Chapter 4 I'm Getting Engaged

Wang Family Corporation, the top floor office.

"Knock, knock."

Xu Ke took a deep breath, knocked on the door, "Sister Wang, it's Xu Ke."

"Come in, your sister has been waiting for you for a long time."

The languid voice of Wong Qifu rang out.

Xu Ke swallowed saliva, his hands trembling with nerves as he pushed open the door of the office.

A mature and charming figure caught his eye.

Her black curls draped over her shoulders, her delicate face stunning without makeup, and her black dress made her smooth skin appear even fairer.

Wong Qifu.

Wang Family Empress.

Gazing at this woman, Xu Ke closed the door and felt the air in the room heat up.

His breathing quickened with nervousness.

"Does your sister look that good? Staring for so long?"

Wong Qifu blinked.

Xu Ke quickly averted his gaze, "Sorry, Sister Wang, I didn't mean to."

He had been in close contact with her before in the private fitness room, but Xu Ke had never felt this woman's charm to be so immense.

"Take a seat, relax, let's just chat about how to get married."

Wong Qifu spoke gently, but applied a subtle emphasis on the last few words, gripping Xu Ke's heart tightly.

Xu Ke lowered his gaze, not daring to make eye contact, and quickly found a chair to sit on.

"Xiao Ke, I'll transfer ten million to your card, ask me for more if it's not enough," said Wong Qifu, smiling at Xu Ke's nervousness.

Xu Ke suddenly looked up, "Sister Wang, there's no need for so much, just enough to sell my house will do."

He did not want to owe Wong Qifu that much.


Wong Qifu stood up and perched on the desk in front of Xu Ke, looking down on him, "What's the problem with giving ten million to my man?"

Xu Ke, smelling the fragrance coming from Wong Qifu, felt his heartbeat accelerate and instinctively created some distance, "Sister Wang, isn't the issue of marriage a bit too..."

"Too unthinkable?" Wong Qifu looked at Xu Ke.

Xu Ke nodded.

Wong Qifu suddenly leaned forward, closing the gap between them, her eyes shimmering, "Does marrying your sister humiliate you?"

Xu Ke steeled his nerves, "Yes, it would be humiliating for you."

He planned to refuse Wong Qifu tactfully.

"This is the second time you've rejected me. Do you think you're too good for me?" Wong Qifu's tone grew suddenly cold.

Xu Ke's face slightly changed, "Sister Wang, that's not what I mean, I just wanted to say..."

But Wong Qifu stood up and turned her head to look out the glass window, "Go back."

Xu Ke forced a smile, "I'm sorry, Sister Wang."

After speaking, Xu Ke stood, bowed, "I'll return your money to you. I'll do my best to help wherever I can, but marriage is really not possible."

This wasn't just because he had no feelings for Wong Qifu, but also because of her status and position...

The two were simply not from the same world.

Why force a merger?


Wong Qifu did not turn around.

Seeing this, Xu Ke once again bowed and then left the office.

He sighed in relief.

Although he had displeased Wong Qifu, he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders by not having to get married.

Wong Qifu was beautiful.

But Xu Ke knew what he was.

Yet still, Xu Ke felt despair in his heart...

After rejecting Wong Qifu, the last avenue for repaying his debt was probably gone because of his stubborn pride.

After Xu Ke had left, Wong Qifu suddenly revealed a smile, "Xu Ke is indeed interesting."

She took out a dim ring, which now was flashing red, "But is he really the one?"

Looking at the ring in her hand, Wong Qifu recalled the words left by a sage.

"Marry the man who makes the ring glow, and he will help your Wang Family survive the great calamity."

She never believed in divinations and fortune-telling.

But, ever since meeting Xu Ke, the ring began to glow red and turned warm unexpectedly.

That made her believe it somewhat.

Even so, the Wang Family Empress couldn't simply decide to marry Xu Ke based on that alone.

She seized the opportunity to become Xu Ke's client, observing him closely.

Xu Ke was positive and upright, loyal in love, and even when faced with her suggestive words that he wouldn't need to struggle if he was with her, he politely but firmly refused her.

That sparked Wong Qifu's interest in Xu Ke, making her want to tease him with the talk of marriage, just to see what kind of man he was who could help her family through the great calamity.

However, before she could take her joke back, Xu Ke began to resist and show disdain, fueling Wong Qifu's temper...

In what way am I not good enough for you?


A message popped up.

It was from Xu Ke, "Sister Wang, I'm sorry."

The corners of Wong Qifu's lips curved up slightly, "Trying to run?"

Suddenly, she picked up the phone on the desk and dialed a number, "Transfer ten million to my fitness coach."

"Yes," came the reply from the other end.

Wong Qifu continued, "Also, find me a top event planner. I want to hold Tianhai's grandest engagement party."

As she finished speaking.

There was a moment of dead silence on the line, "Who's getting engaged?"

Wong Qifu, eyeing Xu Ke's message, said playfully, "Me, Wong Qifu."

The person on the phone: "..."


"Wang Family Empress to hold an engagement party in three months."

The news rocked all quarters.

Instantly, Tianhai was in an uproar.

Everyone began frantically inquiring.

Which noble's son is the groom?

Which borderland war god is the groom?

Who is the groom?


Xu Ke, who had just been dropped off at home by his driver, was staring at the news feed, dumbfounded...