Your....Not Needed Anymore....

...Unknown location in abandoned Safehouses.

"Though we barely escaped the explosion, All traces of the villians were blown to bits and pieces." They all looked towards edgeshot.

"You think we can get any more information from Nagant?" Hawks sighed at this and said "I doubt it. Shes being treated at the Central Hospital. Her injuries were so severe that it was a miracle that she survived."

Kamui woods squinted his eyes a bit and said "Even a person who's overwhelmed by disappointment and despair struggles for survival at the brink of death..." Edgeshot then looked over and said "Endeavor. It's time to take a gamble dont you think?" He paused for a moment then continued.

"We should band together all of the remaining heros and utilize One for All's secret to begin a comprehensive network of investigations." Mt. Lady frowned at this a bit and said "What came to light after the incident with lady Nagant was that the next mass investigation would put a much heavier burden on those two.."

"The police have their hands full with the CrackDown. There have been zero witnesses so far and we need to take a supporting position before our only Hope's are exhausted..." Endeavor heard this and put his head down a bit.

"Remember how death arms retired two nights ago?..." Mt.Lady bit her lip a bit and thought back to his last words before he left... "I struggled and struggled without a moments rest." He began taking off his gauntlet. "And all i got in return was criticism and doubt." He took off his other gauntlet.

"I know there were still people who cheered me on..." He began taking off his hero costume. "But one negative comment hits way harder than 10 positive ones." He bent down a bit "That's how it started. I thought I was different.." He came back up with a regular shirt on. "I'm sure everyone else did too.." All of his equipment was on the floor now.

"I wasnt cut out to be a hero.." He was now walking down a sidewalk. "I'm only a man.." The flashback ended and everyone became silent except for one person. "In the previous battles, He took the lead in exposing the spies of the paranormal liberation front. He had a lot of grit. Out of everyone, I thought he would prevail..."

Jeanist paused for a second and continued. "One by one, heros are taking off their costumes for good. The last threads holding them together are tearing...Who knows what will happen next?" Endeavor sighed and put his head down some more.

"The media is getting closer to the truth about deku. Information is slowly getting leaked out through the words of those retired heros.." Endeavour's face got more serious and he said "In this world of chaos, Where strength rules above all others....If the public found out about the true nature of one for all then the chain of negativity in our society would be places on dekus shoulders.."

Hawks agreed and said "I can think of all sorts of scenarios. Some of them happened already so it cant be too far off." They all nodded and Mt.Lady spoke out. "I just thought about something."

They all looked at her and she continued. "I wonder why all for one doesnt just announce the truth to the public. He knows about midoriya and one for all." Endeavor sat up a bit and said "If he did that then we would have used everything to kept deku hidden. Also, the fact that he hasn't done that means that hes doesnt want too.."

"But on our end, we also wont have clues unless deku moves..." He sighed out and clasped his hands together. "Police and heros...Theres not enough of us anymore..." The group of heros became silent for a while.

That is until endeavour's phone went off. He took it out of his pocket and checked it. He had multiple missed calls and text from his son, todoroki. 'Let's do It together. Let's stop touya.' He thought back to todoroki words and clenched his phone. 'Sorry shoto. You'll have to wait a bit longer. Right now I'm..'

As he was thinking that, hawks watch went off behind him. "Sorry. That's mine. It's from All might...What!? Midoriya and Kenji have made contact with their 3rd assiassin.."

The scene then panels to izuku capturing a villian in black whip. His hero costume was no longer a hero costume. It was Jagged and tore up all over. I was standing with my back against him. Me standing behind him made it seem like the grim reaper was there..

My costume was also torn all over. The bottom of my cape was ragged. There was blood on me and my hoodie made the void in my face even deeper.

"Young Midoriya and Young Skies." I disappeared and izuku blitz out of the alley way. "He had no extra information. Also, he might be rigged so be careful!" He flew over all might while saying that.

"WAIT!" I appeared and izuku came up to me. We both then looked back. "You both...Haven't eaten yet!" I walked away and izuku started talking. "All might..." He started walking away aswell. "You dont have to follow us anymore..."

All mights mouth gaped opened a bit. "We're fine...On our own.." Izuku didnt let him get a word out. He continued walking away and all might stuck his hand out. "Dont say that..." He started walking towards us.

"We can...No, /I/ can do it already!" All might stopped in his steps and stared at us. "I can move at 100% without substaing any injuries like you could!" He then looked over his shoulder.

"So please..." All might then thought back to a time where izuku was shouting out how much of a hero he wanted to be. "You dont have to worry about us anymore...." All mights eyes widened and he stuck his hand out even more. 'I swore to protect you!! But I know..'

"Wait!" All might screamed out 'The responsibility that you both carry is too much on your shoulders. "Dont push yourself too hard." "Its okay to take a break." I need to say those words to you!"

He couldn't reach out to us however. He fell to the ground and watched as we flew away. "Midoriya....Kenji...I..."


The scene then cuts to a guy licking his sword behind a wall. It then cuts back to the sky.

'They say they appeared without a sound.'

'I heard the both have multiple quirks.'

'Multiple quirks...Like All for one?...'

'There here to help tho!'

'I heard their covered in scars, blood, mud..'

It shows me and izuku walking down road.

"Those two...Dont look anything like heros..."

Izuku had claws and and was dirtied all over. I had a full face mask on now. I had these worn down gloves with black bandages all around my black suit... "They truly look...Like villians..."


"Change of plans, Deku. Plague." Endeavor was standing on top of a building while holding a phone up to his ear. "Deku. If you continue like this then your body will give out." There was no respond from either of us and he continued.

