Chapter 5: Obtaining Byakugan! Hyuga's Bloodline

In a small forest, a teenage boy with gray hair can be seen doing some odd exercises while wearing weights that do not match his size.

Kaen was sweating heavily, he trained every day in this secluded area, His goal is to get used to his massive increase in strength.

He was now officially a resident in Konoha and is in the process of becoming a ninja.

His two weeks stay in Konoha let him get along well with the village, With social skills and good looks he was welcomed warmly.

Appearance can truly be sometimes useful, Most people will look at the external first, It's only natural, humans are born to appreciate beautiful things, Well but it was also getting out of hand though.

Kaen has managed to increase his chakra capacity to Genin peak, just one step he will reach the same level as Chunin, With his body, he can already wipe the floor clean with the veteran Chunins.

Even though he has the same body strength as Might Guy it does not mean, that his combat power was directly at that level.

There are a lot of factors to add to the equation to decide battle power, Combat Experience, Chakra Control, Speed, Body Strength, Blood Succession, and Lastly Arsenal of Ninjutsu.

Sometimes a Chunin can defeat his peers with a stronger body than him if has rich combat experience, A genius who has Blood Succession as Sharingan can also exceed his peers with rich battle power and leave him in the dust.

Battle power is just the representation of how well you utilized your assets to defeat opponents that are far stronger than you.

In Kaen's case, he estimates that even with his strong body and peak Genin chakra capacity, he can utmost defeat veteran Chunin but he will be taken care of instantly by average Jonin.

the distance between Chunin and Jonin can be deceiving, the gap of power was like comparing Heaven to Earth.

Their Chakra Capacity and Battle Experience will make others crying in despair, It will take a long accumulation before one can reach this stage of strength.

Well, there are always exceptions, that's why the genius term is created Because some people are born to be a powerhouse and they can increase their strength as simple as eating and drinking.

Only two weeks are remaining before that Nine-Tailed Fox attack, and his preparation is already completed.

Minato was already crowned as Hokage last week, He was the fastest and youngest to become the Hokage, But unfortunately, he will also have the shortest reign.

Getting used to his body was not the only thing that happened, he also found additional memories in his head.

but it was too vague to have any use, he can see pictures of flame hovering in a purple space, he can deduce that he was the flame and his special body was the result of him being nurtured in that place for a long time. But it was still his speculation.

As long as there's no evidence to prove it, it will always remain speculation, not a fact.

Sometimes he will go to civilian ninjas to spar, they are far more approachable than ninjas who are affiliated with a clan.

As for the academy well it the date of opening was moved, but he was not sure on what specific date, The reason? because of the successful ceremony of the 4th Hokage.

It was declared that as a sign of celebration all works and jobs including the academy will be postponed temporarily.











-1 week before the attack-

Kaen's mood can be described as nothing but incredible, It's because when he was trying his luck in the Konoha's Hospital using a devious plan.

He injured his body and managed to get inside, What is his goal you ask?

Well, people with brains can easily guess it, Hospital in every place contain some blood samples.

And he was lucky to find out that there are a lot of Hyuga Blood Sample in the storage, As for the reason? Well, it might be because when on the battlefield they are always the first to be targeted.

because they are the eye of the squad, They can be called perception ninja who are specialized in tracking and finding sneaky enemies.

Eliminating them first will leave the team's battle formation in disarray, So it's not abnormal for them to visit Hospital because of frequent injuries and some that are grave enough that required some blood transplant right?

He attempted to integrate it, and the result was a success, It's not a surprising thing because he managed to integrate spiritual essence that is just above of bloodline in the hierarchy.

Let's talk about spiritual essence first, Well simply speaking it's like the blood of the soul, well they are not the same but they are very similar in their function. yeah, that's it.

If his body can even manage to integrate such a complicated thing, It's not hard to guess when you tried it on basic one such as blood.

Kaen obtained the Byakugan, but the difference is his eyes, It will not change the appearance and have some veins enlarged like the Hyuga's.

Kaen's eyes will stay the same but it will glow purple as a sign that it was being activated.

He was in a good mood because this will save him some trouble and avoid anyone associating it to their eye and accused him of stealing their blood power.

Well, he was truly stealing their possession logically speaking.

Now he can use it when fighting without worrying about a single thing, He can just use this as an excuse and claim that his family bloodline also possessed eye techniques like Sharingan.

As for them pursuing him because of it, well they can go to Konoha and find him, Third Hokage will give them a beating.

Who does not want to have their village obtain a new bloodline, It's easy to reach the conclusion that if he lived in the village.

If he happens to have a child there, the Konoha will have another clan with special eyes that will defend their homes.

It's a win-win situation for both the village and him, Well that's if he has any intention of having a family in Konoha.

It's not like they can force him in the future Because at that time his strength is already enough to trample them to the ground, Thinking about it he can't help but smirk.