Chapter 1: I am in Naruto

In a purple endless space, a dark humanoid flame was flickering weakly.

The vastness of spaces makes the size of it appeared like a small grain.






A billion years have passed and the flame has now solidified and became darker with a purplish aura covering it. The humanoid flames closed eyelids twitched slightly.








A trillion years have passed and the humanoid's flame body is now fully covered in purple.

Suddenly a white vortex appeared out of nowhere as if the whole universe's will was concentrated on it. The vortex pulled the humanoid flame with the speed of lightning and vanished.




In a silent dark place full of trees a small vortex quietly formed...

A humanoid flame can be seen lying on the ground after the vortex vanished. The flames began to weaken as if a gust of wind was enough to extinguish it.

As if feeling its impending doom the flames flickered slightly and the eyes of the humanoid that was closed after a trillion years for the first time was now opened.

'Who am !? Where Am I! ?' This is the humanoid flame's first thought after its consciousness awakened.

It tried to move its body forcefully after it scanned the place only to result in failure.

'*Sigh* I guess there's no use in trying it when my hands and feet don't even exist.'

'What the fu*k just happened? I remember that after finishing the whole Dragon Ball series....' The inner voice stopped thinking as if it remembers something of importance.

'Shit!!! so that's it, I slept and The f*cking screen exploded right in front of my face after I forgot to close it! *Sigh* If my classmates caught a whiff of what happened they will surely laugh to death, Arghhh..... those fuckers just imagining their disgusting face makes me want to puke.'

'So what now? What am I supposed to do now? Since I woke up on who knows where my gut feeling was screaming danger the whole time.

Could it be related to the weak flame of my body?

Will I die just after my rebirth?

How do I feel that this world is rejecting me?

Well, that's it! there's nothing I can do right now, I died once and there's nothing special about dying again right?'













*Or so it is?*

'F*ck it! Mommy! I don't want to die again! I have many dreams that I have not fulfilled yet and countless beauties waiting for me.

I don't deserve this shit! Where's my traverser rights!? Where's the golden finger? Where's the old man in the ring like xiao yan? Where's my fucking system?' The humanoid soul lamented silently while waiting for its impending crisis.


An Ancient Presence suddenly emerged. The surroundings became eerily silent and the air solidified from the sudden pressure.

A white robe old man suddenly appeared with eight black orbs hovering behind him silently.

"I am known in this world as the Sage of Six Paths and known on the other side as Hagomoro Otsutsuki, Do you want to live and reached the peak of this world or die?" The Old Man offered.

"Of course I want to live isn't it obvious? So what's the catch? I know for ones that there's no such thing as free lunch" The humanoid flames stated calmly

'Shit! Is this real !? Am I f*cking dreaming! Is this F*cking Naruto World!!!' The humanoid flame kept cursing on its inner being silently but excited at the same time.

"Hmmm, quick-witted I see, Well it will make the conversation flow more smoothly, I have a deal, You will save this world from misery and stop the constant war in any way you can, no matter what methods I don't care.

In exchange, I will give you half of my spiritual essence that will nourish you and at the same time give you a fleshly body so that you can adapt to the world law."

"That's if you can handle the pain in the process and hope that your body will integrate with my essence properly.

If not there's no other option and just accept eternal sleep while watching your existence slowly disintegrating from reality." A solemn expression replaced the previous calmness on the old man's face.

A chill went up on the humanoid flame's back.


The humanoid hesitated for a brief moment and soon it was replaced with a determined expression.

who can blame him though? We are talking about eternal death here not just your typical normal kind of death.

He will vanish in the cycle of reincarnation not having the chance of second life.

'Please let's start!'

'Now or Never' He muttered silently, A strong will was being emanated on the humanoid's body. As if challenging the heavens themselves.

'Good kid, Just stay still it will be done real fast'

Hagomoro sat in a meditated posture, Suddenly a black and white aura was released on his body and solidified in the shape of a beating heart.

The beating heart was covered with elements like fire, water, thunder, yin, and yang, etc.

After completing its whole shape it became transparent in a second and became a beam of light that penetrated the flames chest area at a speed of light.

Not knowing how to react to the sudden change of events. The humanoid just stood blankly waiting for a reaction or pain to manifest.

No matter how prepared he is, a cold sweat can be seen oozing on his forehead for how fast the events are unfolding one after another.

it's one thing to be transported in another world and it's entirely another thing to be transported in an Anime World.

You can't blame him though, because no matter how sane a person is there's still a limit for everything.

there's no such thing as a bullshit fast adapting mentality, Well if there is surely not in reality and certainly not with this kind of situation.

Well, those are just fantasies and it's not as simple as one plus one equals two. And the worse thing is he's on the verge of vanishing just after his rebirth.

His life is not in his hands anymore, it's all out of control. It's up to Fate if he will see the sun tomorrow or embrace the eternal darkness.

And he doesn't like this feeling one bit, he wants to control his life on his own hands and not be played by the hands of Fate or anyone.

Why so? Well, that's just because of how's he is, He was used to being in control of situations.

After how many hours of waiting and not getting a reaction...

'Oh It seems I did it again, I overthink again, *Whooaaa* scared me to death for a second there'

Before the humanoid can sigh of relief, A sudden jolt of pain struck his chest area.

As if a sea of needles was penetrating his heart and threatening to burst it.

"Kid you must persist! if you fainted while the process is ongoing, you will not like the result one bit" A deep antique voice stated with a serious tone in it.

Before Hogomoro can add something, the body of humanoid flames was suddenly covered in a purplish light.

Hagomoro stood in disbelief after the light vanished, refusing to believe the events that unfolded in his eyes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hagomoro's POV

-After the light vanished-

'What is that? I know that this kid is special but not to that level, his body adapted to my essence in just a second, His body is defying the natural order! HAHAHA! it seems my choice is right to help this kid

With his help stopping the war might not be far-fetched anymore, Heck Uniting the whole Ninja World might not be impossible anymore.

I just need to provide him the right environment and enough time to provide his unlimited potential to be fully tapped.

His body can adapt in my essence in lightning speed, thus it's logical to say that it can be fused to any other bloodline.'

'Hmmm to actually accept my essence that contains all elements of chakra, I guess he has also a high affinity to elements or it might be even greater than that.'

"Just who is this kid? It can't be called genius or peerless genius anymore, it's an evildoer!" Hagomoro was now doubting his entire existence.

"*Sigh* I guess that's really just how life works, like me, there are existences that are born to be great and reach the peak of life and the rest are born to be cannon fodder, the universe is truly unfair" A lonely smile crept up on Hagomoro's face lamenting for thousands of time on the cruelty of life.

"I guess there are more abilities to his body that are not available yet, Well time will tell." A relieved peaceful smile can be seen on the face of Hagomoro.

Because of his mother's plan of revenge the mortal world was turned upside down.

Millions or even Billions of innocent souls were sacrificed as collateral damage. Hagomoro was carrying this guilt on his shoulders for millions of years.

No matter what interference he did, The war can't be stopped.

At its best, it will just stop for years but it will inevitably start again as if fate itself willed so.