Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 17

"So uh...What do magic Knights do exactly?" It was the next day and we were all having breakfast together. Anyways, He raised a good point. I thought we had school but I guess not. Unless we just dont do it but the other squads do.

"Did you seriously just ask that!? We protect the country and....and....We guard stuff! Its basically the manliest job around!" Magna then grabbed Asta's arm and tugged at them. "Why'd you wanna join in the first place!?" He kept yanking him and Asta started apologizing.

"Well..." We looked over at the drunk, Blushing woman. "It sort of like...Protecting the peace. I might also be able to meet me a Nice man while on job..." She winked at me and I looked away. "Its a fun job that let's you fight enemies whenever you want! It's even better when their criminals as you dont need to hold back!!"

He cheered out and stared at me. I started sweating a bit as I thought back to last night.


I woke up in the middle of the night as I heard the door creak open. "Who is it?" I sat up a little bit as Nero was sleeping on my chest. "Hello?" I rubbed my eyes a bit and looked all around.

"I want your blood.." I fliched a bit and looked to the side. I then saw him starring directly into my eyes and I backed up against the wall. "W-What the hell man!?" He laughed out then disappeared into a blue streak towards the door.


"I'm going to kill you if you do that again by the way...." He actually gave me nightmares. I haven't had a nightmare since I was a regular human back on earth and seeing one now creeped me the hell out.

"That would be fun!!" He laughed out and I sighed. "Being a magic knight is important because my little Marie likes it!!" He started bleeding out of his nose while showing us a picture of his sister. "Shes cute Guache. What was her name again?"

He shot a purple beam at me and I hit it away. It flew into a wall and destroyed it. "Food.." That short lady then jumped over the table and went into the kitchen. "You'll all have lots of food.." She turned her head back at us and smiled.

"Your....Human?" She looked like one now as before she looked....Well she didnt look like one. After my trash ass describing skills, That huge black monster came up to Asta and smoke went up. "Well overall, Its a good job! I cant want to have our first mission together." Asta became surprised for a moment then it changed back and walked away. 'Yep, These people are weird. Especially him..' Noelle looked at me and I looked at her.

"W-What? Is there something on my face?" She crossed her arm while looking away. "No...I'm looking at him..." I pointed past her and looked at Xaoi. "Look. He struggles to eat.." He was trying to eat noodles with chop sticks but failed.

"What is this? I never ate with this in my entire life!" He then got up and hit his bowl of food away. Charmy jumped at it and caught it and xaoi walked away. "That's actually kind of cute..." Noelle smiled a bit and laughed.

We all looked at her and she looked back at us. "I-I mean...That's was very unnecessary.." She coughed a bit with a blush and we all smiled.

"Charmy...Stop it..." She was forcing Asta to eat her food which made him cry a bit.


"And so...We will be going on our first mission together..." Me, Asta, Noelle and Magna were now outside. Magna said something about getting experience even when we already have some but...Here we are.

"I'm so excited!!" Asta cheered out and Magna laughed. "Our first mission?" Noelle looked down a bit and I looked over at her. "It'll be fine. We'll have your backs if its needed.." I placed my hand on her head and smiled. "What do you think your doing?" She hit my hand away and flipped her.


She refused my head pat?

I should end it all right now.

"But thank you for the encouraging words..." She looked away with a blush and I slowly started to smile again. "We're going to Saussy village to hunt Boar!!" He smiled at us all and We all stared at him.

"Boar?" Asta stared at him blankly and he nodded. "What kind of crap mission is this!?" Asta came up to him and put his face close to his. "What's so crappy about it!? They both butted head and Asta said "I can fight a boar with my bare hands!"

They both had veins popping out on their forehead. "Are you underestimating boars!!?!?!" Me and Noelle sighed out at this and started walking away. "The two of us lost a bet the other day.." Yami appeared in front of us while smoking.

"We promised this one old guy that we'll do a favor for him. Whatever he wants actually.." He blew smoke in our faces and we waved it away. "He does this all the time to make his village rich or whatever. Quite the guy actually.." He then stared down at us and said "Humans really are strong when they have responsibilities..."

