What...I Really Want.

..A few days after Midoriya and Kenji left.

The scene was now at the U.A. Dorms. "Are you...Sure?" Uraraka said while sitting down. Ida had a serious face on as she said that. "Its only a guess.." Todoroki said with his arms crossed.

After he said that, you could hear some type of paper being ripped. "Those damn idiots!" Bakugo ripped up the note that izuku left for them. "Their definitely with endeavor's group." He snickered out.

The whole class stared at him when he said that. "A guess?..." Ida looked at them. "Couldn't the three of you contact your mentors and confirm you suspicions?..." He was talking about Best jeanist which was bakugos mentor. Hawks which was Tokoyamis mentor and todorokis mentor.... was quite obvious.

"We tried too. Multiple times in fact but he didnt respond."

"Jean's included."

"My dad aswell." Todoroki sighed and continued "I know their busy people but this isnt normal....They must be hiding something from us.." Jiro then said "From what I remember, All might hasn't came back aswell." She played with her earphone jacks and ojiro said "Seems like it." He sighed then said.

"Classes have been suspended and our graduations have been delayed. The hero course students have to be on standby and secure the perimeter aswell. Obtaining any detailed information is kind of hard now.."

Bakugo frowned even deeper and said "Jean's and that Turkey were at the hospital with them. All might was there too..." He stared at a ripped piece of paper. "If their too scared to even get near U.A. then who sneaked in at midnight and put this under our doors?"

They thought for a moment then bakugo yelled out. "All might! It has to be all might which means there all working together!" A sweat drop came down on Aoyomans face and he said "If we know their with an adult then shouldn't that make our worries go away?.."

Kaminari then looked over the couch and said "I thought the media declared that only the top 3 teamed up? If that's the case then all might isnt involved.." Bakugo stared at him and said "That's exactly why...When it come to Deku, Kenji or all might..More then endeavor or anyone else...I know them the best..."

Mc here. What he just said was a lie.

"This is the worst possible scenario that you could think of." He bawled his fist then looked at his hand. "Then!....All we need to do is find a way to get them back right!?" Kirishima yelled out. Uraraka heard all of this and got up. "Endeavour is a U.A. Alumni." Todoroki became surprised and she continued. "Let's be a little pushy." She made a serious face and stared at them.

...A few more days later.

Endeavour was inside of the principals room. "You...Tricked me?" He had his head turned towards the students of class 1-A. "I heard what they had to say and decided that there was room for discussion. I'm constantly receiving status updates afterall.."

Endeavor looked at the rat then looked back. "Why did you ignore me? Didnt you say that we would stop touya together?" Endeavor put his head down a bit and said "Shoto..That sentiment alone was what saved me back then."

"But I dont feel saved at all! Are they an exception!?" He screamed out at his father. "Endeavor...Your letting Midoriya, Kenji, and all might work together arent you?..."

He stared at todoroki and bakugo came up. "I knew it..." He placed his hand on todorokis shoulder and continued. "You probably made the right call...Well whatever you think the right call is..." He then looked down at the ground. "But You Dont Know A Damn Thing About Them."

Endeavor made a surprised face. "That Damn deku is crazy. Always rushing out to fight bad guys....And dont even get me started on that crazier bastard Kenji. He's the main one who influenced deku to be like that..."

Everyone nodded and he continued. "All might is the same....He never stopped and kept going and that's what they are doing so endeavor..." He starred at him in the eyes. "WE CANT LEAVE THEM BE!" Endeavors eyes widened a bit.

'It seems he brushed off all might. Midoriya and Kenji...We need to match their pace...and support them from the sidelines...' As he was thinking that, he pulled out a phone.

"Isnt that...The one with their GPS?..." Endeavor stared out for a moment then dropped the phone to the ground. 1-A students immediately jumped for it as Endeavor watched them. Sero managed to catch the phone and he said "Can we borrow this please...um....Even If I just happen to be their classmate.."

Kota said something similar while rubbing his head. "Not confinding in us about his worries about OFA is one thing but for him to think that we'll be convince with a letter like that is something else." Todoroki made a serious face as he said that.

Ida's face frowned some more and he started speaking. "We, The Members Of Class A Will Follow Them Wherever They Go! How Can Any Of Us Smile Tomorrow, Knowing That Our Friends Are Taking A Troubled Path Alone!"

