Couldn't Meet Him

Madam Bella couldn't accept it at all. She said, "That kid, Aries, always bullies Winnie. And now, he even did something like this. Are you really going to just let him be?"

Alger also felt a bit angry after knowing what happened, but he was now the CEO of Youssie Corporation. He could deal with such a small matter.

So, Alger looked at Winnie and said, "It's alright, Winnie. I can help you with it."

Before Winnie could reply, Madam Bella immediately scolded Alger, "What do you mean you can help? You useless thing, you only know how to lie!"

"How can you deal with it? Even if you beat Aries up, it's useless. You may even get us arrested!"

Whenever Alger spoke, Madam Bella always reproached him like this, as if Alger was wrong no matter what he did. Alger had already gotten used to it.

Even though Winnie was also very confused about what Alger had said, she didn't say anything.

"I'm going out to meet someone."

Winnie left immediately after saying this.

After seeing Winnie leave, Madam Bella scolded Mr. Dunne again, "Tell me, why are my daughter and I so miserable? We both married some useless losers!"

Mr. Dunne ignored Madam Bella's reproach. He looked at the back of Alger, who was leaving, and pondered.

Meanwhile, when Aries arrived, he walked directly to the reception and said that he wanted to meet Manager Ibre, but he was told that he would have to wait if he didn't have an appointment.

This made Aries really shocked. After all, Winnie also didn't make an appointment at that time, as she wouldn't have gotten the deal right away the same day.

Aries frowned and said, "I'm Aries from the Rolle family. I came here, representing Rolle Corporation, to talk to Manager Ibre about business."

The receptionist smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, but your name isn't on my list. Why don't you just wait here for a while?"

Aries was extremely enraged, but there was nothing he could do. He could only wait here.

But, after waiting for a long time, Aries still hadn't seen anyone. He walked to the reception again and asked, "I've been waiting here for so long. Can't you just go to inform Manager Ibre?"

"I'm really sorry, sir. You can't enter if you don't have an appointment," the receptionist said the same thing.


Aries was furious. He also knew that there was no way he could meet Ibre, so he could only go back.

On the way back, Aries looked so sullen as if a storm was about to break out. He didn't understand why Winnie could directly enter without an appointment.

Perhaps? A thought suddenly came to Aries' mind. He thought that woman, Winnie, must have made use of her appearance!

This was the only way to explain why Ibre agreed to invest in the corporation so easily!

After returning to the office, Aries first contacted Winnie directly, but nobody had thought that Winnie would not pick up the call. This made Aries feel extremely angry.

However, there was nothing else Aries could do. In the end, he went to see the Duke of Rolle honestly.

When the Duke of Rolle heard that Aries couldn't even get in, he was enraged. He said, "You couldn't enter?! What did you tell me before? Didn't you say that your friend works at Bode Real Estate?!"

The Duke of Rolle couldn't even breathe.

Aries did contact his friend, but his friend wasn't a manager. He was only in charge of logistics, so he could certainly not help with this kind of thing.

Besides, Ibre had told his subordinates very clearly that he wouldn't finance the Rolle family if Winnie wasn't the one who came!

The Duke of Rolle looked at Aries and yelled furiously, "You bastard! What you said to me back then was a lie?!"

Aries frowned indignantly and said as he looked at the Duke of Rolle, "But Grandpa, what else can I do if they don't want to see me? After all, I don't have Winnie's body figure and beauty!"

"I think Winnie must have an unusual relationship with that man. Otherwise, why are they only letting Winnie enter alone?"

"I don't want to hear this!" The Duke of Rolle interrupted Aries and reproached him, "This matter is very important to our company!"

"If you can't get in, ask Winnie to come and apologize to her. If you mess this up, don't ever stay in the villa anymore!"

Seeing the angry face of the Duke of Rolle, Aries also looked bad.

He could only leave in disgrace. The Duke of Rolle was pretty loud, so people outside heard him clearly. When they saw Aries come out, they all lowered their heads and pretended that nothing happened.

Seeing the expression on the faces of these people, Aries gritted his teeth angrily. He thought that the only explanation to everything was that Winnie made use of her beauty!

Aries didn't want to go to see Winnie because there was no way he could yield and apologize to her, but there was nothing he could do.

Ibre had already said that he would only do business with Winnie, not anyone else.

This immediately put Aries in a dilemma.

While Aries was so anxious, Winnie was extremely relaxed.

After leaving the office, Alger took Winnie around, which made Winnie feel much better. Her phone rang when they were out.

When Winnie saw it was from Aries, she was a bit shocked, but Alger asked her not to answer the call.

Even though Winnie didn't understand why, she still listened to Alger obediently because she knew that Alger would never hurt her.

When the two of them came home, Alger's phone rang. It was Aries.

Winnie subconsciously glanced at Alger next to her. When she saw Alger nod, she finally picked up the phone.

Once the call got through, she heard Aries shout angrily on the other side, "Winnie, I'll give you ten minutes. Get here right now!"

After hearing this, Winnie's finally eased mood fell to the bottom again, and she also looked really upset.

Just when Winnie was about to speak, Alger stretched his hand out and snatched the phone with his hand.

Feeling the warmth of Alger's hand, Winnie's heart shook.

Alger had heard what Aries said just now clearly in his ears. He looked at Winnie and said, "Let me."

Since they were standing close to each other, Winnie could even feel Alger's warm breaths when he spoke, which made Winnie a little dumbfounded.

Even though the two of them had already been married, it was only nominal. They were always courteous to each other in private.

However, what Alger did just now made Winnie's heart pound.