Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 19

"I want you to go out with him." A tall, black haired man was talking to a short, blue haired woman. "Why Yuno? I'm...'Going out' with you-" Yuno grabbed the bottom of her face and held her up against the wall.

"Because I asked." He smirked at her which made her eyes widen a bit. He then let her go and she fell down to the wall while panting out. "Know your place when you speak to me." He then spat on her and left. The blue haired girl then slowly started crying while mumbling,

"I'm sorry..."


It was the next day now. Asta approached the blue haired girl and asked her out. 'I wanted to ask him fine....' The blue haired girl accepted Asta feelings which made him happy.

'Now. Its begins.' Yuno heard it all from behind a corner and smiled.

He then walked away while dialing a number on his phone. "Its done." He then hung up with a smile that seemed almost psycho.


Asta was running down the street with tears in his eyes. 'Damn it all! Damn...It..' He continued to cry and soon found himself in an alley. He leaned agaisnt the side wall and covered his face while thinking 'I..Should have known...She hasn't even spoken to me and forever and...and...' The crying boy slid down the wall while wailing out.

The thunder in the sky then roared out a bit and something caught his eyes. He looked at the object and saw a broke piece of glass.

He stared at the broke piece of glass for a while then had one thought which made him slowly get up. He slowly walked over to the broken piece of glass while stammering and picked it up. 'I tried to stay positive. I tried, but in the end, I ended up being screwed..' The boy pulled his sleeves back and stared at his wrist.

'No family. No friends. No...Loved one anymore aswell. I....Actually have nothing to live for...' A tear ran down from the boys face as the put the broken piece of glass up to his wrist. His hands were shaking while his tears were falling to the ground.

' the unfair world that didnt want me...' He put the broken piece of glass on his wrist and- "Excuse me?" Asta eyes widened and he turned around. He saw this small, little brown haired woman starring at him. "I-I was wondering if you knew where Shimuza Middle school was located at?.." She stared at the boy and saw the broken piece of glass in his hands.

She also saw his tears and sleeve rolled up which made her eyes widen. "N-No! Dont do it!" She ran up to the boy and slapped the broken piece of glass out of his hand. "Wha..." The boy stared at her and she said "D-Dont do such an awful thing to yourself!" She had tears in the corners of her eyes.

"You have so much to live for! You seem to be close to my age so it must be true!" She got up in the boys face which made her turn red a bit. "Dont do that please. If you do then your leaving all the people who love you behind..." She slowly looked down and the boy stared at her.

"But...If there isnt anyone who loves me then...What's the point? If there isnt anyone who'll miss me in the slightest then...What's the point?" The girl fliched a bit at this and slowly looked up. "T-Then..." She clenched her fist. "I-I'll miss you!..."

She grabbed his hand. "Stay alive for my sake! It may seem selfish but..." The boys eyes slowly widened as he heard that. 'She...Is serious?...' The boy then whiped the tears away from his face and smiled a bit. "O-Okay. I'll...Stay alive so you wont be sad..." He smiled at her and she slowly did aswell.

'Damn it!' Yuno hit the corner of the wall while listening to this all. 'That Bastard...He was this close!!' He then looked over at the brown haired girl. 'You...You got in my way..' He smiled a bit and walked away.


"Hey Asta." Yuno walked up to him as he closed his locker. "Yeah?" Asta stared at him and Yuno smiled. "I was just wondering if you want to hang out with us later? We're going to the arcade." He then pointed behind him and a group of people were seen.

He saw his childhood bully and that blue haired girl aswell. Asta stared at them as they did the same and said "Nah, I'm good. Thanks for the offer tho." Asta then put his ear phones in and turned around.

When he did however, a picture fell down next to his feet. "What's this?" Asta looked at it in confusion and picked it up. As he stared at the picture, His eyes widened and he stumbled back a bit. "Megu..Min?" The photo was of her being toyed with by 3 men. She had an ecstatic look on her face aswell.

"Where..Did you get this?" Asta took his ear phones out and stared at yuno. "WHERE DID YOU GET THIS BASTARD!?" He pushed him agaisnt the locked with his forearm on his throat.

"O-Online..." He wheezed out and Asta stared at him with his pupils twitching a bit. "Your...Lying.." Asta pushed off and backed up to the window. "This...Isnt her.." Asta then ran away down the hallway while bumping into people. "Hes crazy..." Yuno got off from the locker while fixing his clothes. "Yuno...Your so evil.."

The blue haired woman came up to Yuno and hugged him from behind. "Get off me Scank! You reek of piss and alchohol!" He pushed her away and she fell on the floor. "Y-Yuno?.." She stared at his back and he turned around.