The students were behind him and shaking their heads. Endeavor heard their resolve and said "The outside world is dangerous. Theres no sense of order and you guys are still.."

"They've grown up haven't they?" The rat spoke out, interrupting endeavor. "Todoroki, Given that deku is the main villians target, I thought it would be best if they teamed up since they both dont seem keen on coming back to U.A."

He paused for a moment then continued. "But their both allowed to come back." This surprised everyone and left them with gaped mouths. "As soon as we sent out those notifications of acceptance, You all became one of our students that we must protect..."

Endeavor quickly shot around and said "But the safety of the Evacuees!...In that crowd, theres still!..."

"The designated evacuation areas weren't only chosen based on square footage.... We prepared it during the cultural festival but we never ended up using it...The 'U.A. Security barrier'" Our preparations will finally show their worth." He paused and looked at the students.

"Its okay. Even All might grew up their so please, lend them a hand and bring them back.."

The scene then changes back to me and izuku. "Your too tired aren't you.." I stared at him and he looked up at me. "Arent you aswell?..." He then looked back towards our classes directions and put his head down. "Why are...You guys here?" There was a brief silence before she started talking.

"Because we're worried about you." He flicnhed a bit when he heard her voice. "It okay....We're fine..." I stared at them but looked at izuku. His voice was breaking down a bit.

"That's why...You shouldnt have to worry about us..." After he said that, we heard clapping. "Well that's rich! As expected of His majesty, the succesor of One for All and his Knight!" He clapped louder and faster.

"Tell me...After all of this....Can you keep smiling!?" Izuku stared down into the ground and I walked up. "To be able to smile...For people to keep living in peace...We have to move forward..." He slowly got up and walked beside me.

"ALL OF YOU...GET OUT OF OUR WAY!" He bent down a bit and stuck his claws at them. He was channeling One for All around himself which made my clothes flap in the wind.

"Im sorry guys..." They all heard my voice and flinched. "BUT YOUR IN OUR WAY!.." My clothes started flapping even more in the wind..

"JUST TRY AND MAKE US MOVE, YOU ALL MIGHTS WANNABES!" Bakugo screamed out at us and bent down. "We know you guys wont change your mind! Let's go get them guys!" Ida held onto bakugos back and Uraraka said "Yeah." She stared at us both with a serious look on her face.


'I know that once you both put your mind to something...You'll never let it go..' Thought Ida.

"I heard that you got quirks from the 4th to the 6th!" He yelled at us and started laughing. "YOU BOTH LOOK LIKE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE!, YOU DAMN BASTARDS!!"

We both stared at him and izuku started speaking. "Thank you all..For coming!" He immediately made a smoke screen and we jumped away. "Dont You Guys Dare Loose Sight of them Both!" They all nodded and rushed in different directions.

I jumped over to a side of a building and started climbing it. I jumped up to go faster but was stopped by a bullet coming at the back of my head. I dodged it and stared at the hole that it made "Your as fast as ever Kenji..." I slid down the building and landed on the ground.

Broken glass fell on me but it didnt bother me. "What happened to you Kenji?" 5 shadows started coming out of the smoke. "You...Dont look the same anymore.." They all appeared and I stared at them.

"Why...Are you putting yourself through all of this kenji?" I stared at the black haired woman and started moving my black scarf around. It blended in with my suit so they were surprised.

"Im...Sorry..." I rushed at her and threw my scarf out. Her eyes widned a bit and she froze. "Your really going too...." She then flew back and I missed. She landed behind me and I looked over my shoulder.

"Momo...Words arent going to help...We need to do it by force!" Tsuyu said to her while undoing her tounge frown around her waist. "Hes too far into the dark now..Bringing him back by force is our only way.." They all nodded and I fully turned around.

I saw Momo with two guns in her hand. Tsuyu with her tounge out. Jiro with her ear phone Jack's in the ground. Mina had a wall of acid around her. My eyes then landed on a girl with blue, short hair.

"To...Ru?" I stepped out a bit and put my hand out. "Yeah...Surprised huh?" She was visible now. I could....We could all see her now. "How?.." I pulled my hand back and stepped back aswell.

