Chapter 96

(AN: in sorry if you don't like all this inner dialogue or whatever you call it.

I want my mc to be overpowered ofcourse but I want him to show his true thoughts. Make him seem more human than he actually is.

I thought that it would make my story intresting so I decided to play it out.)


My eyes slowly opened and I stared at ceiling.

I blinked a couple of times and shook my head. I pulled the covers off me and and sat up. I turned my body and had my feet on the floor now.

I sat one of my arms on my knee and rubbed eyes brows with the same hand. I thought about something and sighed. I got up from the bed and my blindfold came on.

I walked up to my fridge and opened it. I pulled out some milk and closed it. I turned my body around and opened a cabinet. There was a single bowl and plate inside.

I grabbed the bowl and closed the cabinet. I took the cereal off the fridge and started pouring it into the bowl. The milk came after and I made myself a spoon.

I took a bite out of it and stopped. I turned the tv on and started eating again. I checked the news and weather for today and switched the channel soon after.

I turned it to a cooking show and finished the rest of my food. I went to the sink and started washing the bowl. I haven't done the dishes in a while so it was kind of fun doing then again since it brought back good memories.

I washed my hands and left the kitchen. I went to my closet and put my uniform on. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth aswell. I did my hair a bit and left my room.

"Oh hello. Did you sleep well last night?" I turned my head over and saw her. She had the same uniform on as me. "You go to A.U. aswell?" She walked up to me and nodded.

"I'm a sophomore. You must be a junior right?" I shook my head at her and she seemed surprised. "I'm a freshman." She made a weird face and stared at me.

"Well anyways, I guess we can walk to school together every morning huh?" I looked down at her and stared.

It wasnt a bad idea so why not. I need someone to talk with now since I can only meet Gasper in class.

"Sure but not every morning. I'll probably be late sometimes so you shouldn't always wait for me." I took my phone out of my pocket and gave it to her.

"Give me your number. It'll make things easier." She nodded at me and took my phone. She put her number in with an emoji next to it and gave it back.

"Let's go. We' cant be late can we?" She smiled at me and we left. We got on the elevator and went down. We waved to the counter lady and walked out side.

The sun hit our face and she put her hand up. We then looked at each other and looked back. "Why do you were a mask over you eyes like that?" I stared back at her then looked up. "My quirk effects my vision and these help them." She nodded at me and we started walking towards school. It was a 10 minute walk so it took some time.

We talked about some things like where I was from. I have a slight accent and she noticed it. "I'm from japan but came to america when I was about 8."

She nodded at me and looked away. "I miss my family. They died when I was younger so I've been alone since." I looked down at her and looked away.

I was wondering something for a while now. How does she not recognize me with this mask on. I'm pretty sure I'm known around here.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. She must have her reasons and I dont need to find out right away. "We're almost their Kenji." I nodded at her and we kept walking.

We got to the school gate and stopped. "See you later Kenji." She waved me off and ran away. She ran up to some people and walked with them. I stared at the scene and kept walking.

I got inside of the gate and looked up. I stared at the huge school building for a while and sighed. I kept walking down the path while getting stares from some people.

"Here you are!" I turned my head back and saw Gasper. He had a smile on his face with his hands behind his back. "Hey Gasper. How was your morning?" He walked up beside me and we walked together.

"I almost overslept. You usually wake me up so.." He blushed a bit and looked away. I smiled a bit and and stared out.

I was told the day before yesterday that I was going to be living off campus. I told everyone and they seemed kinda sad. Especially Gasper since I was his first roommate.

"I'll try to come back Gasper. You just have to wait." He turned his head and looked at me. He stared at the side of my face for a while and started speaking.

"Its okay Kenji. You have too right?" I nodded at him and we walked into a building. "Well we can just spend all day together at school." I agreed with him.

No one was allowed to come to my apartment. It could make them a possible target for villians that's why. We walked to our classroom and came in.

We grabbed our textbook and walked over to our seat. We talked with some of our classmates while we were on the way there.

I sat down by the window and Gasper did the same. "Hey did you do your essay?" Gasper slowly looked at me.

"Yeah. Why?" I sighed at bit and put my hands together. "I forgot to do mine. Can you show me yours. Please?" He stared at me for a while then started giggling. I looked up at him and said "What's funny?"

He shook his head and reached into his sack. He took out multiple papers and sat them down on my desk. "Its nothing. It's just that I'm the one who usually asks for your homework."

I see now. "I guess you do need me by huh kenji." He gave me a big smile and I took out 3 sheets of paper. "What would I do without your support Gasper." I got a pencil and started writing.

It took me to the bell to finish it. "Here you go. Thank you." He took the papers out of my hand and smiled. "Good morning class. Turn in your essays and we'll start class." Everyone nodded and got up.