"Leave me alone whore." He then spat on her and walked away. The others laughed at that and followed behind him. "I..Messed up..." She held her stomach and slowly got up. "I..Need to apologize...To him.." Asta appeared in her mind and she started walking.

She rubbed her stomach a bit and said "I'm sorry little one." She smiled at her belly. "But mommy chose the wrong group of people to hang out with.." She groaned out a bit and continued.


Asta was seen running down a hallway with tears in his face. "Hes so weird.." The people around him laughed but he ignored it all. He then arrived at this classroom and opened the door very aggressively. Everyone soon stared at him and he walked up to her.

"Asta?.." Megumin waved her friends away and she got up. "C-Can I speak with you for a moment?" Asta looked all around and she slowly nodded. He then grabbed her wrist and walked out of classroom.

He immediately started running again and she yelled at him to slow down. He ignored her however and went to the roof. They both got outside and he let her go. "A-Asta? What's wrong?.." She held her wrist and he started scratching his own a bit.

"C-Can I asked you a uhm...A very serious question?" He stared crazily at her and she said "Asta...What's wrong with you?" She tried walking up to him but he only put his hand out. "Can I asked you a very serious question?" She stopped herself and stared. She soon slowly nodded and Asta coughed out.

"Is this you?" He pulled out the photo and she stared. "IS THIS YOU!?" He walked up to her and she backed away a bit. "N-No! That's not me Asta.." She made an embarrassed faced and he nodded. "Okay. Then why does she have the same mole as you. Here, Directly on your butt."

He pointed at her butt and she stared. "Y-You have to believe me! I swear it's not me!" She stared at Asta and he stared back at her. The wind blew which made their hair flap and he fell down onto his knees.

"Promise me.." He slowly looked at her. "Promise me it's not you!" He started to cry again and she rapidly nodded. "I promise Asta! That is not me!" She ran up to Asta and kneeled down in front of him. Asta went silent for a moment then said his peace.

"I...I Want to believe you..I truly do...But..." He got up and saw that her arm was out. "I want to but I can't. It...Looks exactly like you Megumin. Height, Eye color, Hair color, That mole, Skin tone..It all matches you...." She then got up and clenched her shirt.

She looked down for a moment and said "I-I would never do that! I...Want to give you my..." Asta fell down onto her which made her Yelp out in surprise. "A-Asta!?" She pushed him a bit but he didnt respond. "He must not have taken his medicine..." She rubbed his hair and thought 'Who...Would do such a thing?'

She looked over at the photo on the floor and frowned. 'I'll never betray your trust Asta. I...Love you too much to do that...' She slowly started crying herself and closed her eyes.


"I later found out that it was all fake. That it was all set up by Yuno...That Mahiro was forced to be dressed up as Megumin.." Me and Asta were sitting on my bed. He finished telling me his story which made me teary a bit. "Thats...Messed up.." I looked away while rubbing my face and he looked down.

"I..Never wanted to tell you this. I wanted to keep it a secret as I though you would hate me for it-" I pulled him into my chest and his eyes slowly widened. "I would never hate you for that Asta. I deeply care for you and I really do hope you know that. I..Considered you to be a brother to me Asta. A friend and rival aswell."

I paused for a bit and continued. "You might have thought that I would have considered you weak for that but no. You pushed through it all at the end which is what I care about."

I rubbed his head and felt my chest get wet a bit. I then rubbed his back as he started letting it all go. "He tried ruining your life. For some reason, He tried ruining your life..." I felt my tattoos appear but they slowly went away as he said "Thank You Kenji. Thank you for Everything. You showed me how to live. You showed me many experiences and I..Am truly grateful for that. I'm just....happy that I met you..."

My face muscles slowly started to move and a smile formed. "Thank You..." He said on last time with a smile on his face.


"Asta. I tried warning you but you never listened to me..." He walked up to us and I frowned. "S-Shut up! She told me everything you lying piece of shit!" Asta pulled his sword out and aimed it at him.

"I'm done listening to your bullshit! Leave now or..."I'll kill you where you stand!" A black fog came out of Asta which made the surrounding magic go away a bit. His voice sounded distorted aswell. "I will never let you sway me anymore! You made me avoid her. You made me believe it was all true"The black fog continued to come out as his eyes were popping out.

"I'm sick of it!!" He was crying and we all stared at him. "Asta..." Noelle clenched her shirt as she looked at him. "Did that whore tell you? God shes annoying." Yuno sighed and smiled at us. "You know she was summoned aswell right?" Asta eyes slowly went back as he said that.

