Chapter 95

It was December 21st.

It was cold and noisy from all of the cars below me. I was sitting on top of highest building in the city while rain was pouring down my head.

After that day, I thought long and hard. Shigaraki sent goons out here to capture someone that i know. That little boy named Henry.

What if I wasn't in America at the time? What if he got him and started using him for experiments? Questions like these popped into my head over the past couple of weeks.

"Well I hope your having fun today atleast." I pulled out a picture of eri. It was her birthday today so it cheered me up a bit.

I stared at the picture while dangling my feet. I already sent her a gift but still...It was her first birthday being with us. I wish I could be there...

I went silent for a while. I stared at the cars below me and wondered about something. It was the same question that I keep asking myself.

Was it really worth coming here?

I contradict myself with that question as I just said, 'What if I wasnt in america.'

Coming here has led me to other people and experiences and I'm grateful but..

I came here to fight that strong guy but I gave up many things for that. Eris birthday. Her second year of school. Her first crush. Her first fight. Her first project.

Thinking about all that makes me wonder if I was really a good father. To chase after my own ambitions when I'm missing out on what's truly important to me.

I could always fight strong people at a different time so maybe I should... I picked my phone up and went to my contacts. I pressed a certain number and put the phone up to my ear.

"What? Is your mission done or something." I didn't say anything. "Hello? Can you hear me?" They kept talking but I didnt answer. "Dont call again unless your done with your mission. Is that clear?"

I slowly put the phone down and they hung up. I put my blindfold back up and layed down. I stared at the rainy sky for about 3 hours before getting interrupted.

"Your still up here huh?" I looked over at her and layed up. I saw her beautiful face and stared. "What? Is something on my face?" She then started feeling around it.

I looked away and stared out into the open. "Are you still not over what happened?" She placed her hand onto mine. "Listen. It's fine Kenji. There safe now. They have the best heros in the city watching over them so you dont have to worry okay?"

She then leaned her head on my shoulder. "The best heros couldnt even protect themselves." My cold voice made her flinch a bit. "They dont care about them. You've seen it haven't you?."

She sighed and started talking. "Yes. I've seen it Kenji. You can too-" I stopped her their. I turned towards her and stared. "Not again. I'm never looking forward like that again."

The last time I looked ahead, I killed fate and Destiny. I dont know what would happen if I saw henry or anyone else I care for getting hurt.

"It happens Kenji. It's a part of life. Some people aren't meant to live freely. Some of them live to help other people. That's how the world works." She got up and stood infront of me.

"Come home. We're all waiting." She disappeared into sparks and left. I kept starring into the open while thinking about what she said.

Some people live to help others... It true sadly.

Some people roles in life are to support the main character. I killed destiny and put up a new and fair system but nothing really changed.

It just changed how set people are. They could have had a 1 to 100% chance of getting shot and I made it so that it was a 1 to 10% chance.

I guess I changed it.

Not really.

I got up and pulled my blindfold back up. I put my hands in my pocket and stared out. I watched as everyone in the city was enjoying their time.


"I wish papa was here." She looked down at the child and smiled. She picked her up into her arms and said "I do too but dont get sad. He wouldnt like that now would he?"

Eri giggled and smiled at toga. She then looked around the room and saw everyone from class 1-A. "We all wish he was here eri." He bent down a bit and patted her head.

"He'll be back soon. Dont get so mushy over it." Bakugo took a shot of fruit punch and walked away. "Theres no point in sulking! Let's have fun! It's your day today isn't it!?" Kirishima turned the music up and it annoyed bakugo.

They started bickering with each other and everyone laughed at it. "Here eri. Its for you." Uraraka handed her a package. Eri tilted her head in confusion but she took it.

She unwrapped it and took it out. "What's...This?.." She looked around at everyone and they looked at each other. "Its a tape. You put it into the tv and it plays a video."

Mina came up to eri and took it from her. She went up to the tv and put it inside. "Look everyone." They all gather around and sat on the couch and floor.

A video started playing of a white haired man with blue eyes. He was eating food and he spotted the camera. "W-What are you doing!?" This made everyone in the room smile. They haven't heard his voice in a while so hearing it now was refreshing.

The video then cut to the man outside in a field.

"3..2..1.. Begin!" The white haired boy tried running but he slipped on ice. He tried getting back up but slipped some more. Everyone laughed in the room and kept watching.

It showed more clips of the white haired man falling and doing random things.

The video came to an end and the white haired man spoke. "Happy birthday eri. I wish I could be there with you but I can't sadly. Keep moving forward and make me proud okay? I love you so much so be a good girl for me okay?" He smiled at the camera for the last time and the video ended.

Everyone turned their heads towards eri and saw her. She had a red face with tears coming down. "Papa~" She slowly started crying louder and louder. No one did anything as they knew that she hasn't cried since he left.

"I-I love you too papa~" She gave a big smile at the tv which made everyone else in the room smile.


I hope that she got it.

I was walking down the street now. I had a scarf on so I wouldnt seem weird in this cold weather. I kept walking down the road while getting stares so I guess it didnt work.

I walked up to a gift card shop and checked them out. They all had corny jokes on them which made me smile a bit. "How much is this sir?" He put his news paper down and glanced at me.

He snickered and put it back up. "20 bucks kid." I nodded and pulled it out. I placed it on the counter and walked away.

I put it in my pocket and looked up at the sky. It was dark but it was still mid day. I sighed and just kept walking. I reached this building and walked inside. I walked up to the elevator and pressed the up button.

It came down to me and I got in. A lady followe in behind me when I did. I pressed the 11th floor and the door closed. "Hello there." I waved at the young lady. She had her earphones in so I assumed she wouldn't hear me.

