Chapter 11: Joining the Anbu?

Might Guy was moved, his whole life was mostly him and his father being mocked due to their lack of talent on Ninjutsu and Genjutsu.

His father was known as "Eternal Genin" for the entirety of his life, his father sacrificed his own life to save them during their mission in Third Shinobi World War, they were attacked by the Seven Swordsmen of Kirigakure.

Because of it, his father decided to use all of the Eighth Gates, his father died heroically and save them from the perilous situation.

So, he knows how dangerous the Eighth Gates is, this thought kept filling his mind, because he will be left behind by his lifelong rival Kakashi. He kept thinking on how to solve the problem of Eighth Gates but it was futile, he already knows that he will be stuck in the Seventh Gate forever.

Well, he can use the Death Gate for minutes but above that, he will directly die. So he decided to just improve his Taijutsu and body strength as much as he can. thus, after hearing Kaen's proposal his dying hope for his priced technique had been rekindled.

"Thank you I will definitely not let you down, may your youth burn through eternity" Might Guy proclaimed with tears.

His smile was so wide that it was about to reach his ears.

"No thanks," Kaen shook his head warily.

While they were walking in the forest to head back to the Village, Might Guy stopped suddenly.

Kaen looks weirdly at him, sometimes he can't read Might Guy, his personality was too spontaneous, well, that was also the reason he decided to befriend him, he was straightforward with no deceit involved.

Sometimes hanging out with such a guy helps him relax, not worrying about schemes and betrayal from happening. that is the reason he decided to help Might Guy.

"Do you want to join Anbu with me?" Might Guy said suddenly.

Kaen was looked at him confusedly, after a second of contemplating, he managed to find out the reason.

"Well, he certainly needs our help, his growing depression was will definitely put him in danger one day" Kaen sigh.

"Yeah our friend needs help, We can help him by being beside him and help him get out of it." Might Guy directly stared at his eyes without blinking.

"Fine... fine... there's no need to act so seriously, It doesn't suit you at all" Kaen chuckled slightly.

"HAHAHA! sorry for dragging you for his matter, but I can't do It alone" He patted Kaen's back.

Who the hell are they talking about you asked? Well, it's the lonely guy Kakashi, Due to his losses in the previous war where he was forced to kill Rin who has the Three tailed inside him, and his best friend Uchiha Obito dying.

This guilt he was carrying resulted in his growing depression, his kindness was slowly flying away from him, that's why in the Original Works, Sarutobi decided to concede on Might Guy's request for Kakashi to teach on the bunch of kid's that led his fate to Team 7.

Sarutobi was aware of the psychological depression happening to Hatake Kakashi, as a man who lived with politics involved in half of his life, reading people's inner thoughts was not that difficult for him. he was reluctant on losing such a talented and capable genius.

Well, besides our MC that is, Kaen can be already considered as an old fox, his past life was on modern society, yeah his past life was peaceful alright, but that was on the surface.

His past life's society was full of scheming, plotting and it was mostly politics. Due to the lack of war, people started using their wits as a weapon to obtain power, status, and wealth. So yeah the undercurrent in modern society was even deeper than anyone can fathom.

"So what's the plan?" Kaen asked while yawning.

He can blame him? he already knows the result, he was just joining the fun to relieve his boredom.

his training has long come to an end, his wood techniques are now all mastered, just needed a lot of battle experience to improve his utilization.

He truly needs battles to hone his skills and fighting instincts, so participating in A-level difficulty or even S difficulty was a must.

But he needs to be a Jonin or even a special Jonin to do so, but it will definitely take a long time to become Special Jonin, and considering that his promotion didn't take that long.

The higher-ups will definitely refuse and no negotiation can convince them, the reason is Special Jonis has already certain power and authority in the village, Albeit minuscule.

So joining Anbu was the only option left for him, and making Might Guy asked for it was like a pie falling from the sky, However, he will already know that Sarutobi will refuse because Might Guy does not possess the necessary darkness to join.

However, he has no plan to divulge it, so passing the Special Test was not necessary anymore, Anbu was a team composed of Elites, even Jonin will pale in comparison before it.

Well, in terms of upfront war Jonins were definitely slightly better, But when it comes to doing Tasks, Assassinations, Spying, and Tracking. Anbu Ninjas are definitely superior.

So, in terms of being Shinobi, Anbu is the role model and leading figure, Kaen wants to learn the above mention skills because those will definitely help him in his future operations.

After their conversation, they decided to increase their speed to quickly reach Konoha.

So just like that two blur figures were jumping in trees one after another, after a long time of being in the forest, Kaen's familiarity with forests had already reached a deep degree.

Sometimes he also used exploits ways to use the wood element to help him travel more efficiently, that's why he was always ahead of other ninjas when traveling in the Forests.

This is also the reason, Hashirama became the Strongest Shinobi in history, the versatility, and power of woods are way above the league of other elements in the Ninja world. Well, that was in the Ninja World, Hashirama might also just be a genius to make it that far.