Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 16

I was laying up against a tree with everyone beside me. They were all sleeping with a satisfied look on their faces.

"Kenji..." I looked over a bit and saw Lidia rubbing her eyes. "Your awake?" I placed my hand on her face and rubbed her cheek a bit. "Yeah....I guess what you did wasnt enough to put me out..." She laughed at herself and snuggled in closer to me.

She then placed her head on my shoulder and said "You filled me with your love Kenji. Thank you..." She rubbed her belly and I smiled. "I should be thanking you aswell. You filled me all of your love too..." She laughed at that and said "Kenji. I love you..." She then kissed me on the check and slowly drifted away back to sleep.

I then thought back to all the sex we had and smiled.

....(AN: I'm so interested in how my own sex scene will turn out! Good luck future me!

Editor here. Yeah...I'm not editing this one so you better have typed that shit perfectly.)

I slowly penetrated her and she squealed out a bit. "Are you okay?" I stared at her and she slowly nodded. "It just stung a bit that's all..." She smiled at me and I nodded.

I then leaned in some more and went deeper. She screamed out a bit in pain but Scanty told me to ignore it and continue. I did that and soon stopped. "Kenji~..." She moaned my name out and said "Your so deep inside of me!" She moaned out some more and I did aswell.

Her insides were hotter then hell. It felt bumpy aswell and it also felt like the perfect shape for me. "Blood...." Nero saw the streak of blood coming out her pussy and pointed. "Yep. That is the sign of letting go..." Scanty then came up to the side of me and grabbed the base of my dick.

"Your so deep inside of here and yet...You still have some out here..." I then started moving inside of Lidia while getting jerked off by sca ty at the same time. "Ken...Ji..." Her breast were bouncy all over which made me harder.

"Its bigger...." She moaned out a bit while I kept thrusting inside if her hot cave. I then lifted her leg up and went even deeper inside of her. "Too...Much..." Her face was super red and she even had tears now in the corner of her eyes.

I ignored her comment and kept going however. I moved around all in her bumpy hole and slipped into her womb a bit. "I feel you deep inside me!!" She moaned and panted out while grabbing her breast. She then put them up to her mouth and started biting them.

"Faster~....." Her eyes were going to the back of her head and I nodded. Scanty then came in front of me and started kissing me. I kissed her back while wrapping our tounges together. "Your tounge is so soft Scanty..." I ticked under it and she moaned out.

She tried moving away but I stopped her as I held the back of her head. Her eyes widened at that for a bit but she soon gave in. Lidia then wrapped her leg around my neck and pulled me in. I let go of Scanty and she flew back while breathing hard.

I got in front of Lidia face and we started at each other while rocking back and forth. "It...Was worth the wait..." Her pussy tightened a bit and she giggled. "Yes, It was..." She then wrapped her other leg around me and pulled me closer. Our lips connected and we closed our eyes.

We kissed each other and our tounges locked. They stayed lock for a 5 minutes and I pulled away. A string of saliva was seen when we did. "Your so fucking hot Lidia..." I grabbed her from her waist and pulled her up.

She now sat on top of my lap which riding on me. "I...Know..." She moaned out and kept bouncing up and down. Her pussy then clamped on me again and I moaned out. "And your pussy....I have it all to myself..." I put my head out a bit and grabbed onto her nipples.

"Yesh! Their your and yours only!!" She moaned out while riding me. I kept sucking on her breast and soon let go. A mark was seen on it and she smiled. "Mark me all over..." I immediately went for her neck and started sucking on it.

She squeezed a bit more when I did that and i undid my mouth. "Kenji~...." She started getting tighter which made me clench my cheeks even more. "Let us have fun." Kneesocks came up behind me and started sucking on my neck.

She then licked all over the side of my face and we soon locked lips. I cupped her face from behind while Lidia was riding on me and it felt amazing. "Mhh..." I licked all over her teeth and her eyes widened. I then licked on her teeth lines and she moaned out.

Her mouth opened wide when she did and I kissed her even more. "Lidia..." I grunted a bit and she nodded. "Me too!!" She increased her speed of riding me and I went deeper into our kiss. "I'm cumming!!" She went even faster and we both soon came.

My dick flew out and she squirted all over it. I came all over her pussy and our cum and squirt mixed together. "Kneesocks...." I stopped kissing her and grabbed the bottom of her face. I then pulled her down and she opened her mouth. "Clean it...." She started sucking all on my dick and my eyes went back a bit.