I guess but uh..."But that's not our problem!!" Asta yelled out with sparkles in his eyes and Noelle agreed with him. "Well it's either you go...." He emitted that aura again. "Or you Die! Its that simple!" Asta and Noelle started sweating a bit while nodded.

"Still! It's my first actual Mission! I'm so hyped!!" Me and Noelle turned back around towards him and she flipped her hair. "Me going to a dusty village to kill grimy boars for a grimy old man is something that I dont want to do..."

She sighed out and Magna said "What? Gotta problem with that?" He stared at her and she shook her head. "I'm not complaining..." She then looked to the side a bit. "I just...Well, Since I can't control my magic that well, I might be a liability to you all..." She had a slight blush on her face and I sighed a bit.

"Idiot! If you go on lots of missions then you'll get better control! Besides, I'm your senior! I'll always cover your ass!" He pointed at himself and she slowly nodded. "If you insist then I'll go with you..." She looked over at me and immediately looked away.

"Mister Magna Is A Real Man!" Magna heard this and these red lines appeared on his face. "Quit it Rasta. Your making me blush.." He rubbed under his nose and turned around. "That jerk off, Finral cant take us by his portal so we're going by broom."

By...What now? I've been in this world for over a month now and never seen anyone fly a broom before. "Well I can't fly on a broom." Asta stared at him. "Yeah and I just...Cant." She stared at him aswell. "What about you?" He looked over at me and I said "I dont need a broom to fly."

I hovered above the ground and he slowly nodded. "Anyways, How can you two not know how to use a broom!? It's like the easiest thing to use in the world.." He grabbed onto Asta collar and started yanking him. "I-I dont have magic!"

He let him go and Noelle said "And I can't control my Magic..." He stared at her with a vein popping out of his head. "Fine! Guess I'll have to take you on my baby.." As he said that, We heard a small roar and looked up.

We then saw this weird looking skeleton coming at us. It pulled besides Magna and he said "This is my baby, Crazy Cyclone!" Asta ran up to it and examined it with sparkly eyes. "Its Awesome!!" Magna laughed and said "She is, Isnt she!?"

Me and Noelle looked at each other then stared back. "It looks terrible." I agreed with her and they both became surprised. "What!??!??!?!?!? You guys just cant see the artistic value in her!" Asta agreed with him and Noelle responded by saying "It looks Terrible."

She then turned to me and said "So you can fly right?" She stared at me and I started sweating a bit. "Yeah...Why?" She smiled at that and I gulped.


"I've never been so embarrassed I'm my life.." Asta and Magna were on the broom while I was flying. "B-Be Grateful! Your probably the luckiest man in the world right now!" She twirled her hair around and I sighed.

She was sitting sideways on my back right now like she was riding an actual broom. "Tough luck! You should have caught the ride on this Cyclone!" He yelled next to me and we continued to fly through the air.

We kept flying for a bit and stopped on a small hill. I floated down a bit and she hoped off. I then landed and waited for them. They soon landed by us and got off. "What the hell?" Magna took his glasses off and looked at the village.

"I'm getting some serious Dejavu here Kenji.." We walked up to the ledge and stared. The village was covered in mist like the one from before. "Let's go!" Me, Magna and Asta jumped down and rushed over to the village. I then stopped and said "Go on without me! Asta, Use the same method as last time to get through it!"

He nodded and I ran back. I jumped from the bottom of the cliff and up to the edge of it. "Come on..." I held my hand out and her eyes widened a bit. "We'll protect you Noelle. We promised remember. .." She stared at me then nodded.

She took my hand and I turned back around. We then jumped off the cliff together and Ran towards the village. We arrived at the gate but kept running. We managed to catch up with Asta and Magna and continued together.

We soon stopped and slowly looked up. We saw these needles of ice which surprised us all. We then saw a while group of people under the Ice needles and started sweating a bit. "He's finally arrived Huh? Let's start shall we..."

The ice crystals then went down on the group of people. "Flame Magic!: Explosive scatter Shot!" Magna shot out multiple balla of fire at them and destroyed all of them. "Who?..." The praying people looked up and stared at us.

