Chapter 97

"Will you actually make food this time?"

She just told me that she was cooking dinner. She was still kinda drunk but she was able to move around. "Yesh. I have to make my guess something right?" She burped and turned the stove on.

"Make something good. Henry told me about your food being the best so I'll like to taste it." She nodded at me and took some stuff out.

"It really is good kenji." I patted his head and looked at Jamie. She always stares at me for an odd reason. I pondered about this for a minute.

By a minute, I mean about 10 minutes. It hit me that I had my mask on. I faced palmed and shook my head. "What's wrong kenji?" I looked over at him and shook my head.

"Its nothing. I was scratching my face that's all." He nodded at me and continued watching TV. I looked around for a moment and back down at jamie. I pulled my blind fold up so only my left eye could be seen.

She took her thumb out of her mouth and her mouth gaped. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Shh." I put my hand over my lip and pulled my mask back down.

She giggled loudly which made everyone else look over. "What happened?" I looked over at her and smiled. "I just tickled her a bit. She got too excited I guess." I laughed a bit and she nodded.

She turned back and continued cooking. I stared back at Jamie and she was looking away now. I guess her mission to see what I look like under this mask was accomplished.

We watched tv for a while and I could smell the food. It smelt great to be honest. "I'm almost done. Kenji, can you set the table for me please?" I nodded at her and got up.

"Take your sister for me please." He nodded at me and took her out of my hands. She grabbed in the air towards me and I smiled.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some plates and silverware. I placed them down on the table and put a single spoon down in Jamie's high chair.

I walked back into the living room and picked them both up. I carried them over to the table and sat them down in their chairs. "You didnt have to do that you know." She laughed a bit and pulled something out of the oven.

"Yeah, I guess that Jamie could have walked up here herself huh?" I laughed a bit and she pouted. I sat down in my seat and waited. Jamie was on my left and she stared at me.

A habit now I guess.

Or maybe it was because I was towering over her. "The food is ready! Prepare to eat something so good that you'll want to stay forever!" She gave a villainous laugh and set down a plate of food infront of me.

She gave Jamie some corn which I questioned in my head but ignored it. She gave Henry some chicken tenders with broccoli which looked good.

"Enjoy!" She sat down and smiled. I picked my food up and motioned it towards my mouth then stopped. "Arent you gonna eat?" I turned my head at her and stared. "Oh I'm not hungry so enjoy." She winked at me and I looked away.

I put the food in my mouth and chewed. The flavors hit me and I smiled a bit. "Well? It's good right?" I nodded my head and said "Its amazing. You did good." She closed her eyes and smiled.

I ate a little bit more and turned my head. "You need help huh?" She had on a small bib with food stains. She wasn't even a week year old but she can pick up a spoon without help.

It must be some sort of mutation right? How can she open her eyes, move her body, and what else is surprising? She had some hair on her head.

I grabbed her spoon and put some food on it. "Here you go." She opened her small mouth and I fed her.

I soon took the spoon out of her mouth and she smiled. She clapped her small hands together to make it seem like she wanted more. I smiled a bit and fed her some more to her request. "Wow. Taking my job now huh?" I looked over at her and looked back.

"Sorry about that. You can.." I pulled the spoon down a bit. "No it's fine. She happy so that's what matters." I nodded at her and and continued.

We had a nice 'Family dinner' together. Some laughs and some spills were here and there. I even fed jamie some of my food and she liked it. For a 5 day year old child, shes

Shes not normal for a child her age but it doesnt bother me in the slightest. Heck, it makes things easier

I'm doing it again huh?

"Thank you for staying tonight Kenji. We're grateful." They all stared at me which made me look away a bit. "No problem. It's nice like this once in a while." I haven't ate with people like this since I was back in japan.

They smiled at me and I got up. I took Jamie's bowl and Henry's plate. He had his hand on his belly with his head back. "I'll do the dishes for you." It was the least that I could do for her since she made me an amazing dinner.

"Okay. Help yourself." I went over to the sink and started. Henry soon came up to the sink and stared at me. "What happened?" I turned towards him with a sponge and plate in my hand. "I-I want to help you!"

It was cute watching him. "Okay. I'll appreciate it." He nodded at me and turned. He kept looking around and back up at me. "Uhm.." I laughed a bit and sat a plate down.

