Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 18

....In a dark room.

There was a person sitting down on a throne and they were looking through a small, Glass ball.

"So Craig and Deanna failed huh? Well that doesnt matter. They did complete their mission in a way I suppose..." They laughed out a bit as they replayed the footage of the fight.

The ball showed a glowing man with tattoos casting a huge clock on a giant ice wall. "He went into his Time State Huh? Haven't seen that in ages.." They laughed a bit and smiled.

"I want you to grow. Become Stronger and Stronger for me Time Master. Your defeat will bring an even greater joy..." They got up and stretched out. 'All of the other Time Masters were defeated quite easily by me. Hopefully you'll be stronger....

Kenji!...' They smiled at themselves and walked down the stairs thag led to their throne while dancing.


It's been a few hours now. After I fix this last house, We'll start leaving. "Ms. Magic Knight is so pretty!" That one small child was still complimenting Noelle. "I-I know!" She flipped her hair and looked away.

She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and stared. I kept working however and she scoffed. The child then kept complimenting Noelle which made her face become redder. "Asta. Pass me the wrench." He nodded and placed something in my hand.

"This...Why the he did you pass me a hammer?" I looked back at him and he laughed awkwardly. "Sorry....I never really learned about tools before..." He kept laughing and I continued to stare at him. "Just...Go talk to Noelle. You haven't said anything to her and shes probably sad about that..."

Asta then turned his head and saw her starring at our direction. She immediately looked away however and I sighed. "Your right! Be right back!" He then left and I continued working.

"Noelle!!" He ran up to her and she looked at him. "I heard about your new Magic spell From Magna! Can you show me it!?" He had sparkles in his eyes and she said "S-Sure!" She then put her wand out and thought 'Yay! They're finally appreciating me!'

She then made the dome of water and Asta ran up to it. He put his face in it and she smiled. Asta then screamed out weirdly and fell onto his back. "A-Asta!?" Noelle ran up to him and stared at him. "Are you serious?" She made a disgusted face and walked away.

Asta managed to fall asleep which didn't surprise me. He told me he stayed up all last night as he was too excited to sleep. "H-Here you go.." She managed to make her way up to me but I was too focused to notice.

"Y-Your thirsty right! Dont take this the wrong way tho! I-Im just..." She cupped her hands and some water appeared in them. I stared at the side of her blushing face and smiled a bit. "Thank you Noelle...." I came down from the ladder and stood in front of her.

I put my head down and started drinking the water from her hand. "Wow...It taste good Noelle.." She blushed even harder and said "O-Of course it does! It's the water of a Decendant! But you know that...." I continued to drink the water and I stopped as I felt her soft skin.

"Thank You." I then crawled back up the ladder while seeing steam rise up from beneath me.


We were at the edge of the village now. We saw these two children as we reached the top of the hill. One was sitting in front of a tombstone while the other was behind them.

"Grandpa..." It was the crying kid from before. He was crying now aswell and the girl behind him sighed. "Nick...We should start heading home..." The girl reached her hand out at him and he sniffled. "Hey Kid."

Me, Magna and Noelle watched as Asta came up behind the crying kid. "I heard from the bad guy that your gramps was the only one to step up." The kid turned to Asta while crying and he continued. "Your grandpa was a real one for that!"

Asta smiled at the kid and he sniffled. "A few days ago, Grandpa told me something. He seemed really happy about it aswell. He said... That he beat some Magic Knights in gambling.." The kid laughed out a bit. "He never took the Test to become a Magic Knight but he said he would have loved too..."

The kid slowly frowned after he said that. "He regretted it is what he told us. 'I should have worked harder when I was younger' is what he told us." He then slowly got up and said "C-Could I Become A Magic Knight!? Even If I'm a peasant!"

He yelled at Asta and stared. "Of course." This shocked the boy. "I'm..." Asta thought for a moment and continued. "I'm a peasant aswell and I dont even have magic to boot but guess what?..." He pointed at his robe. "I got in. A peasant like me actually got in.." Asta then bent down a bit.