"Its this bracelet." She held it out at me. "It can make me visible for a short amount of time..." She pulled her arm back and put her hands up. She got into a fighting stance. "You wanted us to show you what we learned when you came back right?"

My eyes widened a bit as I though back to that moment. "Show me when I get back. You can make me happy by doing that.." The words faded away and I looked at them.

"Enough..." My quite voice barely reached their ears and they ran at me. Momo guns turned into small balls and she threw it at me. I threw my scarf at it and it exploded upon contact. Somebody then slid past the explosion and punched at me.

I caught her punche and stared at her. Someone then came from my other side and punched at me aswell. I felt my hand melt a bit when I caught it. I then looked between them both and they smiled.

My eyes winded a bit as soon as they did and I looked forward. I was hit by something and got electrocuted. They two people whos fist I caught jumped away and I fell to the ground a bit. A grayish ball of liquid was then thrown at me and hit my clothes.

It burned though it a bit and I jumped back. I then ran through izukus smoke screen and launched my scarf at a building. It latched onto a pole on top of the roof and I jumped up. I went through the smoke screen and got above it. "Nice try!"

A tounge was shot out at me and and it wrapped around my belly. It tried pulling me back but failed as I was already latched onto the top of the building.

I was being pulled from both sides and then suddenly, a blue haired woman appeared infront of me. She cocked her fist back and punched me in the face. My scarf then came undone at that exact moment and I flew back into a building.

I toppled over some deksk and counters until I hit a support beam. I coughed out some blood when I did. I then slid down the support beam and layed agaisnt it. A net was then shot out at me and they walked up to me.

"You've...Gotten weaker...." I coughed out some more blood. They then got infront of me and bent down. Momo tried pulling my mask off but I shook my body. I hit her hand away and she held it. "Kenji..."

My eyes opened a bit but they soon went back down. "Stop...Trying..." I quickly stood up and swung my leg at theirs. They all fell down to the floor and I jumped up. I crashed through all of the ceiling and got out into the sky. I was very high up..

I then saw izuku being held by ojiors tail and he threw him at me. He came at me to fast to react and I was hit. We both flew over to another building and crashed into it. I had my back against all of it so he should be fine.

We then came to a stop against a wall. "Are you...Okay?" I grabbed his head and turned it towards me. I saw some rain on his face as he looked at me. "Kenji..They wont...Listen..." His voice was breaking down and I patted his head slowly.

"Their going to take us by force..." I coughed a bit "So there not trying to hurt us...." Izuku eyes winded and he stared at me. "But kenji..Your hurt arent you?..." I've killed around him so much that he could instantly recognize the smell of blood.

I stared at him then looked up. "They...Dont hold back on me I gues.." I laughed out and started coughing. He stared at me and then we heard some glass brake. "You guys...Are doing too much to stay away.." They all walked up us and stared. They saw how I was agaisnt the wall with izuku in my lap.

"You guys dont need to go this far..." I planted my face into izukus hair. "We...Just want to protect you guys..." Izuku said after me. "If we were to have stayed at U.A. then you all would have been targeted..."

They all kept starring at us. "Thats it!" Bakugo came up to us while making explosions in his hand. "You two have been like this since day one! Always thinking that we can't protect ourselves when we can!...Always thinking that your stronger and better! Here's some news for you two! We're Strong. We can Protect ourselves! You dont always have to do it on your own and you certainly dont have to tell us that we are weaker then you every 5 seconds!" He squatted down infront of us.

"Go on now! Tell us! Tell us how that makes you feel!" He hit the wall next to us and it broke a bit. "You want us...to tell you?..." Me and izuku slowly got up. We then towered over bakugo and he fell back a bit.

We both stared into his pupil and said "It changes nothing.." This surprised everyone. "Bakugo. Your still weak. I dont know how many times i have to say that for you to understsnd.." He screamed out at me and punched at me. "You can...Protect yourself right?"

I then punched him in the stomach and he flew up a bit while throwing up. He then landed a few feet back and went unconscious. "Ida." Izuku looked over at him. "Your...Annoying..." He gave him a stare and shot black whip out.

He flew out of the building and we soon heard a thud. "Kenji!? What are you two doing!?" I laughed a bit and took my hoodie off. I then took my mask off and looked at them. "IM SHOWING YOU WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO FIGHT WITH US!....TO FIGHT WITH ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!" I screamed at them and they started sweating a river.

