Chapter 87

It was 6 in the morning. Me and Gasper just finished having sex.

"Your amazing Gasper. You made me feel things that I've never felt before." This was indeed true. His below average techniques were so bad that it was good. He did everything wrong but it felt so nice.

"You too Kenji. I never thought that I would feel that good in my life." I held him in my arms tighter and smiled.

At first I thought that it felt really good because I haven't had sex for a while but no. His ass felt so good and squeezed me so hard that I almost came every time I put it in.

"Gasper. Dont ever leave me for someone else." I held him in my arms tighter. I- I wanted him for myself. He was someone who I could talk to like a friend and he was someone who I could have sex with aswell.

"I said that I love you Kenji. I'll never leave you. I promise." He held me tighter. "I'll never leave you aswell." I kissed him on the forehead and he slowly fell asleep. I stopped time for the entire universe so he could get his rest.

I cleaned the room with a wave of my hand and cleaned ourselves. It got sweaty last night but that just made it better to be honest.


"Kenji.kenji. kenji. It must be nice knowing that you can break rules and get away with them." I glanced at zues then looked back.

"It is nice actually. Doing whatever I want without anyone telling me not too. Its feels great." I picked up my beer and drank for it. I spit it back out and looked over. "You really love that kid huh. You were shaking the universe you know."

Was I? Me and Gasper thought that it was just a small earthquake so we ignored it and continued. "Yea it was great. He felt insanely good." He stroked his beard while shaking his head.

Wait why am I describing this to him. He might try something... "Hey zues." I stood up from my stool. "You won't do anything right?" He fell out his stool and closed his eyes. "R-Relax. I dont have a death wish."

I smiled at him and he back away more. "Well he should be rested now. See you later." I disapleared into particles and went back.

"Put some clothes on you freak..." Zues sluggishly got up and whiped his forehead.


"Good morning Gasper." I stood by the edge of the bed. The universe should be back on track again so he should be waking up.


Or not. Guess I'll let him rest for a while longer. I bent down and picked up the painting. It was in a glass frame but got destroyed during last night's earthquake.

I waved my hand over it and it fixed itself. I then walked up to the tv and put the painting above it.

I smiled at the painting and stared at it. In that moment of silent however, my phone went off. I instantly muted it with my head so it wouldnt wake Gasper up. I walked up to it and saw the I.D.

My face instantly frown.

I then proceeded to pick it up. "What is it?" There was a bit of silence before a voice talked back. "Have you befriended the target?" I sighed and walked to tv. "Yes I have. Although the target is hard to talk with so I still need time." The person of the phone made a 'tsk' noise and hung up.

I sighed and threw the phone on the couch. I looked up at the ceiling and stared. "What's wrong kenji?" He came up behind me and hugged me. "Nothing. Why?" I turned around with his arms around me.

"You were just standing here, starring at the ceiling. What's on your mind?" I stared at him and bent down.

I matched his height and said "I'm fine. I just wish we had more time for sex." His face got redder and he let go of me. "M-Maybe on our next day off, we can have fun all day."

He cupped my face and brought me in closer. He kissed me on the lips then pulled away. "Yea..Let's do that." He giggled and smiled at me.

He walked away and said "I feel clean Kenji. Did you wash me while I was asleep?" I snuck up behind him and picked him up. He was naked on top of my head. "K-Kenji?"

I carried him over to the tv and pointed. "Look. I fixed it and set it up." I put him closer and he touched. He stared for a while then said "You put it in the perfect spot kenji."

He levitated off my head and floated infront of me. He came up to me and hugged me. "I thought it would look nice here." I wrapped my arms around him and carried him to the bed.

"Hey Gasper. You think we could get another round in?" I sat him down and he started spreading his leg. He put his fingers near his whole and opened it up. "If you go fast enough." I smirked at him and went down.


"For the second challenge, you'll be swimming to an island located 10,000 feet that way. Only 4 classes will pass today's challenge."

We were at the beach now. There was a huge crowd behind us. "First 4 classes to make it with all of classmates get to move on." I sighed at this one.

10,000 feet? That's a long ways away. "You have 10 minutes to discuss with your class. Dismissed." He sat the mic down and left the stage.

"All right class. I have an idea." I motioned them all towards me. "First we need that boat over there. Gringo, you take care of that." He nodded at me and left.

He had a quirk that made him switch ownership of things. There some potential in that to be honest. "Gasper. I'll tie you to the boat via a rope and you'll fly us all there."

Pretty solid plan I think. It should take 30 minutes for him to get there with his flying speed. "Okay class. Any questions?" They all looked at each other then at me. "No sir! We dont!"