"So you can do it too! When it come downs to it, You can do anything. You can be anything. You just need to believe that and believe in youself..." Asta planted his fist into his chest softly and said "So come on. I will....No, We will wait for you!" Asta smiled and we did aswell.

"Work hard kid. Asta here did make it into the Magic Knights but it was no where near easy.." I walked up to him and placed my hand on his head. "He trained and trained. Everyday and every night. He never stopped as he had a single thought in his head..." I smiled at him and said "Dont...Give up. Dont give up at all okay? Even when you feel like crap. Even when you feel passing out. Keep pushing yourself as it'll eventually pay off.."

I walked back and the kid stared at me for a moment. 'Hes....Right...' The kid then whiped his face and said "Y-Yeah! I promise I wont give up! And I'll see you guys when I get into the Magic Knights!"

He smiled at us all and we did the same. "Noelle. May I have some more water. It's hot out.." I turned towards her and she blushed. "F-Fine! Be grateful that you can get a taste"

She blushed even more and I smiled.


"You guys really had a real tough time out there huh?" We were back in the base now. Yami was laughing at us and I walked away. "Well whatever. Good Job Anyways..." Magna and Asta cheered out and I sat down on the couch.

"How my little buddy~.." Vanessa sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around me. "You reek of alcohol lady.." I covered my nose and she burped out. "The Magic Knight investigation crew is examining the place now to see If they left behind anything crucial but they haven't found anything yet..."

She looked over the couch at them and they nodded. "The pocket watch was the only thing that was left behind in that house. It looks like the one that your group turned in from that one time so they'll probably just go lead off of that...." We all went silent for a moment and I sighed out a bit. "Those people made be extremist or decedents from one of the 9..."

We nodded and Yami said "Well it doesnt matter now.." Yami looked over at me and Vanessa and saw her trying to force me to drink. "In recognition of your actions, The Mayor rewarded us with a Star!" He held up this golden star and we stared at it.

"Woah!!! For real!?" Magna became surprised for some reason. "A star!? What the hell is a Star!?" Asta screamed out with Confusion and Sparkles in his eyes. "The 9 magic groups compete to see how many stars they can get. It's...An honor type thing." She put a bottle of wine in my mouth and continued.

"The Golden Dawn Has a total of 70. That puts them in the lead." I chocked a bit and spat the wine out. "Your all crazy.." I backed over to the edge of the couch and she laughed. "Ooooooh!!" Asta eyes sparkled and he said "So!? How many do we have!?"

Yami walked up to a wall and the started got suck into it. "That star brings us to...Negative 30" He smiled at that while we stared at him. "Are...You actually serious?" I looked over the couch and he nodded. "Maybe if we didnt destroy a block of town then we would be higher..."

I got up and snatched the bottle of wine out of Vanessa hand. "And here is your wages for the month." He threw us all a bag of money and Nero flew onto my head. "How was your mission?" I opened the bag of money and looked at it.

(AN: Earlier I said something which made it seem like they've been in the black bulls for about a day. My bad...)

"It was fine. Quiet actually..." Yeah, I bet it was. Xaoi and Her went on a small mission together. They...Picked herbs I think. "This...What is this chump change?" Noelle looked up and stared. "C-Chump Change? Most people would kill for this.."

I appeared next to Asta and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Dont argue. That huge Castle that we saw is hers remember. This much is probably 1 copper to her." They're were 3 castles in this city. One belonged to the Silvia family. One belonged to the Vermillion family. And the last belonged to the Kira Family or the Mayors family.

"Congratulations on your first pay day guys." Vanessa got up and walked over to me. "That means you'll want to go shopping in the castle town right? I'll take you with me if you buy me something~" She wrapped her arm around my neck and her breast hit me.

"W-We get to go into the Castle Town!?" Asta cheered out and she nodded. The castle town... I cant describe it so this is it.

Castle town

_. _Fat cow.


I should be an artist huh?


"Wooooaaah!!" Asta saw all the people and liveliness and cheered out. "It is...Much happier up here..." I guess it was to be honest. The dungeon part of town 'belonged' to adventures and 'rough' people lived. In this part of town tho, you could obviously see that people looked better and acted kinder to you.