They black fog also went back into him and he put his sword down. "What?.." Yuno chuckled at that and nodded. "Yep. She was summoned as the water hero. She also gave birth as soon as she was summoned which gave them two heros.." He laughed out some more and Asta slowly sat down.

He then wrapped his arms around his kneed and twitched a bit. "Asta.." Noelle walked up to him but I stopped her. "He needs his time.." I looked over at Asta and heard whimpers.

Asta...Genuinely loved that girl. Deep down in his heart, He loved the girl. When he saw her cheating however, It completely broke him. He even went as far as attempting suicide.

When he saw her again in that hallway that one day, He did notice that she was pregnant but didnt say anything. 'I hope shes happy atleast' Is what he said to me. 'That is how I truly felt when I saw her that day' Is what he said aswell.

Asta didnt realize his love for Megumin until death. He said that he slowly got attracted to her but he didnt fully realize how much he loved her until..."Yuno. Why did you save them?" This man in glasses came up. "Our mission Is to capture the dungeon. In other words, We must reach the Treasure area at the center quickly!"

Yuno turned his head back at him and frowned. "Shut up Klaus. Can't you see that I'm having an reunion here?" Yuno made a blade of wind and put it at his neck. Klaus back up a bit with a cold sweat and nodded. "Isn't he your senior? Why are you treating him like that?"

I stared at him and he turned towards me with a smile. "I'm the Wind Hero. I can do whatever the hell I want." We stared at each other for a while until that other person came. "My?....Is that you Noelle?.." She had long, orange hair with beautiful facial features.

"It really is you! I haven't seen you since the Royal Family dinner party last year!" She smiled at Noelle and I looked at Noelle. "You know her?" She then looked blankly over at me and nodded. "Shes...My cousin.." I nodded at that and walked up to her. 'Why did she have to be here aswell?...' I got closer to her and smiled.

"Your Noelle"s cousin huh? I guess beauty runs in the family." I kneeled down and grabbed her hand. I kissed it and smiled at her. "My~ And I heard that the Black bulls were made up of savages.." She giggled out and I got up.

"Well...Your not far off exactly.." Noelle then stared at me with a slight frown. 'Something about him kissing her hand annoys me...' Noelle then shook her head with a slight blush. 'W-What am I thinking!? He can do whatever he wants! Its not like I care...'

I then walked back while eyeing down Yuno. "So what about you Mimosa? Can someone as Dim-witted as you survive in the golden dawn?" Mimosa chuckled at that and said "Yes! Everyones kind and very helpful. Thanks to them, I'm able to use my magic without worry.." She then closed her eyes. "You couldn't control your magic at all right? How's that going for you?"

She chucked some more and Noelle got a bit irritated. "Oh yeah.." She placed her hand on the side of her face. "On a mission the other day, We got a Star from the mayor." They all smiled at us and me and Noelle looked at them. "Yeah, We got one aswell. Your not that special." Noelle flipped her hair and smiled.

"Liar." That klaus guy walked up to me and pointed. I hit his hand away however which made him frown. "The Black bulls getting a star? That must be a joke of some sort." He then pushed his glasses in while saying "You going on this mission aswell with that little amount of magic you have must also be a joke."

He then laughed and walked away. "Your an idiot Klaus." Yuno stared him down and he said "W-What do you mean?" Mimosa also stared at Klaus. "This guy is that Time Wizard from your legends." Klaus stared for a moment then said "Nice joke Yuno. A Time Masters magic would...Be..." Klaus eyes widened and he fell to the ground.

"Y-You dont have to do that klaus. Haven't you heard the rumors?.." Mimosa came up to him and helped him up. She then backed away and stared at me. "Wait, Klaus said that there were 4 of you. Dont tell me he ran away or something." Yuno laughed a bit and said "Or maybe he died to a measly little trap."

He laughed out and I looked up. 'Him dying to a trap? I'll believe that when hell freezes over.'


There was a golden haired boy laughing out while jumping all through the hallways. "Oh?" He said in a singing voice as he bursted through a wall. He then shot down another hallway while humming out.

"Another left turn..." He sung out to himself. "Oh boy! I cant wait to find out how strong these guys are!" He licked his lips and continued to hum.


"Well anyways..." Yuno turned around. "We'll be capturing this dungeon for our squad. You may be this 'famous' Time Master or whatever but that doesnt mean shit to me. You and your squad is nothing compared to Me and Mine." He then started walking away and I sighed a bit.

