Chapter 76

"Begin!" Yelled a random teacher.

I was outside now in a huge arena. It feels like the whole school was watching this fight with an audience this big.

Anyways, I accepted the duel because of the deal she made with me. She said that if she loses to me then her body and quirk are mine to use freely. She then said that if I lose to her then I would become her slave and that I would have to get naked in front of the whole school.

The 'getting naked in front of the whole school' thing doesnt bother me. It just concerns me that I might set the standard for the little children out there.

Anyways the matches started. She rushed at me with her sword in hand and swung down on me. I take back what I said about her not being fast because this.. This speed is 'fast.' I would say that shes about izukus 13% in terms of speed. I was setting her standard up to my speed which I now realized was unfair and idiotic.

I caught her sword with my hand. There was power behind that speed and the wind flew up. "Is this all." I squeezed my hand and broke her sword into pieces. "This is not even close to being done!" She let go of the handle of her sword and jumped back.

She threw a dagger at me from out of no where when she did. It was heading at my head and I put my finger up. The dagger went into my finger and stopped. Suddenly she appeared behind me.

I clenched the tip of the dagger with my fingers and turned around quickly. I threw the dagger at her and it went into her left leg. She fell to the ground and I jumped away. "I guess that is all you have huh?" She hit the ground with her fist and looked up at me.

"I'm not done yet so stop saying that!" She had tears coming down from the pain. This is her second time experiencing pain since she got her quirk apperently so I guess that a few tears were natural. Wait how has she never been hurt since she got her quirk?

It requires alot of stamina and if she was a kid at the time then she would probably barely be able to use it. She must have experience something during that period of time.

She pulled the dagger out of her leg and got up. She started running at me while stammering.

She eventually made her way over to me. She punched towards my face slowly and I took it.

She connected with my face and she froze. A jolt went throughout her entire body and she screamed. "Wh-What are you!?" She said while yelling. She then slowly fell to the floor.

I squatted down and got close to her ears. I whispered something in them and her eyes widened. She soon fell unconscious. "T-The winner is Kenji Skies!" The random teacher then came over to me and put my hand up.

The crowd was silent until my number one fan started cheering. People slowly followed his example and started cheering aswell.

He let my hand go and I walked out of the stadium.

... In a dark room.

"So he dared to hurt and humiliate my daughter?" A man with black hair and black eyes said. "Yes sir!" There was a man kneeling down before him.

"We'll that's.. Excellent! Someone has finally did it!" The black haired man screamed for joy. "Bring him to me! I want to speak with him!"

The man kneeling down then frowned. "I cannot sir!" The black hair man also frowned. "Why?" There was a lot of pressure in that voice. "He said that he doesn't want to. That's why."

The black hair man didnt say anything. After a while, he put his hand up to dismiss the kneeling person. He nodded and left the room.

"I like him already."


"I didnt know that you were that strong kenji!" I was in p.e. class I think. They are the U.A. of america but they do normal classes.

U.A. and A.U. does 1 thing that are completely different also. A.U. does training by showing us in person experience while at U.A., we fight teacher or even other students. We do that last part here but that's not the point.

"Your pretty strong aswell gasper." He smiled when I said that.

"So Gasper. I hit her you know. Multiple time actually." He looked at me in confusion. "Remeber our deal?" He stared at me blankly for a while then his face lit up.

"Yep that's right. You have to do anything i say now and the first thing I want you to do is posses me." He started having mixed emotions. "P-Posses you!? Why!?"

I looked up and laughed. "I want to see how it feels like ofcourse." It sounds odd but I actually wanted to see how it feels like

. "O-Okay but you wont remember me possessing you or how it feels actually." I nodded him and he nodded back.

He then turned transparent and went inside of my body. 'What a weird feeling.' He was ins- He was now controlling my body.

Or not. 'Kenji!? Your still concious!?' I gave a mind nod and said 'I made it so that the chance of me staying conscious is 100%. That's all' He gave a mini mind nod to that.

I was sitting down right now. I decided that I wanted to walk around and see if there was any change. I got up and started walking around. Almost instantly, I noticed that I was lighter. Also...No way. I actually..

I stopped walking and looked up. I then proceeded to float up a little. 'Kenji? Are you using my..Quirk?' I gave him a mind nod and smiled. 'So if you take over someone but they stay conscious then that means that they can use your power?' This was actually pretty cool.

I now see why they wanted him tho. 'So you can use my quirk Kenji? That's amazing!' He cheered in my head. 'Try them out kenji!'

I did what he said and proceeded to try them all out. I phased through walls, turned invisible, flyed, and I even did something that he's never done before.

'Kenji...?' Right now, I looked exactly like myself from earth. 'I can shapeshift.. Kenji?' I nodded my head at him. 'Looks like you can do many things Gasper.' He actually has a lot of hidden powers.

'Gasper. Dont tell anyone about this.' He heard the serious in my voice and nodded. I then thought to myself. 'If japan get their hands on him then..' I knew what I had to do.

Japan wanted him and I was supposed to deliver him. I..I dont know what to do actually. If we get him then we'll easily be the most powerful country in the world.

The down side is that they'll probably do some pretty bad things to him to get more power out of him.

I can see up to an infinite amount of time into the future but.. but should I look? It'll make me calm down but still.

Just a peek should be fine. "Dont. Your not prepared for what your going to see." I sighed at him and shook my head.

'What's wrong kenji?' I flinched a little when he said that. 'How did you know that something was wrong with me?' I have skills to hide these types of things and yet. 'I'm connected with you now so I can feel everything. Hunger, emotion, I can feel it all'

Having him inside of me may not be it. Or maybe it is. The system is the only person who could do this but they dont even talk to me anymore. It kinda like having a system tho and it's one that can manifest aswell.

'I'm fine Gasper. I was just worrying about you.' I then kept walking around while feeling something hot inside of me. 'I'm going to show you one more thing Gasper but after that, you'll have to awaken your powers yourself okay?' He gave me a mind nod.

I forgot to mention that when I use his power, the way to use it and everything is also transferred to his mind.

I stuck my hand out at a small tennis ball. The tennis ball moved a little and slowly floated up. 'There Gasper. This is something similar to telekinesis.' I could fell the sparkle of his eyes in my mind. 'This is amazing Kenji! Thank you!' Gasper then proceeded to give me a mind hug. Almost felt better than sex.


"So were you able to use my quirks while you were possessing me?" Gasper was back in the real world and i was talking with him. "Yea i could but your probability quirk was random for me. I could say what I wanted but I couldn't set the actually thingy."

That's interesting. "Remember Gasper. Dont tell anyone about this. It may still be under your ghost quirk but you know.."

While in was inside his body, I told him all the things that he could do. Some where too broken for the my hero verse so it's better to not show it off.

"I understand Kenji. I'll only show you then!" He smiled and laughed a little.

This was nice. A new school with a very interesting friend. I dont plan to make a lot of friends here tho. I kinda just want to relax. Having fun and fighting strong people. All we did at U.A. was studying and training. Me being here has given me the opportunity to do more.