They saw our robes and their face lit up a bit. "Its Magic Knights!! We're saved!" We stared at the people and frowned. "What the hell happened here?" Magna looked all over then stared at a crying child.

"Grandpa~.....Your prayers were answered..." His voice broke a bit and Magna eyes slowly widened as he looked at the body on the floor. "Old man..." He dropped to his knees and stared at the body.

"Magna..." Asta stared at him and frowned. "Did you do this!?" Asta aimed his sword at the man and he stared. "Shut up brat." The man was taller than me and wore a white robe. He had long green hair and white nails.

"He...Is the one that I'm after..." Everyone then looked at me and I stared at him. "But in this state, Capturing you.." He pulled this syringe out. "Would be almost impossible!..." He stuck the syringe in his face and laughed out

"His magic power..." Noelle backed away a bit. "Its...Overwhelming..." She fell on her butt and stared at the man. He then started floating up into the sky while laughing. "This will boost my power 10 fold!!"

A huge light went off and we covered our faces. "That bastard!!" Magna veins were popping out with tears in the corner of his eyes. "I WONT FORGIVE YOU BASTARD!!" He stood up and put his hands out. "Fire Creation Magic: Fiery Death Ball!!"

A huge ball of fire appeared in his hands. "You..You will pay for what you did to Old man Seihi!" He launched it at him which broke the ground beneath him. The fire ball sped through the sky and locked onto the man.

"I'm...Done..." The man showed himself and put his arm out. The fire ball then went into his hand and disappeared. "What the hell!?" Magna gritted his teeth with his tears burning up. "With this power boost, I'm basically invincible..." He laughed out and I sighed.

"Let's test that..." I touched my sword and put my hand back down. "Agh!" He screamed out and his body split in half horizontally. "It hurt like hell..." He groaned out and fell to the ground. "You...What you did here....Its unforgivable..." I walked up to him and he looked at me.

"It hurts like hell..." His intestines then started joining with his upper body. "But that doesnt mean I've lost..." He got up and smiled at me. "Move!" Magna pushed me out of the way and said "This guy is mine!!" He then shot out multiple fire balls but they were absorbed.

"Your petite little magic show wouldnt even hurt a child..." He blitzed at Magna and Grabbed him by the throat. "I should probably end you now.." He smiled at Magna and he did the same. "I got you right where I want you bastard...."

Magna created a small ball of fire and hit him in the face with it. "That tickled me." He threw magna at a house and dust soon came up. My body then moved a bit and he blocked my sword with his own. "I...Can see it all now...."

We then teleported all around with clangs sounds going off. "This...Is too much for me.." Noelle held her robe and started backing away. 'I-Im one of the decendants of the 9. I can't die in a place like this..' She agreed with herself and turned around.

"Ms. Magic knight..." A small girl tugged on the bottom of her clothes and she looked down at her. "You will protect us right?..." The kid was clenching a teddy bear in her hand while looking up at Noelle. Noelle stared at the child for a while then said "I-I Cant. I-" She stopped her self and looked around.

"Ms. Magic Knight..." The little girl cried out a bit and Noelles eyes widened. Noelle then thought back to this morning. "Keeping the Peace.." She then thought back to when she was a child. "Dont even try. You'll run away at the first sign of danger." Both phrases rung around in her head and she made a decision.

"Y-Yes! I will protect you!" She then pulled her wand out with a wobbly hand and Nodded.

"Kenji! I will protect these people!" I looked down at her out of the corner of my eyes and smiled. 'Good Noelle..' I was then kicked in my face and I flew back into bottom of the cliff that we were on. He immediately arrived in front of me and grabbed my face.

"Ice is my main Magic while 'Adapt' is my special!..." He then let go and punched me directly in the middle of my face. The impact of the punch made a crater behind me and he kept going. He grabbed ne by my throat and lifted me up into the sky.

I then felt my face heating up and I placed my hands on his arms. "Its futil. I have you.." I smirked at that and said "I've....Seen this future before I think..." His eyes widened and a screamed was heard behind us both.