"Here. Use this." He nodded at me and climbed into the chair. He was only 7 so he wasnt able to seen over the counter. "Here. I'll dry them and you put them up okay?" He nodded at me and I passed him a plate.

He put it up and toppled a bit. I put my hand on his back and caught him. "Be careful okay?" I smiled at him and he nodded. We continued for a while with some more slip ups along the way.

He eventually got the hang of it however and we finished. "Good job." I put my hand out and he hit it. I picked him up and put the chair back. We walked back over to the dinner table and saw her cleaning up jamie.

"We're finished now." She looked over at me and smiled. "You boys sure did that quickly." I nodded at her and went towards the living room.

She came behind us with jamie in her arms and sat down next to me. "Your a wonderful cook. You should show it off sometimes." She giggled a bit and looked over at me. "I was a cook actually. That's how I met my husband." I nodded at her and continued watching the TV.

Jamie and Henry were in our laps playing with each other. It was a cute scene which made me and shinobu smiled at each other.


"Wow. Its huge." I looked at her and she smiled.

I was in the bathroom which was way bigger than I imagined. "Enjoy it. You helped me out alot today so use it however you want too." I smiled and walked in.

It was like a hot spring which was nice. I haven't been in one since around chapter 50.

I walked in with henry in my hand. We took our clothes off and put a towel on. We walked into the hot springs and got into the water.

It melted our skin and we made a satisfied face. "Its amazing right kenji?" I looked over to him and smiled. You could only see his eyes and head. The rest of his body was underwater.

"Its perfect.." I sunk into the water like him. We stayed like that for a while until... "So henry. You have somebody you like at school right?" He stared for a moment then his face became red.

"N-No! Why do you say that!?" He emerged from the water and I smiled. "I can tell when someone Is in love. You have that look on your face." He tried making out words but he put his head down in defeat.

"I-I do! She gave her seat up for me and..." He carried on about some more things about her while I just watched. It was cute seeing this but then i frowned.

I thought about how eri would probably fall for some guy. It made me kinda of mad at first but I calmed down. I realized that it was fine if she fell in love with someone. As long as shes happy then I am too.

"Are you guys having fun without me?" I turned my head back and saw a...kid? I stood up from the water and made my way over to her. "Who are you little girl?" I picked her up from under her armpits and stared.

She stared at me for a moment then frowned. She then bit my hand and I dropped her. "Ouch...Why would you do that?" I rubbed my hand and looked at her.

"Its me. Shinobu. How can you not tell?" Smoke went up and she appeared. I stared at a certain part before looking up. "See? Do you remember now?" She placed her hands on her hips and posed.

I stared at her and shook my head. "Yeah.." She winked at me and turned back into a kid. "Its my quirk. I can control my age so I can basically look like my past or future self.

I nodded at that but.. I have a question now. I turned towards henry and stared at him. His dad has a grappling hook as a quirk and his mom has..Whatever this is as hers.

How does he have a healing quirk out of all of that? If anything, he should have a quirk that can lock onto other people and age them right?


I looked back at the small child and said "Why are you even in here? Is it for me?" I bent down a bit and squeezed her cheek. She hit my hand away and pouted. "I came here to relax like you. Duh.."

I shrugged my shoulders and turned around. I went back into the water and sunk my head. She dipped her foot in the water and immediately pulled it out. "Can you not take the heat?" I gave her a teasing look and her face turned red.

I can now say that turning her age back or forwards affects her mentality. She still knows shes a mom and stuff but she acts like a kid now. "S-Shut up! This is nothing!" She put her whole leg in and fell into the water.

Me and henry laughed at this scene and she raised back up. She was naked by the which didn't bother me but shes infront of her son.

Wait that doesn't sound right. It doesn't bother me because I've seen a naked child before.

Eri. I've seen eri naked before is what I mean.

"Hes my son you idiot. He doesn't get flustered over seeing his mom naked." I breathed out a bit and looked away. She read my mind which made me surprised.

I guess it's normal for a kid down here to take a bath naked with their parents. In japan, you would never even see your parents naked for your whole life.

That's a lie.

We sat together in the hot spring for a while. I kept talking to henry about his love life and he eventually asked about mine. I wasnt really prepared for this question so..

