Chapter 100

He came up to the couch and sat down next to me. "Are you sure?"

I could see eri through visions. I could see her but I wasnt there. She wasnt able to see me at all and the best that I can do it send letters.

I wasnt allowed to contact them at all or they'll suspend me from this mission.

'That doesnt sound too bad actually'....I reached for my pockets then stopped. I thought about all the people here and how I would miss them. It's not like I couldnt call them tho..

No. It'll just be the same thing all over where I'll miss them then overthink. I would be with eri and- "Kenji?" I snapped out of it and looked at him. He and jamie both had tears in their eyes. "I-Im fine. Really."

I picked them both up. Henry wept in my arms while I rocked jamie in my shoulder. "I'm okay. I'm fine so dont worry." I rubbed his back a bit and he nodded.

This is my 13th reason why. Me being sad affects him in this way now. If I were to leave then..."The dinners ready." I looked up at her and nodded. "Up we go." I got up and carried them both to the kitchen.

I sat them down in their chairs and went over to shinobu. "Are you fine now?" I didnt say anything and she sighed. "I'm supposed to be cheering you up and here I am. Making you guys sad."

She quickly turned around and stared at me. "No. un uh. You being here is enough for us. Dont say things like that." She hit me with a spoon and smiled. I rubbed the top of my head and looked away.

Jamie was hitting her little table while henry was looking at the TV. I smiled a bit at the scene and walked up behind shinobu. "What do you need help with?" I grabbed the knife from her and she turned back.

"W-Why are you standing behind me like that?" She looked up at me and I looked down at her. "Sorry. I didnt realize." I went to her side and stared at her. "Y-You can chop us Henry's piece of steak." I nodded and she left.

I scooted over a bit and started. I cut then into perfect pieces and put the knife down. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet above me and took it out.

I placed the steak on there and turned around. I went over to the stove which had corn bread and vegetables in a pot and pan. I put then on the plate and went back over to henry. "Eat up." I placed it infront of him and patted his head.

He nodded at me and dug in. "Your food is coming right up." I poked her cheek and she giggled. I walked passed her and came up to shinobu. "Need anymore help?" She turned around at me and stared. "No. Sit down now so I can fix your plate."

She pointed her spoon at me and I nodded. I went back to the table and sat down. Jamji tilted her head at me and cooed. "Sorry. You know how your mother is." I sighed and she nodded her head like she understood.

After a while, she came out with some food. She gave me and Jamie my plate then hit henry on the hand with a spoon. "Who told you too eat?" He rubbed his hand with a tear in his eye.

"S-Sorry mommy." I laughed a bit and jamie clapped her hands together. Shinobu saw this scene and sighed. She then got her own plate and sat down next to henry.

"Lets pray. It's important." I nodded at her and we all closed our eyes and put our heads down. Jamie saw this and was confused but she eventually did it aswell.

We prayed to jesus and god for a while. I could hear them getting a good laugh out of this so I decided to pay them back later. "Amen." She lifted her head up. "Amen." Me and Henry said in unison. Jamie cooed out which made us all laugh a bit.

We soon started eating. It was quite good. Better then last time actually. Well she was slightly drunk so I guess that's why. "Here you go." I put my spoon into her mouth and she smiled.

She sucked on my spoon for a while and I took it out of her mouth. She clapped her hands together and I continued eating. "Watch yourself henry." He was about to drop his glass of punch. "T-Thank you." I nodded and continued eating.

"Man this is good." I forgot to let her know my opinion on it so I told her now. "Was it so good that you forgot to mention it?" I laughed a bit and nodded. "Mom...I want desert now." Henry pleated to his mom and she sighed.

"You have to wait for your food to digest." He slowly nodded. "Then why is Kenji getting a plate of dessert then?" I managed to get up with her seeing me but It failed i guess. "Wha. Sit back down young man!" I sighed and stared at henry.

'I could have gotten you some.' I sat back down in my chair. 'Oh...Try again please.' I laughed a bit and he did aswell.


I was sitting on the couch now. I got done eating and so I was digesting my food. "You made this Christmas more exciting than ever. Thank you." I looked over at her. "You know..." I got closer to her. "I still haven't gotten my present yet." I got close to her face and she blushed a bit.

"Well?" She backed away and stared at me. "W-What do you want? All the stores are closed so I cant go out and buy anything." I laughed a bit and pulled away.

"You know what I want." She fliched a bit then nodded. "P-Please be gentle!" I smiled then frowned. What does she mean by that? "I meant that I want a lap pillow..." She stared blankly at me then blushed. "O-Oh ok."