One by one, we turned our papers in and got back in our seats. "Now then. Please clear your desk and look at the board. There is an important announcement so pay attention."

The screen flashed white and the headmaster appeared. "Good morning class. Because of your hard work and attitude, we've decided to reward you."

The class looked around and gossiped a bit. "You will have the choice of partnering up with a hero. You have all done hero work by yourselves but never with a real hero. You will be able to get the experience of a true hero with this program."

The class got excited and was calmed down by our teacher. "This program will start next week. Be ready for the time of your lives!" He disappeared and the lights came back on. "Any questions?" We all stared at each then back at him.

Some people did have questions but I didn't. I just put my head down and stared out the window. I looked over at some people who were bullying someone.

I stared at the scene for a while until they left. The kid got up and slowly picked his things up. He left with a frown on his face while bawling his fist.

I wasnt that surprised anymore. I would have probably tried and helped him but I just watched this time.

Things like this needs to happen apparently. 'To help them later in life' is what featherine told me. "This is so exciting kenji!" I looked over at Gasper and he seemed happy.

I didnt really work with anyone besides aizawa. I went to endeavors agency for a single day and decided that it wasnt for me.

I just hope that the hero I choose is decent enough to be called one.


I threw a punch at Claudia and she dodge. She quickly did a 360 and kicked me I'm my stomach. She then kicked me in my other side and I fell to the ground.

"What's wrong? You could have blocked that." She whiped her face with a towel and walked over to me.

She helped me up and stared at me. "I just hesitated for a bit. Its nothing." She stared for a while longer and nodded. "So you heard the announcement aswell right? Have you chosen a hero yet?"

I whiped my face with a towel and drunk some water. "No, I haven't. You?" She walked over and stood infront of me. She puffed out her chest and started talking. "This girls family has connections so ofcourse I do!" Steam came out of her nose when she said that.

I only nodded at her and got up. "Wanna go again? I'm focused now." She smiled at me and walked back some.

She took her sword out and aimed it at me. "I'm ready whenever you are." I smirked at her and disappeared.


I was walking out of the school gate now.

I waved Gasper off and was now on my way home. It was a long and boring day so I was kinda looking forward to going home but first..

I made a detour and walked through an alley. I teleported to another alley and walked out of it. I turned my head to the right and started walking again again.

I walked up to this house and knocked on the door. It was quite small on the outside and was yellow in color. "Who is it?" I heard a child like voice talking.

"You have a delivery." The door unlocked and a small boy appeared. I bent down a bit and picked him up. "I've got you know!" The boy laughed a bit and tried undoing himself.

"What are you doing here kenji?" He stared at me with a confused face. "I haven't seen you in a while. Can I not visit?" I put my head down a little bit and he touched it. "Ofcourse you can Kenji!"

My head popped back up and I smiled at him. I brought him closer to my chest and walked in. "Is your mom home?" I walked into the living room and sat down.

Henry sat on my lap and looked up at me. "Shes taking a shower right now. She just got in so it might take a while." I nodded at him and looked up.

I heard an odd noise so I started looking around. "What is that noise henry?" He tilted his head at my question. After a while however, his face went back to normal. "Follow me!" He got up from my lap and ran away.

I followed after him and arrived in a small room. "Meet Jamie. Shes my new baby sister!" My eyes widened and I crept into the room. I walked up to the crib and looked down.

A baby was there sleeping peacefully. "When did she?.." I knew his mom was pregnant but I didnt know that she already delivered her. "It was about 5 days ago. She fell to the floor so I called the police. They arrived quickly and she was sent to the hospital."

I nodded my head while starring at the baby. She was cute with her little hands and sleeping face. "May I?" I looked over at henry and he put his thumb up. I smiled a little and put my hands out.

I picked the baby up and held her in my arms. She cooed a bit and woke up. Our eyes met and she stared. "S-She isnt crying!?" I turned around towards henry and stared at him.

"She always cries when I try to hold her..." She might think that you'll drop her that's why.

I laughed a bit at him and looked down at the baby. She had her thumb in her mouth and was starring intensely at me. "Your so cute." I touched her nose and she pulled her thumb out of her mouth.

She started clapping with a huge smile. "Henry? Where are you?" His mom walked passed the room and came back. Her eyes widened for a second then calmed down.

"Oh kenji? Your here?" I stared at her. She had perfect curves with big breast. Long blonde hair that went past her back. She had golden eyes aswell. I've never noticed her looks because she was pregnant the whole time so it didnt show.

"Yeah I'm here. I stopped by to check on you guys." She smiled at me and walked up to me. She got infront of me and and looked at her baby. She touched her face a bit and looked back at me.

"She likes you kenji." She made a teasing face and walked over to the crib. "You made a beautiful child. She'll probably look like her mother when she grows up." She laughed a bit and turned around.