"Are you sure you want to know?" He nodded his head aggressively. I laughed a bit and backed against the wall. "I have about 6 wived right now." His mouth dropped and he stared at me. "6!? Wives!?" I nodded at him and looked away.

Gifriends. Wives. There going to have a ring on their finger someday so it doesnt matter what I call them. Gasper is getting a ring too so dont worry.

"Yep. I'm lucky to have them. They love me very much and I love them aswell." He nodded at me then said "But your not old enough Kenji. How did you?.."

I laughed a bit and patted his head. "Love doesn't have an age requirement. Just love each other and you can become what you want." He smiled at me and nodded. "Wow. 6 wives huh? You must have a goal or something."

I do remember saying that I wanted every girl in U.A. I still kinda do but I'm happy with who I have now. Maybe some of the guys will find their other soul mates in U.A. so I'll hold off for now. "I wont deny that I dont. But I will say that I'm fine with everyone I have now."

Maybe featherine, Sister lily, and some others but all in all, I'm satisfied. Although I cant marry lily. In public atleast. This Also applies to Gasper. If they found out that I've had sex with a guy then they'll disown me on the spot.

I'll still love them tho so its fine.

"Well this talk is depressing so let's change the subject." I nodded and got up. I walked over to her and picked her up.

"Your such a cute child." I rubbed my face against hers. She tried pushing me away but failed. "Your so funny henry." I heard henry laughing a bit behind me. I pulled her off my face and swung her around.

She kept screaming out until she turned back to her regular size. Her breast hit my face which made me fall into the water.

I stayed down for a while then came back up. "You pervert!" She hit me on my head and turned away.

I laughed a bit and got out. "I'm going now. Have fun.." I waved them both off and went into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and took my towel off. Henry walked into the room behind me and I looked at him.

"I have to shower with you. Sorry.." I nodded slowly and sighed. That lady is kinda weird but it's not the first time that.. Nevermind.

"Let's get you in then." I picked him up and sat him down in the shower. I grabbed some soap and started cleaning him. "That tickles~" He laughed quietly and I continued. I put some shampoo in his hair and did that aswell.

I made sure that none got into his eyes with a skill of mines. I went back to his body and washed him some more. "Okay. Get ready." I took the shower head down and hit him with the water.

He squirmed a bit but it didnt really affect the process. I turned him around and got his behind. He laughed some more and I soon finished. I carried him out of the shower and told him to dry off. I soon got in the shower myself and started bathing.

I cleaned myself and stayed in for a while even after. I thought about something then got out. "Here you go!" He handed me a towel and I wrapped it around myself.

We walked out the room with me holding his hand. I grabbed the back end of my towel and dried my hair a bit with it. "Are you trying to sway me or what?" I got to the living room and saw her.

"No, not really. I just dont have any clothes to wear." I walked up to her and sat down. Henry went back to his room to change so it was only me and her. And jamie.

"Oh that's it? You can use my husband's old clothes. They'll probably be tight however." I nodded at her and picked up jamie. She was grasping the air towards me so I assumed she wanted to be carried.

"You must have a kid or something?" I looked over at her. "I do but shes the same age as your son. She actually turned 7 yesterday." Her face lit up and she held onto my arm. "You really have a kid!? Show me! Show me!" She kept shaking me and I nodded.

"I'll show you later. I left it in the bathroom so..." Smoke went up and she turned into a teenager.

I think.

She ran to the bathroom and came back with my clothes. She put them infront of me and I sighed.

I took out a picture of eri and she dropped the clothes on me. She snatched the photo from my hand and sat back down. "Wow...She...Doesnt have your hair. She must take after her mother then." I laughed and rubbed the back of my head.

"Yeah..She got my looks tho am I right?" She laughed out loudly like I just told the biggest joke of the year. "Sure, Sure. You'll have to show me her mom for me to decide that."

She patted my shoulder and handed me my photo back. "She is cute however. I cant deny that." I smiled a bit and nodded. She does look very cute. Especially with those big red eyes and that huge smile.

"Kenji!! Here you go!" I looked down and saw henry. He had some underwear and a shirt in his hand. "Thank you henry." He smiled at me and I got up. I handed jamie back to her and left.