"You a witch or somethin?" I looked at her and she winked at me. "No honey. It's just my style." I stared at her for a moment then looked away. We then started walking around the town. "Woah! I've never seen those fruit before!" We walked past a fruit stand and he cheered out.

"Look Noelle. They have wands..." I pointed and looked over. She saw these expensive looking wands in a window stand and she said "I-I like my wand tho...." I smiled and we continued walking. We were getting stares the whole time which made me and Asta sigh out.

"Walking around with two beautiful woman has it's down sides huh?" Vanessa laughed at that while Noelle started stuttering. "Its probably because we're Black bulls but thanks for the compliment." She winked at me and I looked away.

"Beau...tiful?..." Noelle turned around while grabbing her face. "Look! It's the lush Witch of the Black Bulls, Vanessa!" These guys with heart eyes surrounded us. "And that beauty next to her...She must be apart of the Black bulls aswell!" They cheered for them and Noelle made a disgusted face.

"Move peasants. Your annoying me." She flipped her hair and they calmly backed away. "Calm down Noelle. They're just struct by our beauty.." She winked at her and we continued to walk.

We went to different stores and picked up healing items. We also got recovery items and Vanessa said "Now that we're done with that. I'll take you somewhere special..." She motioned us to follow her and we did.

"Vanessa. What it this?" We arrived at an empty alley way and she said "Just watch..." She walked up to the back wall and smiled at us. Her body was then sucked into the wall and she disappeared. "Woah!! W-Where did she go!?"

Asta ran up to the wall and examined it. He then placed his hand on where she sunk into and fell. He disappeared aswell and it was just me and Noelle now. 'We're all alone now!' Noelle then looked over at me. "Uhm..."

I looked over at her and stared. 'Wait. What was his name again?' She made a confused face and looked away. I only signed and walked over to the wall. I then walked into it and Noelle followed behind.

"Welcome...To the black market..." We all stared out and they became surprised. "Why the hell do you know about this place?" I looked over and she smiled. "This is where I buy all my fun items from." She winked at me and I stared at her.

What the hell are fun items? Like legos...Or...Like legos? We soon started walking down the long, Dark hallway while checking out some of the things. "Its a bit dangerous and cramped but they basically got everything here." As she said that, We walked past a group of people who were...Sleeping, Yes sleeping, On the floor.

"Hello Vanessa! Back already!?" This old lady waved at her and Vanessa waved back. "Yep...Just taking my new squad members out on patrol..." We continued to walking and Vannesa looked over at Noelle. "Are you surprised by all of this?"

She noticed that Noelle seemed very shocked by it all. "Royals wont come to this place out of prejudice so I can see why your making a face like that..." I then departed away from them and walked over to this table. It had jewelry on It and they came up behind me.

"You cant control your magic that Well right?" Vanessa picked up a necklace and looked at Noelle. "These can help with that so try some on..." Vanessa reached for Noelle's neck but she denied it. "I-Ill think about it.." She looked away and I picked a bracelet up.

I looked all over it and said "I'll...By this one..." I handed the old man at the counter 10 platinum coins and we walked away. "W-Who is that for?" Noelle looked over with anticipation and I smiled. "For Xaoi actually. It should help him with something that's been bothering him for a while.."

I smiled at the bracelet and they all stared at me. "Aw~...That's so cute~..." Vanessa leaned on me and Asta agreed. 'He's giving a bracelet to a guy?' Noelle stared at me in confusion and Asta said "Hey. What's all the commotion over there about?" He pointed down another alley and Vanessa laughed a bit.

"That place isn't for child like you and Noelle. Maybe me and you can go in there together some time tho~" She wrapped her arm around me and I said "Yeah, Maybe." We stared into the casino and saw a yelling punk. "We...Know that guy right....."

We all had the same thought but shrugged it off. We all then walked off and started looking for our own things. "What about this Vanessa?" Noelle showed her a piece of jewelry and she said "Nah. It's too ugly.." As she said that, this guy walked up to them both.

"Well, Well. What are two lovely beauties doing in a dark place like this?" He leaned on the wall next to them and they turned around at him. "I'll escort you ladies out of here. I am an elite Magic Knight after all.." He smiled at them and they stared at him.

