Chapter 88

"So you dont have a tv marked?"


We were barely getting by. Well me and Gasper were but not so much for everyone else. "No Kenji. I told you all that I've marked." I know but come on. It takes years just to mark one? Yea I'm going to have to change that.

"Call your phone then. We all left ours in our room." He sighed and stuck his hand out. A cell phone came in at high speeds into his hand.

"So what did you want it for again?" I snatched out his hand and put his password in. "Hey..." I ignored him and went to hero tube. I chose a video with a loud horn on repeat and played that.

"Sorry guys." I played it and everyone jumped. I walked around and made sure that they woke up fully.

"Alright. Now that your up, let's do something to pass time." They sluggishly nodded their heads.

I went to recalls google and saw some pretty interesting stuff.

I scrolled down a bit before going back to YouTube. I type something in and showed it to everyone. "We can all agree on watching this right?" I showed them and they looked at each other.

"Ofcourse! Who doesn't like him!?" I sat the phone down and looked at Dime. He could enlarge things. "Dime. Enlarge the phone please." He rapidly nodded and went up to the phone.

He touched it and the phone started growing. "Now we can watch it on the big screen." They nodded and pulled some chairs up.

We sat down and started watching peak fiction. "Gordan Ramsay. The only man I'm afraid of." Everyone agreed with what I said.

Believe it or not, he was in this world. He had a quirk called 'Aura' or something. It's like spiritual pressure basically. That, with his cooking skills make him...Overpowered.

"Hey recall. Close your tabs next time mane." He coughed loudly and stared at me. "Please dont tell anyone!" He put his hands together and looked down.

"Dont worry. It was kinda good." He laughed a little and looked up. I forgot to say this but he looks like... Bell. That white haired kid. The only difference tho is his eye color. They were blue.

"Hehe." He looked away and continued watching. I also continued watching. I had to look around at times to make sure that no one even had the idea of closing their eyes.

"Hey kenji. I'm bored." I looked over at Gasper. He was watching the phone while saying that. "Yea I am aswell but theres nothing to do."

I wasnt actually bored tho. I was playing uno in my head with athena. She asked me for a game and I accepted. I was still watching the video but with my other conscious. "I guess we can only.."

Wait a minute. Hes bored? While watching the goat himself? This cant be true.

"I guess we can only wait to watch something else because it seems like everyone is invested." He sighed and nodded.

Because I can't think of more things to do, I'm going to skip ahead.


It was 10am now.


What did you say? Recalls mouth moved but nothing came out. "Water..." He fell to the floor and Inched towards me.

I almost laughed until I saw that he actually needed some. "They should be coming to get us any second so just be patient." He heard this and his mouth moved.

I didnt bother asking what he said because I read his mind. 'You said that an hour ago.' I sighed and picked him up.

"Colt. Can you uhh... You know..." He looked at me and nodded.

"No. No. No. No. No." Recall kept repeating this louder and louder. Colt walked over to me and started gargling spit. "I'm sorry but you did this to yourself."

He flicnhed then tried pushing me away. I grabbed his face and forced his mouth opened. "Colt! Hurry!" He nodded quickly and spat in his mouth.

I let go of recall and he fell to the floor. I saw his throat move a little.

You see, this colt guy can make his spit turn into water. He can do most things like baking a beam of concentrated water but it requires a lot of spit.

"Your.. Evil.." I laughed at him and squatted down. "I'm sorry. You were thirsty right?" He stuck his hand out and a sword came up behind me.

I put my head down and it flew into his hand. "Your gonna pay!" He got on one knee and slashed towards my face.

"The food is here guys!" He stopped mid swing and instantly looked away. I did aswell. We both saw a huge, long table with food and drinks on it.

We both slowly looked at each other. "Let's continue this later?" I extended my hand out and he took it. "Yeah..Later..." I helped him up and he let go.

We both walked over to the table and admired the food. Well I did. Recall didnt even get the chance to smell the food before eating it.

"They said that when we are done, we can go back to our rooms to sleep." I nodded at Gasper and grabbed a plate. "Well let's take our time then." He nodded at me and also grabbed a plate.