Does she not have any shame. Your children are right here you know. She motioned me towards her legs and I layed down in them. I sunk in and let out a sigh of relief.

"You smell so nice..." I turned my head a bit and closed my eyes. I squeezed her legs and she let out a weird noise. "Pervert..."

(AN: Took me since the beginning of this arc to realized that Americans don't say pervert. They just call you weird and start rumors about you.

Imma still say it tho.)

I went deeper and inhaled more. It was getting hotter and hotter untill..."That's far enough!" I sighed and stopped. The kids are here so I'll listen this time. "This is almost the best present ever." Having sex with Gasper was first ofcourse.

"So I wasnt wrong then..." I stared at her out the corner of my eye. I was still feeling her legs however. "You had sex with someone before coming her didnt you?" I sighed and sat up. I stared at the TV then started talking.

"I did. I'm not ashamed but I do feel kinda bad now." I don't know how she knows tho. I cleaned myself before leaving so... "Dont be ashamed. You told me already that you had multiple lovers. It was to be expected." Her voice was getting lower and lower until she finally looked away.

I stared at her and leaned in towards her face. I was so close to her now that I could feel her breath. In that moment however, I went back.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." I grabbed my keys from the table and left. I waved henry and Jamie away before going but they still seemed sad.

I got into my car and turned it on. I didnt move however and only sighed. I placed my head on the wheel and thought.

"If I said something then then it would have been for nothing." I kept telling myself that. I told her that I wouldnt do anything too provoking to her.

In that moment however, I had the dumbass thought of bringing her in and kissing her right infront of her children. I'm...I'm not okay. That shouldn't have been my first thought in that moment.

Smooth talking my way out wasnt even an option in my head. I pulled out of her driveway and into the street. I waited for a bit then drove off.

I kept going faster and faster and faster until I got to a pear. I drove down the pear and went faster. I was approaching the water at a quick pace and eventually...I stopped.

I stopped right before and my car was just inches away from the end of the boarder. I then got out of my car and slammed the doors. I hoped onto the front of my car and a drink appeared in my hands.

I opened it and took a sip from it. "You were really about too..Kenji, is that who you are?" I kept starring out into the water. "Go away. I dont want to be bothered right now." She ignored me and sat down besides me.

"Your an idiot you know." She snatched the drink from my hand and drunk It. "Your a character above fiction and yet the littlest things make you like this." I made another drink appear in my hands and opened it.

"I still have a human heart you know." She burst out into laughter and started spitting the drink out. "You... have a human heart? Please..." She kept laughing then instantly got serious.

She dugged her hand into my chest and took out my heart. "Look at this. This isnt human at all." I looked over at it then I looked back. "You have no heart Kenji. Only a void being filled with your own emotions."

She took out nothing. I had no heart in this body. "Well I..." I stuttered trying to talk to her. "You can make skills to cancel out those emotions cant you? Why the hell are you doing this to yourself."

I looked up at the sunset and took a sip. "To feel something I guess." She fliched when she heard this. "I dont feel anything and it's boring. I limit myself to a human level but I end up becoming like this...." I paused for a bit and took another sip.

"I'm stuck between two things. My emotions and My power." She stared at me for a moment then got up. "Your in too deep. You'll probably get carried away by this worlds problems one day. I can tell." She walked away and disappeared.

I took another sip and looked up.

Getting carried away by the world's problems huh? I have my own at the moment so I cant see it anytime soon.

I got off the roof and went back into my car. I did a quick 180 and drove back to the road.


I parked my car and got out. I had aizawa gift box in hand and was now walking down the car lot. It was across the street from my building so it was quite convenient.

I crossed the street and went into my building. "Good afternoon Ms. Chang." She looked over at me and stared. "Happy new years kenny." I nodded at her and got to the elevator.

I called it down and got in. I went up to my floor and soon got off. I walked down the hallway and went into my room. "I'm home..." I sighed and took my shoes off.

I teleported to my bed and took the scarf out. I put it on and checked myself out in the mirror that I created. "Looks nice." I kinda looked liked aizawa with my hero costume on. The mask and googles. Hair and scarf.

I was like a copy. I smiled a bit and took it all off. I got naked with my little leaf on and went to bed. It was a bit chilly but it felt good to me.

I also heard some moaning in the room next to me so that's something.


(AN: Just got back from school.

Mc: 4/10

Side characters: 2/10

World building: 0/10

Teachers: 8/10

Overall it was boring. Put me in the smart class so I didnt know anybody.

It's fine I guess as I'll just focus on learning.