"Thanks for the opening!" Asta came up behind him and he quickly turned his head. He saw how close Asta was and jumped at him while letting me go. He blitzed passed Asta and landed near the entrance of the village. "You actually managed to get me huh?" He looked down and saw that his arm was cut off.

"And it wont grow back..." He grunted out and we landed In front of him. "One of the many perks of Anti-Magic..." We both smiled at him and he sneered. "Yes...I've heard..." He then turned to the side and put his left hand out.

"Well...I didn't want it to come down to this...." He made a huge wall of crystal and it towered over the entire village. "I didnt want to harm those people. I just wanted to threaten them but...He tempted me. He provoked me and...." He looked down a bit. "But it doesnt matter anymore. All that matters now is that I get you to Master and this...Is the only way to do it.." He dug his hand into the ice wall and it started moving.

"Noelle And Magna.."

"The people.."

I didnt care about those two. I...Have to save those people. The huge wall destroyed the entrance and kept going.

"You need to be faster..."


"Your...Not fast enough..."

I heard the others and my eyes started glowing.

"Kenji!" Asta said my name and I slowly started floating up.

"▪︎Time Magic..▪︎"

The wall got closer to the people of the village.

"▪︎Mass Reversal▪︎"

These tattoos started emerging from my skin while shining. A huge clock then came out of space/time and stamped itself onto the massive ice wall.

"N-No way..." The green haired man stared and the hands on the clock started going counterclockwise. The huge ice wall then went back towards the green man and shrunk down. "He...Reversed my Ice wall?..Something that covered the entire ocean in the early ages?....." He then got up and put his hand out at me.

He made a huge ball of ice and shot it put at me. A clocked then appeared on the ice and it reversed out of existence. "I...I have to report this to master!!" The man then threw something on the floor and a space appeared.


The man fell to his knees as he heard my voice. Asta also stammered a bit.

"▪︎Kill Him Now▪︎"

I unconsciously pointed at the guy who had tears in his eyes. Asta unconsciously nodded and dug his feet into the ground. He launched himself forwards and put his sword out.

Asta then penetrated the space and it disappeared. He flew past that and struck the man directly in his chest. Asta let go of his sword and crashed into the ground. "You'll be seeing us more in the future."I heard the first and the glowing dimmed down.

I then fell towards the ground and crashed. "What...Was that?" I stared into the sky then looked over. Everything was dark now and I saw 4 people line up next to each other. I was also lined up next to them.

"You've achieved it boy..."

The first one in line looked over at me which made me jump a bit.

"You chose the people over your friends. You can now call yourself a true Time Master."

They all then looked at me and I stared at them. "What...Were those Tattos? Why were the glowing like that?" I looked at all of them and they walked out in front of me. They then pulled their sleeves and pants leg up and I saw the same Tattoos. They each had a single one however.


The first Had a Tattoo of wind on his right arm.


The second had a rock tattoo on his left arm.


The 3rd had a tattoo on his right leg.


The 4th had a Tattoo on his left leg.

"When your in that State of Time, Our tattos appear on the current Time Master. When that happens, They get all of our experiences from each element implanted into them which gives them the perfect use over it..."

As the first said that, he disappeared.

"Your Time Magic Is stronger than ours. Maybe you'll get your own one day."

The 2nd disappeared.

"This power will only come out when needed."

The 3rd then disappeared and Me and the 4th stared at each other.

"You've come a long way. Keep it up and remember.."

He slowly faded away.

"Remember What Makes Us Time Masters. Remember What We Strive For. Remember..."

He then faded away and I saw the sky again.

"Ive never...Heard about this before..."


After I got done yelling at Kenji, I saw him getting kicked. He flew across my head and disappeared. "I guess I should deal with these people huh?" I looked ahead and saw this woman. She had long blue hair and was about my height.

"Oh? And what do we have here?" The beautiful woman stared at me and I put my wand out at her. "I-I am Noelle Silvia! One of the descendants From the 9 Guardians." I gulped a bit and she stared me down.