They all stumbled back and I walked up to them. "If you can even deal with this much..." I cuppped momos face and her eyes widened. "Then helping us is usless.." She tried hitting my hand away and I threw her to the floor.

I looked back at izuku and saw that he already took care of the rest. Just like the 3rd assassin, he was hanging them up with them unconcious. I then looked at momo and saw the girls around her.

"Kenji...Why are you doing this!?" Mina then rushed at me and tried hitting me. I dodged it and came up to her ears. "Im...Sorry...." She immediately stopped and stammered back. "Your....Sorry!?...." She stared at me with fear.

I then turned around and walked over to izuku. He was starring blankly at me. "Its done... Let's go.." He nodded at me as I walked by. I kicked a hole into the wall and jumped down while putting my mask and blindfold back on.

Now you may be thinking...."Why is izuku acting like that? This isnt how his character is portrayed..." Well, it is in this fan fic. Yes, he would never try to hurt his friends but you have to remember, he grew up with...How can I put it..

He grew up without being bitched. With me around, he became fearless and confident.

He still had the heroic nature dont get me wrong but he could easily put things past him now if he needed too. He got caught up in their sentimental words which made him think twice about things but when bakugo started talking, he lost it.

I put my mask and hoodie back and we started walking away. We saw ida knocked out on a car when we did. "W-Wait!?" We both stopped and turned our head.. "Why...You would never hurt your friends deku...So why..."

We stared at uraraka then walked up to her. She trembled when we did and started backing up. "We did all that to show you guys how it really is.." She trembled even more. "To show you guys how far apart we are..." She hit a wall and stared at us.

"To show you guys that what ever you try to do...It will all be for nothing..." We towered over her. An animal and a plague. She fell down and said "N-No..We just wanted....to help...." Me and izuku looked at each other then stared at her.

"If you were too.." I bent down and touched her face. "Fight All for One then you would die...You would never see your parents again. Never see your friends again..You'll never even see the person that you love the most again...."

Izuku fliched a bit when he heard that last part. "B-But the same goes for you!" She screamed out at me. I stared at her and slowly laughed. "No uraraka, No.." I patted her head and said "The difference is that we stand a chance. You'll be slaughtered before you could even think about using your quirk.."

I tapped her face a bit and got up. I turned around and walked away. "Oh yeah.." I stopped walking and turned my head over my shoulders. "DONT YOU DARE EVEN THINK ABOUT FOLLOWING US AGAIN!" I gave her a glare and she started trembling more.

I then saw liquid coming out from beneath her. "Let's go Deku.." He stared at uraraka for a moment then said "I'm doing this...For you...For everyone that I love...." He then turned away. She shivered some more and held her legs. She then bawled up and we heard tears.

I walked into the middle of the road and my eyes widened. I saw a photo falling down from the sky and it passed infront of me. I held my hand out and it fell into it.

"Damm....It!....Why....." I fell to my knees and stared up at the dark sky. The photo slipped out of my hand and you could see a picture of a little girl. She had deep red eyes and pale blue hair.

She was smiling deeply while starring at the camera. 'W-Who are you mister?' 'Papa!' 'Your head is soft.' '..Dont fight them...You'll die.....' As I thought about her words that flashed into my head, rain hit my face.

I had a mask on and yet...The rain was hitting my face.. I stayed down on my knees for a while. "We have to go..." He came infront of me and bent down a bit. "Plague?..." He tapped me and I slowly looked at him.

"We're doing the right thing,...Right?" His eyes widened at this and he stared at me. "I think we are right? Yeah, Yeah, We are. If we want to make them happier then this is what we'll have to do right?" He stretched his hand out at me a bit and said.

"I...Think so..." He wrapped his arms around me and I heard sniffles. I continued starring out and I put my hand out. I slowly rubbed his back in an upwards, downwards, motion.

We stayed like this for a while. Our classmates soon came out and saw us. They immediately did everything they could to capture us.. We were then imprisoned in this dark caccoon.

"Do you guys only think of us as people to protect?" We heard them talk to us. "We heard what you said earlier....Your just afraid of us getting hurt right?" Izuku tightened his grip around me.

"We dont care if we have to die! We'll stay by your side!...We'll fight by your side!...We'll....Have fun...By your side...." We then shot out of the black caccoon which surprised them.

