Chapter 7: The Terrifying Nine-Tailed Fox

-In the Hokage's Office-

A man can be seen sitting with a sunny temperament.

he has spiky yellow hair that managed to reach his jaw framing two sides of his face and eye-catching blue eyes containing sparks of wisdom in them. Well, to make it simple he was handsome.

he was wearing a design of a Hokage suit exclusive to him, it consisted of short-sleeved long white haori over his normal attire, closed in the front by a thin, orange rope. The haori was decorated with red flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji that has "Fourth Hokage" written on it.

Minato was busy taking care of paper works when he suddenly felt a massive amount of chakra in the distance.

This is the first time he felt such a frightening evil aura, he instantly dropped what he's doing and vanished.

Shortly he appeared in the nearby roof, filled with ninjas running back and forth, What appeared in shocked him to the core.

A Huge monster with a vile aura was currently making his way to the Village, He spotted the former Third Hokage giving orders to evacuate the villagers to a safe area.

The villagers began to panic, the children are scared shitless and some directly peed their pants.

He has no time to think on some useless thoughts, he directly went to Sarutobi to discuss how to solve the current situation.

After seeing Minato, Sarutobi for some reason felt relieved, his old bones can't truly afford the current ongoings.

After seeing The Fourth Hokage the villagers previous panic suddenly disappeared.

It was replaced with shouts and cheers because the biggest pillar in their village was there to save them from the monster who currently causing chaos.

"Old man do you have any idea about that huge monster?" Minato asked.

He already has an inkling of the vile monster, but he refused to believe it because he knows that it was connected to his wife

Sarutobi hesitated slightly and became quiet for a second.

'His wife might be in a critical condition but she has still a chance to survive' Sarutobi frowned.

Minato noticed the dilemma that is currently happening to the old man, before saying.

"I know Kushina is connected to it because she is the Nine-Tailed Junchiriki" His expression was serious.

Sarutobi realized that he has no other choice but to tell him the truth.

"We didn't know how the Nine-tails manage to unseal itself, As for Kushina, we don't have any idea where she is currently."

After hearing what the old man said, he decided to head to his house to check if Kushina was there, It's fortunate that he marked his house using his most priced technique.

He took a deep breath and activated his Flying Thunder God, after that he vanished.

Seeing his actions, Sarutobi already expected it, He quickly ordered the Jonin Veteran to engage the monster and delay it as much as possible.

He knows that they can't directly kill it because it was basically immortal and have almost infinite chakra, they have to prevent the monster from going here to prevent it from damaging the village.

The only way to defeat this monster was by sealing it, He couldn't help but think about his disciples, if they are only here he doesn't need to worry about anything, alas they have also their own matters to take care of.

he knows that Jiraiya was currently doing an important task, and he can't contact Tsunade.

'They will be the death of me' Sarutobi smiled bitterly.




On the battlefield, the ninjas kept bombarding the Nine-Tailed fox with various destructive ninjutsu.

Fireball, Windblades, and Other Techniques one can think of kept hitting the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Unfortunately, the monster just became more enraged in their annoying acts, it decided to fire a ball, made of pure energy in their direction.

The ninjas didn't expect the monster to have the ability to fire energy on his mouth, yet before they can react to it the ball already hit them with lightning speed.

Blood and brain matters exploded in the area, the energy ball manage to take three ninjas with it.

Seeing the scene the nearby ninjas became very cautious, they are already used to seeing their companions die on the battlefield.

The Special Jonin who was in charge of the team quickly ordered to use a technique to delay the Nine-Tails.

Wind Release: Wind Spike Cage!, a series of hand seals was complete in a flash, seeing their commander casting a familiar binding technique, others also followed suit.

A barrage of techniques with the only purpose of containing the Kyuubi quickly manifested.

The Kyuubi's leg was bind with a rock and a wind wall with spiky tips was pressing on the monster restricting its movement effectively, the collection of techniques has managed to effectively contain it.

No matter where the Nine-Tails claw went the technique it collided with was quickly destroyed but it will also be replaced with other techniques as soon as it happens.

They know that this is only a temporary solution because their chakra consumption was being consumed with lighting speed with these extravagant combos.

Even the veterans can't help but feel despair in the face of this Invincible monster, they already faced countless weird and unpredictable enemies on the battlefield.

But at least they know that as long they had the right tactic and synergy they can quickly take care of it.

In the face of this monster, their only option is to delay it, no matter what strategies they managed to think of in the face of absolute strength are all entirely useless.




Sarutobi decided to join the team in containing the Kyuubi, with his help the battle quickly turned in their favor.

As a professor in ninjutsu, Sarutobi has several binding techniques with low mana consumption in his arsenal.

With his leadership and amazing utilization of jutsus, He even managed to severely damage the monster.

Well, it also regenerated instantly though, but it can't be denied that his reputation is well deserved.

The various famous technique was displayed one after another, ranging from his Bukijutsu, Fuinjutsu, and various nature transformations.

"Just continue this and we will wait for The Hokage" Sarutobi shouted.

"Yes Lord," They responded with a hint of respect.

'My chakra can only contain it for another half hour' Sarutobi sighed in tiredness.

Several veterans already died due to some instances the monster counter-attacked, The monster was getting stronger every second while they are getting tired every second, the longer the battle went the more they will be put at disadvantage.