"Shut up!" Asta slowly got up and put his hand on his chest. "Take that back Bastard!" He whiped his face and stared at him. "I...Think I wont actually." He continued walking and Asta sniffled. He then started walking towards him but I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Kenji?" He looked at me and I shook my head. "Let's conquer this dungeon and show him the better squad." I smiled at him and he continued to stare. I then undid my hand and Yuno said "Hurry up and use your magic." He stared at Mimosa and she slowly nodded.

"Plant Creation Magic: Magic Power Guid Post." A small light went off and I looked over. "Woah.." A small little fortress appeared and I walked up to it. "Pretty cool right?" He crossed his arms but I ignored him.

I waved my hand through the fortress and she smiled. "Pretty Amazing right?" She tilted her head and I nodded. Yuno scoffed at that and said "Enough Mimosa. Let's leave." He then started floating up into the sky. "Wind Creation Magic: Celestian Wing Ark."

A...Yeah I ain't even going to describe what it looks like. A..Dragon head with a cow type body which had wings? How I see it atleast.

"O-Okay." She looked down and bit and floated into the air. Klaus did the same and he sat them down behind himself. "Try as you may..." He laughed down on us. 'Carrying Three People So Easily..' Noelle though while gulping.

'Bastard....' Asta frowned at him and Yuno smiled.



They both stared at each other while frowning.

'I....Truly Hate You....'

Yuno then flew away and disappeared.

"And What Are We Going To Do!? We Dont Have Any Tracking Devices!" She screamed out as monsters started coming up to us. "We'll have to check the tunnels then..." He swung his sword around, Killing the monsters easily.

"I-I guess that's are only option!" She squealed out as a monster got close to her. Asta swung his sword a bit and Nero touched my head. "Hm? What's wrong?" I looked up and she pointed. I looked over to where she pointed and saw a tunnel. "Its that way?" She nodded and I said "Okay guys. Nero found a way so let's go.."

They both then looked over to the tunnel that I was pointing at and nodded. We all then started walking and disappeared into the dark.


"As If those fools could ever compete with us.." Yuno heard his words and smiled. "That one boy had no Magic and was speaking to you like that. Honestly, He talks so big but probably couldnt back up a single thing he says." Klaus then stared at the side of his face.

"And their captain must be an idiot to chose him as a magic knight." Klaus laughed a bit and Yuno frowned. "I...Wouldnt underestimate him like that." He looked down a bit and thought back for a moment.


"A-Are you okay?.." A child with black haired said to a boy with green eyes. "Yeah, Its nothing." The green eyed boy smiled and continued washing his clothes in the fountain. "What happened?.." The black haired boy came up to him with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I..Fell that's all. And why are you crying?" Asta tilted his head at Yuno and he whiped his face. "I-It happens when I see people hurt.." Asta heard that and laughed. "I'm Asta. What's your name?" Asta sat his wet shirt down and extended his hand out to him.

"Y-Yuno...We both live in the orphanage.." Yuno grabbed Asta's hand and shook it. "Really? I've never seen you before..." Yuno laughed a bit at that and said "Well...I dont really stand out that much..." They went silent for a moment but soon smiled.

"I hope...That we can become best friends!" Asta laughed a bit and Yuno stared. "Yeah..." Yuno smiled a little bit as he realized he finally made a friend.


Days passed and the two became like glue. Well almost as.."Why can we only play at night?" Asta stopped running and went silent. "Asta?" He touched his shoulder and he shot his head back. "W-Well...I study during the day thats why! I wanted to be smart like you Yuno.."

Yuno was quite but smart aswell. He made a phone out of trash one time. He's able to do college level school problems even when we're this young aswell. "I...see.." Yuno stared at the smiling Asta and nodded.


A year has passed now and another friend joined in. She had blue hair with beautiful features for a child. 'Shes so pretty..' When they met the girl in the park that night, Yuno instantly fell in love with her.

"Look at me!" Asta screamed out while climbing up a ladder. He then slid down the slide and they clapped. "I wanna try!" The blue haired girl then went up the ladder. She then slide down it aswell and fell on top of Asta. "S-Sorry..." She laughed out a bit and Asta blushed slightly.

"I-Its fine.." He forced a laugh out and she got off of him. 'I wonder if Asta likes her...' Yuno stared at the whole scene and frowned. 'He needs to back off if-....' Yuno then covered his mouth and turned around.

'W-What am I thinking? Asta's my friend. I shouldnt get jealous over something like this...' Yuno undid his hand and sighed out. "Well sorry guys.." She patted her dress. "Its getting late and I have to go home.." Asta and Yuno slowly nodded and they all soon left.