"Leave my sight Insect." Noelle stared at him and he jumped a bit. "Look at what I bought guys!!" Me and Asta came up to them. Asta bought this wallet which looked like a frog. "Did you actually buy that?" Noelle faced palmed and Vanessa laughed a bit.

Asta then looked over at that guy and they stared at each other. "Wait. Your that guy who shit talked me right?" The guy then started sweating a bit but he stayed composed. "You said all of that and yet...I beat you." Asta sighed out in 'disbelief.' "S-Shut it. You just caught me off guard peasant. It wont happen again."

They stared intently at each other for a while then he looked over Asta's shoulders. 'Is that the guy with them? And here I was thinking that this peansant had these two beautiful women to himself...' He pushed Asta out of the way and came up to me.

"Sekke. Nice to meet you." He put his hand out at me and I stared at. "Dont associate yourself with me. You got beat buy a guy with no magic." I hit his hand away and Asta laughed out. The guy then backed away and frowned.

'Damn these guys...' He was about to turn around but stopped as he heard a squealing lady. "Help! That guy robbed me!!" This guy zoomed past us on a cloud. "Your Magic Knights Right!? Please Help!!" She stared at us all and Asta dashed away.

He went after the guy and disappeared into the fake wall. "I'll help aswell!" He made a 'serious' face and this blue, Hallow bike with balls for wheels appeared. He then got on it and shot away. "Did he really just rob someone in front of Magic knights? Hes brave for that." We agreed with Noelle and stared out.

"Yeah, Its probably because they saw that we were Black Bulls." They agreed with that aswell and we started walking away. We soon arrived outside and saw them all.

Asta threw his sword directly at the guy and it pierced his back. The man then launched off the cloud and hit the side of a building. He slowly slid down it and fell onto the floor. "He...doesnt hold back does he?" Vanessa sweated a bit and I nodded. "Hes always been like this..."

I started walking towards them and they stared at my back. They soon followed behind me and we got up to the guy. "And I'll be taking this.." We saw Asta snatch the money off the guy. "Your an idiot man. Stealing right in front of Magic Knights wasnt really the smartest of ideas now was it?"

Asta undid his sword from the man's back and it disappeared. Asta then put his foot on the mans stomach and kicked him until he was belly up. "H-Hey. Dont you think your too rough?" Sekke pulled up and we stared at him.

"Not at all. If you want to teach a bad guy how to repent then showing them the same type of pain is the best way to go about it. That's what I learned atleast." Asta smiled and sekked backed away a bit. 'These people are crazy...' He then ran away and that old lady came up to us.

"Here you go." Asta handed the bag of money to her and she smiled. "Thanks boy..." She smiled at Asta and we waved her off. We soon left and the lady shined a bit.

"Time and Magic Negation. Interesting..." A man appeared out of the shine. I'm not describing his looks as he looked exactly like Julius. He was in a black suit however and he had the ball ear rings. "J-Julius sir! We're have you been!?" A small window appeared in the air and a blue haired man was seen.

" lost the path of life Marx." The blue haired man sighed at that and said "Just come back. You have paper-" Julius hung the man up and smiled. "I...Want to meet those two.." He smiled and turned back around.

He then walked back into the wall while shining.


"Wait Xaoi." We were now at the base again. I managed to catch Xaoi before he left for his solo mission. "What is it?" He stopped walking and looked at me. "I bought this for you. I figured it might help you control your sudden burst of energy that you have.."

I pulled the bracelet out and he stared at it. "Your...Weird.." He gave me a disgusted look and walked away. I then grabbed his wrist and he turned his head at me. "Come on. I'm trying to help you Xaoi. Not ulterior motives, I swear."

He stared at me for a while which made me sweat a bit but he eventually nodded. He then turned around fully and I placed the bracelet on him. It was green and black in color so it should match him.

"Well? How is it?" He looked at the bracelet then at me. He then repeated this process for a while. "It...Works.." I sighed out from the anticipation and nodded. "Thank you for this. I will try to buy you something aswell." He then walked away and I nodded.