Making me feel old now. "Let's get first place again guys." I put my hand out. "Yes sir!" They all put their hands out and we did one of things that you do at a sports game.

"I got the boat sir." I looked over at him and nodded. "Let's go then." They all nodded at me and walked away. I, on the other hand stayed. "Kenji?" Gasper turned back towards me. "I'll be right back. I just have to go buy some rope." He nodded at me and waved me away.

I then walked in the opposite direction. I kept walking until I arrived behind someone. "Hey Henry. You have that rope right?" He turned around at me and stared. His face soon lit up and he nodded.

"Here you go!" He took his backpack off and opened it. He then gave me some rope that was very very thick.

"I'm glad you got my message. Now watch me win this." I squatted down and patted his head. "I will! Good luck!" He put his hand up and touched my head.

I laughed a little and got up. I waved him away and left.

I saw into the future yesterday but only up until my plan. When I carried Henry yesterday, I put a note in his pocket, hoping that he will see it.

"All right I got the rope." They turned their heads and looked at me.

"Come here Gasper." He nodded at me and walked up to me. I then put the rope around him and told him to fly to the front.

He did so and flew to the tip of the boat. I jumped up on the boat and tie the rope to the tip. "Alright. Get on guys." I extended my hand out.

They took it and I helped them each get on the boat. Everyone got up on the boat and sat down in the deck. "Alright Gasper. Get ready for a long trip." He nodded at me and looked away.

"Now...Are you ready kids!? Begin!!!" He screamed out and horns went off. Gasper immediately started flying towards the water. There was almost no struggle and he was able to smoothly drag the boat.

"Now we can relax everyone." Most sighed and closed their eyes. I looked back and saw everyone starring at us in awe. I also saw that most people from the upper classes brought their own boats tho.

Couldnt be mad at em since we were using boats aswell.

I sighed and layed back. We were going at a good speed and would arrive before anyone...


We arrived at the island. It was pretty big to be honest. "You did good Gasper." I was undoing his rope while talking to him. "Thank you!"

He wasn't tired at all. He could fly for several hours so this wasn't anything to him.

"Let's get everyone off the boat now." He nodded at me and we went back in the boat. We had to wake some people up because they got bored. We tapped on those people shoulders and they woke up.

They seemed surprise that we were here already but they didnt complain. We helped them off the boat and they started looking around.

Me and Gasper did the same and walked the beach. We held hands while looking around. "Its so beautiful kenji." I also agree. The water here was so clear that you could see the fish and all.

"Here Gasper. I think this suits you." I had a light blue sea shell in my hand. He looked at me then at the sea shell. "T-Thank you kenji." He took it and held it close to his chest.

We stopped walking for a moment and stared out into the ocean. I tightened my hold on him and he did the same. We then looked at each other and kept starring.

"My~ Arent you two cute." She still talks to me? After everything I did?...

"What do you want?" I turned my head at her. Gasper did the same. "I was just walking around looking for you two. We've been waiting for you for hours."

Hours? Was It that long? We just started walking around... "Okay." Me and Gasper then started walking in her direction. "Wait.." I ignored her and kept walking. "Kenji. Did you two have a fight or something?" I looked down at his cute face and smiled. "No. I just dont have a reason to speak to her that's all."

He accepted this answer.

We walked back to where we washed up and saw a lot of students. My class was off to the side while the headmaster was on stage. "Your back. Finally." He sighed into the mic and gestured us to the side.

"Now that's everyone here. I'll continue." He coughed a little then started talking again. "You'll be staying at this island for five days. On the 5th night, you'll come back home and you'll have one final challenge at school."

Are you serious?

"I'm serious."

Okay then.

"Since Class 1-F has won both challenges so far, they get to stay in our resort. The rest of you have to make your own camp in the wild."

Is this an exam or... Like I'm not complaining at all but what do we do during these 5 days? Relax? Have fun? That cant be all that we do is it?

"You will not be relaxing the whole time, class 1-F. There will be some challenges to test you along the way."

Now that I think about it, what was the first challenge for? Was it basically search and rescue? That's the only thing that I can think of right now.

"YaY kenji!!" He let my hand go and jumped on me. "Class 1-F. You've exceeded everyone expectations. Congratulations to your victory." The heros and civilians that caught a ride to the island clapped. The other classes forced themselves.

Oh yea. I forgot to say the classes that are still in: Class 1-A, 1-B, I-C and 1-F. That means that class 1-D and E lost already.

"Now. You will be guided to your new homes." He clapped his hands and about 20 women came out. "Headmaster. I'm sleeping with him so give us a room together." I held Gasper arms up.

