Chapter 4: Meeting The Third Hokage

After walking a couple of minutes in the corridor, an Old Door can be seen at the distance with plants beside it.

Kaen kept silent along the way while thinking answers to possible questions Sarutobi might ask him.

The ninjas at the front opened the door for him and gestured to the door, asking him to enter.

He slowly took a deep breath and proceeded to the door, After entering it he scanned his eyes on the surroundings.

In his view, The Third Hokage can be seen puffing smoke in his tobacco while looking at him lazily, but clearly, he was hiding his eagerness to ask questions by using a lazy facade.

'This old fox using this tactic to an innocent junior like me, His shamelessness truly know no bounds' He cursed silently.

Unbeknownst to Sarutobi who was still in the dark, not aware that his act was already seen through, Kaen didn't bother about the details and politely greeted him.

"It's my honor to meet you Lord Hokage" He bowed slightly to show respect

Sarutobi was nodding clearly pleased with his politeness, Well our Dear Mc was moving based on the persona he will use in the future.

"Hohoho what a polite kid, so what do you think about Konoha?" He asked casually.

Kaen's senses suddenly tingled, warning him that this seemingly simple question has more to it than it was on the surface.

Not caring about it in the slightest he quickly used his specialty, Bullshitting it all the way through.

He spouted some non-sense answers that even he himself didn't believe, like how he admired the Konoha, How he respects all the past Hokages, he didn't forget to add some praise and compliments to make Sarutobi feel good and increase his chance of living in the Village.

Sometimes the battle is already happening on a psychological level, His ability to bullshit has been truly honed and reached an unfathomable level in his two lifetimes and it has broken through the realm transcending even the Gods and Buddhas, This is his own path, The Dao of bullshit!.

Speechless at the kid's eloquent way of speaking, Sarutobi soon realizes that he was being played at, But he didn't mind it to the slightest.

He was even impressed with the kid's wits, He already knows how to lead a conversation at his own pace.

'I think there's no point in testing him any further, the results of the investigation showed that he didn't have any relations in any village, Heck he and his family didn't even have any record like they did not even exist'

"Well you must know that our Village doesn't accept outsiders, I will be honest with you. We will make decisions based on your potential and usefulness in the Village." Sarutobi said casually.

Hearing the last sentence that will decide if he will stay or not, He immediately showed his chakra fine control and strong physique to him.

You must know that Naruto and Sasuke needed to have a teacher for them to achieve this current level of control.

While he didn't have anyone teaching him but he still managed to climb on the smooth wall using his feet.

This just showed his high affinity to chakra, As for his current physique his body is already as strong as Might guy.

His body was made of pure energy using the Sage of Six Path's spiritual essence, Isn't it just common sense to have this level?

The Third Hokage was amazed by his display of prowess, Sarutobi touched his chin slightly.

'His charka control already rivals that of Itachi and with his body, he can already defeat the average Jonin level, Well that's if they restrained in using ninjutsu, I doubt anyone is dumb to actually do so. He was younger than Itachi by two years, and His chakra capacity was already in the Genin level.'

It's amazing considering that he can grow his chakra to this level without utilizing ninjutsu to practice, Not bad' After this thought Sarutobi already made his decision.

As if feeling the small change in Lord Third's expression, He knows that his answer will decide his plans.

Sarutobi was slightly suspicious of how the kid's body reached this kind of level, but after being reminded of blood successions he just attributed the whole thing to it.

"Well you can attend the academy next week, Just wait on the process." Sarutobi smiled.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage, I will not let you down" He bowed slightly.

He left hurriedly not daring to look back again, He was worried that the old man will change his decision.

He knows that it's unlikely but he just wants to make sure.

The Ninjas on the corner are staring at his leaving back until he disappeared.

On his way to the small shabby house that the Hokage prepared for him, He spotted many familiar faces. He was elated, he pinched his cheeks until he feels the pain to verify if he was not dreaming.

Looking in the place where he will have to stay longer, He couldn't help but sigh at its shitty appearance.

'Well I can buy some house later, I need to increase my rank first to apply on difficult missions and earn some hefty sums to maintain my daily needs'

He wants to have a stable foothold first before participating in big events like getting Uchiha Bloodline to obtain Sharingan and Chunin exam.

He plans to get Minato' and Kushina's blood on the day of the Kyuubi attack, so he can become a genius in Sealing Techniques and learn Flying Thunder God Technique.

Kushina's blood will let his Chakra Capacity reach Jonin level instantly and he will obtain their tremendous vitality that lets Naruto utilize the Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu to its full potential, While Minato's blood will increase further his already high affinity on space element.

After breaking out of his stupor, He entered the house and he was surprised to find out that, The inside is very spacious, unlike the outside's small impression gave him he was truly impressed.

Well, the Sarutobi mentioned that this house was used to be occupied by an ancient hermit related to the Hashiramas, There was a rumor that he has the strength to rival Madara and Hashirama at their peak strength single-handedly.

But not anyone believes in this rumor and soon it died down as soon it appeared.

Who will believe it, The First Hokage's prestige is too strong, that he was even titled as The God of Shinobi, Not mentioning Madara who was known as Asura in the wartimes and he was famous for his thirst for battle

He organizes his things and did general cleaning.

As he was sweeping absent-mindedly he spotted a black tiny marble, It has a red dot on it and it has the size of rice grain. If he didn't decide to sweep this hidden corner and focus on it.

He will not even notice it, He fiddles with it curiously, Not finding anything special with it, he decided to put it in his pouch and he will study it later after he was done cleaning.

As the marble touched the pouched, the expected scene he expected was nowhere to be seen, why so?

Well, the pouched just vanished leaving the marble to the ground falling due to the gravity.

He just stood there with his face astonished not daring to believe the cliche happening personally to him.

After how many seconds of not moving he jumped excitedly and picked up the black marble.

"F*ck!!!, the heavens finally decided to compensate my misery!"

He first scanned if there are people outside, Well which is unlikely because his house is far from the corner of the village.

Not finding anyone, He immediately studied it, not bothering the slightest on his unfinished chore.

First, he found out that it can store things like the storage rings in the cultivation novels.

Second, the stored things will stay on what's status it has when you put it in, basically, the time is freeze inside the marble.

Third, The red dot markings are shining when you store something.

Well, that's what he found, for now, he will surely found out if there are other abilities on it in the future.

As for who possibly owns it, Well isn't common sense? it's possible that the rumored hermit owned it.

Thinking about the hermit, Kaen didn't know what to think, in the Anime of Naruto there are no details about him, heck even in the Boruto, you can't find anything related to him.

'Anyways I just need to improve my personal strength and anyone who dares to stop me, Will faced my fiercest retaliation.' Kaen clenched his fist tightly.

Determination was apparent on his face, in this life he will live his life to the fullest and reached the peak.