was just payback for hurting my friend.

"Shopt It!!! Pleash!!" She said yelling out. I ignored her then started squeezing harder. I then proceeded to throw her at a tree. She hit the tree and instantly went unconscious.

"W-What are you doing kenji!?" I looked at Gasper who started holding my arms. I smiled at him and patted his soft head.

"She attacked me first. I was just defending myself." Gasper only stared at me. "But how Kenji? How did you manage to even get a hit on her?" I bent down a little and got close to his ear.

"I can make probability and I can set it." I got back up and walked away. Gasper thought for a moment and ran after me.

I dont think I explained my probability quirk yet or throughly as I should say. Basically If I were to say "The probability of me beating all might is 100%" then I would be able to do it. I can set the percentage aswell. Zero means having no chance at all and 100 means that it will absolutely happen no matter how strong a person is or even if there a million times stronger than me.

Well nobody stronger than me.


"We will now began the introductions. Tell us your name and quirk." The lazy sounding teacher then sat down in his chair and started calling names. "Extra character" The unnamed kid then stood up. He said his name and quirk.

Apparently he knows how to cook minute rice is 56 seconds. A feat that even I couldnt pull off. "Unnamed character 2." She stood up and said her name and quirk

She could apparently cook food in the center when microwaving it. I realized that these people really got the my hero power system treatment. I've been seeing so many op quirks these last couple of months that regular ones just throw me off. They are unique tho.

"Kenji skies." I stood up from my desk and everyone stared at me. "My name is Kenji Skies and my quirk is enhanced strength and probability." I sat back down but no one clapped.

Well Gasper did atleast. "Gasper." , the teacher called out. He really doesnt have a last name huh. The file I read said unknown so maybe he does. Oh well.

He stood up and stuttered a little bit. He told his name and quirk and sat back down quickly. "This concludes class for today. Tommorow we'll test your powers and so on. He left the room and the class started talking.

"You! Meet me outside right now!" The black haired women had a hand print on her face. "Who are you again?" She flenched and started shaking. "I-I'm Claudia! Claudia smith. The person who you almost killed a couple of minutes ago!" I stared at her then looked down. I reached my hand out and groped her.

"I dont recognize you. Please wait a moment." I kept feeling her up and she kept getting mad. She still let me do it tho. "I do this to everyone I meet. It's some type of genetic thing. Tell her Gasper." He was starring at this whole scene. He snapped out of it and nodded repeatedly.

"Y-Yes. He touched me aswell when we first met." He blushed a little and turned his head away. "Stop touching me idiot!" She hit my hand away and crossed her arms. "Me and you will be fighting. I challenge you to a duel." She then turned around and walked away.

Guess she has the same case as izuku. A huge M if she wants more after I humiliated her like that. I then turned to Gasper. "Gasper buddy. Why did you say it like that?" Sure I would have loved..