I walked to the bathroom and started changed. I came back 10 minutes later and saw some cover and pillows on the couch. "You thought you were sleeping with me huh?" She rubbed under her nose while in her child form.

"No, not really. Sleeping with a child could get me in trouble." I walked passed her and picked the cover up. I hit my pillow a couple of times and layed down. "Well anyways, goodnight. Dont try anything or I'll.." She noticed that I was snoring and stopped talking.

She pouted a bit and turned the light off. She left the living room with a smile while shaking her head.


I woke up to a screaming noise. I instantly teleported to her room and held her in my arms.

"Come on jamie. Your killing me." It was 3 am right now. Shes been crying all night but I was able to arrive almost instantly so everyone else wouldnt wake up.

She giggled and grasped towards me. I smiled at her and started rocking her. I walked out of the room and back to the living room. "Might aswell. Your just gonna keep waking me up anyways." She made that same look again.

The one where shes won. She cooed a bit and I turned the tv on. It blinded me but I blocked it from jamie so it's fine. "What do you wanna watch?" I placed her on my lap and she started motioning her hand down.

Shes was very smart for a child. Like highley intelligent to the point were she could probably out smart me. I clicked to a channel and she clapped her hands. It was a cooking show with the goat himself.

She smart and has taste. Nice.

We watched him for a while and she laughed a bit. I stared at the scene of her laughing which made me kind of happy. I've only know her for a couple of hours but I would probably do anything for her. Like my own child.

I sighed at myself and continued watching. I get attached way to easily. This was a problem that I wanted to fix but I could never bring myself to fix it. One skill would fix it all but..

"So your already taking care of her huh?" I looked up at her and nodded. She sat down next to me and picked jamie up. "You should get your rest. You just had a child didnt you?" I noticed that she was very active for someone who has just had a child.

"My quirk helps me with that." I nodded at her and she layed down. She put her legs on mine and told me to get my pillow. "I'll stay with you so you wont be bored." She winked at me and I handed my pillow to her.

"Thank you. For curing my boredom." I put my hands together and bowed to her a bit. She puffed her chest out a bit and laughed.

"When I first met you, I was so thankful to you. You know that right?" I looked over at her and stared into her eyes. What's with that sudden statement?

"If I lost henry in that moment then.." A tear came out of her eye and fell onto Jamie's face.

Jamie saw her mom in this state and grabbed her thumb. "Thank you... I really mean it." She looked at me with a smile full of tears. "Your welcome shinobu. Saving your son was one of the best things that has happened in my life." She tilted her head in confusion and I smiled.

"I got to meet his beautiful mother so it was a win-win." She started at me for a moment then laughed. "Wow..You've charmed my heart. Thank you." She was being sarcastic which was fine.

As long as she'll cheer up then I'll say whatever. "Watch jamie for me please. Sorry." She handed her over to me and stretched out. She kicked me in my face a bit and laughed.

"You said you were gonna stay up with me to keep me from not getting bored." She kept rubbing her foot on me while laughing. "You said that I should rest right? I'm just taking your advice." She laughed some more while I snickered.

I bit down on her foot and she...moaned. We then stared at each other before coughing. "Well, sleep good then. I'll probably be gone by the time you wake up so dont worry for me." She slowly nodded and fell asleep.

"Now then, let's continue our fun-" Jamie burst out into tears. I quickly put up a small sound proof barrier around me and tried calming her down. "Shhh.. Whats wrong?" She sniffled a few time then grabbed the air toward me.

I got up with her and pulled her closer to my chest. She held onto me tightly like I was about to run...away. "I was just kidding. I'll be here all day so stop crying. Please?" This child was something else.

She acted like she was 3. She was smart like a 10 year old. I sighed out then removed her. I held her out infront of me and stared.

"I've dealt with gods before but your way trickier." The honest truth actually. She could make hermes and Loki seem like a small time villian. She then laughed out while clapping. Her tears completely gone.

I hope she doesnt remember what I've just said. She might however as shes not normal. I could have erased her memory then and there but it's fine. By the time shes grown up, everyone will know the truth about me.


A joke by the way. I would never tell anyone about these powers.

Well for development, I might be like 'I'm a god..'

words, words, words, 'wow. You suck.'

sad face.