She went up and down while gagging on it. Bubbles started to appear when she did all of this. "Your pussy dick taste amazing..." She gargled on my dick and took it out of her mouth. "And its creamy..." She licked all around her lips and continued.

"I...Wanted it inside me..." I looked up at her and said "Next time for sure..." She slowly smiled at that and leaned forward. She had her pussy placed on the base of my dick and Kneesocks went with it by licking her pussy aswell.

"Kiss me..." She leaned in closer and Our lips locked. I then grabbed the side of her face and she did the same to me. "Mhh..." We moaned out a bit and Soon undid our lips. "I'm still not finished." Scanty came up from behind me and layed me down. Kneesocks fully stretched out and her pussy was in my face.

Scanty sat down on my face and I saw them both. I then started licking Scanty's pussy and went over to Kneesocks pussy. I put my tounge all in hers which made me bit down on me a bit.

I felt all around her soft walls while moving her head up and down even deeper on my dick. I then felt my arms being moved out. Two people then grabbed my wrist and I soon felt a soft sensation.

I then felt another sensation on my balls and I.....Was in heaven. Scanty soon squirted on my face and got up. She immediately turned back around and started licking all over my face. Kneesocks then moved her feet and planted them in my mouth.

I sucked on her long and white colored towa which made her cum a bit. I got between her toes and under her Nails aswell. I sucked on each and every single toes for about 3 minutes each and I finished after the 3rd.

Kneesocks then started give me a tits job which felt amazing. She was rub my dick on her nipples and would rub it under her boobs aswell. "Your making me too horny..." She quickly pulled her foot out of my mouth and looked at it.

She saw how shiny they were and Scanty said "I'm next!" She was sitting behind my head and she placed her feet on my face. I licked all over her small but big feet and said "Not enought flavor..." She stared at me for a moment then laughed. "I'll make sure to add flavor later..."

I licked down her soles and her feet scrunched. I then felt a hand on my dick and looked up. "Kaida?..." She was wobbling over my dick and looked up at me. "Im...Next..." She had some tears in her eyes and I smiled a bit. "Okay."

She saw my smile and I continued sucking on Scantys toes. She was masturbating behind me as I felt her heat and smelled it aswell. "Here..." She held her hand out by my face and I looked over. I saw a pool of thick slime in her hands and I smiled. "Thank you." I moved my head over to her hands and slurped all of the goo.

I continued cleaning up her toes and I soon but down. "O-Ouch!" She hit me on my head but I ignored it as I felt something tight on my crotch. I then looked down and saw her with my dick inside of her. "Master..." Her hole was too small for me but she didnt care.

She slide down in my dick which made my body twitch. It was like I was molding her pussy in this very moment to fit me. "Kaida..." I sucked in Scantys toes more and she came on my hair. She then started masturbating again while coming on my hair again.

"Master..." She reached the end and my dick was fully inside of her. You could see it sticking out through her stomach actually. I grabbed Scanty's ankles and put her whole foot into my mouth. She didnt seemed surprised by this and continued fingering herself while putting her goo into my mouth aswell.

Kaida then started moving up and down with tears in her eyes. "Master..." She moaned out my name and I grunted a bit. "Kenji!!" She squirted on the back of my head and moved her toes all around in my mouth. She then slowly pulled her foot out and saw the shine.

"Kaida.." I then started thrusting upwards and she moaned out. "Master~...." She was so tight that I could probably be stuck like this forever. "Kaida. Your so cute and Tight.." I kept thrusted and she placed her hand on my chest.

"Master....I love you~...." A huge set a wings then popped out and her horns grew a bit. "I want Masters baby...." She then started moving on her own while digging her hands into me. She kept going up,which would reveal my dick and down. which would hide it.

"Kaida...I'm comming..." My dick then pulsed a bit and I shot my cum inside of her. "Master~...." She took all of the cum inside of her and layed backwards. My dick then bent a bit and flew out. "I'm...Next..." Nero then came over to me and squatted down above my dick.

"W-Wait. I'm still too Sen-" She put it in her and I passed out for a moment. I opened my eyes after a couple of seconds and saw her moving up and down with a blush on her face. "Nero...."

She had her hands on my chest and was going super fast. I saw a streak of blood ok my dick and chest aswell but that doesn't matter. "Slow down..." She kept going faster and faster and I moaned a bit. She then slammed down and I came all in her.

She soon got up and started sucking on my dick. She cleaned it all up and soon walked away. 'I'll just have to enjoy you later I guess..' I sighed out a bit and looked up. I saw Kneesocks and Scanty by a tree. "Oh sister~..." Scant was getting eaten out by her own sister against a tree.