"Hello? Who are...You?" She took her ear buds out and kept talking. "I've never seen you in this building before." I laughed a bit and rubbed my head. "I'm a new attendant that's why." I stuck my hand out.

"Kenji Skies. It's nice to meet you." She stared at my hand for a while then took it. "Touka adams. It a pleasure to meet you aswell." We both shook hands until my floor came.

"Well, maybe I'll see you around." I let her hand go and waved her goodbye. "Yea and it might be much sooner than you think." She got off the elevator and walked up besides me.

We walked the same way for a while so it was kinda of awkward. "Well I'm here." I turned towards her. "And I'm here." She went down a bit and stood next to her door. We lived right next to each other.

"Well I guess were neighbors then." She smiled at me and nodded. I nodded at her and unlocked my door. I waved her goodbye and walked in.

It was basic with a single bed. It had a nice bathroom and kitchen aswell so it was just above average atleast. I went to my bed and turned the tv on.

The headmaster says I have to stay out here until further notice. He thinks that they were after me and this would make the school safer when I literally told him who they were after.

He still helped henry but told me that I still have to stay out here. I smacked my lips and layed back into my bed. I took a photo of eri out and I kissed it.

I layed it on my chest afterwards and doze off to sleep.


[Are you scared.]

I looked at the panel and shook my head no.

[Then why? Why wont you look?]

"I told you already. You just dont listen."

[Your afraid.]

"Of what?"

[Of what you'll see.]

I went silent for a moment and bawled my fist.

"Ofcourse I am! I..I dont want to see all the bad things anymore."

[I see. Well, live like that then.]

"I will. If I look into the future then I'll start

questioning myself again.

I don't want that. I'll be in a loop all over again."

I held my my head and looked down.

[Host can do what he wants. You can change it

all. Why dont you?]

"I...I cant do that. Changing the future to satisfy

my own ego? That's not right at all. I dont want

too but I'll live with the future that I have."

[Liar. Somebody dies close to you. What

Will you do then? Will you accept it or change it?]

"I-I dont know. I would...."

[Change it. You've done it before remember. You

used it to gain power. A second quirk which

shouldn't even exist at all. You used It change

the power of someones fate and destiny. You

even used it to make your self likeable.]

" I've never done that!-"

[Yes. You did it without even knowing. You

changed yourself so that the others around you

would like you whenever its needed. You think

that green haired kid just became stronger

because you wanted too? Because you said

that you'll only be his friend when hes strong?

You rewrote reality so he would listen to you.

Kamito Sahiro.

You are afraid.]


My eyes widened and I stared at my ceiling. I opened my system panel and saw the dialogue. The conversation really did happen..

I got up from my bed and stumbled a bit. I went to the bathroom while knocking things over and opened the toilet lid. I threw up some food and slumped to the floor.

I think I hit my head but I wasnt sure. I stayed like that for a while until I heard the door beating. I slowly looked up at the bathroom door and looked back down.

The door opened and someone came in to my room. They looked through my apartment and soon came into the bathroom. They saw me on the floor and rushed to me.

They said my name and tapped my face but I didnt say a word. They tried pulling me up but slipped. They fell to my chest but quickly recovered.

They got me to my bed and threw me down. "..y.." I looked over and the person and noticed that it was a woman. ".ake up..." She slapped my face and I sat up.

I was breathing hard with sweat coming down me. "Are you okay?" She grabbed my right hand and held it. I wanted to snatch it away but I might come off as rude.

"Yeah..I'm fine. It's my quirk that's all." She held my hand tighter and nodded. "Please. You can leave now. I'm fine." I motioned her away. She didn't budge however so I made her go away.

I moved her with my head and out of my room. I locked the door and layed back down. 'I'm...Not okay am I?' I was the strongest person In existence and yet, I'm depressed?

What for tho?...Do I honestly believe in what that system said?

I'm an idiot and a fool for getting depressed like this. Especially on my daughter's birthday. I should be happy now but here I was.

I laughed at myself while covering my face. "On my daughters birthday." I kept laughing and laughing on repeat until it was midnight. People kept knocking on my door but I ignored them.

I got out the bed sluggishly and looked to my left. I walked to the kitchen and fixed myself a glass of water. I gulped it down quickly and got some more.

I threw the cup in the sink and walked over to the bathroom door. I stared into the room with a frown. It was a mess all over so I cleaned it up. I did it without my powers which seemed kinda nice.

I walked up to the toilet and stared into it. There was a black void in the toilet with ruins in it. I frowned and snapped my fingers.

It disappeared and I walked over to the mirror. I stared at myself and felt up on my face. I checked it out and nodded at myself.

'I should apologize and thank her.' I grabbed my mask and put it on. I walked out my room and went to hers. I knocked on the door and waited.

I waited for a while, knocking and waiting on repeat. She eventually opened the door and stared at me. She kinda looks like kanekis girlfriend. "Thank you." She made a confused face and tilted her head.

"Who are you?" She backed away a bit and clenched her shirt. "Kenji." Her eyes widened and she rushed towards me. I put my hand out and stopped her.

"Y-Your okay right?" She stopped walking and stared at me. I nodded at her and she smiled. "Thank goodness. I wanted to help you out more but it seemed like you needed your time alone..."

I nodded at her and said "Well I'm thankful for your help anyways. Here, take this." I reached into my pocket and took something out.

"F-For me?" I placed it in her hand and she looked at it. "Yes. Have fun with it." I turned around and walked back to my room. I closed my door and snapped my fingers.

My clothes came off and I jumped into bed. I pulled out my picture of eri and placed it next to my pillow.

I fell asleep soon after.


(AN: I dont know. It could work.)