Chapter 101

...5 days later.

I woke up and layed up against the bed frame. I was supposed to be meeting up with the hero I chose a couple of days ago.

I slid my hands down my face and got up. I put my hands behind my head for a bit and walked over to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw that there was only a block of cheese inside.

"I guess I have to go shopping huh?" I closed the door and teleported infront of my closet. I opened it and started looking around. I found my hero costume in the corner and I took it out. I took my scarf out aswell and turned away.

My clothes started floating in front of me and I continued walking. I walked into them and they appeared on me. "Stills need some tinkering huh?" I sighed a bit and snapped my fingers.

My costume flew off and floated back into the air. I walked up to them and placed my hand on my chin. "I guess that this is my limit."

I made a device that projects your clothes out and all you need to do is walk into them to wear them. Pretty smart invention right?

I was using my earth's brain for this. It wasnt enough but it got me to this much atleast. I walked closer up to it and tapped it. My costume flashed for a moment then I started moving my fingers around.

I started perfecting it and after about 2 seconds it was complete. "Take this and make it your own." A figure of a shadow appeared and took a chip out of my hand. "Sir.." It slowly went away and I sighed.

I put the costume on myself and placed my scarf on. I pulled out a piece of paper and stared at it for a moment. I soon bawled it up and threw it into a trash can.

I turned my lights off and walked out of the room. "Oh hey Kenji. How was your morning?" I stared at her and nodded. She was also wearing her hero costume. "Can you drive me to my meet up spot? Please.." She started leaning on me.

She had on an all black outfit like mine. Black boots with black shoes. She had a black jacket with a black mini skirt and she also had a mask.

I nodded at her and she smiled. We walked down the hallway to the elevator and called it. It soon arrived and some people walked out of it. They laughed a bit when they saw us but I just ignored it.

Touka was pouting a bit but soon forgot about it as we were in the elevator. "Why are you so quiet Kenji? You usually aren't this quite when we meet up but.." She looked at the side of my face and stared.

"I'm just hungry. That's all." I looked at the elevator door and it opened. She stared at me as I walked out of it and nodded. 'Somethings wrong with him' is what she thought.

She soon followed up behind me and we waved to Ms. Chang while leaving. She said some things but I just ignored it towards the end.

We both arrived outside and she covered her face. "Its so hot..." She slouched down a bit and sighed. "Hey aren't you hot? Your clothes are darker than mines and yet.." She stared at me again and I started walking.

She followed behind me once again and we both crossed the street. We went into the parking lot and took the elevator. We went to floor 5 as that was the floor with my car on it.

We soon got to the floor and started walking towards my car. "It so clean.. Its like it never gets dirty.." Shes fanboyed over it again and again. I unlocked the doors and got in. She did aswell and she started checking out herself in the mirror.

"Do I look fine? I'm okay right?" I guess she started freaking out. I nodded a bit and started putting my seat belt on. "Seatbelt." I looked over at her and she nodded quickly.

She soon put it on and smiled. I tapped around my wheel a bit and put the car into reverse. I backed out and put it back into drive.

I drove the car down the car lot and arrived at the road. I waited for the light to turn green then pulled out. I flew down the street and she started squealing. "Soooo...Fast..." She held onto the rail of the door and I slowed down.

"Is it here?" I pulled up to this park and she looked around. "Yep! Thanks for the ride." She came close to me and kissed me on my cheek. She giggled a bit and got out of the car.

She waved me off even tho she couldnt see my reaction to it as my windows are very tinted. I then slowly pulled off and started driving towards my meet up point.

It was infront of the beach so that's something. I drove down the road at normal speeds and got eyes from people whenever I stopped at a stop light.

I kept driving down multiple roads until I reached my destination. I turned the car off and got out of my seat belt. I soon got out of the car and and closed my door.

I looked around for the hero I was working under and saw him standing by the water. I stared at his back for a bit and started walking up to him.

The sand didnt affect me so I got there quite fast. "So your the one huh?" He slowly turned around and looked at me. "Clent Clark. It's nice to meet you." He put his hand out and smiled a bit.

"Kenji." I put my hand out and he started shaking it. After a while of shaking, he let go. "So if you didnt know, my quirk is called super." He spun around really fast and changed into his costume. There was a huge S on it and was blue and red in color.

