Chapter 3: Deep River and Calm Surface

After that, the speechless guards kept looking back and forth at each other, As if confirming if the kid is pranking them or not.

"HAHAHA! kid, you managed to make us laugh, what a good lad!" The Guard laughed boisterously.

He was looking at them speechlessly, He couldn't help but label them as Idiots.

"So what's your business with the Lord Third?, Could it be you are his missing grandson?" The Guard said at him jokingly.

Not wanting to bicker at them any longer, He straightforwardly said his business.

"I'm from a Travellers Family, Unfortunately, we met Rogue Ninjas while we are resting.

My family was wiped out and I just managed to survive because my father sacrificed his self to buy time for my escape" He makes a sorrowful face as much as he can and match it with a tone that is laced with sadness.

Well, it did it's a wonder because the previous joking appearance of guards vanished and they became quiet.

The other guard slapped the back of his companion who was laughing his ass off before.

This is the bullshit story he managed to create after his thinking spree, He chose traveler's background and getting his family wiped out cliche for several reasons.

First, To cover his lack of family background and prevent others from investigating further, Because It's a normal occurrence to die in the wild or outside the Villages due to Rogue Ninjas and Wild Beasts.

Even if they Investigate where will they start? There are many Travellers out there, And It's just a waste of resources.

Second, He chose to make the story slightly tragic so they will avoid inquiring any further lest they opened his fake old wounds.

Third, Well he didn't have unlimited time to think of another free loophole story because doing so will just complicate things, it's better to make it simpler.

Fourth, Travellers are seldom affiliated to other Villages, And that's when they decided to settle down which is rare, they aren't called travelers for nothing.

So that concludes it.

Not knowing how to console the kid, the guard whispered to his companion.

"Call the other ninjas and report to Lord Third, Don't leave any details lest we invite trouble." He whispered

The other guard nodded to his companion before running in the other direction.

Kaen was smiling secretly elated that everything was going smoothly according to his plans.

The other guard just kept his silence to avoid making the already tense mood became awkward even further.

Well, that's for him though, Because while he feels that way the culprit of this whole fiasco was thinking about another matter.

'Should I kidnap a Hyuga to experiment if their bloodline will integrate into my body like how the Old man's essence had, What should I eat this evening? Those Kind of thoughts was currently filling his brain.'

If the guard can read his mind, his face will surely make funny expressions from shame also burst at the same time from anger.













-Meanwhile in the Office of the Hokage-

'I should prepare for my retirement and relieve myself from all this stress my old body can't keep up with the days any longer.'

'I hope Orochimaru brat will not do something detrimental to Konoha after I made Minato my successor, Well there's no other way the other old bastard kept pressuring me." The third Hokage couldn't help but sigh.

Well, It's normal for the Hokage to feel stressed, He wants his student Orochimaru to become his successor, Unfortunately, others don't have the same opinion as him.

While Danzo was secretly plotting on how to get the position, Others are also busy caring about their own interests.

That's just how the world works, While kids are in the process of understanding the concept of what is right and what is wrong, The Adults are in their own battle of pros and cons.

They will fight for any slight advantage and things that will benefit them.

Greed is part of Human Nature since the old times.

Humans die for wealth as Animals die for food, Nothing alive can escape this never-ending cycle, Even Demons and Gods competes for Supremacy.

After breaking in his own thought, Sarutobi assumes his most used posture, preparing for Incoming reports.

A cloud of smoke appeared in the corner, after a moment the smoke cleared slowly, Three Ninjas can be seen standing like a puppet waiting for orders to speak.

"Make it fast," He said giving cues that he didn't like being bothered.

After getting the permission of the Third Hokage, the ninjas reported all the important things and events that are happening in other Villages.

After listening to not-so-important things, one thing finally captured the old man's interest.

"Did I hear it right? there's a Traveller Kid who wants to settle in the Village, Claiming that his family was wiped out?"

"Yes Lord Third" The Female Ninja answered hurriedly

"Okay fill me in," He said

The female ninja began to recount all the thing's the content she heard when she is conversing with the guards, making sure that she didn't leave anything important.

"That's all sir," She said loudly.

"Interesting, Bring him here" Sarutobi can't hide the interest in his tone.

'Is that kid talented? It is widely known that Great Villages don't accept outsiders easily if they don't have any talent or special skills.

Well let's see, If he proves to have a talent I can let him study in the Academy'

Sarutobi was rubbing his chin while contemplating.

"Investigate him properly, and check if he has any connections on other Villages" He ordered the remaining ninjas.

"Yes Lord," They responded before they vanished.

"*Sigh* It will be another long day." A tired face soon replaced his previous powerful visage.










Kaen's POV

We are now heading to Third Hokage's Office, While we are passing by I can see a lot of Villagers staring at us, Well specifically staring at me.

Well, why not? my appearance is too eye-catching and my purple eyes aren't helping with that.

I'm not regretting having these cool looks though, Who doesn't want to become handsome? Matching it my grey silver hair, I'm straight out made for Webtoon.

If you are wondering what is the current timeline, Well you will be surprised that the Canon will start a month away, Pain will unseal the Kyuubi known as Nine-Tails to attack the Konoha.

'I'm currently considering If I can save Kushina and Minato, Forget it with my Genin strength Surviving is still a question, I need to have a minimum of The Three Sannins level to interfere and not get killed while at it.'

'If I notify Jiraya I will be suspected and I don't even know where he is currently at, As for Tsunade, Don't even think about it, She is surely gambling on who knows where, It seems I don't have any ways to save them, And even If I have the ability to do so, the timeline will deviate greatly causing a massive butterfly effect.'

'My mission in this world is just to stop the war, After that, I can consider finding a way to travel to other Anime World, That's the priority and I don't have the energy to add another task.

So I will focus on my training and discover the hidden powers my body currently possessed,

This Special Body will be the key for me to become stronger and will determine how far I will reach.'

While Kaen was busy in his own world, He didn't realize they are now at their destination.

He broke out on his own thought and realize that they arrived, they are currently at the front of a Huge Red Building surrounded by walls.

He regained his composure and tried to suppress his excitement, Who can blame him though? He will meet the characters he watched countless times in his past life.

The Third Hokage might have a lot of dirty deeds in his hands, But it can't be denied that with his political prowess and leadership Konoha had avoided a lot of troubles.

After getting his bearings back, He managed to calm down.

With his experience in his past life, naiveness has no longer place in his personality, he has a lot of experience in socializing and reading other people's intentions, He knows that he needs to show some kind of potential.

He knows more than anyone that in the Konoha Village a lot of scheming and plotting is happening.

Not only the Konoha but The whole Naruto world was also submerged in a whole web of conspiracy, The river is deep while the surface is calm.

The third war has just been concluded, But it doesn't mean that it will be a peaceful time.

The other villages are trying hard to gain an advantage over the others, Conflict is bound to happen and it is inevitable.

The Sand Village Third Raikage dies during the war, making their movements restricted, But their resources are lacking compared to others due to their environment being desert.

Killer bees movement was limited outside their village, Uchiha Madara should have died after he orchestrated Rin's death to blacken Obito, He is merely waiting to be reincarnated with the help of Pain and Black Zetsu.

Minato will become the Hokage and Orochimaru's defection is nearing, Remembering every detail of the plot, A cold sweat can't help but to course in his back.

He knows that his every moves needs to be careful from now on, He can't afford to fail because of a moment of carelessness.

He is not dumb, He will have to make use of his future knowledge to get the benefits fully out of it.

He steadied his breath and followed the Ninja not daring to do any excessive movements under the stare of hidden ninjas in the corners.