Old Friends.

...Aomori, Japan...

I was running through the forest.

it was around 2am and I was told by all might that a villian was here causing problems. He had 2 quirks like me and they were, "OIL AND FIRE!" Is what all might told me in his buff form.

Now that I was chasing this guy, I can come to the conclusion that all mights a liar. This villain was fast as hell. He was probably sliding on the oil but how...I was chaising him up a mountain.

I saw him for a moment and a fire went up. "Why are you heros so persistent!" I ran threw the fire and jumped over a huge wall of fire. I then kept running behind him.

He also kept running and stuck his hands out behind him. Oil and fire both appeared and he let them both trail behind him. I saw this and started running towards the left.

He then used his fire and boosted himself. I jumped to a tree and swung on its branch. I kept doing this for a while until I caught up to him. I got a branch that was above him and jumped down onto him.

I placed my knee into his back and we both fell down. "Is a hero trying to hurt me?..." He smiled a bit when he said that. "I can tell the police that you..." I tried hitting him but his body turned to fire. I immediately jumped off of him and slowly back away.

I got into a stance and slowly circle around him. "And here I though I could pull one over you.." He looked at me and opened his mouth. A ball of fire then formed and continously got bigger.

"If you dodge this then the forest will go up in flames....What will you do about that?" I could barely make out what he said. He also didnt give me a chance to respond as he shot the ball of fire at me.

It burned through the trees between us. I then started looking around and found this one huge tree. I picked it out of the ground quickly and threw it at him. "You think that'll work!?" He screamed out at me.

The tree came into contact with the fire. "No, but it should slow it down..." I then ran at him and he couldn't react. I punched his body of fire than disappeared. I then reappeared on his other side and punched at him again.

I kept circling him while punching him and he started falling to his knees. "...Breathe!!" He gripped his throat and started scratching at it. I kept going in circles and his body went back to normal.

I then jumped up a bit and punched him in the face. He immediately flew over at a tree and passed out. I starred at him for a moment then walked up to him. I took some hand cuffs out and placed it on him.

"Young skies...Are you finished?" All might was talking though a ear piece. "Young skies? Hello?" I didnt respond at all and he eventually sighed. "I guess you finished huh?" A static noise then sounded out and All might stopped talking.

I then turned around at the damage he caused and stared. There wasnt that much damage that was done to be honest. The trees around here had maple in them so it kinda helped.

I turned back to the villian and picked him up. I carried him over my shoulder and started jumping away.

Johnny Newman. Quirk, Oil and fire. Grew up on the streets and eventually developed a love for crime. First kill at 7. First robbery at 7. First assault at 7.

...12 pm.

I got out of the bed and yawned. I scratched my back a bit and went over to the fridge. "Its empty.." I sighed and cursed all might. He was supposed to fill the fridge up when we leave out.

As I was thinking that, I saw the door open. He then closed it and took his mask off. "You...Stink.." He stared at me and walked up to me. He then opened the fridge himself and snickered.

"Go take a bath. You smell." He looked at me once again and nodded. He had to fight a villian in the sewers of japan so...Yeah..."How was your mission?" I looked over to the quite voice and said. "It was fine. Yours?"

He stared at me for a moment then looked away. "Nice joke." He took his gloves off and threw them at me. They hit my face and slowly fell down. I then saw him stripping down.

"Its almost like you want me to attack you.." He looked up at me then looked away. He then went over to the shower and turned it on. Oh yeah, the shower was in the main room.

This...House or whatever, was built weird. We had the main room which had our bed, fridge, bathroom and everything else. It was like a jail cell.

We had another room for meetings and stuff and that's pretty much it. "Get in with me. It saves us water..." He looked at me with his low eyes and I slowly.

I turned that guy in and went straight to bed so I didnt get the chance to take one.

I stripped down and he starred at me. We both then got into the shower. It was kind of cramped but we managed. "Pass me the soap." He nodded and bent down....

Come on bruh..." Here you go." He turned around and sat it in my hands. "How did the fight with the oil and fire guy go?" I started scrubbing myself. "Nothing major happened. He did try using that heros code excuse but..."

He nodded and said "Yeah...They all think that it applies to us..." He paused for a bit then said "I think that heros should be able to hurt them since they do the same to us." He took the soap out of my hand and started scrubbing himself.

"You think so?..." I didnt expect that to come out of his mouth. He used to be the type where he thought that violence shouldn't be the first choice but now..."Hey, your too close...Back up a bit."

He looked at me then looked down. "Why are you getting so defensive? You bathed with that other guy right?" Hmmm....Is that a bit of?...."Its not." Well he shut that thought down quickly. "We've bathed closer then this before. Remember?"

I though back for a moment and nodded. The shower then was about the size of an average phone booth. Yes, it was that much of a squeeze. "But your backing up onto me when you dont need too.."

He shrugged his shoulders and said "Wash my back. I can't reach it." I sighed and nodded. He handed me the soap and turned around. I got his back side then went down a bit. "Too...Low..." He hit me with black whip which made me fall out.

"Sorry.." I rubbed my head and got up. I grabbed a towel and started drying myself off. He soon turned the water off and got out aswell. I passed him my towel and he took it.