"That's my chocolate fountain sis~...." She moaned out a bit and Kneesocks said "Come Here Kenji. Shes Ready For You..." I nodded and slowly got up. I then walked over to them and she said "Here..." She started spreading her sister asshole. "Put it in here..."

I nodded and gripped my dick. "Kenji~...Stick that long and hard cock inside of me~..." I put it against her hole and felt the soft sensation kissing me. "Here I go..." I leaned in a bit and she moaned out loudly. I stuck it in without a problem and We both moaned out.

She was sucking me in without me even doing anything. "Your so deep~..." She kept sucking me and I soon stopped. "Your....All the way in me~..." She swallowed my hole 8 in without a problem. "Scanty...." I leaned my body forward a bit and came close to her ear.

"Your so Tight...." I kissed her on the ear and she moaned a bit. "Im...Not tight~ Your just too big~.." I smiled at that and started moving slowly. Her cramped inside sucked me back in everything I pulled back.

"Kenji~..." She looked back at me with a red face and I kissed her. I kept thrusting in her and I pulled my dick out. I then put it into Kneesocks mouth and she sucked on it. I pulled it out of her mouth then put it back inside of Scanty.

"Ah~" I placed my hands around her waist and kept going. "Scanty.." I grabbed her breast from beneath her and started moving them around. I play with her nipple and she became tighter. "Your dick is so perfect~"

She started moving back on her own and I came a bit. She smiled at that and kept going. "Make me feel go to sis..." Kneesocks came from under her and she nodded. Scanty then backed up and I went deeper in her. I then backed up and Scanty bent down towards her sister wet pussy.

I bent down a bit aswell and started humping.

...(AN: He said that he didnt want to continue anymore. I apologize on his behalf as he is a lazy ass author who cant follow through.)

I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. "What...Time is it?" I slowly looked to my right and saw the sun beaming into my room. I also saw this black haired woman in my bed who seemed to be sleeping.

"Nero..." She wrapped her arms around me tighter when I said her name and planted her head into my chest. I stared at her for a moment then wrapped my arms around her a bit. 'Its only me, you, and Asta now...' I sighed out and slowly closed my eyes.

"Hey! Get your asses up!" I heard Magna outside of our door. "I have to show you around so get up now!" He continued to beat on the door for a while and I said "Okay...." He then stopped knocking and I sighed a bit.

"It's too noisy...." Nero groaned out a bit and looked up at me. She stared at me with her blank face and said "You...Look tired..." She reached for my face and cupped it. "You need to rest...." She moved her thumb under my eyes, feeling my bags.

"Its fine..." I held her hand. "I'm fine..." I smiled at her and she slowly nodded. She then got out of the bed and looked out of the window. I also got out of the bed and walked over to my clothes that were on the floor.

"Here you go..." I bent back upwards and handed her dress to her. She took it and started changing. I did aswell and we soon finished. "We're leaving!" He yelled out again and I opened the door. "Your too loud man.." I rubbed the back of my head while yawning and he stared at us.

"Kenji! How did you sleep last night!?" Asta came up to me while softly planting his elbow into my stomach. "I slept like a baby. How about you asta?"

I placed my hand on his head and he said "Amazing! The bed that I had on ear-" I placed my hand over his mouth and said "We...should get going right?"

Magna stared at me then nodded. He then started walking away and said "Follow me!" We all nodded and I undid my hand from his face. "Be more careful Asta. Not everyone knows that..." I eyed him and he nodded. "Sorry. I got a bit too excited..."

He looked down a bit and frowned. "Well...I'm glad your finally able to show your true colors Asta." I rubbed the top of his head and started walking.

"So he is from another world." Xaoi appeared beside me and walked along with me. "And here I was telling Asta to be careful when I'm not even careful myself..."

I sighed out a bit and looked over at him. "One of the 7 gods told me already..." I stated at him for a bit then looked away. "I wont say anything however as it doesnt bother me." We went silent after he said that and continued. Nero and Asta were behind us a bit and we got to our first location.

"The bathhouse." We nodded.

"The library." We nodded.

"The..'Investigation' room." We....Slowly nodded.

"And these are Captain Yami's pets.." We were in the basement now I think. He was showing us this cage that had glowing eyes in them. "Each of you will be taking turns feeding them." We all stared at him then looked away.

We then arrived at this hallway with strings on the floor. "Past these wires are were the girls sleep at. That's all..." I guess he really didnt need to explain to us why not to go over there. We continue walking around the base and he showed us everyones rooms.

