"You cunning little shit."

I've been poking the nest for the past five minutes. This stupid bird is so damn stubborn. "Just give them up already dumb bird!"

The bird flew down and did a counterattack, slapping its black and white wings against my face. I squealed and grabbed the bird.

I held it captive in my hand as I ascended the tree. It thrashed about trying to escape as I peeked into the nest. I narrowed my eyes at the bird, "There are only two eggs here." I smirked as I took up the both of them and put them in my shorts pocket, "Since you were so mean, I'm taking both."

The bird viciously rammed its sharp beak in the skin of my hand. I hissed in pain and was forced to release the bird from my grasp. I gripped the tree firmly since I almost lost my balance, "Dumb bird, that hurt!"

The bird circled the tree before landing at its nest. I visibly gulped and quickly scrambled down the tree as the bird gave me a death stare. The bird flew closer to me and perched on a lower branch of the old pine tree. I held up my hands in surrender, "I swear I'm stealing them for a good cause."

I screamed running around the backyard as the bird swarmed my head, harshly pulling at my already tangled hair with its sharp talons. I frantically swung my hands about my head in attempt to slap the bird away as I ran towards my door.

I quickly slammed the door before the bird could come in. My eyes widened when I saw the wild bird charge towards the open window in the kitchen. I quickly shut the window and the bird hit the glass with a loud thud before falling to the ground.

I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen's back door, "First a pig, now a bird. What is wrong with me?" The guilt rushed in as I stared at the bird laying helplessly on the hard concrete below the window.

I scooped up the dead bird in my hands and was about to caress its small, feathered brown head when its eyes suddenly opened.

My eyes almost fell from its socket when it instantly attacked and clawed at my face. I slapped it away with my hand and clutched my right cheek running at top speed back into the house.

I touched where the chicken hawk scratched my face and small traces of blood appeared on my fingers. The bird perched on the window ledge and aggressively slapped its wings against the window."

I stared daggers at the bird, "You cunning little shit."

I smirked taking the eggs from my pocket as it continuously tapped the window with its beak, "I'm going to enjoy these eggs." I went closer to the window, showing the angry bird the tiny blueish eggs, "I'm going to enjoy them a lot."

I patted my cheek. This seriously hurt, I'll get the cake out of the way and then dress it. I scratched at my arms and legs, "This itching is seriously starting to get to me though."

I got the rest of the ingredients and placed everything on the counter along with a gigantic bowl and a wooden spoon.

I clapped my hands and sported an excited smile, "Let's begin."

The bird gave up tapping on the glass. I bit my bottom lip in remorse as the bird took a last look at its eggs before flying away.

I somehow found myself at the foot of the tree with the eggs in hand. The chicken hawk watched me from where it perched on a branch near the top of the tree. I sighed and showed it the eggs, "I come in peace, okay?"

The bird flew to its nest as I returned the eggs. It covered them with its body and slapped me on my hand with its wing. I chuckled as I caressed my hand, "I guess I deserve that."

I frowned as I tapped my finger against the grey, marble counter. I don't regret returning the eggs but can I bake the cake without eggs?

Why put eggs in a cake anyway.

I got up and preheated the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit as per instructions. I washed the bowl, "I'm sure it'll taste just fine without the eggs." I took out a baking pan, "Coat the baking pan with butter or cooking spray."

I didn't have any of those so I decided to coat the pan with oil instead just as planned. However, it really wasn't going well. I dipped my fingers in the oil and rubbed it against the side of the pan but it kept running down and settling at the bottom of the pan.

Eventually I got frustrated and decided to move on.

"Whisk one and a quarter cups of water, oil, eggs and vanilla in a large bowl until well mixed and slightly frothy."

I furrowed my brows, "Frothy?" I shrugged and got a cup of water to throw in the bowl. I did my best to measure a quarter and threw it in the bowl.

I took up the bottle of oil, "How much oil am I supposed to pour in?" Since the pan was already thoroughly coated with oil, I decided to pour in just a cork full. I took up the small bottle of vanilla and poured all its contents into the bowl.

Grandma didn't have a whisk so I used the wooden spoon instead. "Add the dry mix and whisk vigorously until well combined and smooth, about 50 strokes." I poured the cake mix into the bowl and spun the spoon approximately fifty times.

I poured the contents of the bowl into the baking pan, "Well it looks normal enough." I placed the pan into the oven and plopped down on the stool with a loud sigh.

More red spots appeared on my arm and was starting to appear on my legs. They started to look a lot more than mosquito bites. I scratched my neck and my cheek. What the hell are these?

I thought it was chicken pox but then I didn't come in contact with anyone with it and the spots were way too small and too red. My fingers came in contact with my earlier bruise from the bird while I was scratching my face. I almost forgot about it.

I made my way to the bathroom and took up the first-aid kit. I took out a band aid and a small tub of ointment before turning around to face the mirror.

My eyes widened and I screamed.