A New Start.


"Look...A big villian is attacking." He was holding his scarf while standing on top of this Griffin type thing. He had a dead look in his eye and I stared at his back.

"We should help them huh? We do know them dont we?" My cold and quiet voice made him turn around. He stared into my eyes and said "Yeah, We should. But theres..." I nodded at him and said "I'll deal with him... Let's go." He nodded and jumped away.

I went in another direction and landed down in the middle of the street. "WHO IS YOU!? He screamed out at me. He was a black male with low hair. A white muscle T with blue Jean's on. "I SAID...WHO IS YOU!?"

I looked around at the dead people surrounding us. "You guys are really something huh?" He tilted his face and ran at me. "SHOW ME YOUR FUCKING FACE." I had my hood on as he ran at me.

He got up close to me and punched at me. I ducked under it and punched him in the side of stomach then at his face. He stumbled back a bit and whiped the blood off of his face. "YOU CAN FIGHT HUH!?"

He started moving weirld and a pistol appeared in his hand. "CJ! QUIRK, GTA." He shot the pullets at me and I dodged them. He was surprised at this and started moving weirdly again. A rifle then appeared in his hands

"TRY TO DODGE THIS!" He fired his gun at me and I jumped back. He was laughing loudly and I frowned even more. I then managed to get behind a car but he kept firing at me.

"Gta?... What a weird quirk..." I looked over at a broken piece of glass on the floor and saw him. I thought about something for a second and started counting on me fingers.

I then shot up and kicked the car after counting to 10 on my fingers. It flew back and hit him. CJ or whatever his name was, flew back into a wall. I spared no time and ran up to him. "YOU AINT SHIT!" He got out off the wall and swung down at me.

I caught his forearm and kicked him in the knee cap. He fell down while in was holding his arms. "YOUR A HERO RIGHT? YOU AINT FINNA DO SHIT!" He looked into the dark void that was my hoodie, and smiled.

I stared back at him and said "I'm no hero.." I broke his arm and he screamed out. A gun then appeared in his other hand he shot at me. I dodged the bullet and he screamed out in more pain.

"WHO ARE YOU THEN!?" He had good durability but I guess his quirk made him like that. "I'm no one...to you." His eyes widened and I continued. "What you've done here today...is unforgivable.." I twisted his arm more and his body twitched. He stop struggling after a while and I let go.

"You caused all of this.." I looked around.."For what? Desire? Fun?" I looked back at his foamy face and said "People like you...Are the worst type of evil.." I placed handcuffs on him and jumped away.

I got back on top of the building and saw izuku. His eyes were even lower now. "All might said to meet up with him to see how we were doing.." He slowly looked at me and I sat down infront of him.

"The guy I fought..." I paused for a bit and looked down. "He killed so many innocent people...For no reason at all.." Izuku slowly nodded while sighing. "This is...How they really are.." I agreed with him and got up.

"Let's go talk with him." He nodded slowly and sluggishly got up. "Your good right?" He didnt say anything and just jumped away. I shrugged it off and followed him.

We jumped around a bit in silence and got into this alley way. "Are you guys okay?" All might came up to us and looked around our bodies. "We're fine." Izuku walked away a bit and sat down. I walked over to the opposite side of him and sat down aswell.

All might was in the middle and he looked between the both of us. "Young midoriya...How's it holding up?" He pointed at his gloves and izuku looked down. "I dont need it all might..I can fight without them.." All might heard this and became sad a bit.

"Just dont over do it. Okay?" Izuku clenched his fist a bit and said "Yes sir." All might nodded and looked at me. "I barely even recognize you, young skies.." I didnt say anything and he kept talking.

"Did the person that you faught give you any problems?..." He stared at me and I looked up at him. "No, not really. He was just...loud." All might laughed at that but by himself. He then got a call and went away for a bit.

"I'm fine..." I looked up at izuku and saw him starring down. "The 4th wouldn't shut up and I got distracted." He looked up at me and I nodded. "I see..." I got up and he stared at me.

"You know...You said my costume looked cooler but yours is definitely better." He forced out a laugh and I did the same. My outfit looked like something out of assassin's creed but..Black.

All that waiting for that shitty reveal huh. "Let's go. All might seems...Well.." We looked at him and saw him stuttering. Izuku nodded at me and left.

I followed behind him and left aswell. We were jumping around for a while until we got to this old, rusted house. "Place is as dull as usual." We both landed on the ground and I took my hoodie off. Izuku took of his mask and we looked at each other.