"We finally have date for when the over sea heros arrive....With more man power, we'll be able to have more options.." Me and izuku jumped out from of a tree. I hung my phone up and he continued talking on izukus.

"Your the main factor in all of this. We can't have you dying on us.." Izuku stared out and said "Dont worry. I can still move. We can't give the villians any time to prepare.."

We both landed on the ground and started walking. We both had a determined looks on our faces as we trudged forwards. The vestiges then appeared behind us and started speaking.

"9th. Your wounds haven't healed completely healed yet. Now is not that the time to push forward.." Me and izuku both shot our heads back. We then jumped into the clouds and the vestiges looked at each other.

The scene then changed to the floating island in the infinite void. The users were all sitting down in chairs while the 2nd was standing up, facing a wall. "My feelings are affecting him too heavily." Nana sighed out after saying that.

"No!...For that brat...Its all the same.." The 5th spoke out. "For better or worse, awakening our quirks is just a means to an end for him." The 4th spoke out and everyone went silent.

"Superheros...Help those who are in need. They're both taking the right path." The 3rd looked over at 2nd and said "Leader..." The 2nd then continued and said "They shouldn't be allowed to stop. Especially is a situation like this."

"That is what it means to carry One For all. And with kenji around aswell, He'll need to shoulder the burden aswell with him." The 2nd paused then turned his head away from the the wall. "But perhaps...There is something we can do to protect Izuku midoriya..And Kenji Skies.."

The users listened on to him and the scene changed to me and izuku in the sky. "Rest when we get home.." He looked over at me and nodded. We both then went towards the ground and crashed into it.

Dust went up everywhere. We then both came out and fought the villians around us. Izuku was using black whip to sustain them while I just killed the ones I fought. It...Didnt make a difference to me.

After a while of fighting them, we soon finished. "Are you hurt?" Izuku walked out of his smoke screen and up to a kid around the age of 14. "Multiple Quirks!? A-Are you the 'one' or A-Are you All for ones subordinate!?" She backed away a bit and izuku put his claws out a bit.

"Of course I'm not All for Ones subordinate." The kid slowly became relieved and got up. She carried her friends away while saying "Oh, Thank goodness!" I then walked up to him and he looked at me. He stared into the dark void and waited.

"They're going to find out sooner or later." Izuku does have multiple quirks obviously. He has One base quirk which gives him more so I guess you could say it but...

Regulars still dont know about him having one for all but some people do. "Yeah, they will." He kept starring at me and I said "You know what that means right? That you dont have multiple quirks?"

He nodded at me and said "There is someone out there who does then..." I nodded at him. They only come once every...100 years? Since izuku is not the one with real multiple quirks then that means that someone out there does have it.

I tapped his rough shoulder and walked ahead of him. Izuku slowly walked behind me while thinking about some things. Our classmates, How he doesnt want to involve anyone, How he wants to see everyone smile, How he doesnt want anyone to live in fear...

He walked up beside me and said "We're doing the right thing right?..." I didnt say anything back to him and we kept walking. After I while we stopped. "You...Feel It too right?" He nodded and we moved forward a bit. Izuku fell to the ground when we did.

"Reckless born out of impatience.." I helped izuku get up and we looked at him. "Wishing for solitude and on the brink of exhaustion. He was half right atleast..."

We stared at the man who was in a cloak. He had a weird looking face which wasnt good for the eyes. "Numbers are justice! If I bring the both of you to him then I'll be safe!"

Izuku sighed and stared down a bit. "Dictator.... Another assassin that escaped from tartarus huh?" I let got of izuku and he started channeling One for All around him. "I hope this time you can tell us the whereabouts of All for one..."

The man laughed a bit and crept back. "Well...Are you willing to fight for that?" After he said that, the civilian surrounding him started twitching. "Are you willing to fight the people that your so keen on protecting!?"

The civilians started running out towards us while saying things like "I cant controll my body!" Izuku sighed some more at this and looked at me. "This guy was captured by crust about 5 years ago. It was called the bloodless surrender incident.." I nodded at him and he looked away.

"His quirk can be negated if we knock him out or send a powerful enough shock wave at them." I then said "Yeah but he came prepared. He made sure to surround himself by more people so that first option isnt a choice...Unless..

He nodded then said "I dont have my gloves anyways..and black whip is..." The people got closer to us and I grabbed him. I jumped up into the sky and said "I know your tired right now...But you can atleast make one air force bullet right?"

He slowly nodded and started putting his middle finger and thumb together. He kept shaking so I had to hold his wrist for him to stay straight. After a short amount of time, he shot the bullet out at them.

It made the civilians go flying and I said. "I hope no ones notices..." I placed my arm under izukus and used black whip. It shot out at the people and captured them from going far away.

I then fell to the ground and landed safely. I safely planted the people on the ground. "Kenji...We agreed not too.." I nodded at his quite voice and said "It had to be done...Otherwise, they would have fell to the floor and died..." He fliched for a bit while thinking about that. He slowly nodded however.

"What!? I should've expected this..." The man slowly got up and looked at us. "/He/ may be tired but you....Rumor has it that you never get tired...." He laughed a bit and started running away.

In that moment however, we saw someone launch up into the sky. The shot down a beam and it hit the Dictator dead on the top of his head.

Me and izuku looked at this and his eyes widened a bit. 'If there is something to do to protect midoriya..' We heard the 2nds voice and saw him..

"I found them Guys..." Bakugo looked at us and made a serious face.