We got some food and sat down. Most of our class already left to go sleep. We all managed to stay awake but as soon as we were able to go back to our rooms, they left.

We ate our foods and fed each other aswell. "You guys are dating right?" I looked up at recall. He decided to eat right next to us even tho the whole roof was empty. "Yep! Arent we cute!?"

I pulled Gasper into my arms and smiled. "Yea..." He put his head down and started eating. "Kenji. Thank you for helping us stay awake. Without your quick thinking, we might have failed this."

I still dont understand something. If we failed, the headmaster said that we had to sleep in the woods with the rest of them. That's means we aren't being eliminated but just punished.

"No. Thank you. Without your quirk, we would have been caught." He put his head up and smiled deeply. "Your welcome! But I wont forgive you!!" He jumped at me and a sword appeared in his hand.

He slashed at me but I jumped back.

"I told you that I didn't want anymore of his spit!" He pointed his sword at me. "You were in need of help. I was just trying to.." He threw his sword at my stomach.

Must have put alot into it since he fell down a bit when he did.

It came towards me and I smiled. I caught the sword with one hand and broke it. "Hey.... It takes a while for them to repair themselves you know."

I laughed a bit and said "You have 2 more weapons dont you? You'll be fine..." He looked at me with a confused face. "2? I only have an axe left to use." When he said that, a axe flew in his hand.

"You have an umbrella aswell right?" A ball of hay flew by us in the silent wind. "My umbrella!?" He started laughing loudly.

He was laughing but then stopped. He made a serious face and stuck his left hand out. An umbrella came by me and flew into his hand. "Now you might have a better chance."

He rushed at me with both weapons in hand. I only stood there and watched. He got in my face and swung his axe. It was aimed at my neck.

I ducked a bit and his umbrella came at my face. I jumped back a bit and waited. "You almost had me." He snickered and started running at me again. I did the same and we clashed.

He defended himself with his axe and swunf his umbrella at my head. I put my right arm up and blocked that.

In that moment however, he kicked me in my stomach and i I towards a wall.

"Haha! I win!" I crashed into the wall and it broke into pieces.

"Why are you laughing recall?" As I said that, his axe and umbrella broke in millions of little pieces. "Wha.." He looked down in disbelief.

He's definitely not suppose to be in this class. In fact, he was in class 1-C before. He just had terrible grades so he dropped down into this class.

I got up from the rubble and rubbed my neck. "Your a good fighter." I walked up to him and put my hand out. He stared at it for a moment then took it. "Recall. Nice to meet you." He smiled and me and closed his eyes.

"Why are you introducing yourself? We've know each other for a while now." He opened his eyes and laughed. He let my hand go and started walking away. "I'm going to bed now. I'm beat." I nodded and went back to Gasper.

"Your done eating right?" He looked up at me and smiled. "Yep! I'm full!" I extended my hand out and he took it. "Let's go back then." He nodded at me and we left.


"Wake up!! It's time for your next challenge!!" I threw an invisible rock at the loud speaker in the room. It broke and stopped playing.

I sighed and sat up from the bed. "Hey Gasper. We have to get up." He was sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.

He didnt answer me so I kept moving him around. He eventually got up slowly and we got dressed. We left the room and went down stairs. I hoped that we were all meeting there.

"Welcome! Your the last here again!" I yawned at the old man and sat down. "I will now be explaining your challenge. Listen closley."

Nobody was doing that last part. "Every hero has to have a good relationship with civilians. Children the most as they look up to you."

Oh dear.

"These children will be judging you." As he said that, another door opened and some children came in. "They will be judging you on how fun you are so make them happy. Everyone has to have 3 Mark's by 10pm on the dot."

10:00pm? That's 4 hours mane. "Begin!!" He dropped the mic and ran away. He fell multiple times which made the children laugh.

"Well Gasper. Good luck." I let his hand go and walked away. He watched me walk away and didnt say anything.

"Hey. What's your name?" The little boy turned around and smiled. "Henry! What's your!?" I smiled at him and picked him up. "So? How am I doing? Do you have any tips for me?" He put his hand up to his chin and thought.