"K-Kenji!?" He was embarrassed that I said it out loud. "I'm sorry but we cant-" He stopped himself out of fear. "Okay okay. You two can sleep together but you have to share a bed. Is that fine?"

We nodded at him instantly. "Ladies. Take them away. The rest of you, find shelter and food. Good luck." He dropped the mic on the floor and left.


"Here you are. Please enjoy your stay." We nodded at her and we took the keys. We walked in and bam. It hit me.

Clothes. What about our clothes? I only had my hero costume on and Gasper had on regular clothes. While thinking that, I heard a knock on the door. "You will find clothes in the closet."

Okay then.

We walked down the hallway and arrived in the living room. There was a kitchen with a huge tv and bed. "Wow kenji. Its amazing." He took his shoes off and ran around.

I took my shoes off aswell and layed down on the bed. Gasper saw this and jumped onto me. "We get a brand new room to ourselves! Isnt that cool!?" I patted his head and smiled.

"I like the other room better to be honest." He chuckled and sat up. "I'm all sticky Kenji. Let's take a shower." I agreed with him and we got up. We walked over to the huge bathroom and turned it on. I undressed myself and he did aswell.

He threw his underwear on my face and laughed. I smiled and took them off. I disappeared and appeared behind him. I caught him and he squealed.

"No! You've caught me." He giggled alot and I did aswell. I carried him to the tub and we got in. The water was perfect and we both melted when it hit our skin. He layed in my lap and I put my head back.

He also layed back and used my chest. "Your skin is so rough yet soft." I laughed a little and thanked him. "Your skin is soft aswell Gasper. How is it so perfect?"

He looked up at me and said "I don't know. I never considered it soft until you said that it was." Was it the massage? It /could/ make you feel reborn, literally, if used 'seriously.'

(AN: Oh yea. "/" means like... Damn. It's hard to explain. Like, emphasizing it? Yea that's it. The word in between it is emphasized. Like, "it-"

I'm not explaining it anymore. I'll just sound like an even bigger idiot.)

Gasper soon started moving around. He touched my dick with his own and it tickled. Mine was severely larger than his but it still looked way cuter than mine.

"Ah! Dont move like that kenji~" My dick was between his cheeks so he feels it directly on his ass. "Kenji~ Let d-do it. Please?" He got up and turned towards me. I stared for a moment then said "You never have to ask Gasper. Just do it." He nodded rapidly and layed down facing me.

He gripped my dick and started slapping himself on the face. "Its so hot~ And it still has my smell~" I coughed a bit and got harder.

Gasper then got close to my cock and put out his tounge. He slowly licked up the base of my dick. I grunted and twitched a bit. He went up to my tip and started licking at it.

(AN: I wrote this 2 days ago. I'm no longer...'Horny' now so... I'm sorry.)

In that moment, a loud horn went off. Gasper flicnhed in surprised and stopped. "What was that kenji?" I stared back down at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Class 1-F. Put your hero costumes on and go to the top of the hotel before midnight. Begin!!"

That damn headmaster. "Let's go Gasper." He nodded seriously at me and got up.

I also got up and followed behind him. We grabbed at towel each and started drying off quickly.

We then left the bathroom and put on our costumes. "Look kenji." He was near the window. I walked over to him and saw what he was looking at.

There were people or heros I mean, walking inside the hotel. They wore black and seemed eager for some reason. "Let's go. Were not exactly close to the top floor."

This hotel had about 80 floors. Me and my classmates were all on the 25th floor. "Yes! We have to hurry and try to help them." I assumed he was talking about our classmates.

I put my blindfold up and we left. "Guys. Follow us." Our classmates were all in the hallways. They looked scared and surprised. "Its Kenji and Gasper! We're saved!"

I smiled and little then said "I guess they want to test how fast we react to 'Dangerous' situations." They all nodded at me in agreement. "Gasper. You lead in the front and I'll defend in the back. Okay?" He nodded at me with a serious look.

"You guys stay in the middle. We can protect you this way." They all looked at each other. I made a confused face while they did. "What's wrong guys?"

They stared at me then one person said "K-Kenji. We appreciate your help but.. but.. We have to try. We have to show the teachers that we can protect ourselves."

I stared at them. They changed over 2 days? First, they didnt even want to participate and now there doing this?

I put my head down a little. A small smile formed on my face. "Okay then. How about you guys protect us then? We wont use our quirks and you'll use yours to protect us." I looked up and saw their faces.

They seemed shocked by what I said. "W-We can do it!" I stared at him. "Yea! W-We may be the weakest class but.. but.. We can do something as simple as this right!?"

They started hyping themselves up. "Okay then. Gasper." I looked over to him and he understood. "Let's go. There probably already close."