We stopped after a while and went inside the small but big building. I flipped a switch on as we walked in and the lights slowly came on. You could hear a generator coughing in the back.

"All might said we had to stay here.." I barely heard him and nodded. I went over to a fride and grabbed 2 drinks from it. I closed the door to it and threw a drink at izuku.

He caught it with black whip and opened it up. "Thanks.." He slowly sipped from it and I sat down in a chair. "We have to leave in a bit dont we?" I sighed and he nodded while sipping.

We were going around japan and cleaning up some of the streets. Shigiraki let out some criminals so we were just keeping them in check. "Yeah. We should probably get a move on huh?" He sat the drink down and got up.

"Actually...No. You have to rest your body first. Your too tired right now to fight anybody." He stared at me and walked up to me. "I'm fine. I can continue." He got up to me and I stared down at him.

"Your not fine. I saw the way you were flying back there...You almost hit a building." I placed my hand on his shoulder but he hit it away. He then made a tsk noise and started walking away. "I'm just trying to look out for you..."

He turned his head back while walking away and said "I dont need you too." He walked through a door and slammed it. I sighed and sat back down.

"If he wants to go then...I shouldn't try to stop him....Maybe I'm just worried for nothing huh?" I was supposed to protect him so checking up on his health was a chore for me to do. He doesn't want me to however and I can't do anything about that.

I got up from my chair and walked into the room that he was in. I closed the door behind me and starred. "What?" He was naked right now but he didnt care that I was looking at him. He got used to it I guess. "You can go if you want too. I wont stop you but atleast promise me that you'll stay safe."

He starred at me and nodded. "I'll go out...Tomorrow. I'll take your advice right now and rest." He turned around and started putting his boxers on. He put a shirt on aswell and looked at me.

"You should rest aswell.." He walked up to me and placed his hand onto my chest. "I can feel that your hurt.." He looked up at me in the eye and stared. "Its just a bullet wound. I'm fine..." He nodded a bit and took his hand off. He walked out of the room and closed the door.

I held the spot where he touched and started stripping. I soon put some clothes on and left the room aswell. "Can you help me?" I looked over at him and said "With what?"

He looked back at me and said "Im feeling locked up all around." I nodded at him and walked up to him slowly. He then layed down on the bed and grabbed a pillow.

He put it under him and looked at me. "I'm serious. Dont do anything weird like last time." He glared at me and I nodded. I then started touching on him and he let out a long sigh.

"The guy i fought..." He started talking and I continued. "I asked him why he was doing all of this destruction and he said he was doing it because he didn't want to have any regrets." I nodded and he continued.

"I asked him what regret does he mean and he said something about fighting the guy that sent him to prison..." He looked back at me and said "He means you right?" I nodded and his face became red for a moment.

I rubbed over his butt that's why. "Too...long..." He smacked my hand away with black whip and looked away. "Sorry....I got carried away in your story.." I continued In silence. He didnt say anything aswell.

I got down to his feet and he clenched them. "I'm a guy by the way..." I tilted my head in confusion. "I know about your weird fetishes..." I smiled a bit at that. If it was me from before I left then I would have been disgusted at the thought it self but now...I couldnt care less if he was a guy.

He looks close enough to a girl anyways. "That wont stop me.." His eyes widened and he shot around. It was too late however as I started ticking them. "Stoppp!" He giggled out and I kept going. I haven't seen this face in weeks and I doubt I will again but this much is fine.

Just seeing it once is enough for me. As I was thinking that, he tried thrusting his foot at me but failed. I continued tickling him and he finally gave up. "You...Win..." I sat his leg down and he sighed.

"You've changed... You never played with me like this.." He turned his low eyes towards me and I stared back at him. "It used to bother me when you were always clingy on me but it doesnt bother me anymore. Heck..."

I then told him about Gasper which made him very surprised. He didnt show it however and just kept the same face. "You went out with a... boy?..." I nodded and he sat up. "But you never..."

I never relized before coming to america that it isnt so bad to like...Guys. I think I've said this before but if you really do love them then anything is possible. "Does that mean that I....." I tilted my face at him. "What?" He stared at me and shook his head. "Nevermind..."

He got up from the bed and walked infront of me. "I'll tell you later. Okay?" I nodded and he walked over to the fridge. It was probably obvious about what he wanted to say but I just ignored it. When he finally tells me how he feels about me then I'll be happy, no matter what he says.

"Let's go over our plan." He heard my voice and nodded. "We have a lot to do.." I nodded at him and he sat down besides me. He then used black whip and grabbed some pieces of paper. "Let's start....Here."
