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Nightmare in the Farm, Part 2

While Zark was talking quietly with his grandfather, he had a bad feeling as a chill ran down his spine at the same time that he heard in his ear the whisper of a voice from a young woman who said "help him" was not the only word, but was the only one I could discern.

Unintentionally he used "[Detect Undead]" and immediately became aware of the current situation.

"Surrounded" were Zark's only words followed by "Keil, the door."

Following her orders, she opened the door as Zark dispersed the [silence] spell.

Once the room recovered the sound from outside, she shook them with the screams of Myriam and Cassandra.

Looking at the scene she saw that Emrich had been pierced by a thick spear, at the same time she noticed that Nyos had his weapon in hand along with a fighting stance ready to defend the girls.

Zark's subconscious said "Up" although he couldn't confirm it, something told him that something terrible was happening upstairs.

He had to start doing something.

Given the situation, his mind and body were coordinated going into combat mode.

"Nyos, protect the girls; Keil, be the first line of defense; Ingrid, go up to the second floor "

With the orders given, his companions, no, his subordinates replied "Yes, Sir"

Realizing the danger of the situation, Zark decides to act "very well old man, it is time for you to leave the deception [Major Restoration]"

One of the greatest healing spells of negative states surrounded the body of the old man, while he complained with "Eehh, what are you doing?"

"That will cure any negative state due to aging," Zark said as he left the room.

"How…?" Grandpa was incredulous at Zark's words, the ability to cure aging was magic beyond that possible by humans.

Gunther, the grandfather being a Sorcerer, knew that high level magic existed, but he simply thought that they were myths, magic of that level was only used by heroes and other legendary figures, but before his eyes there was a magic user of high level, he should ask.

"Who are you?"

"I am Zark Ar Zathot."

♦ ♦ ♦

With the speed of a predator but the subtlety of a dancer, Ingrid climbed the stairs, on the other hand Nyos pushed Myriam and Cassandra away from the door to avoid any kind of surprise attack.

As Keil drew the sword and readied the shield, she positioned herself as the front line of defense.

Noticing the terror on Myriam and Cassandra's faces, Zark raised one of his hands and used "[Lionheart]" on both of them, this would help them combat the effects of fear.

The cavalry spear that had pierced Emrich was withdrawn, dropping the corpse to the ground.

Whoever was outside, they would surely be preparing a new attack.

Looking to the left of him, Zark remembered that there was another exit door in the kitchen; With a wave of his hand, he indicated to Keil to go to the kitchen, since he would hold this position with Nyos

Firmly holding his large Mihryl shield, Keil tackled the door.

If she had said "FBI, open the door" it would have been epic, but given the situation there was no time for jokes.

Fortunately, Keil's action was successful, since a hostile entity was on the other side.

With a circular shield in one hand and a long sword in the other, a corpse whose body was mostly dirty bones, but which in some parts of it still showed signs of decomposition, since its bones partially possessed muscle fibers; He wore a full chainmail armor which consisted of a cap, a shirt and some chainmail greaves, said armor reflected great wear and was almost entirely rusted; on the armor was a filthy tabard, which is in the past, it was surely white with some kind of insignia in the center, but now it is simply a worn piece of cloth; where his eyes should be were only a pair of blue flames that glowed slightly with an evil light.

The being before her was a Wight, ancient warriors brought back from beyond the gates of death to fight again in their old bodies.

They are warrior-type undead, generally reanimated through a complex ritual of Necromantic magic, although they can also arise as a result of a particularly tragic event such as a massacre, although in these cases, only those with powerful wills are able to resist death and reanimate by own your own corpse.

The Wight are not unconscious undead like skeletons or Zombies, but have a will of their own, and will prevail over anyone with less willpower than they.

It appears that the Wight before her was one that in the past was a Knight who was buried along with his equipment.

With inhuman strength he pounced on Keil, who remained in a defensive position, ready to charge.

The Wight under her sword that possessed a slight magical glow with a strength difficult to match for a living being, the attack was aimed at Keil's head, but it was quickly covered using her shield.

The slash was powerful, but not enough to affect Keil.

Taking advantage of the opening in his enemy's guard, Keil made a downward diagonal shortcut, but this was intercepted by his opponent's circular shield.

Although the attack was intersected, she could do little that old shield against the Maiden Sword.

The Maiden Sword sliced ​​the old shield in half like it was butter and her sword a hot knife.

Realizing that her shield was useless against the offensive power that Keil possessed in his hand, the Wight retreated taking a 5 foot step back, this carefully and keeping his guard up to avoid any attack of opportunity from Keil. .

The Wight was not a fool, although his movements were less precise and fluid, he still possessed a certain skill in combat.

As an action, the Wight unbuckled the old leather straps that held the shield to the forearm, he would need both hands to face an opponent of Keil's level.

With a thick voice as if he had a dry throat, the Wight uttered "[Challenge]",

"I accept" Keil pronounced, she was the Champion of Zark, she would never dare to deny a duel, if she was defeated that means that Zark's honor was gentle, that was something she would never allow.

From the Wight an aura of murderous intent will unleash against Keil.

But said aura was insignificant, if it was intended to intimidate Keil; for she would need an extremely powerful aura to intimidate the Platinum Valkyrie, Keil.

"A knight's ability," Keil whispered to herself.

[Challenge] was an extraordinary ability of the knight class, although the Samurai class also possessed a variant of it.

Once a day, a knight could challenge an enemy in sight to combat. This caused the knight's melee attacks to deal bonus damage each time the attacks are made against the target of her challenge. This additional damage was equal to the knight's level.

The knight could use this ability once per day at level 1, plus an additional time per day for every three knight levels beyond the first, up to a maximum of seven times per day at level 19.

But this ability had a drawback, since challenging an enemy requires a lot of the knight's concentration. The knight suffered a -2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.

One of the strengths of the challenge is that it remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends.

As Keil looked at the Wight, he remembered the last effect of the [Challenge] ability this was that Every Knight's Challenge also includes another effect that depends on the knight's order.

What will this Wight's knight order ability be?

Whoever it was, that didn't matter to Keil.

Due to his muscular reflexes, even though she was equipped with plate armor, Keil's initiative was extremely swift.

With a powerful lunge, she tackled the Wight, causing the Wight's stance to weaken.

Wasting no time, Keil raises the sword and makes a downward shortcut.

Although the Wight tried to stop him from attacking with his own sword, it was a futile action, as by placing the sword before the Maiden Sword, the Sword of the Wight was simply like a dry summer branch before a powerful ax.

The Maiden Sword, cut everything, sword, armor and bones, nothing was able to stop the edge of it.

The damage was such that Wight himself was thrown off balance by taking a few steps back.

Seeing the opportunity and since her opponent did not have a weapon, Keil changed her posture, taking advantage of the fact that the sword was down to make an upward cut that ended the existence of the Wight.

As she watched the Wight slowly fall to the ground in defeat, Keil realized that this same Wight had killed one of the two humans.

Keil did not care about the death of the human, they were weak beings, instead, she prepared to continue the battle, as three new Wight had arrived.

"They will not pass!" Keil pronounced threateningly, before launching into combat against her new opponents.