We then got to this door and he said "Whelp. I'm heading out into town. See ya." He opened the door a bit and we saw that one girl. "Move insect. Your in my way." She walked passed him and Magna became pissed.

"Listen lady! Just because your a decadent of the guardians, It doesn't give you the right to talk down on people!" He pointed at her back and she stopped walking. "It actually does insect. Know you place and stop talking."

She continued walking and I looked at her. Our eyes met and she gave me a disgusted look. "Hey!" Asta touched her shoulder and she stopped walking. "Who do you think you are? Calling your own teammates 'Insects?' Isnt that a bit low?"

Asta stared at her and she scoffed. "Get your filthy hands off of me!" She hit his hand away and he stumbled back a bit. "I'll she you the difference between Guaridans and Peasants like yourselves.." She took out this wand and aimed it at us. Water started circulating around the want until it formed a huge ball.

I could see some sweat on her face and she soon shot it out at Asta. It came at him quickly and and he pulled his sword out. He was about to slice it but it curved a bit and Hit Magna. "W-What the hell!?" He took his glasses off while flicking the water off of him.

"Y-You should have dodged that." She then put her wand away and walked away. "Damned Brat! Get back here!" He bawled his fist at her but she ignored him. "I dont want to be in this lame squad. I'm done."

She then took her robe off and threw it at the ground. Magna became pissed at that and walked out of the door while mumbling something.

"I have guardian blood aswell but I guess I dont get much of a say..." He said that under his breath a bit but I heard him. "He has guardian blood in him huh?" If a random person like Magna could have guardian blood then there must be a lot of people out there who are the same.

"She actually took her robe off?" Xaoi scoffed and left aswell. I then walked over to the robe and picked it up. "She...Didnt even get chosen at the exam and yet..." I sighed a bit and put it into my pocket. "She's....An idiot..." We then walked out of the door and left.

Back in the hallway, You could see that same girl behind a corner. "An...Idiot?..." She sniffled a bit and whiped her face. "I guess...Its no different from home..." She whiped her face some more and left.


I was outside in the forest now. I was given the task of picking up trash while Asta, Nero, And Xaoi was given the task of cleaning the base. "Its way too hot for this."

Oh yeah, I learned sowmthing new earlier which pissed me the hell off. The heat resistance skill that I got only works in the fire nation. Apparantly it applies to the other 3 nations aswell.

The Air nomads have severe winds over their and you can get a wind resistance skill. The water Tribe has a skill that let's you become water resistance and the earth nation has a skill that let's you become earth resistant.

Dont even know what those last two mean but they're real apparently. "And that bastard did this on purpose aswell." He had a slight smile on his face when giving me this assignment. I sighed a bit at my thoughts and came over to a Bush.

"Why is she?.." I saw that guardian who was bashing Magna standing away from a tree that had a target on it. "Damn it..." She had her hands out with water forming into ball in front of them. She then shot it out at the target but it curved and went into the ground.

"A shame..." She quickly shot her head at me and stared. "You..." She had a frightened look on her face and I revealed myself fully. "No...T-This is...." She then had a flashback to these 3 shadows mocking and speaking bad to her. Saying things like she was a failure and all sorts of other things aswell.

"You cant control you magic that well huh?" I walked up to her and she backed away. "S-Stop! Leave me alone!" She put her hands out while looking away and shot a water ball out at me. Or she tried to atleast as the water ball expanded to much and trapped her.

It then got bigger and bigger and I jumped away. The huge water ball floated up into the sky and I stared at it. It had these whips made of water and was hitting all the near by trees. "What the hell happened out here?" Yami came up behind me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"She...Just lost control I guess.." The other Black bulls came out and we all stared at her. "We should probably get her down from there huh?" Yami sighed and picked up Asta. "Your sword can cut through magic right?" Asta gulped and nodded. "Well then...Problem.." He cocked asta back. "Solved!"

He launched Asta at the Huge water ball and we all stared. We heard his screaming and Asta got closer to it. "He...Can cut through magic?" That gauche guy looked up from his picture surprisingly. "Yep.."

Asta stop screaming and made a serious face. He then slashed at the water bubble and it popped. We all cheered out at that but soon stopped as they both started to fall down. "So... what now?" We all shrugged our shoulders and stared.

They got closer to the ground and finral stepped up. He then made a portal and teleported them onto the floor. Asta went face first into the ground while she just rolled into a tree stump. "That was..." Asta slowly got up. "Amazing!!" He had sparkles in his eyes and we walked over to them.