She had a small item in her hand. "Hold this for me will ya?" I handed her baby back and she a

gave me the item. "My little Jamie. Are you hungry?" They baby ignored her and stared at me.

"Uh.." I scratched the side of my face and laughed a bit. "You already took her heart!? Kenji you womanizer!" She pointed at me and I backed up.

She saw this and smiled. "I'm just kidding. Geez." She laughed a bit and walked up to me. "But I guess she likes you a lot huh." I gulped a bit and slowly nodded.

"Well I have to go. Take care." I waved her goodbye and left. Or I tried to atleast. She grabbed my shoulder and I turned around. "You cant go now. Stay over for dinner since your already here."

I sighed at her and nodded slowly. "Fine. You should hurry up and get changed tho. Your towel is starting to slip." She blushed a bit and nodded.

She handed me jamie and left the room. "Wow kenji. Your taking my mom and sister huh?" I looked down and Henry and smiled. "I wont take either of them from you. Their too much for me to handle."

I patted his head and he smiled. "Just take good care of them kenji." Why is he assuming that I'll take them? His mom was hot bit I couldnt do that. Maybe he means as a hero. Yeah, that's it.

We left the room and went to the couch. I sat down with jamie in my arms and watched the tv. Jamie stared at me with a smile the whole time like shes won.

"Kenji!...Can you come help me please.." I looked over my shoulder and stared at her. She was in an apron while revealing all of her features. It was like I was getting set up for forced romance.


"I'll be right back okay? Dont cry." I squeezed her cheek and she giggled. I gave her to henry and got up. I walked into the kitchen and started talking. "What do you need help with?" I stared at her back and she turned around.

Her chest giggled and my eyes followed. "Geez. My eyes are up here you pervert." She put her hand on her lip while covering her body. She saw me blush a bit and laughed. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I just need your help with opening the cans."

I nodded at her and walked over to the over counter. I got the can opener and started opeing them up. "Kenji. May I ask you something?" She was chopping up onions when she said that.

"What is it?" We both didnt look at each other while talking. "Can you come here in 3 days. It'll mean alot to us. To the kids atleast." I stopped opening the cans and turned around.

In 3 days, it'll be Christmas. She wants me to come here on Christmas day? I dont know if I can tho. I'll be with everyone else at school so...

"I will. I'll come over so rest assured." I heard a sniffle and saw her shaking her head. "I-Im sorry. Its just that...This is the first time in 7 years that I haven't spent christmas with him."

I assumed she was talking about her husband. He was a small time hero and died right after impregnating her. It was sad to know that he wouldnt see his daughter being born.

I walked up behind her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Its fine. I'll try my best to cheer you guys up so dont be sad. Okay?" I didnt want to be that guy. Not in the slightest.

I meant that in the normalest way possible. I didn't want to replace him. I just want to cheer his family up in the mean time.

"T-Thank you kenji." She turned around at me and smiled. I only nodded and went back to my cans. We finished after a while and I sat down at the bar. "Put some clothes on already. You have a young man in your house. Arent you afraid?"

She took the liquor out her mouth and stared at me. "You wouldn't do noshing. Your too humble.~" I sighed at her and got up. "Its getting late. I should leave now." I looked at her and saw her smiling.

Oh no. That face..

"Why don't you shay here? It's a long walk right...." She burped out and got up. She stumbled a bit and I caught her. "No it's fine. Besides, I might do something to you if I stay here." This was a joke.

I sat her back down and she got some more alchohol. "You have to eat so shay.~" I laughed a bit and turned away.

She was just preparing the food for Christmas. There was no actual dinner for me to eat. I walked into the living room and saw Henry.

"I'm going now. Take care of your mother okay?" He quickly turned his head at me and frowned. "Your leaving already?.." I sighed and looked up. The clock said 5:00 so I guess it's kinda early.

"Yeah I have sch-" A loud noise went off. I looked over at the noise and saw a crying baby. I quickly walked up to her and picked her up. "What's wrong?" I was obviously not going to get a response but whatever.

Jamie stopped crying and stared at me. She had small tears in her eyes. I tapped on her forehead and went into her mind. Her true thoughts were telling me not to leave.

It wasnt fair to be honest. I'm against a wall here. "Hey henry. Do you have cover for me?" His face lit up and he nodded. "That means your staying right!?" I sighed and nodded.

One night couldnt hurt right? "Your lucky I like your kids shinobu." I stared at her drunken face which looked like shes won.

"Great~ Your staying.~" I nodded at her and sat down. I rocked jamie a little and she giggled. She put her hands out and bawled her fist at me. "Shes really spoiled huh?" I looked over a Henry. "Only with you, yeah."

I laughed a bit and continued watching TV.