They said their goodbyes and went back to the church together. "Yuno!!" A woman came up to him and picked him up. "Pack your bags! A family read over your files and decided that they wanted to adopt you!" She held Yuno in her breast while squealing.

"Yuno..." Asta stared at Yuno and Yuno turned back. "Asta.." They both stared at each other with tears leaving theirs eyes.


"Yuno.." Yuno was about to leave the orphanage for good. He had his bags packed already in the trunk and they both stared at each other. "I'll...miss you.." They both then walked up to each other and hugged. "Asta..." Yuno cried out and Asta rubbed his back.

"Ill...Miss you too.." Asta slowly cried aswell and they fell to the ground. They were each other first friends. One was smart which people liked while the other was dumb, which made people not care for him as much. One was quiet while the other was loud.

Two complete opposites becoming the best of friends.

"I'll come back! I promise!" Asta nodded at Yuno and he slowly let go. "I'll send you letters Yuno.." Asta smiled at yuno and they both placed their hands on each other shoulders. "I will too.."

They smiled and a man yelled with a cheerful voice. "C'mon Yuno! Its time!" Yuno turned back and nodded. "T-Tell Mahiro that I said Goodbye Please!" Yuno then ran away while crying. "I..Will.." Asta put his hand back and Yuno got into the car.

It then started up and slowly drove off. Asta tried chasing after the car but fell down. "Yuno.." He grabbed the pebbles on the ground and cried out a bit.


"Have you heard of that new guy?" Asta walked down the hallways with ear phones in. He had the volume down so he was able to hear 'some' conversations. "Yea! And I heard that hes very handsome!" Asta continued walking until he got to his class.

He then sat down in the desk by the window and stared out. The bell rang out after a couples of minutes and the teacher walked in. "We have a new student. Treat him nicely okay..." The door then opened and someone walked in.

We all stared at the tall, Black hair man, And he stopped in front of the board. "Yuno. Pleasure to meet you." He smiled a bit and the girls cheered out. 'Yuno?...' Asta stared at the man with a bit of confusion. "You can sit over there by Asta. Asta, Raise your hand."

I nodded and put my hands up. "Ugh. He sitting next to that loner? Poor Yuno.." The class sad similar things. Yuno then walked over to me and sat down in the seat besides me. "Yuno. It's me, Asta. Do you remember me?" Yuno looked over at me and stared.

"No? Who are you?" Asta's eyes widened as he heard that. Yuno then looked back and the class started. We didnt speak a word to each other for the whole period and the bell rang again. "Yu-" He was surrounded by people immediately and I sighed at that.

I then got up and walked out of the classroom. I saw mahiro and smiled. "Hey Mahiro! Yuno's Back!" She turned her head at me and stared. "Can you believe it!?" I stared her and she made a certain face at me. "Dont speak to me." She closed her locker and walked away.

"Wha..." I stared at her back as she walked away. "Why..." I stumbled on the lockers a bit and slid down. "What the hell is going on?" Yuno doesn't recognize me and She doesn't even want to speak with me. I thought we got closer and I thought our relationship was developing but...I guess not...


"You did the right thing.." Yuno held her face and she slowly nodded. "Well if you want me to keep your mom alive in that hospital then you'll think so.." Her eyes widened for a bit but slowly went down.

Yuno then let go and started walking away. "Why...Did you change so much Yuno.." She though back to the crying boy who always hid behind Asta. "Well..." He turned back at her. "Money to be honest. I realized that I could do anything with it. Women, Power, Cars...

I Had EveryThing Basically..."

She stared at him and he smiled. "Its for the better tho. Just think that If I didn't that money than your dear old mother would have been dead already.." He laughed out and walked away. 'I'm sorry Asta...' A tear fell down her face and she slowly started walking away while stammering.


"Mahiro!" Asta came up to her and smiled. "Wanna hang out!?" She stared at the boy then walked away. "That's fine! Tommorow then!" Asta has been saying that for over a year now. She doesn't even talk to him anymore. She barely acknowledges him now aswell.

"I'll do it..." Asta looked down at the ground. "I finally ask her tommorow and maybe she'll finally speak back to me..." He smiled at himself and walked away.


Yuno Sighed out and stared at the ceiling of the dungeon. 'I tried cutting him off but he never went away...' He then looked back a bit. 'Persistent little bastard doesn't know when to quit.' He bit his nails a bit and continued flying away.


(AN: Well, I'm trying atleast. Also, I realize that I switch perspectives sometimes. I'll use first person then go back to the 3rd but I think it works out.)