"I have super strength, hest vision and can fly." I nodded at him and he stared at me. I guess he wanted to explain my quirk aswell but he already knows it so theres no point. "Well anyways, we have a whole month together. Let's get to know each other okay?"

I nodded at him and he walked away. "But first..." He slowly floated into the air. "Let's see how strong you really are." His eye glowed red and a beam of red energy came at me.

I had my hands in my pockets and I just stared at it for a while. I soon put my hand out however and the beam connected. It penetrated my skin a bit but didn't do any severe damage in the end.

"So you can take that much huh?" He then started flying at me. He punched at me but I just moved out of the way. I then kept dodging his attacks and he seemed more surprise as he though it was luck at first. I let him get a hit on me however to make him feel nice about himself.

He punched me in my stomach and I jumped back a bit. "You let me hit you. I guess I'm not match for you if it came down to that." He slowly came back to the sand and we stared at each other. "I like you kid. I'm glad you chose me." I nodded at him and we walked away.

"Hey. What do you think being a hero means?" He looked at me then looked away. "Someone who helps the people." We got onto the side walk and he stared at me. "I guess your right in a sense but that's not all."

He walked over to a bench and sat down. "A hero is someone who risk their lives for the people. You would always make them happy and you will always keep them safe." I nodded at him and he smiled.

He then got up from the bench and stared into the sky. "Always have one of these by the way. The people here like them." He then walked away from me. He was pointing at a smile that he plastered on his face which looked very friendly.

We walked down the beach together and talked. "Help! S-Someone just snatched my purse..." The woman fell to her knees with tears coming down already. Me and him looked at each other and nodded.

"You stay here to make sure that no one else shows up! I'll apprehend the villian!" I nodded at him and he jumped away. He left and cloud of dust which made the lady sniffle even more.

"Its okay. I'll protect you so you dont have to worry." She slowly looked up at me and stared. "W-Who are you!?" I stared at her and sighed. "I'm a hero." Her face went blank. I guess she wanted me to tell her my hero name.

"Let's get you over here." I picked her up a bit and carried her over to a bench. I sat her down and sat down myself. "Can you tell me what happened?" She slowly nodded and her mouth opened. "I-was just running down the beach when I suddenly tripped over nothing. I then fell to the floor and a man came up behind me."

She paused for a bit and I nodded my head. "He fell down onto my back and...and...He mo-moved around..." She twitched for a bit and I nodded. "He took my purse and started laughing. He ran away and...and..." I understood and stopped her from talking.

"We'll capture him. I promise." I rubbed her head abit and she moved away. I stared for a moment when she did that and put my hand down slowly.

"S-Sorry..I.." I nodded at her and sighed.

After a while, Super, which was his hero name, came back. He had a beaten up guy in his hand with a purse in another. "Here you go ma'am." He sat the purse next to her and she looked up slowly. "T-Thank you." He smiled at her and nodded.

We ended up having to call the police and they soon came. They thanked us for our help and left. They took the women with them ofcourse so now we could continue.

"You did good. Calming that lady down, I mean." He looked at the side of my face. I, however, kept looking down the walking path. He sighed at the scene and kept walking.


We walked back down to our meeting spot and stopped. "You did good. I expected no less." He placed his hand on my shoulder and laughed. "We have plenty of time so let's just take it slow." I guess he means that today was just a warm up.

"Yeah. It was fun today." I patted his shoulders and walked away. I walked up to my car and opened my door. I looked over the door and our eyes locked. He smiled a bit and put his thumb up. "See you tomorrow!" I got into the car and soon drove off.

I picked up touka along the way and she told me about her day. She apparently saved someone from getting robbed. I told her congratulations and she smiled.

I parked my car in the car lot and we got out. We walked into our building and went up to our rooms. I opened my door a bit then looked back. "These walls aren't sound proof by the way." I knocked on the small gap between our doors and went into my room.

I saw her blush and she ran up to my door. I closed it in her face however and went over to my bed. I snapped my fingers and jumped into my bed. I then took out a picture and smiled at it.

I put it back into the pocket rift and went to sleep. It was only 6:00 pm however but I just wanted sleep.