'I wonder what their relationship is like...' Noelle was behind a wall, Watching us. 'Well, Its not like I care anyways..' She agreed with herself then left. I continued to stare out the door for a while then left aswell.


"I didn't know things like this could happen." Me, Asta, Nero, Noelle and Luck were exploring a dungeon. Apparently, Dungeons can just come up from the ground. It's very rare however so I guess that's why it isnt talked about that much.

"Can you believe they Mayor specifically asked for Us!?" Asta cheered out as we walked down the long, dark hallway. "It is suprusing.." I then thought back to all the events that led to here.


"Heads up. A new dungeon was just discovered." We all stared at Yami who was smoking once again. "A New dungeon!?!?!?!" They screamed out in my ear and I stared. "Are you being for real Captain Yami!?" Magna got off of Asta's back and cheered.

"I didnt know that there was more than one dungeon.." Asta laughed awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head. They all then stared at him and Yami said "Have you've been living under a rock for your whole life or somethin? Everyone knows that dungeons can appear when they want..."

He blew smoke out and the rest nodded with him. "Oh Yeah...I forgot that's all.." He laughed out again and I sighed. "Well anyways, These dungeons are even crazier then the one in the city. Filled with all sort of things that make it almost impossible to navigate through.."

He blew smoke out and we all nodded. "This dungeon happen to appear on the border of the Earth Kingdom which makes this mission our top priority at the moment..." They nodded and I looked away.

Is...The earth Kingdom like the Diamond kingdom or something? Maybe I'm just overreacting, As those people were the definition of peace. "I wanna go!!" They all stared at Asta and Yami smiled a bit.

"Sure. The Mayor actually asked for you and Blindfold over there to come." Asta's face became blank as he stared at the paper that Yami pulled out.

"Seriously?..." Asta said with a blank face. "Seriously." Yami smiled at him and Asta face lit up. "The actual Mayor...CHOSE ME!?" He screamed out and Magna parted his shoulder. "Good Job Rasta! Are you and the Mayor friends or something!?"

Asta denied it and I looked up. This Mayor guy...Wasnt normal. He had 'Basic Earth' As that receptionist said but it's anything but that. He...basically laid the ground work for this entire country. His magic was said to be on par with my masters but he denies it.

He also lives longer then the average as he is from Elven and Dwarf descent. Thats also why people know that hes lying when he denies his magic reserves, As elves have lots of magic and Dwarfs have...More than your average human. "I shall give this mission everything that I've got!!" He had sparkles in his eyes and we all nodded.

Me, Noelle, Asta, Nero and Luck soon left and now it was just Vanessa and Yami in the main room. "Why do you think the Mayor chose Asta? I can see why for Kenji but Asta.." Vanessa drunk from her bottle of wine while starring at Yami who was reading a newspaper.

"Well...He has his ways. He ain't normal after all.." He laughed a bit and Vanessa nodded a bit. "I just hope Noelle stays safe out there..." She sighed a bit and Yami scoffed. "Dangerous missions are what makes 'em grow. They'll surpass their limits that way.."

Vanessa heard that and nodded. "Besides, Luck is with them so they should be fine. His skills at detecting magic is crazy good..." Yami turned the paper and continued reading. "Honestly, If it wasnt for that crazy ass attitude then all of the captains would have wanted him."

Vanessa looked away and sighed. "That crazy ass attitude...Is what I'm worried about..."


"Excuse me! Could you not step on my foot!" She screamed at Asta and he whimpered. "I'm sorry...Its pitch black in here and I cant see..." She scoffed and said "Well you shouldnt have dropped the light." The two then kept going back and forth at each other until we saw light.

"This is it huh?" We walked into the light and stared. "Woah!! This place looks Amazing!!" He cheered out and we looked around. There were doors all over the ceilings and floors. Rivers on the ceiling and floors aswell with broken down structures laced everywhere.

"Looks like the space in here is warped." Luck looked around and I agreed. "The Magic in here is way more then whats outside right?" He looked over at me and nodded. "I've never seen a place so full of Magic..." Noelle looked all around with this weird face on.