"PLEASE! GET AWAY FROM US!!" We went faster and faster. I SWEAR..THAT WE'RE FINE SO STOP CHASING AFTER US-" A huge pillar of ice shot out of the ground and I quickly turned around. I faced my back to it and held down on izuku.

I crashed into the ice and coughed up some blood. "What's with those harsh words?" I slowly looked up and saw him. "We dont care if you think it's too dangerous...We're doing this because we want too."

He gave us an icy look and izuku turned his head at me. I took my mask off to breath out and he stared. "Im...Fine..." My mask disintegrated in my hand and drifted into the wind. The wind also blew my hoodie off and he saw my face.

"Ken..Ji?..." Blood was leaking out from everywhere. Nose, eyes, ears, mouth, etc. I then gave him and smile and said. "Don't worry...I'm okay." I patted his head a bit and my arm went limp.

In this regular body, I haven't ate for days. It started getting to me earlier and so I decided to end the battle as fast as I could. I then started falling down a bit but I managed to dig my feet and arms into the ice.

"No!....Stop it! Stop protecting me!" He screamed out at me. "You always protect me and I...I never get the chance to protect you...." More tears started coming out of his eyes. I smiled a bit and said "I'm...Your friend...I'm suppose to protect you..." My voice was dry and he started crying some more.

'What are you doing out here with this old man?' I smiled a bit as I though back to that moment of me catching izuku training with all might on the beach. 'Will you do me a favor?' I frowned as I was telling him to take revenge for me that day at the sports festival as todoroki almost hit my sister with ice.

'I-I wont let you kacchan!' My frowned changed back into a smile as I remember him standing up to bakugo for me as a child. 'We're going to rise up to the top together. Okay?' We fist bumped and I got out of my head.

"Thank you....For being my friend...Thank you..For accepting someone like me...." My body unhinged from the ground and I fell down. 'Its...Been...fun....' I came up to the ground and hit it. Dust flew up and everyone eyes widened.

I stared up at the sky with more blood coming out of me. I saw izuku floating up with a blank face aswell. I then looked to the side. "What..." The vestiges were all starring at me. "Oh kenji.." They all made a worried face.

"Im..Fine..Just take care..of him...Will ya...." They all frowned and looked up. I looked at where they were looking and saw him. He was coming down at me with his eyes widened. He came above me and starred at me. I slowly looked away from his direction.

"You...Have to see me...Like this..." I coughed a bit and said "Sorry..." He fell to his knees and stared at me. He started shaking and he put his hand out to me. "Dont worry...I just need...A little nap.."

I smiled a bit and my eyes started closing slowly. He placed his hand on me and started moving me. "Hey...Dont go to sleep.." He started shaking me even faster. "DONT YOU DARE GO TO SLEEP!!" He screamed out at me and I heard some foot steps.

'I hope I'll get to see eri one last time atleast..' I slowly moved my hand and reached into my pocket. I took out a photo and looked at it. I smiled a bit when I said her face and I layed my limp arm out.

"Your not dying on us yet, you bastard!" After I heard that, I felt them place something on me. My body then jolted. "Shit!" The kept jolting me but I didn't get up. "You better get up..." I looked over at him.

"You still haven't seen me become number one yet...So come on..." He smiled big at me. "Get up..." We stared at each other.."Clear!" I got hit in my chest again and I jolted up. They all stared at me and started coming at me with their arms out.

I immediately jumped up into the sky and floated. "Your injured....Anymore and you really will die.." The 1st said to me. I coughed up some blood and said "This...Wont kill me..." I flew away over to a building and busted through the windows.

I ran over multiple things and crashed into a wall. I then started breathing hard and got up. I looked around for something and saw a vending machine. I immediately ran up to it and punched at the glass.

I broke it and I grabbed some of the food. I tore the bags open and ate it all. "You starved yourself...For his sake...." The 3rd talked to me but I ignored him. "Your....A true friend....And Hero..." He smiled then disappeared.

I kept eating and eating and grabbed some juice. I drunk the apple juice and stumbled back a bit. I then threw up a bit and fell to the floor. "I should have looked out for myself huh..."

Me and izuku barely got any food. Whenever we did find some tho, I would give some of mine to him. Im....an idiot, yes.....But I dont regret it at all...