"Yes, Yes. I can tell. Your Magic is practically leaking at this point..." She laughed out at me and started walking towards me. "Tell me..." She licked her lips. "Do you plan on defending these people?" She got closer then stopped.

"You seem scared. Your legs are shaking like it's cold out and your hands are wobbly aswell..." I started sweating and said "S-So! I am a Magic Knight! You dont scare me!" I stared at her intently and she sneered. "We'll see about that..."

Her body then disappeared and Asta Jumped away. 'D-Damn it! I was only acting tough because he was here...' I shook my head and started looking around. Her mist was spreading out even further and I turned around.

"Y-You'll all be okay. I promise." I stared at the scared people and turned back around. "I'm right here." I felt a pain in my side and I hit a wall. I slowly looked up with blurry vision and saw her holding that child up by her neck.

"Stop..." I reached my hand out and she smiled at me. "If you want me to stop then make me..." She turned away from me and I looked at the ground. 'I...Cant...' I'm...Too scared. Im afraid that...

I then started crying a bit and she said "Magic Knight Huh? Your a pathetic excuse for one.." My eyes widened a bit and I heard the child scream out which made my tears fall faster. 'I'm useless...I'm useless and I know it but...I have too. In order to prove them wrong. In order to show them that I'm a magic Knight....I....Have too!!' I put my wand out with my hands shaking and aimed it at her.

"I'll show you...That I'm a good Magic Knight!" I launched out a water ball at her and she smiled. The water ball got close to her and curved into the ground. "Wait. You cant even control you powers? Thats actually hilarious." She laughed at me and I slowly got up.

"I can't control it but..." Someone came out from behind me and launched a ball of fire at her. "I can atleast buy enough time for my Companion!" He screamed out and the ball of fire hit her.

She groaned out from the fire and flew into a building. "Good Job Noelle! You gave me enough time to recover my Magic!" He smiled at me and I looked away. "But I let her harm them..." I stared at the child who was coughing on the ground. "I let her get hurt and it's my fault..."

My Magic slowly started rising and I felt something in my soul unlock. "I will never let that happen again! I promise!!!!" I screamed out and a small ball of water appeared in front of my eyes. "Wha..." The small ball of water then went over to the group of people and hovered above them all.

It expanded and covered the people in this dome of water. "Noelle?..." He stared at me blankly and I forced a smile. "I...I can protect them now." I then walked in front of the dome and turned back to him. I got into a stance and he smiled at me.

"Goo-" He was punched in the face and he fell to the floor. "Burns doesn't it?" She kissed her fist and jumped on him. She then punched him over and over then stopped. "And what's that?" She slowly looked over at me with her eyes widened. It made me jump a bit and I said "Y-You'll Have to go through me now to get to those people!!"

She laughed at me then immediately stopped. "Shut your mouth." She then ran at me and my eyes widened. She got in front of me and my body moved on Its on. I jumped out of the way and she punched the water dome.

She then swung her hand back and hit me in the face. I flew back and she jumped onto me mid air. We both landed inside of a building and she laughed. She then pucnhed me in the face and I spat out blood.

She punched me in the side of my face and my head shot at a wall. She punched me again and my head shot at the other wall. "You may be able to protect them..." She put her fist up. "But you sure ass hell can't protect yourself!" She moved her hands down and I closed my eyes in fear

'No....' I pleaded in my head for helped but relized that no one was here. "You will run away at the first sign of danger..' As I thought about my brother words, I smiled at myself. 'Atleast I was able to prove them wrong...'

As I was thinking that, I felt the ground beneath me rumble. It caused her to fall off me and I quickly got up while stammering. "W-What the hell is that idiot doing!?"

I ran out the door and noticed that it got dark. "No..." I looked up and saw a giant wall. I started sweating a bit as it seemed to have been coming closer. 'The people!' I immediately rushed over to the dome of water and noticed that it was thinner.

I easily passed through it and stared at them all. "Everyone! We need to leave!" The people were cheerier but when they heard my distraught voice, they slowly went silent. "Hurry!" I unconsciously undid the barrier and they nodded as they saw the huge wall behind them.

