Chapter 2: From Ordinary to Genius!

Kaen's POV (Humanoid Flame)

'It's so comfortable, I can feel the energy flowing to my body, every time the energy increase in quantity it gathers in one circular point to form what they called flesh.

After obtaining the flesh as the means of a vessel the Muscles, Tissues, Skeletal Structure, even the Internal Organs, and Brain followed suit.

After days of process on constructing the body, It was finally finished and ready to be seen in its full glory.










-After the process-

A pale white boy with silver wavy hair can be seen looking at the sky, he has a sharp jawline and perfect facial contours, a Perfect nose line, and sleepy eyes yet purple pupils as deep ass the Abyss.

After a minute of enjoying his newfound body, His eyes refocused on the old man who was sitting in a meditative position, He was currently breathing heavily, and sweat appeared on his face.

Signifying that losing half of his Spirit Essence takes a great toll on his part.

He was moved by the effort the old man showed him, His parents in his past life passed early leaving a huge amount of debts to him and letting him face the cruelty of life at an early stage.

'As long as I reached the peak of this world, I will do my best to stop the constant war and fulfill the old man's hagomoros wish!'

'I will become stronger and obtain freedom, and my first step is to gain a foothold in this world, I will start in Konoha!'

Breaking out of his stupor, he again looked at the old man who was looking at him weirdly.

*Cough* *cough*

"You recovered fast"

Kaen, Strategically started the topic to cover his embarrassment.

As if sensing the mood, Hagomoro didn't tease him any further and asked straightforwardly.

"So what is your plan now?"

"I know that you know that your body is special, That's why it can even adapt at my essence in a second without side effects." Hagomoro smiled.

"As I can see, I didn't inherit any abilities and I can't sense anything special to me though" He stated doubtfully.

"I think it's because the energy was spent on constructing your body, Don't underestimate the energy needed to form a body out of nothing

You are lucky that the energy was enough" Hagomoro sigh

"Oh, so that's why, Well I will discover it in no time, as of now I plan to head in the Biggest Village," He said with a tone as a matter of fact.

"Do your best and don't be complacent, Yes you have the potential to become Powerhouse, but potential is just a potential it has no use If you died prematurely."

"I will" He nodded at the Hagomoro's words thoughtfully.

Looking at him for the last time, Hagomoro gave him his last word.

"We will meet again kid, I'm waiting for good news"

Then hagomoro vanished.


As if feeling the sudden bout of loneliness, Kaen looked at the place where everything began one last time.

"Konohagakure I'm coming!" He declared as loud as he can.

He can't contain his excitement at the thought of living in the famous work in his past life.

"Obito, Madara, Akatsuki, and lastly scummy Danzo, F*cking wait for me to beat the shit out of you!" He smirked.

He imagined beating the Powerhouse of this world shortly soon in the future.

His blood was boiling in excitement for his upcoming adventures.

With his astonishing potential that even the Sage of Six Path acknowledges, It's just a matter of time.

But even so, he promised himself not to underestimate any opponent and fight strategically as much as he can without revealing all his cards.















Currently in the Hidden Leaf Village.

In the office of the biggest building, A table full of organized papers was fully stacked on it.

A tired old man was sitting on the table opposite of it, signifying the workload he just finished.

His forehead is full of wrinkles and a grey-looking goatee, he wears a customary hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that is tied using a white sash.

He smoked one last time before sitting in a righteous posture.

The last image of the tired old man vanished replaced by an old man full of vigor while displaying a person who sits in power for a long time.

His name is Hiruzen Sarutobi, and he is known as The Hidden Leaf's Village Third Hokage.

"Come in," He said looking at the silent corner.

If there are people here, you will think that he has gone senile because he was currently talking at the silent corner.

When suddenly a figure appeared, a mask was hiding his face, The mask is color white and has a design of fox.

"Lord Third, I came here to report"

"The placement of spies was successful in the various Villages."

"The other clans are protesting to pressure the Uchiha Clan."

"Orochimaru was doing something suspicious."

"And lastly, A disturbance was reported in the south."

The masked man straightly reported.

Hiruzen's eyes squinted slightly before retracting again. He touched his goatee to look smartly and his eyes looked far from the window as if contemplating something.

'Great so the spies have successfully infiltrated the other villages, now I can finally make some counter-measures to prevent the fourth war from happening.'

'The Village can't afford another war at this time after the massive loss in manpower last time, We need to recuperate for a long time' He sighed dejectedly.

'As for Uchiha, those trouble makers why can't they afford to lower themselves slightly so they can live peacefully in the village'

Being reminded of Uchihas, Sarutobi couldn't help but massage his temples at the sudden headache.

"Good, Continue patrolling and report if something of significance happens again.

As for the disturbance, Ignore it we have a lot of matter on our plate to take care of."

"Yes Lord Third" The masked man saluted before he vanished.

Sarutobi continues to smoke peacefully.

"I hope Danzo did his job properly" He muttered while rubbing his goatee subconsciously.







-Kaen's POV-

After days of running and resting, I finally reached the gate of Konoha

Along the way, I fought a lot of animals to take care of my body needs.

It takes me whole three days before I found a source of water to clean my body. Fortunately, I didn't get lost from constantly running like Zorro.

If I have something I'm confident of It's my handsomeness *Cough* Scratched it, It's my sense of direction.

I managed to locate the Village by inquiring from the three Travelers I met while I was on my way.

Now here am I thinking how to effectively Bullshit my way through by creating a half lie and half-truth story without leaving an obvious loophole, so I can Integrate into the Village successfully without being suspected as a spy.

Well for once I have a young body so the suspicion of being a spy will be lowered significantly.

Secondly, I have the strength of Genin currently, pretty much I can be counted as being harmless.

Thirdly, With my potential and clean background, I'm confident in my chances of being accepted to the Village without a problem.

Because the Hidden Leaf has demands on geniuses I can just show fifty percent of my talents and they will be certainly tempted and most importantly I don't have any affiliation with other villages.

After the process of integrating, He was surprised to learn that his chakra was increasing faster than an average ninja, or maybe even faster than the other geniuses.

When he asked the old man Hagomoro about it he just said that it was because of his spiritual essence.

His chakra talent was extraordinary, that the only ones who can rival him now in terms of it are the Uzumaki Clan who are known to possess monstrous chakra capacity.

Sadly, only Naruto and Nagato are the only worth mentioning in the series that still have this trait.

Those greedy old foxes are a bit pain in the ass but I can handle it.

The former makes me a valuable asset in the Village obtaining me some good protection.

While the latter is enough reason for the Konoha to accept me with wide-open arms.

After weighing his options, He grinned slightly before proceeding to the gate where the Village Ninja Guards are pointing at him.

Curiosity was clearly written on their face not bothering to hide it, While the other was looking at him from head to toe enviously.

'Tsk, tsk It's really different when you are seeing the Cliches reactions in your own eyes in Reality than reading it in the novels' His eyelids couldn't help but twitched slightly.

After debating whether to continue under those hateful eyes.

He quickly changed his temperament into a good innocent kid.

He smiled slightly and asked politely.

"Can I enter, please? I have a business to Hokage-Sama"

The two guards stood solidified in their places, not daring to believe what bullshit the seemingly innocent kid just spouted.