Chapter 6: Uchiha Obito, Behind The Scenes

Kaen was feeling uneasy the whole day because tomorrow is the day Obito decided to unleash the Kyuubi to attack Konoha.

Obito was using the Kyuubi to exact his personal vendetta on The Hidden Leaf Village, Kaen has nothing to do with it though.

His priority was on Minato, if his plan tomorrow succeeded his journey in this world will become smoother.

Kaen was busy formulating counter-measures in case his plan backfired, preparing for worst cased scenario has already become part of his hobby.











In a quiet place in the corner near this world's protagonist where Naruto as a baby first appeared in the Anime, a shadow can be seen hiding in the corner.

You guessed it right, it was Kaen, he was waiting for the events to unfold before him, his plan was merely him waiting for the right timing to obtain Minato's blood.


Inside the forest, A black-robed silhouette suddenly appeared, he has an orange mask with circular patterns drawn on it.

'Finally, the day has come, Konoha be ready to receive my revenge for Rin!' The black mask uttered viciously.

'Hmmm, I have to make it fast or before something unexpected happens.'

After that the black figure started doing some hand figures, His eyes half violet and half red eyes started spinning, soon a golden space started to manifest before him, he decisively jumped on it before he vanished.

Everything became quiet again as if nothing had just taken place in the forest, the already dark place started to become eerier.






Outside Konoha the air suddenly rippled and with a sudden flash of light, The black silhouette can be seen carrying an unconscious woman in his shoulder.

The black silhouette is not that hard to guess, he is Uchiha Obito who was completely fallen into depravity and had his mind twisted because of grief, the most important person in his life Rin died, and under Uchiha Madara's manipulation, he was inclined to believe that Konoha was to be blamed for Rin's death.

After taking a deep breath Obito started undressing the woman, he started caressing the seal on the woman and muttered some mysterious chant.

Suddenly the seal glowed brightly, the surroundings began to tremble and massive energy began seeping on the unconscious woman, a moment later a huge monster with nine tails was currently emitting ominous pressure.

The Kyuubi was looking confusedly at the surrounding, it took a moment before he realized that he was freed.

He began to scan the place with the intention to look for the culprit who managed to unseal him, after spotting a suspicious man wearing a black robe beside his previous host.

"Brat what is your purpose for unsealing me? you will pay the price for disturbing this young master's sleep, but considering your good deed this young master will show some mercy and kill you instantly" The Nine-Tailed fox stated arrogantly.

"Hmmph" Obito just snorted.

Activating his Mangekyou Sharingan his eyes started changing from three magatamas to a more refined-looking shuriken design.

Seeing the red yes on the silhouette, The Kyuubi couldn't help but remember some hateful memories that were deep buried inside him.

If he will have to rank the things that he was most afraid of Senju Hashirama is the first, While those hateful eyes are the second.

Because those eyes are what the guy called Uchiha Madara used on him in the past, he put him under some kind of illusion that managed to control him against his will.

His previous arrogance was nowhere to be seen, Instead, it was replaced quickly by a hint of fear and dread, He has no thoughts on retaliating anymore and quickly decided to make a run for it.

Unfortunately, it was too late, He didn't know how did the guy do it, but Obito suddenly managed to appear behind him while looking directly into his eyes.

He had an ominous premonition, he didn't manage to close his eyes fast enough before losing his consciousness.

After making sure that the monster was thoroughly under his control, Uchiha Obito hesitated briefly, but soon it was replaced with a face full of hatred.

"Go destroy Konoha for me" He ordered before vanishing.

The nine-tailed fox just stood there dumbly before moving in the direction of Hidden Leaf Village.

Obito decided to bring back Kushina to her house before leaving because he didn't want to alert them early when the Kyuubi was still a distance away from the Village.

He wants to make sure that the Konoha will suffer devastating damage.

if they found out that Kushina vanished they will surely be alerted and put their whole guard up.




-Kushina's house-

Kaen was hiding in the corner, his eyes are glowing with purple light signifying that he was using his Byakugan.

He managed to witness Obito carrying Kushina to her house, Knowing already what happened, he just kept watching the ongoing behind-the-scenes.

Well, it can't be called Behind The Scenes anymore because he was watching, he chuckled in his mind while having those silly thoughts.

He has no plans to stop Obito because simply he was not strong enough, and he will not get anything even if decided to.

Contrary to it he will benefit from this situation if his wait and see plan succeeded, And he is not planning to jinx all of it, he was not dumb enough to do so.

He was merely spectating, Obito was the mantis stalking the cicada while he was unaware of him who was taking the role of the oriole behind, he will reap the benefits of other people's work, he was thankful that Obito didn't manage to notice him.

Well, Obito needs to focus completely before he can find him, Fortunately, he left as fast as he appeared, Kaen sigh in relief after making sure that Obito truly left.

Now he will just have to wait, and all the pieces will fall in their rightful places according to his calculations, after feeling a massive energy approaching, Kaen knows that it's time to be serious.

He began to prepare all his escape routes and visualize all the plans in his mind one by one making sure that he didn't forget something important.

He was not allowed to f*cked up in such an important time, or else all his preparations will go down the drain.

He was not some overconfident brat that thinks that all things will go his way, if there's a thing he was good at, it was probably his ability to think of countless what if's.

He is not paranoid or anything, he was just being meticulous, he will compensate for his lack of intelligence by being more careful than other people.