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Nightmare in the Farm, Part 3

"Back off" were Nyos's words as he, along with Myriam and Cassandra, took a few steps back.

Thanks to the [Leon Heart] spell used by his lord on the girls, they were able to partially control his emotions.

But looking at them sideways, Nyos could see that although they were relatively calm, his gazes were from someone whose spirit was broken.

The death of a relative was surely painful, in one way or another, Nyos could feel empathy for these girls.

Among the generals, Nyos was the only Humanoid, this gave him a point of view that he alone could feel.

Although if he was compared to an average dark elf, Nyos was far superior to that as he belonged to the noble dark elf race (a superior version of the average elf), and although he possessed superior capabilities, he still possessed the limitations of being a Humanoid.

That, being a Humanoid, gave him the opportunity to see things in a different way.

Keil saw the humanoids as a hindrance; 4ndr3 he saw them as possible tools; Isabell viewed them as food; to Azrael they were indifferent.

That was the thought of the vast majority of beings that inhabited the castle.

Just maybe he, along with Horus, Frey, and Ingrid, he regarded humanoids as better than rubbish.

Although the girls and he did not belong to the same race if they carried the same classification of creature, although it seemed silly, the great majority of the humanoids had a similar physiognomy and were relatively compatible.

While Keil fought on the left against a couple of the undead after having defeated the one in the kitchen in a short time, he and his teacher Zark remained in the main hall, he knew that something was approaching as heavy steps were they listened from the front.

A strong and powerful fist slammed into the front door, sending fragments of it in his direction.

In an attempt to protect the girls, he served as a form of flesh shield, but he needn't have worried so much.

"[Anti-missile barrier]" was the spell Master Zark used on him to protect them.

Thanks to his developed ears I heard the following words from his lord.

"So they also exist here"

Looking in the direction of the door, she realized what his lord was referring to.

A large burly figure of eight feet stared at them.

It was a mass of throbbing muscles. An amalgam of parts joined by a rudimentary sewing technique.

It was a Golen of Flesh.

A meat golem was a macabre collection of body parts from different humanoids, united in a single composite form.

Its cadaverous flesh had a pale yellowish green hue. He was wearing ragged pants. He had no weapons in sight, but he didn't need them as he possessed powerful fists.

A meat golem is 8 feet (2.4 m) tall and weighs 500 pounds (225 kg).

Although a meat golem cannot speak, it does emit something like a hoarse roar. He walks and moves with stiffly jointed legs, as if he doesn't have full control of his body.

Although most meat golems are mindless, rumors persist of some out of the ordinary that they somehow preserve the memories of a previous life. The head (and thus the brain) of said meat golem must be the correct combination of strong will (in his previous life) and recent meat, and even then luck during the creation of the golem seems to be of equal importance for the creature's mind is preserved.

Definitely, most flesh golem builders prefer mindless slaves to self-willed creations, and therefore intelligent flesh golems were very rare.

Undeterred by the burly Golem, Zark ordered "Nyos, attack."

As fast as his ears were able to hear the words, Nyos made a fearless front charge.

With a precise thrust, Nyos pierced the chest of his enemy.

With the momentum of the charge and using the Golem itself as a point of support, Nyos agilely rose until he was approximately at the height of the Golem's head.

His dead, emotionless eyes stared directly at Nyos, but like lightning the Dark Elves stabbed straight into the Golem's eye with his dangerous Rapier sword.

Before going down, he gave a quick kick to the Golem's neck and then pushed himself towards the ground.

But to Nyos's regret, even though the Golem was stupid and slow, that didn't mean it was harmless, since using one of its thick hands it grabbed Nyos's left leg, lifting it a few meters into the air.

What followed next was as if a slow but strong boxer hit a punching bag, but in this case the Boxer was a strong Golem and the case was Nyos.

At each hit, he could be heard as Nyos' bones broke one by one.

With one last powerful attack, the Flesh Golem struck Nyos in the chest with such power that his fist caused Nyos's body to crash against the roof of the farm.

And like a rag doll, Nyos' body fell to the ground, bleeding from all his wounds and barely consenting.

With a stiff movement, the Flesh Golem placed its heavy foot on Nyos's head, it seemed that it intended to crush him like a cockroach.

But before the Flesh Golem was able to end Nyos' life, a white flash as bright as a super nova covered the Flesh Golem, turning it into fine dust.