"Hey Kenji. What does it feel like?" He looked over at me and I said "Like....A warm bath maybe? You'll have to fell it for...Yourself.." His face was becoming sadder and I looked away. "Wait. You cant feel any of this?" She said while we started walking.

"Nope, Not at all.." She scoffed a bit at that and said "Do you even know what Magic truly is?" Asta became a bit surprised by the question and said "O-Of course I know what it is!" Asta screamed out and fell to the floor.

"Its what you have and....And..Its what I dont have..." He cried out a bit and a magical array appeared under his fist. "What the hell?" As he said that, This wave of crystals appeared. Noelle shouted out a bit and Asta pulled his sword out.

He then sliced the Crystal's in half with a serious look. "That was a close one.." I walked up to him and he nodded. "T-That was dangerous.." She had a small sweat mark on her face. "Hmm.." Luck walked over a bit and said "Look Asta." He pointed at the ground and he walked over.

"What is it-" Luck pushed Asta onto the spot where the previous trap went off which caused it to go off again. "Haha!!" Asta dodged this one and they kept going all around the room. Screams and Laughter were what filled the cave. Luck then stopped chasing Asta and looked over at me and Noelle.

He smirked and ran at us. "Good luck Noelle." I disappeared and reappeared on the roof. I stared at them and saw that he was trolling her now aswell. He continued doing this for a while and I undid myself from the ceiling.

"That was fun!" I landed next to him and stared at the two. They were dirtied with a blank expression on their faces. 'If we stay with this guy....He'll kill us!' They both thought as he continued to laugh. "That Anti-Magic weapon of yours really is something! Maybe thats why the mayor sent you?"

He started stretching a bit. "I'd like to fight you in a couple of years Asta. And for you Kenji, I'm ready anytime!" He made lighting in his palms while looking at me. "Anways, Keep that sword of yours Out. We wont have any problems then." Asta rapidly nodded at that with a smile.

"Now then.." Luck closed his eyes. The other two stared at him in confusion but I knew what he was doing. These streaks of lightning were coming off of him and one came out from an random door in the ceiling.

'I knew it! Theres others here!' His eyes widened with a crazy smile on his face. 'Kenji is the strongest here but hes boring. This other guys malic and magic is off the charts tho!!!' Luck then started channeling lighting and these blue lighting boots appeared on his legs.

He then jumped up with a smile. "Wha?.." The two stared at him in confusion. "Something just came up! Explore without me!" He then bounced all over the walls and Asta said "W-Wait! Where are you...Going..Ing?" He went into a tunnel and disappeared.

"W-What is he thinking!?" Noelle screamed out and I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Its fine. You have the strongest man in the world guarding you." She stared blankly at me then hit my hand away. "Your too close.." She twirled her hair while walking away.

I sighed and stared at her back. I thought we were cool but I guess not. "Honestly...He left us all alone..." As she said that, These tentacles flew at her and captured her. "H-Huh?" I was then captured aswell and Asta stared at us.

He quickly thought about how to deal with this situation and started. He sliced all of the tentacles that were on us but failed. 'High level plant creation magic..' She thought with sweat coming down her face. She then looked over at Asta and saw him cutting away.

"The...Core!" He cocked his hand back and was about to throw his sword. He was then captured aswell and I said "I guess I should stop messing around huh?" They both stared at me while nodding rapidly. I then put my hand out and heard a voice.

"Wind Creation Magic: Wind Blade Shower." These swords made of air were launched at us. It cut all of the tentacles and even killed the plant. We all then fell down and slowly looked up. 'What was that powerful attack spell?..' She gulped a bit and they revealed themselves.

"Oh Yeah, The golden dawn is also exploring the dungeon right?" Magna walked passed Yami and became surprised. "What!? The golden dawn!?" He placed his hands on the edge of the couch and shouted at Yami.

"I wonder...If they'll get along.." We all stared at the symbol of a sun rising over a castle. "Looks like I payed you back...Asta!" Asta gulped and stared at the black haired man. It was the hero that was summoned.

"Yu...No?.." Asta stared at the man with a bit of fear in his eyes. "Asta?..." He cowered behind me a bit and that Yuno guy smirked.


(AN: Ah Yes. I...Can make this dude into a villain to be honest.)