I then started running away and the soon followed behind me. 'I cant save you..' I ran past him on the floor and thought. 'I...Cant...'

We ran for a while but soon stopped as the large shadow went down. We all then turned around and saw a person in the sky. He was glowing a golden color and his eyes were white.

As I was seeing this, I noticed that the huge wall disappeared and I sighed out in relief. 'Thank...Goodness..'


We all dropped to our knees and tears ran down our face when it said that. The voice made me feel safe but It still gave off a condescending attitude. It instantly made me realize that I was an ant and It instantly made me realize that it was a God.

"▪︎Kill Him Now▪︎"

The voice was Dark and Old. It sounded like Ancient Gods were all speaking at the same time.

My tears then floated off my face and I saw that it was happening to everyone else. The dirt in the ground slowly went up aswell and I stared at it. 'Please...Dont kill me..' I started pleading to the high being.

The dirt went up into the sky for a bit and the glowing person fell down. The dirt and water instantly dropped to the ground when they did and My voice came back. "I-Is everyone Alright?"

They all stared at me. "I-I'm sure it wasnt anything bad..." I tried comforting them but failed as they all just stared.




I got up from the ground and stumbled a bit. My vision was wobbly for a second but It soon turned back to normal. "Asta?..." I slowly walked over to him and saw that he had a wound in his chest.

The other guy also had a sword in his chest. "Kenji..." He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes while slowly breathing. "I did it. I..Killed him right?.." He coughed up some blood and I fell to my knees. "Yep..You did it..." The guy then disappeared into particles and Asta smiled.

"Level 58..."

I placed my hand on him and Healed him. I then layed beside him and sighed. "Your voice...what was that?.." He leaned up and rubbed the back of his head. "State Of Time...." He stared at me and slowly nodded. I could tell that he had no clue about what I said but I didn't bother.

"Let's check on them..." He then got up and grabbed my forearm. He pulled me up aswell and we started walking to the destroyed gate. Asta pulled his sword out of the ground when we did and continued.

We walked passed the flattened houses and soon got to the middle. We saw some houses with holes and I even saw Magna. He was passed out on the ground and I put him in a time bubble.

We continued walking for a bit and we saw her. "Noelle..." I stared at her and she shot her head at me. When she saw that Me, Asta and Magna were there, She started crying and ran up to us. "I-I was so scared and...and..." She then looked at me while crying and I nodded. "That's understandable Noelle..." I looked over at the group of people and starred.

"And you protected them like a true Knight. Good job..." I smiled at her and she stared at me with face full of tears. "Yeah....I did..." She forced a smile and I walked past her. I walked up to the crowd of people and said "Is everyone alright?" They all stared at me blankly until a small girl talked.

"Yeah...Ms. Magic Knight protected us..." She pointed at someone behind me but I didnt look. "It took her a lot of courage to do that so please...Thank her. She needs to hear it right now..." All the people slowly got their light back in their pupil and nodded.

They soon ran up to her and talked a bit. She looked back at me from time to time and I walked away. I came up to a building and said "Your awake aren't you?" I saw this woman laying against a wall. "Hey. Can you tell me who this Master is?" I bent down in front of her and we stared at each other.

"I'll never tell you..." She spat on my face and I frowned. "Its a shame. Your pretty aswell..." I got up and put my hand out. "..." I mumbled some words and I soon got Xp. I stared at the spot where her body was and shrugged my shoulders.

I soon walked out of the building and sighed. "T-Thank You." Noelle appeared in front of me. "They told me what you said and I just wanted to say Thank you." She had blush on her cute face and I nodded.

"No. Thank You Noelle. You were scared but you didnt run away from those people. You saved them in fact and I'm deeply thankful for that.." I smiled at her and she stared at me.

"Your Really deserve to be a Magic knight and a Black Bull. Dont ever forget that okay?" I placed my hand on her shoulder then walked away with a smile.

'I...Deserve it...' I clenched my robe and stared at his back as he walked away. "Thank you..." I smiled even deeper and followed behind him.