From the tip of Zark's index finger emerged a thin, crisp but extremely bright laser of white light which struck directly into the Flesh Golem's chest.

The light was so bright that Myriam and Cassandre covered their eyes with their hands as the intense Light was burning them.

The Laser from Zark's finger lasted less than a second, any spectator who was in the place, rather than seeing a Laser would simply see a flash of light.

The Flesh Golem never knew how or when it was destroyed, since before its brain machined reality, its entire being was mere dust.

It started out as a slight laugh, but then turned into a laugh.

Zark was truly happy.

"Elegant, truly elegant," Zark paraphrased to himself.

[Disintegrate] the spell he had just used, it had worked

Disintegrate; a Level 6 spell from the school of transmutation; it had an intermediate range of about 100 feet (30 m) plus another 10 feet (3 m) for each Spellcaster-type class level.

When Cast [Disintegrate] A thin but powerful laser emerges from its User's index finger, to be effective it must be successful in a ranged touch attack. Since any creature hit by the laser takes 2d6 damage + 2d6 additional for each level its user's Spellcaster is (up to a maximum of 40d6).

Any creature reduced to 0 HP or less by this spell is totally disintegrated, leaving behind only a fine dust. The magic equipment of a disintegrated creature is unaffected.

When used on an object, the Laser simply disintegrates up to a 10 foot (3 m) side cube of non-living matter; therefore, it can only disintegrate part of a very large object, or of a building against which it is directed. The Laser affects even objects constructed entirely of strength, such as the strong hand or a wall of strength, but not magical effects such as a balloon of invulnerability or an anti-magic field.

Only the first creature or object hit by the Laser is affected; that is, the disintegration spell affects only one target per cast.

Although it didn't matter given the situation and was somewhat more mechanical, like DM, Zark couldn't set it aside, since every creature or object that succeeds on a Fortitude save is only partially affected, taking only 5d6 damage. If this damage reduces it to 0 HP or less, it is also completely disintegrated.

Approaching a Dying Nyos, Zark knelt to touch Nyos's back.

If the dark elf had been a couple of levels lower there would surely be death, it was Zark's fault that Nyos had been brutally beaten to near death.

Drawing his hand close to Nyos's battered body, he used "[Heal Critical Wounds]" with them a pulse of golden light spread throughout Nyos's bruised body and in no time the wounds were healed.

The bones healed, the wounds were closed, and any missing teeth were recovered.

Magic was something truly wonderful.

While healing Nyos, he heard movement in the direction of where the Golem came from.

Since the door was totally smashed and he had night vision, he saw what was coming.

Four wights charged in his direction, riding creepy skeleton horses.

While he was thinking about what to do, a fireball shot out from his back, which exploded in one of the Wights and although the explosion destroyed no Wight, it was a different story with his mounts.

When the Wight had fallen without a mount, seeing this Zark took advantage of the moment and used "[Stone Wall]"

Out of nowhere a thick stone wall emerged and completely blocked the entire front section of the house.

As he stood up, he looked in the direction from which the fireball emerged.

Standing by the door was Grandpa; Although his body was that of an old man, his eyes released the bright light of youth.

"Will you help?" Zark asked as Grandpa approached.

"Do I have another option?" answered the grandfather with a rhetorical question "by the way, my name is Gunther"

As Nyos again took his position as the vanguard, and Keil blocked any attempt to enter through the side door, multiple attacks were heard impacting the stone wall.

"That thing won't last much longer."

"I know, it's just to buy enough time for Ingrid to arrive"

"Wouldn't it be better to use the trusty old Fireball?"

"It's not a bad idea, but I don't want to destroy the farm"

As the attacks increased, Gunther realized that his son had died, although he hurt internally, he knew he could do nothing, but out of curiosity or perhaps in an attempt to find some hope, Gunther asked.

"Young guy. Are you a Cleric? "

Zark shook his head, although he possessed divine magic, he was not a Cleric.

"I am a Witch" he replied

Gunther's question was aimed at answering a question, if the one who was next to him was someone powerful capable of creating stone walls without sweating and healing old age as normal, perhaps he could also use the Rising Dead spell.

Although he knew that the spell had a high material cost, at least there could still be hope of returning from the dead.

"What kind of Spellcaster are you?" asked Zark.

Gunther responded with "I am a Sorcerer" before the stone wall fell and a new fight began.

On the other hand, on the upper floor, another conflict was developing.