"Nope! Your doing great!" He put his thumb out. I sat him back down and patted his head. "Here Kenji." He handed me a sticker.

I put my hand out and he placed it on the top of it. "Thank you henry." He smiled at me and walked out the room.

What? Why did he leave? And without saying good bye?

I guess that they leave when they give their stickers away then. I sighed and walked around some more. I saw a lot of cute children. I even saw colt doing some questionable things but he was getting his stickers.

"Hey you!" I turned my head. I saw a little girl with black hair and deep black eyes. "You belong to me now!" She had one hand on her waist and was pointing at me with the other.

"Who are you?" Her face seemed shocked for an odd reason. "I said that you belong to me!" I stared at her and started walking away.

"Wait!!!" She ran up to me and grabbed my leg. "Dont go!" She started breaking down. "What's wrong?" I grabbed her from under her arm pits and picked her up.

"N-No one talks to me and...and...I figured that no one likes me." She started crying more. "No one talks to you because of the way you approach them. You have to be kinder." I sat her back down and she whipped her face.

"I-I talk like that to grab people attention but..but.. they usually ignore me so when you answer.." Ah, I see. She wants people to talk back to her basically. Odd way of doing it tho.

"M-My names yuriko. W-Whats yours mister?" She stared at me with her big eyes. "Its Kenji. Kenji skies. Its nice to me you."

I looked into her head and saw her past.

First of all, she has a very dangerous quirk. Like one that could kill gods if she wasnt in the my hero verse. It was called 'Absolute erasure.' Basically, she can erase anything whether it's time, space, and even existence itself.

When she awakened her quirk, she was at a play ground. A kid was bullying her and she got scared. She touched the boy and he instantly disappeared. Basically eris situation with her dad.

"Its nice to meet you aswell." She forced a smile at me. She has that trauma and its stuck with her every since. "Here mister. Take this." She pulled out a sticker from no where. "Thank you. And my names Kenji."

I stuck my hand our and she placed it next to my other sticker. "I know mister!" She smiled and hummed away.

That kid is dangerous. One wrong move and she could kill herself even. Luckily the government doesnt known the true extent of her powers and classified it as a one time thing.

The kids parents did not like that she got off without any sort of punishment so they protested.

They stopped however shen they realized that their kid was in the wrong but they still think that she should have been punished.

Also, her quirk. How does a person get such a power in this world.

Wiki says that if it touches someone or anything then it wont be able to come back by no means because its 'Absolute.'

Well it doesnt apply to me. The power could erase me permanently or try to atleast. It would at most give me a light scratch that would be healed in a nanosecond.


"And that's 3. Hey Gasper. How's it going?" I walked up to him and rested my hand on his head. "I've got mine. It was easy kenji!" He showed me his and I sighed.

It took me ages for the last kid to give me my sticker. He kept asking me questions about things I've never even new existed.

"Recall. Did you manage?" He looked up at me and nodded. He showed me his hand and I nodded aswell.

"Good! Your all done for today." He paused for a bit and watched us. "So leave!!" He shouted at us. We heard this and started leaving.

This old man has our sleep schedule messed up. "I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight." Me and Gasper were on our way back to the room. "Lets explore the island Kenji." I looked down at him and saw smiling.

"Why not. We're only going to be here for a couple more days anyways." He looked up at me and nodded.

We went back to the room and changed. We arent supposed to be out at this time but who cares. "You ready?" He looked like an explorer right now. "Yes but..." I grabbed his hand and ran out of the room.

"Turn invisible so they wont see you." He nodded at me and disappeared. "What about you kenji? They cant see me but they can still see you." We got in the elevator and I pressed the 1st floor. "Dont worry. They cant see me either."

The chance of them seeing me was zero. To them, the elevator was moving with no one inside. I told him this and he understood. "Watch." The door opened and we walked out.

There was a lot of security on the first floor. They stared at us or the door I mean, but they just ignored it. They barely even batted an eye.

We walked through the long hallway and out the door. "Let's see what we can find Gasper." I grabbed his hand and we started walking.


Jesus christ this chapter felt like filler.

I stopped writing like 5 times in this.