WebNovelThe Lord88.44%

Eastland, Part 9

Tyron just sighed, seeing the furious merchant walk away from him and order his subordinates, he had to apologize for his crazy traveling companion. Please forgive him. He has a lot of stress on his shoulders with this caravan. "

Azrael nodded. "No problem…"

"By the way. Thank you for saving my men from a tragic fate. You really helped us. If you decide to become mercenaries in the short term, the Iron Manticores will accept you with open arms. " Tyron flashed a genuine smile, offering his hand.

Azrael, realizing that Tyron was not a bad person, closed the grip.

"Thanks for the offer. We will consider it. But in our current situation, we prefer not to join any faction just yet. " Azrael answered honestly. Isabell only nodded. Mei kept away from her, it wasn't a conversation where she could talk.

"I see ..." Tyron tilted his head, showing a stern face. "You would fit in well in our ranks"