Business Was Robbed

Meanwhile, in the Rolle family.

Aries found the Duke of Rolle and said anxiously, "Grandpa, are you really letting Winnie take over the new business of the company? You can't do that!"

The Duke of Rolle, who was reading the newspaper, looked up when he heard this. He glanced at Aries and said, "Without Winnie, our company wouldn't have gotten the capital. Doesn't it make sense for her to be in charge of the project?"

"Winnie just had better luck. It was just a fluke. Bode Real Estate is also looking to invest right now and Winnie just happened to get the deal!"

Aries frowned and said, "I know someone there as well. If I go to talk to them, I'll probably get a larger amount of capital!"

"Besides, Grandpa, have you forgotten? If Winnie didn't marry Alger back then, the Rolle family would never have deteriorated into our current situation."

What Aries said directly pierced through the heart of the Duke of Rolle. Seeing the face of the Duke of Rolle darken slightly, he then continued, "Also, someone like Alger has no accomplishment at all!"

"He can't even help us. The food he eats, things he uses and the place he stays are all provided by the Rolle family. If this guy, Alger…"

Aries seemed to realize what he had just said and he quickly shut his mouth.

The Duke of Rolle frowned and glanced at Aries. He knew what Aries was trying to say. Aries was thinking that when the Duke of Rolle passed away in the future, the businesses under the Rolle family would also be wasted after being given to Alger.

"Anyway, you gave it your all when you established the corporation back then. I can't watch an unrelated person take away our businesses!"

The face of the Duke of Rolle darkened. He remained silent for a while before saying, "Have you made a deal with the Wells family?"

A hint of anxiousness appeared in Aries' eyes. He then smiled and said, "Of course! There were certainly no problems at all when I talked to them myself. However, after knowing that Winnie got a deal with the people of Bode Real Estate…"

"I don't think it's necessary to go to Master Cyril anymore, so I haven't agreed to his deal yet."

The Duke of Rolle didn't reproach Aries. Instead, he nodded and said, "Indeed. Youssie Corporation is behind Bode Real Estate. With such coattails, there's no need to care about the Wells family."

"Then, I'll let you deal with this matter. You've worked for the company for a long time. Don't let me down now."

Aries said excitedly, "Thank you, Grandpa! I know you like drinking tea, so I asked someone to buy some imported tea for you from abroad this time!"

While Aries was speaking, he took out a box of beautifully packaged tea leaves and put it next to the hands of the Duke of Rolle.

The Duke of Rolle said with a resigned look, "Don't try to fawn over me, kid. It'll be better if you put your mind in other places!"

"Hm, Grandpa, don't worry! I understand!" Aries guaranteed repeatedly.

So, tonight, when Winnie joyfully thought she could finally show everyone what she had got, Aries became the person responsible for her contract.

The next day.

The Duke of Rolle looked at everyone and said, "I'll let Aries deal with the further discussions with Bode Real Estate. From now on, he'll also be in charge of the new businesses of the company.

"Winnie, give the information you have in your hands to Aries."

Everyone looked at Winnie and Aries in shock. Aries put up a proud face, as if this kind of thing should have gone like this in the first place.

As for Winnie, she looked stunned, as if she couldn't believe this was happening.

Winnie looked at the Duke of Rolle and said, "Grandpa, this is a deal I got…"

The Duke of Rolle stretched out his hand and interrupted Winnie. He said, "I know, but Aries has been in the company for a long time. And his ability to do business is also more outstanding."

"You're just a small employee in the company. If I let you deal with the contract, what if people at Bode Real Estate think we're not sincere enough?"

Winnie was upset, but there was nothing she could do.

She knew that Aries must have a lot to do with the direct change of attitude of the Duke of Rolle towards her in one night.

When the meeting ended, the disappointed look on Winnie's face couldn't be hidden anymore.

Aries came up to Winnie and said arrogantly, "Winnie, are you feeling very down right now?'

Seeing how proud the person who created this problem was, Winnie's mind was full of hatred. She said, "Aries, you've really gone too far, but don't you think that you can do it well just because Grandpa let you have the contract!"

Aries looked at Winnie and said with a mocking tone, "Do you really think the deal will be off without you? Let me tell you!"

"In fact, Grandpa suddenly changed his mind because I talked to him. After all, we both have very obvious positions in everyone's heart. You can't compete with me!"

Aries paused for a second and continued, "Also, have you forgotten what I said in the beginning? My friend works for Bode Real Estate!"

"You have no relations with them. It was only a fluke that you got the contract just like that. While I have someone to help me out. Who do you think is at an advantage?"

"I guess they'll directly invest 80 million dollars in our company by then!"

Winnie was extremely enraged. She was annoyed by Aries' arrogant look, so she went straight home. As for Aries, he drove in the direction of Bode Real Estate right away.

Aries was delighted. He came to Bode Real Estate with his assistant in excitement.

Looking at such a magnificent lobby, Aries couldn't repress the excitement in his heart. This was the most liberal partner he had ever met in such a long time!

Thinking of how Cyril rejected him back then, Aries felt very disdainful in his heart. "Cyril, do you think the Wells family is impressive?"

"How dare you reject me? But now, I have a more impressive company. You're nothing in my eyes!"

Aries thought he would be able to meet the General Manager of Bode Real Estate, Ibre, very easily, but what happened next was indeed not as he had expected.

Winnie's emotions were shown on her face directly. When she got home, Madam Bella and her father also noticed something wrong.

Madam Bella came up and asked, "What happened? Weren't you still fine when you went to work?"

Winnie said in disappointment, "The new business I was originally in charge of was robbed by Aries."


Madam Bella's expression immediately changed. She yelled loudly, "That son of a bitch! What drugs did that bastard Aries give to the Duke? I must go to them and demand an explanation!"

Mr. Dunne immediately stopped Madam Bella and said, "You're not helping even if you do so."

"So, what do you think we should do? Our Winnie put in so much effort to get the deal. How can we just give it to that bastard Aries?"