"You smell good now." I walked up to him and bent down. I smelled his hair and he backed away. He made this look which made me laugh awkwardly. He then started drying off. "So what do you-"

My eyes winded and I jumped at izuku. I pulled him into my arms and an explosion went off behind me. "Is this the place?" A man with black hair walked in. I looked back and stared at him.

"Remember me?" It was the man from the training camp. Grey was his name I think. "Ive finally found you...After all of this time." After he said that, a women walked in next to him. She had pink hair and was smiling.

"Did you miss me?" I jumped up through the roof and izuku activated float. "Can you fight?" My voice got serious and he nodded. "Will you be okay?" He nodded and I nodded aswell.

We both then landed in a field and waited. "You never visited me. I waited for you and you never did.." She made a sad face and looked at me. "I dont exactly remember promising you a visit." She smirked at that and my body started moving.

"This wont work on me..." I dug my feet down into the ground and smiled. "Oh...It will..." He smiled and my body began moving more. I was surprised by that but I put it behind me.

Izuku shot out black whip and grabbed onto me. The force made him dig into the ground but he still held on. "Your that boy right?" The pink haired woman looked at izuku and he immediately fell down.

"Shit!" I forgot how her power worked. I got pulled into his hand and he smiled. He then brought me up and slammed me into the ground. I coughed up some blood and he laughed.

"Dont hurt him too much..." She walked up to me and bent down. She then touched over my face and smiled. "We have a long chat ahead of us."

As she said that, a huge wave of dust went out. I was then caught by black whip and pulled back. "Are...You..okay?" He was bawling his fist while talking to me. "I'm fine but..." He undid black whip and I walked over to him.

He then stammered down and started breathing hard. "You...No, we have to defeat them without the use of our quirks. If we use them then.." He slowly nodded and got up. "I'll use the 6ths power. It should help us.." I nodded and he started.

He let out smoke all over and it surprised the two villians. "What kind of game is this?" Grey said while looking around through the smoke. "A party trick. Dont let this deceive you." Fred got serious and they both got into a stance.

Me and izuku started running through the fog. The 4ths quick, danger sense, helped him navigate through the fog kind of. He was able to use it but not fully.

We got up to them and I pucnhed her in the face. She flew back and I caught her leg. "What!?" I then swung her a bit and let go. She went flying at the ground and hit a tree.

Izuku swung at grey and connected with his face. Grey flew back and izuku immediately rushed at him. "Where are you?..." She kept looking around and I snuck up to here. "Found you!"

She punched at me and I dodged it. I then hit her in the face and kicked her in the stomach. She coughed up blood and I ducked. Izuku then came flying from over my head and he kicked her in the face.

I then started running towards grey and I saw him with blood all over. "DAMN IT ALL!!" He screamed out and the smoke screen went away. I guess he got a power boost huh?

He then saw me and stuck his hand hand out. I was then pulled towards him and he smiled. "I've got you now!" I came at him at fast speeds and pucnhed him in thr face

His eyes turned white and he stumbled back. I then caught his arm and pulled him towards me. I pumched him in the face agin and jumped up. I spun around and kicked him and he went flying.

"You got a power boost and yet..." I clenched my fist and turned around. Izuku wasnt struggling at all. He must have trained with hands while I was away. I saw him look out of the corner of his eye and I ran over to him.

"Here you are!!" Her face became red when she saw me. "Yeah, I'm here." I placed me left foot forwards and put my first back. "Maybe I'll visit you...In jail..." I moved my right foot infront of my left and punched her in the face.

She was then sent flying back and didnt stop. "That was....Kinda easy actually." He looked at me and nodded. I'm am quite certain that if he knew about their quirks back at the training camp then he could have still defeated them.

"Here you go." I picked his towel up and he starred. He then looked down at himself and his face became red. "What's wrong?" I guess being seen naked by others is still embarrassing. "N-Nothing!" He snatched the towel away and we walked back.

Or we tried to atleast. "#%*@!¥₩" Our body's fliched and we looked up. We saw them both talking to each other in the air. It sounded alien like.

"Whats...Happening..." Izuku fell to his knees and grabbed his head. "IT HURTS!!" He screamed out and I immediately went up to him.

"Hey...Hey! Tell me what's wrong!..." I shrugged his body and he looked at me. "The fourth...HE WONT SHUT UP!!" He screamed out some more and I looked up.

They both then started going into each other. A huge flash went off and some trees blew away. "We are one"They had fours arms with 4 eyes. Black and pink hair aswell.

I then looked back down at izuku. He had tears and snot everywhere. "The fourth is danger sense and if hes feeling like this then.."

This was a promblem... "Kenji..." My eyes widened as I haven't heard him say my name in a while. "Run...Away..." His body then fell limp with blood coming out of his ears and nose. "That's one down."It laughed after saying that.

I was silent for a moment then I picked him up. I starred at his face and started breathing hard. "Let's hurry and capture him."It put its four arms out and a beam of light came at me.

"This...Should do it" It laughed and got closer to me. "Bastards..." I turned around and it flinched. I stuck my hand out and the beam hit it. I deflected it and the creature started sweating."No...Way"

It back away a bit and I stared at it. "HE...ISNT.. HUMAN!"It screeched out and I started walking to a tree. I sat izuku down and stared at him. "I'm sorry...For not being able to save you.."

I breathed out and huffed a bit. "Your... GOING TO PAY!" I screamed out and jumped at it.
