Chapter 3: Getting Married to My Sister

After the ordeal of tears, life must go on.

Xu Ke contacted a realtor; he planned to sell his house.

Tianhai City is one of four top-tier cities in Huaxia, with exorbitantly high housing prices, but the market liquidity is very strong as well.

Xu Ke believed that he could quickly get back the down payment he was due.

However, after making several phone calls, Xu Ke's heart turned to ash in an instant.

The incandescent light on the ceiling was blinding, scorching Xu Ke into a daze.

Xu Ke's eyes were lifeless, "Do you really have to be this ruthless?"

The realtor said Li Jun had already used his family's clout to issue a citywide blacklist against Xu Ke in Tianhai City's real estate market; his house was now like a hot potato, no one would touch it.

Moreover, not just that, even in the fitness industry, it was now hard for him to even find himself a job.

Though the Li Family is not the top-tier family in Tianhai City, it is still first-class, and Xu Ke, without power or influence, simply couldn't counteract the Li Family's blockade.

He was at the end of his rope.

At this moment, he thought of someone.

Wong Qifu.

A beautiful thirty-five-year-old woman who took personal training classes from him at the gym.

The helmsman of the Wang Family, one of the six great families.

Xu Ke took a deep breath.

Wong Qifu had once said to him, if he no longer wanted to struggle, he could call her.

At that time, Xu Ke was busily working overtime teaching private fitness classes, taking on extra jobs, all for the sake of getting married, so of course, he paid no attention to Wong Qifu's words.

But now, it seemed he had no other choice.

Only someone from the six great families could possibly ignore the influence of the Li Family.

Xu Ke stared at Wong Qifu's number, a bitter smile forming at the corners of his mouth, "But she might not help just because you've crossed the Li Family."

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Ke finally dialed Wong Qifu's number.

He had to try.


A lazy, mature female voice answered.

"Sister Wang, it's me," Xu Ke was a bit nervous.

Wong Qifu, "Xiao Ke, why are you calling your sister?"

"I want to sell my house to pay off debts, could Sister Wang please help me out?" Xu Ke stated his purpose directly.

Wong Qifu spoke teasingly, "Need to pay off debts? Why doesn't sister just settle them for you?"

Xu Ke forced a smile, "No need, Sister Wang, I just want to sell a house to settle my debts."

Although he was aware that for Wong Qifu, his modest sixty-something-square-meter house was a mere drop in the ocean, if Xu Ke really had to live off the charity provided by Wong Qifu, he wouldn't be able to stomach it.

Xu Ke then mocked himself, wondering why he was still clinging to some ridiculous sense of dignity at this moment.

"Weren't you about to get married? Why are you suddenly selling your place, is Siao Jia giving you trouble?" Wong Qifu was curious.


Xu Ke's face grew dim, "We broke up over some issues, and I can't find a job for the time being, so I have no money to pay the mortgage."

He deliberately omitted the details.

Even though they had broken up, he couldn't bring himself to cut off all emotions like Siao Jia did in an instant, much less speak ill of his ex-girlfriend in front of others.

Wong Qifu teased, "Xiao Ke, still not telling the truth? How can sister help you if you don't speak up?"

Xu Ke was startled; Wong Qifu's words indicated she already knew the truth of the matter, reminding Xu Ke not to protect Siao Jia any longer and to reveal the reality.

Otherwise, she would not lend a hand.

He hesitated for a moment, his resolve crumbling at that instant. After a brief silence, "Jia Jia ditched me for the young master of the Li Family for her brother's dowry, I offended them, and now I can't sell the house or find a job to pay back the money."

After saying that, Xu Ke felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

Just a second ago, he was insistent on not exposing Siao Jia's deplorable acts.

The next second, his persistence turned into a joke in the face of reality!


Wong Qifu smiled faintly, her tone gentle yet carrying an undeniable dominance, "Since that's the case, it's not difficult for sister to help you with the mortgage."

"But sister has one condition for you."

Xu Ke took a deep breath, "Sister Wang, please tell me, what's the condition? I'll do everything I can."

"Don't be so nervous, sister's condition is very simple."

"Marry sister."

Wong Qifu's voice was gentle, yet it was earth-shattering.

Xu Ke's eyes widened, "What?!"

It was half-past nine at night.

Xu Ke got into the car in a daze.

"Mister Xu, the young lady is waiting for you at Wang Family Corporation," the driver said, glancing in the rear-view mirror with a gentle smile.

Xu Ke nodded mechanically, "Okay."

His mind was still a complete mess.

Xu Ke had never dreamed that Wong Qifu would make such a request.

Wong Qifu, as the helmsman of the Wang Family and the eldest daughter of the former Family Head, assumed the position of chairman of Wang Family Corporation at the young age of twenty-five due to her outstanding abilities, after the previous Family Head passed away.

At that time, the whole Tianhai City was speculating about who would be fortunate enough to marry the Wang Family Empress.

Everyone thought at least someone from the six great families would be suitable.

Some even believed that Wong Qifu might marry a commoner out of love, since she already had complete control of the Wang Family, and wealth to boot, so naturally there would be no need to marry for alliances.

But ten years went by, and Wong Qifu showed no intention of getting married.

This led those in the know in Tianhai City to wonder whether Wong Qifu had a different sexual orientation or was maintaining a veritable harem of pretty boys in secret.

Back when Wong Qifu was his student, Xu Ke had discussed with Siao Jia when Wong Qifu might get married.


Xu Ke never imagined that Wong Qifu would now be planning to marry him.

Carrying a heart full of worries, Xu Ke was dropped off at the foot of Wang Family Corporation's building.

Standing at the foot of the building, Xu Ke looked up to see darkness at the top, except for one room ablaze with light.

Wong Qifu was there!