I got up while stammering and walked over to the window I busted through. "Persistent Bastards.." They were already fighting with izuku again.

While I was thinking that, I heard a noise. I instantly put my hand behind my head and caught the arm. I looked up and saw an old fat man. We stared at each other for a while then I let go. "Sorry..." I coughed out and he stared at me.

"What are you doing here?" I stared out into the fight and said "I got lost-" The man attacked me and I kicked him back. He flew into a pillar and his body started melting. "Geez Kenji..." My eyes widned and I stumbled back. "No...."

She smiled and said "Is this how you treat your girlfriend?" She smiled at me and I fell back. I fell back to much however and fell out the window. I fell down 15 stories and landed on a car.

I rolled off of the car and got on the cold, hard ground. "This cant...Be happening..." I covered my eyes with my hands and started breathing hard. Someone then landed beside me. "Good. Your aleady tired out..." She grabbed at me and I hit her hand away.

"Toga...You have to leave..." I then spun around and tripped her. I got back up and backed up while in a stance. "Why do I have to leave Kenji? We just want you to come home to us...To er-"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed at her then sunk my fingers more into my face. I then fell back onto my knees, as I just relized what I did. "Please.....Dont say...Her name..." Togas smile slowly disappeared and she stared at me.

"What's happened to you Kenji? You decided to leave us all for nothing....You then came back home, only to leave again and disappeared for another 3 months..." She started walking up to me.

"Our daughter...Misses her father.." I started shaking a bit. "She never sees him anymore..And she gets sad at that..." She got infront of me. "She thinks that shes the problem.. and would cry herself to sleep at night..."

My eyes bounced around and I undid my hand from my face. She then cupped it and got closer to me. "Please...Come home kenji...We miss you...Eri misses you...." The world folded in its self when she said that.

"What am I...Doing?..." I came back to Japan and wanted to live low. I then joined the war and even defeated over a 1000 people. I think that's what really changed my mind. I then left my own family to go out on this ridiculous journey.

I did it for fun but got caught up in it. I started understanding the true sense of the journey and got absorbed into it. I got the power of One for All myself and started to understand it all. I bloodied my hands with him by myside. I backed him up on everything and tried to protect him aswell...

"The things I've wished for have destroyed me.... I brought all of this suffering down onto myself. No one else...But me... I wished for all of this to happen without knowing what I truly wanted..."

I got up and and held her hand. I then got closer to her and held her in my arms. "I'm...Sorry..." I'm sorry for leaving you. Im sorry for lying to you. I'm just...Sorry...

"Let's go home...Back to our Family." She smiled and patted my back. I nodded and we disappeared into the shadows


"Kenji?..." Toga let me go and he jumped down. He was still being attacked but he was using black whip to defend himself.

"I'm sorry." I walked up to him. "I cant go on with you anymore.." He stared blankly at me. "I dont want to fight anymore. I just want to live in peace..." I stuck my hand out. " So let's go home together Izuku. We can all help you..."

I smiled at him and he looked at my hand. "Your...Not going to continue with me?..." He looked back up at me and I nodded. "I want to go back home. To be with eri and the others..." I paused for a bit and put my hand down.

"I relized that I cant do it anymore. To risk my life all the time especially when I have a child back home. If I were to die out here then I would be leaving eri alone again..." Izuku stared at me and said. "I...Cant go back....."

He backed away. "I can't go back! All for one is still after me...After us!.../We/ cant go back.." A tear went down his face. I stared at him for a moment and walked up to him. I placed my arms around him and his eyes widened.

"We can figure this out together. With everyone...We'll fight All for one together. I promise you that but you have to come back with me. Come back with us and I'll promise that we'll get through this together.." I patted his head a bit and more tears came down.

"So please...Come back with us..." I stopped hugging him and I put his hand out. He whiped his face a bit and grabbed my hand. "I, Kenji Skies, will always be there for you whenever you need me... I promise..." I smiled at him and he did the same. I pulled him closer to me and he made a weird sound.


(AN: I caught up with the manga so....What now?

Do I just post filler?

I was gonna make that new movie into an arc but...

Oh yeah, did you see how I did the ending? Managed to make to make it just like the real manga except without the emotion.

I'm a Genius!)