They nodded at me and we started running.

None of them have 'fighting' quirks and yet, they still wanted to try and protect us. I first thought of them as the 'timid' type. The class that doesn't do anything but I guess I was wrong.

They just needed a little confidence and I guess me winning the challenges did it for them.

"We can do this." The girl who said that had a quirk called 'Confidence.' It basically boosts people confidence in things including herself. "Yea!" The class screamed out.

I know her quirk was activated on me but It did nothing. I kind of wanted to know what it felt like so I turned some skills off.

Her quirk hit me instantly and I felt.. Confident. Like I could take on class 1-A. Well that's how they felt atleast.

While thinking that, the building started shaking aggressively. "W-Whats going on!?" I heard similar things around me. "It must be one of their quirks." They looked at me with panic.

"Haley. Use your quirk again." She nodded at me and used confidence. Our class then went back to 'Normal' and we started again.


We were on the 60th floor when we started floating up to the ceiling. We stuck to the ceiling and waited. "Is this one of their quirks too kenji?" I stared at the ground since we couldnt move our body's. "I guess so... Hey Gringo. Use your quirk and get us out of this."

This is the dude who could take ownership over things. "H-How? Am I suppose to make his quirk mine or something?" Well..Yes. Thats exactly What your gonna do.

"Yes. Concentrate really hard and turn his quirk off." I heard him make a 'tsk' noise but he still tried.

"Ugggggh" (AN: I dont know what grunting is in words so this will have to do.)

He kept grunting which made the class laugh a little. "S-Stop laughing!" We kept laughing a bit but we eventually stopped. "Sorry man. It just sounds a little funny." I chuckled a bit

He snickered then kept going. I checked in his mind and saw a key. It was in a door hole and kept trying to unlock it.

It seemed that this was the way that people unlock more ways to use their quirks. They dont see this by the way. They are putting the key in the door themselves but to them, it was just about passing your limits.

Just make the key fit in somehow and bam.

"I...almost..Got...It.." His face was red but he kept going. "You can do it. Just take your time." I hope he doesnt take his time actually. The heros were on the 53rd floor now.

While thinking that, my finger twitched a little. "You have it. Keep going." He managed to nod a little.

After he did, our class cheered him on. He smiled a bit and...Bam. We all fell to the floor. "You did it. You saved us." I walked up to him and Patted him on the shoulders. "Yea..I did." He stuck his hand out and stared at it.

"So. Can you use that power or no?.." If he could then I can confirm something. "Yes, I can. But only for 12 seconds." I smiled and started walking away. "Let's go guys. We're almost there."

They nodded at me and we continued walking.

My class has weird quirks but some of them can evolve into something bigger If you put them in the right situation. Gringo was the perfect example for my little experiment. He was put under pressure from us.

He knew that if we didnt get out of that then we would have been captured. That must have pushed him into unlocking the door.


Floor 79.

We were running through the hallway that lead to the floor. "We've made it!"

Oh no.

What have you done?

When he said that, we all dropped to the floor.


I looked over and saw that most of everyone was passed out. "Recall. Use you quirk and get rid of this stuff." He barely looked at me. "I'll punch a hole in the window and you call your fan."

This dude could call things back to him like thor with his hammer. He could only call back things that hes marked and marking one thing can takes years.

Hes able to call a sword, phone, umbrella, axe, tv remote and a fan. (AN: Convient huh?)

"O-Okay." His finger moved a little and stopped. I crawled up to the glass window and punched a hole in it.

A couple of seconds later, a small fan came flying throught. I grabbed the cord and plugged it into the wall. The fan blew around and started going out the hole.

This...Should not work, but with the power of me, it can.

The poison went out the window and I immediately got up. I woke everyone up and told them what happened. "Wow recall! You saved us."

He rubbed the back of his head and blushed. "We have to move. I heard them under us." They nodded and started running towards the door.

We got there and I looked back. I saw the heros and they looked disappointed but happy.

"Congratulations! You made it!

F you old man.

Its 11:50 am dude. "You made it here without getting caught and before the timer." My classmates cheered but I didnt. "Now onto the second part of your challenge."

My class instantly went silent. "You will stay up untill 10AM. If even one of you falls asleep, then you'll spend a day with the other classes in the wild." He looked at me and smirked. "Its okay guys. We can do this. Right?"

My enthusiasm didnt help at all. They were already on the brink of falling out.

"The challenge begins now. Good luck." He left the mic on the ground and left.


Fun fact about the author: He writes sex scenes just before he strokes his chicken.

Another fun fact: Two people share this story. They take turns writing chapters which leads to controversy.

Another fun fact: Stop.