"Well...Well...Well..." Magna came up to her with a sneer. "What happened Ms. Guardian?" She slowly looked up at him and frowned a bit. "Please dont...." She looked away with a sad face and he said "If you couldnt control your Magic then that's all that you had to say..."

He smiled at her and she stared at him "Wha...." We came up to her and smiled aswell. "Yeah! Your Magic power is amazing! Let's fight!!" Luck rushed at her and I grabbed the back of his shirt. "Calm down a bit.." He pouted and I sat him down.

"Ms.Guardian..." I walked up to her and bent down. "Your magic..." She slowly looked down. "Is amazing. Its powerful and strong aswell..." She shot her head up at me with her eyes wide. "If you could control that power then you'll definitely be the strongest there is..."

I smiled at her and bent up. "This Squad..." Magna came back up and put his hand on my shoulder. "This squad is a just a group of failures anyways. Something as small as not being able to control your magic is nothin." We all smiled at her and tears slowly started coming out of her eyes.

"Well anyways, I'm glad your safe. We should take about this more over dinner tho..." Finral winked at her while posing. "Before that, You should try a piece of this!" Charmy offered her sweets. "I'm good at magic control so I can teach you. I can also teach you other things aswell.."

Vanessa winked at her and I held my hand out. "Come on..." I smiled at her even more and she stared for a moment

"Thank you...." She took my hand. "For your kind words..." She lifted herself up with a smile and We all smiled back.


I was practicing my magic in the woods. "Damn it..." I put my hands out and shot out a ball of water towards my target. It got closer than usual which made me smile but as usual, it curved and went into the ground. 'I...Cant do it...' I put my head down a bit and stared at the ground.

"A shame..." I heard a voice behind me and I shot my head at it. I saw that one guy with that mask over his eyes. "You..." I backed away a bit as I thought about what he was going to say to me. "No...T-This is.." My eyes flashed a bit and I thought back to my family.

How they treated me as a kid. How they talked to me like it was all...My fault. "You cant control your magic huh?" He walked up to me and I backed away. He kept coming closer to me and I looked away. "S-Stop! Leave me alone!" I made a water ball to scare him off and shot it at him.

In the next moment, I was trapped in my own water ball. It kept surrounding me, Getting bigger and bigger by the second. "H-Help me..." I tried talking but the water filled my mouth. I soon started floating up into the sky and I got even more scared.

The water kept getting bigger as my fear rose. The trees all around started flying everywhere and I saw the blindfolded guy jump away. 'No...' I put my hand out a bit. 'Please...Dont leave me...' My conscious felt like it was fading away a bit as I stared at him.

I think I saw the rest of this squads people come out which made me look away a bit in embarrassment. 'Save me...' I blew out a bubble of water and my eyes switched off a bit. As I started drifting away, I felt a gust of wind hit my skin.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was in the sky. The bubble of water was gone but my head was still hurting and twisting. I then looked over and saw that one boy without magic. 'He...saved me...' I then started feeling the wind even greater than before and noticed that I was falling down.

I saw that those people were starring at me and not doing anything. 'Maybe I should have been nicer...' I flapped all around in the sky but soon stopped. I felt myself rolling on the ground and I think I stopped against a tree.

"That was....Amazing!" That magicless boy screamed out and I heard clapping soon after. That punk walked up to me while talking but my ears were clogged with water so I couldnt hear that well. He did say something which made me frown uncontrollably.

"Wha..." That blonde haired boy talked aswell and he started running at me. He stopped however as the blindfolded man caught him. He then sat him down and walked up to me. "Ms. Guardian.." He stared down at me. "Your magic..."

My magic? Hes...Going to..."Is amazing. Its powerful and strong aswell.." I shot my head up at him and stared. He...Complimented me? "If you could control that power then you'll definitely be the strongest there is..." He then smiled at me and that punk came up to me.

He then said something about being a band of failures. How me not being able to control my magic is something to not worry about. All of that...Made me cry without thinking. One member walked up to me and flirted with me. Another came up to me and offered me sweets.

That perverted woman also said she could help me control my magic. She also said she could teach me other things which confused me.

"Come on." That guy put his hand out at me. I stared at him and started crying even more. He...,No they...Were being Nice to me. They...Were accepting me..

"Thank you..." I took his hand "For your kind words..." I smiled at them all and they all smiled at me.


(AN: Now....I hate POV changes as much as the next guy but.........I now know that it is needed for story progression. Without it, Your characters or my characters in this case become plane and stail.

You know what I mean?

Nah...Describe it more...

You know...I cant do that....

But in all seriousness, I'll make my own characters in the future and even make them have development.)